Angela, who posted in my comments yesterday and pointed out the idea of actually CALLING the school to see how formal the Homecoming dance will be before going out to buy a dress. Call and actually ask how formal the dance is going to be. What a radical idea! And yet somehow it simply never ever occurred to me. Duhhh. I made Fred call, of course, due to that whole phone phobia thing.
It’s not formal. The guys will be wearing khakis and button-down shirts. Whew! I’m still going to take the spud shopping for a skirt and maybe a shirt, but the pressure is OFF.
I never know what will set y’all off. I got a lot of comments about the horribleness of that dress that I linked. Hmph to you!
What I’m thinking is that if the spud goes to her prom, I’ll need to have a PromGownCon and y’all will have to come to Alabama and help with the shopping and preparations. Deal?
(I’m glad I didn’t link the dress SHE really liked…)
* * *
A Robyn And3rson wrote a
letter to the editor (fourth one down) over on People have been emailing me about it – who knew so many of y’all read the letters to the editor at – so just to let you know, no. I didn’t write it, but I wish I had!
Just goes to show that we Robyn And3rsons agree about most things. Except for
buying guns for high school students, that is.
* * *
Smokers, Fred and I were having a disagreement last night about how much cigarettes cost. I thought they might be up to $5 a pack, and he said they were only about $3.50. How much are y’all paying these days?
* * *
I did a little experiment. Once it was apparent to me that Stanley was a beanie-bean (because clearly, he is. He is SUCH a beanie-bean!), I wanted to see how long it would take Fred to pick up the nickname.
It took two days from the first time I called Stanley “Beanie-bean” in front of Fred before Fred started doing it too. He’s such a copycat.
Of course, you can hardly blame him. Stanley’s a total bean.
* * *
Almost sixteen years ago, my brother Tracy came home to visit with his 6 week-old son. I’d never had much to do with babies and always said I never wanted any of my own, but after spending time holding and playing with (and taking a million pictures of) Christopher, I fell in love.
“Please god don’t let me break the baby…”
Baby power!
(Chris at about 4 months)
Fifteen years ago today, this is what I looked like:

I didn’t show until I hit my 7th month, and one day I woke up and my stomach was poking out three feet in front of me. When this picture was taken, I was one day away from the doctor appointment where the nurse practioner would do an ultrasound, estimate the baby’s weight at 10 pounds 4 ounces, and get the doctor on the horn. The doctor told me that since the baby was the size of a small moose (“The nurse saw antlers!” he said) it would be prudent to go ahead and schedule a c-section. I’d actually suspected all along that I’d never actually use all that stuff I learned in Lamaze class.
Fifteen years ago on Sunday, I was coming out from under the anesthesia, and when I could stay conscious for more than five minutes, the spud’s father went and got her from the nursery and brought her to me. Everyone else was talking about how big she was, but to me, even at 10 pounds 2 ounces, she was tiny.

My immediate thought when I first held her was a panicked “What the hell have I done? I’m not ready for this! I can’t have a BABY.” I was almost 21.

I think she’s turned out pretty well so far.
* * *
When I was looking for the above pictures, I found this:

How could I have thought this was a good look, ever?
* * *
“Iiiiiii’m too sexy for my dad, so sexy for my fur, so sexy it hurrrrrts…”
in utah (where i live) cigarettes are about $4.50 a pack. in new york, they’re $7 a pack, but i think $4.50 – $5 is average for most states.
girl, i hear ya on the survivor thing and i was echoing your sentiments. My fiance kept saying, “Oh shit, you are going to have a melt down if Rupert goes, aren’t you?”
And cigs out here in cali cost anywhere from $3.30 to $4.50 depending on where you buy em.
Yeah, yeah…I should quit.
But then I’d be a real evil bitch when Rupert goes.
Ahhh, yes. The mullet/perm years. You be stylin’.
Happy Spud’s Birthday to YOU! (And didn’t everybody have that weird hair at some point in the 80s?)
I am totally in agreement with you about Rupert, who must stay. And, I hope, win. AND yes, Jon should be getting some salve ready for his arse.
AND Stanley is my best friend, he IS too sexy for his little furry boots. He be stylin, just like the momma 🙂
Be well, and remember, YOUR SITE ROCKS.
Smokes in Va. are about $3.30/pack. We likes our tabacky.
Ewwww. Smokers.
I have seen some Stanley-beanie-beans in my time, and THAT is the Stanley-beanie-beaniest Stanley-beanie-bean I have EVER seen.
Where I work Marlboros are 3.86 and Newports are around 4.50. Nasty nasty.
You look really pretty in the dont break the baby picture =)
Oh, and if only Tracy had waited 16 years to introduce you, you would have been OVER the kid thing. We are.
Happy birthday to the spud-lette who shares MY birthday. We October 26ers ROCK!
My goodness the Spud was a beautiful little baby! Happy Early Birthday to her :0)
Hey Robyn, It’s funny how easy the name bean comes to certain animals. My cat ben is almost always called ‘Bean’, but my other cat just isn’t… he’s not very beanie I guess. 🙂 Of course it’s morphed from Bean, to Beanie-weenie (thanks to my mom), Mr. Bean, Bean-bean the magical fruit, Beanus, and Bean-dogg. Of course when puff daddy changed his name to p.diddy, Bean-dogg became Bean-diggy. He’s gangster don’t you know.
Nice hair, Robyn. hehe. I guess I shouldn’t talk, since my hairstyle hasn’t changed in the last 35 years or so. Straight and parted in the middle. 🙂
Name brand cigarettes here in northern Virginia are around $3.00, but my daughter smokes and she gets some generic brand for $1.35 a pack.
Jon really annoys me too. He really needs to go SOON. I started out likine Drake, but I’ve found myself pulling for Morgan more and more. I like everyone on that team except for baby Osten.
Happy Birthday Spud! Oct. 26 is my birthday too! She was a VERY cute baby! 🙂
And I have no idea how much cigarettes are since I don’t smoke.
Marlboros are around $2.97 in Arkansas. Never been around $5 down south (so far).
I want to stab Jon with a fork. Is that wrong? He is my least fave survivor EVER. Just when you think no one will top Clay or Alex – along comes Jon. I hope Rupert gives him tons of shit next week, and then votes his ass out. AND I hope they throw a challenge JUST to vote him out. Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?
Tell the spud a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Texas! 🙂
R — Big Happy Birthday wishes to The Spud. She’s a beautiful girl!
Also — the shaker sweater and up-turned shirt combo was MY look, sister! And, correct me if I am wrong, but are you sporting a BANANA CLIP in that picture?
Smokes here in Chicago are anywhere from $4.25 – 4.75 a pack. If you venture downtown, however, it’s $7. It depends on the local and state tax laws as to how much you pay for smokes. At least I think that’s what dictates it …
I think it was a requirement in the 80’s to have big poofy hair.
$5 a pack in PA. we go over to delaware and get a carton for $35.
if rupert goes, most of the audience will go with him, i’m afraid. he’s really the only saving grace on the show. i’m looking forward to his confrontation with Jon next week. hope the little zitwad pees his pants.
Oh, I almost forgot. I liked the dress you picked out for the Spud. I actually liked it better than the one the Spud actually picked out…But what do I know…
love the hair. LOL
Cigarettes here in RI are about $5 a pack/ $45 a carton.. we usually make the hour and a half drive to NH every few weeks where cigarettes are only $22 a carton.
Here in Texas Marlboro Light 100’s are around $2.30 a pack.
Or so I hear.
Smokes in British Columbia are $8.00 a pack or so. (not a smoker… so that’s my coworker talkin)
That’s like 42 bucks in USD you know 😛
My bad… I guess if you convert it to USD it’s less.. more like $5.50… not higher.
I’m not the brightest bulb in the bunch, eh.
Yea, I’m in British Columbia, Canada too, and I pay $8.50 per pack. Totally ridiculous, I know. My kids bug me daily to quit…and I’ve cut down, so now it’s time to bite the bullet.
Last time I quit for nine months, I gained 50 pounds. (No, I wasn’t pregnant either)
Bahh….soon. I hope!
Robyn I actually liked the dress you had picked out for the spud.
And yes i was having a it last night when they started talking about getting rid of Rupert. He is the best so far. I was yelling and hyper ventilating the whold time. Telling hubby oh no i cant watch this tribal counsel.
Happy birthing day to you on Sunday Robyn!!
I had HUGE 80’s hair that could shame most in any rock video ! Now I look like a pierced and tattooed hippie/goth person. Wow I sound kinda freaky when I put it like that LOL have a great weekend !!
~Denise~ in Georgia
God Robyn don’t worry we all had our 80’s moments (shudders). I look back now and go “What was I thinking?!?! But then, everyone else looked just like us LOL!!
Spud was a beautiful baby and is still a beautiful girl!
It just makes me melt to see the way Stan the man bonds with your family. I cannot wait to get out of where I am living now so I too can have a kitty or two to worship.
My husband wandered in during the Tribal Council and casually told me he’d already seen on the Internet that Rupert had been voted off. I was devastated and just about beat him up when I found out the truth.
Heh heh..let me clarify..we sold our house very quickly and could not find another house we liked so we are now renting where I cannot have pets.. I re-read and it looked like I was in the pen or something ROFLMAO!
That’s about the cutest hospital baby picture I’ve EVER seen. She’s got such a smirk on her face!!
As for cigarettes (I don’t smoke, ew) but up here in CT they range between $4.50 and $5.00 a pack.
And the dresses…..I wouldn’t let my mother wear anything that matronly. I’ll be down Alabama way for PromCon.
Kay – I wasn’t worried. I knew that wherever you’re living, it’s got internet access, and that’s what’s important. Heh.
I’m glad to know that I’m not alone in either my embarrassing 80s poufy hair, or my hatred for Jon. Or my love for Rupert, for that matter.
And Erin, how the HELL could you tell I was wearing a banana clip? I totally was!
It appears that the price of cigarettes varies widely depending on where you are. All I know is that when I was 19 and working at a convenience store, cigarettes were about a dollar a pack. And I never carded anyone who was buying cigarettes OR alcohol. Horrors!
Robyn. You’re so pretty. Have I ever said that? Well, it’s the first thing that comes to mind. The second is that Spud’s such a cutie-pie herself. Can I just adopt you guys? I’ll be a good mommie.
I was going to ask you who your TWO children are, but you’re pretending not to be the lady that wrote the article. 😉
Mira – isn’t it a great picture? I figure she had gas when they were snapping it. Heh!
Say – stop that, you! But you can definitely adopt us. 🙂 Fred is my other child, didn’t you know? Hee!
When does the plane leave for PromCon? I think the spud needs an intervention, especially if she is picking out mother of the groom dresses at her age. She is very good looking–just like her mom! Maybe just some guidance in the dress department…..
I think we’ve got a few years, Patt. 🙂
Robyn, I didn’t read yesterday’s entry until today and noticed that no one commented on the “continental” and “reverse continental” stitches. The continental is the same as the first half of a counted cross stitch and the reverse continental is the same and the second half of a cross stitch. Hope this makes sense. If not, check online for needlepoint stitches. That’s where those two stiches show up.
I did the same thing with my husband and our new kitty – her name is Patches, but I started calling her “little boogy” – and now she is boogy, boogy girl, it’s a little boogy, boogyboogyboogy… It took about a week for my husband to catch boogy fever. 🙂
they are about $4 a pack here but it depends on where you live. when i went up to NYC they were $7 a pack!
and thanks for sharing the pregnancy and babay pics. i am officially 15 weeks along now and cannot wait for baby #2!!! 🙂
Sign me up for PromCon! 🙂 And just remember these words: rent the damn prom dress. Guys don’t have to buy a tux, girls shouldn’t have to buy the dress.
And I had no idea cigs had gotten so expensive. Now I know how my husband spends so much money!
The spud is a lovely young lady (takes after her mom!). Sending best wishes to the birthday girl!
In Sabrina’s 4 years in high school, she attended 7 proms. We jokingly called her the district Prom queen. She attened every high school in our district’s Prom. And no she was “that way” she just got asked out a lot and enjoyed dressing up. And of course there must be a different dress for every prom. So you might say since 1999 I have outfitted that girl for 7 proms and one wedding. Whew, my duty is so over. But I will be more than glad to come to Alabama and help you. I learned how to do it up right and not spend a fortune.
In NV for name brands cigs, they are nearly 4$ a pack with tax at most stores. You can get a carton of Smokin Joes at The Indian Reservation for 14$ and change. Guess which ones I make husband have? There really isn’t that big of a difference, so he says.
I was so mad that Trish was trying to get Rupert voted off. I was already thinking that if he got voted off last night I wouldn’t even want to watch the show anymore.
Jon is such an ass. I loved the look on his face when Trish got voted off. They showed Rupert getting really angry at Jon in the previews for next week. I hope Jon is the next to go.
Happy Birthday to the Spud!
ROBYN! I know how one’s hair looked when strapped into a banana clip! I just KNEW! Besides, that outfit would not have worked without one … and I know you know what’s up, darlin’.
In Ohio brand-name cigarettes vary from about $34-$39 a carton (so about $3.40-$3.90 a pack – you used to get a price break for buying cartons but no more) depending on whether they’re “on sale” or not. I have got to quit smoking. It’s way too expensive. I’ve weaned myself down to about 7 cigs a day, so that’s something at least, I guess.
When I was 14 I had short hair and decided to let it grow out. Since it’s curly I knew it would grow out sideways before it grew down, so for some reason I was possessed of the idea that it would be easier to grow the back out first. I had a MULLET for over a year, maybe closer to two by the time I got the sides to grow out. It was a very painful time in my life.
Here in northeast Indiana, cigs are about $2.80 a pack (for cheapos); name brand (i.e. Marlboro) are about $3.20/pack. Damn nasty habit!! 🙁
P.S. Much like Anthony, Jon is a ball licker.
Go Rupert!!
Ohmigod – even in BC Canada the smokes seem cheap to me! Here in Manitoba they are about $10 a pack! They think that will help people quit smoking. Have they put any of that money into getting “quit smoking” products at a more reasonable price though? No, of course not. Just like with gambling it is just padding the pockets of the politicians. I would totally support the prices of cigarettes going up if they would put the money made from that into programs and supplements that might help smokers deal with the pain of quitting!
Happy birthday to the spud, who is very lovely and has decent taste in clothing unlike most of the girls her age (including myself a few years ago.)
And cigarettes here in the lovely corner of West Texas ar $6.50 a pack, which motivated me to quit the second I moved here. Good LORD.
Since I live in Virginia, home of tobacco juggernaut Phillip Morris (or whatever family-friendly name the company uses now), my cigarette prices are skewed. One can easily find cigs for under $3 here, often closer to $2 during specials. Woohoo. (?)
Happy birthday to Spud.
Yikes, That dress looks like a “mother of the bride dress”!
Hi…I’m a whimp for not saying it yesterday when it seemed like everyone else didn’t like it, but I did like the dress that Robyn had linked to yesterday for the spud.
I didn’t read every single comment, but I’m wondering if anyone else was kind of surprised (in a good way) to see what dress the spud liked. I clicked on the link half expecting to see something really risque. It was really refreshing to see that she was not going along with what seems to be the current trend of young girls dressing too provocatively. She could easily do that too…she’s a cute girl. Way to go, spud! I think that’s cool that she is not afraid to be her own person and not look like everyone else.
Here in Kentucky, you can get cigs for $2-$3.50. Of course the tax is going up again soon because they think that it will keep teenagers from getting them, like that’s going to make a difference!!
about the homecoming…. when my girls were in high school… (last one graduated last year) the guys wore khaki’s and button down shirts BUT the girls did wear fancier dresses…. PLEASE look in the junior dept… they have lots of dressier dresses that are not too over the top, meaning she’ll still look her age but not promish…also if Fred called, and if Fred talked to a MAN on the phone, I don’t think I’d trust a guys point of view on how the girls dress….have him call again and speak to a secretary (female one… least I be sexist)… hope she has a great time… and this robyn is just the beginning for you…. oh I am glad those days are over…. waiting up, all the worries… ugh….of course I still worrry and my oldest is 25 youngest 19…it never ends
I’m in Los Angeles…
$2.50 to $3.00 a pack.
30 bucks a carton.
I usually bitch, but I guess compared to the above places it’s not so bad. 🙂
Robyn, Heh…I have taken to calling our newest kitty Doodle bug. Her name is Daisy and it starting by me calling her Daisy Doo which morphed into Daisy doodle. This morning, my husband called her doodle bug! He joked that it’s all my fault. By the way, his birthday was the 23rd of October and I threw him a surprise party last night (the 25th) and his nephew wore his Sponge Bob party hats the same way your Spud is wearing hers. Love how beautiful y’all are!