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I watched the season finale of The Newlyweds last night, and I have this to say. When Nick said “Seabiscuit is racing here today”, and Jessica said “The real one”, if that was meant to be a “stupid Jessica” moment, it’s also a “stupid Robyn” moment, because I know zilch about the Seabiscuit story.
Just so you know.
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Hey. Hey! If you are SO very important that you cannot get your stupid ass entirely through the drive-thru at McDonald’s without yapping on your stupid-ass cell phone the entire way, then perhaps you are FAR too important to lower yourself to actually drive your important ass through the drive-thru, and you should hire someone who is less important to do silly unimportant errands FOR you, instead of annoying those around you.
But by golly, I SURE AM impressed by you!
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Kate, who is a brat, posted the following in my comments yesterday:
I think the kitty DIED and you are afraid to tell us so you have draped his lifeless body across and around various props to try and fool us! Yeah. And Tubby was trying to EAT the poor, dead kitty. That’s what I think.
Stanley is NOT dead. He is alive. Much to the detriment of my chair upstairs, since he still won’t use the damn scratching post. I shot a little movie today of the TV with the date and time, and then a continual shot across the room of Stanley-beanie-bean acting a fool, but I have to install the software on my computer to actually look at the footage, so that won’t be up today. Maybe tomorrow.
He does look kind of stiff and dead in this picture, though:
Note the look of consternation on Miz Poo’s face.
A few minutes earlier than the one above.
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When I’m signed into MSN Messenger, if an email arrives at my hotmail address, a little box pops up on my screen to tell me that I have an email and who it’s from. Imagine my delight the other day when this popped up:

Spam, naturally. I should have known when I saw that it was spelled “Goerge”, but I still got a little excited. It appears that Goerge W. Bush has a vision for me, and that vision includes porn. Surprising, no?
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Last night’s sunset from the back yard. I love it when the sky goes all pink and purple and blue.
Your entry came at a good time today… I’m bored outta my mind, sitting in my window-less, air-less cube, hoping for 4:30 to roll around.
I had a chuckle at the thought of all the religious types running amuck in your journal…heh heh…
*le sigh*
OMG! Between today’s entry and the comments from yesterday, I am laughing so hard I am CRYING. And I just put on my makeup! Damn you. Damn you to HELL. (Anthony’s hell that is, which I am thinking is fabulous.)
Robyn, have you jumped off any bridges lately? If so, I shall likely follow suit since I’m finding myself susceptible to copying everything you do…stuff like GETTING MY OWN cute little grey kitten yesterday from the local shelter. I have been shopping for a “companion” for my other cat since last year…but those damn cute pics of Stanley finally pushed me over the edge!! and I found myself unable to resist this cats 8-week old face. You are the worst of kitten pimps 🙂 But seriously, I do have to add that I am a responsible pet owner that would NEVER adopt a pet unless I was damn sure I could care for it properly….so ya. I’ll send you some kitten pics when I get around to it if you’re interested in celebrating the cuteness factor. Over the bridge I go!!!!
Personally, the sloth and the gluttony are MY favourites.
Seabiscuit raced around the 1920s, so if it was the real one racing, he’d be pretty slow by now. And not so much worth watching.
Or the 1930’s. That was me up ^^^ there.
OMG! what you did to your archived page (the one with the linked (I typed licked! eep! LOL) by the priest in training) is funnier than hell. I was thinking it would be even funnier if you have put a smiley on the faces of the dogs too. Huh huh huh?
Hey, I’m a religious type (and may someday go to seminary to become a priest), and I don’t find your journal offensive at all (after all, Matthew 15:11 again). And I personally would be honored to go to Anthony’s version of Hell, especially if all of my fabulous gay friends get to go with me. ParTAY!
So purty.
Hey Robyn, I have a picture in my blog of Ty wearing that Maine bear shirt you sent him when he was itsy bitsy. It’s too cute.
Robyn, I think it’s so sick you’re going through this whole Weekend at Bernie’s charade with your dead cat. The lengths you will go to to protect Miz Poo — astonishing.
two words “kitten pimps” TOO FUNNY!!
Whatever happened with the Spud’s website? Can you link us again?
And living in an old church…too creepy.
Yes, Kitten Pimps – what above the bumsen is “up” with that LOL
May Stanley please take a course and start his own lil page? I would hit it, he is a doll.
Lisa – I have jumped off no bridges lately, but I’m thinking about jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge. Oh, wait. That’s David Blaine. Send kitty pics!
Mira – the spud’s page is here.
Mary – I have not the time to teach Stanley html, but perhaps in the future… 🙂
This has worked for me in the past… try rubbing catnip on the scratching post. It makes a little bit of a mess, but it got my guy to use it (of course, that was after he tore the crap out of my office chair!) 🙂
Good luck! I want a new kitty now!
You should be charging for access to this site, I swear I sprayed diet pepsi when I read this 🙂
Bwaah! I went back a few days and looked at the pics and I think KATE is onto something. Limp kitty draped all over the place. Hee!
Have you tried moving the scratching post to where the chair is? Maybe that would work.
Noreen – glad to provide a service free of charge! 😛
Grace – I’m going to try that tonight! Thanks for the idea. 🙂
I finally gave up on training my cats to scratch where they’re supposed to and went for the SoftPaws–little non-toxic vinyl sheaths you glue on the ends of the claws. I did both cats, because we just bought a new couch.
Shallow? Sure! But it beats the hell out of declawing. And my cats have blue toenails.
(They come in colors other than blue, including transparent. But I wanted to be able to tell at a glance when one came off and I refused to buy the red ones.)
I too went the soft paws route. Photographic evidence here: http://themcmillons.com/pics/lolabluenails.jpg
We actually just reapplied them last night. Took maybe 5 minutes.
You know, it’s the oddest thing. I just realized that Stanley-bean isn’t sharpening his claws nearly as much as he did when we first got him. Maybe we’re training it out of him? Or more likely, he’s just doing it when we’re not around!
Sharon, Lola looks absolutely smashing with blue nails, I love that picture!! 🙂