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I spent another hour and a half this morning cleaning the downstairs, including mopping the floors which I do far too infrequently. Like Fred said when I was scrubbing the baseboards, maybe we should have company a little more often!
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I did take a little time off from scrubbing the baseboards to go with Fred, who wanted to show me an amazing view from the top of Rainbow Mountain. I followed him over, walked about 1/10th of a mile to check out the view, snapped a few pictures, and was home within half an hour of leaving.

Naturally, the picture doesn’t do the view justice. The sky was looking pretty cool, too.
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When I got back from feeding the pet store kitties this morning, I heard a loud sound in the back yard. When I went to investigate – because I am, in fact, the nosiest person in the entire world – I saw this:

Hallelujah! Of course, it’s too wet to let the kitties out and there are a few gaps in the back part of the fence that was caused by the accident that we need to fix – I don’t think the older cats could squeeze through them, but the Bean certainly could – but I suspect that it will only be a matter of a few days before the cats are out cavorting in the grass. Yay!
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Pet store kitties pics are
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Okay, aside from the cleaning and the fence, there’s just nothing going on around here. I’m going to slap up a few cat pictures and call it an entry. Because I can! Ha!

He just looks so pleased, doesn’t he?

And here we see the Bean showing us how he’d look if he were dead. As a bonus, we get to see his pink belly!
You should get all crafty and paint a mural (sp??) on the fence.
Note that in the first picture the Bean obviously is dead and suffering from rigor. The second pic is before the rigor set in rigidly and Robyn simply wanted to exploit the Bean’s belly…. Poor Bean, so young, so trusting! What a pity Robyn you are a kitty murderer and I think the foul cat pee smell might actually be dead cat parts oooh poor tubby, he was just too fat to run away Seriously people, Im just joking!
See! I am not the only one who is on to your sick dead kitty tricks. But, am I the only one who didn’t get a notify mail today?
Bonnie – ‘Cause I’m so talented and artsy, you mean? 🙂
Melanie – you caught me! 😛
Kate – I think something’s screwy somewhere between my computer and the notify list. You’ll probably get the notify sometime next week and wonder what the hell is going on!
You know, I just noticed that the Bean started out with a nice “S” name to match the rest of the family, but he seems to be officially “the Bean” now. There goes your alliteration! But he is very beany.
Julie – yeah, we very rarely call any of the cats by their “real” names. Fred and the spud are calling him “Stumpy” pretty often, though. Mean, making fun of his disability!
Robyn, that is one hell of a cute cat.
You’ll get no argument from me, Athena! 😉
I’ve been enjoying reading the saga of Miz Poo’s first few months with you (that 12/19/99 picture is really just too cute!)
Just anwswer me this. Exactly when did “Scrappy” turn into “Miz Poo”?
Scrubbing the baseboards in something they make us do at work every six months or so. Each time this occurs, I complain and moan about it. I figure they just want to see the employees on their hands and knees scrubbing like cinderella. I NEVER thought anyone really had to do this. I never do this in my hardwood sportin’ home.
Next time I’m scrubbin’ for the man Robyn, I’ll think about you.
Beany Bean is so beany!!!!!!!!!
I love that first picture of the Beany-boy. He looks so.. proper. Or possibly evil.
Dana Michelle – you know, I don’t know. It was very gradual, I believe. First she was “the Kitten”, and then she was “Scrappy”, and then she just slowly became “Miz Poo.” Stanley’s progression into “The Bean” was much more rapid. But then, his Beaniness is so obvious that it really can’t be denied.
Oh. My. Gawd. The bean is sooooooooooo cute! I love him, I love him, I love him!