Friday Five on Tuesday:
1. List five things you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year.
Have the entire house clean for one brief, shining moment.
Get all my bulbs planted.
Get caught up on my magazine reading.
Get company files all straightened out.
Get a new cell phone (the old one’s crapping out).
2. List five people you’ve lost contact with that you’d like to hear from again.
All friends from high school: Tammie Bonenfant, Butch Collins, Carolyn (whose last name name escapes me), Richard (Rick) White, Richard (Rick) Carr. I’d love to know where they are these days and what’s happened in their lives.
3. List five things you’d like to learn how to do.
After seeing Rachael’s cool tatted bookmarks, I’d love to learn to tat. Also, crocheting and knitting. That’s all that comes to mind at the moment.
4. List five things you’d do if you won the lottery (no limit).
Anonymously send money orders for huge amounts to a bunch of online friends.
Buy a cottage on the coast of Maine.
Buy a big-ass house for my sister – hell, I’d buy big-ass houses for everyone in my family.
Donate a huge amount of money to the local no-kill cat shelter I volunteer for.
Hire someone to cook and clean. Whoo!
5. List five things you do that help you relax.
Take a long, hot bath.
Watch When Harry Met Sally.
Sit on the couch and channel-surf.
Web (journal) surf.
* * *
Come on, y’all.
Allison only has another $20 to raise to reach her fundraising goal for the Jingle Bell Run/ Walk. Won’t you
help a sista out?
* * *
Yesterday Nance and I were chatting on MSN Messeng3r, and we began talking about the fact that each of our cats seems to have his or her own little fan club. I’ll go for a while thinking y’all prefer one of them and then get a slew of emails asking me to put up pictures of another. So I think it’s time for a poll!
Fred said we should get rid of the cat who gets the least amount of votes, but of course we won’t.
(Unless it’s TubbyThatBastard)
* * *
I think our kitchen is cursed. Saturday morning, the Bean jumped from the table to the countertop next to the sink. Since the countertop was freshly clean, it was a tad slippery, and so the Bean slid a few feet, knocking a glass jar of all-natural peanut butter onto the floor, where it shattered and went absolutely everywhere. When I left to take Liz to the airport Sunday, I hugged Fred and as I did so, I saw a big splatter of peanut butter on one of the cupboard doors, about two feet above his head.
Sunday afternoon as I was trying to get some Udo’s Choice capsules out of the bottle, it slipped out of my hand and shattered on the floor, sending shards of brown glass and oil-filled capsules all over the place.
Monday afternoon I handed a plate and bowl to the spud and asked her to put them in the sink. Ten seconds later, I heard the sound of shattering dishes, and walked into the library to see that both the plate and bowl had been dropped. I asked the spud to hand me the broom out of the closet, and to put Stanley The Nosy Bean in the bathroom so that he wouldn’t cut himself or try to eat a shard of broken dish. I began sweeping up the pieces, and the spud attempted to help by KICKING the larger pieces toward me until I smacked her upside the head and told her to stop. Except for the smacking part, which was only wishful thinking.
I can hardly wait to see what gets broken TODAY.
* * *
The station I usually listen to, STAR 99.1, has been playing fucking CHRISTMAS SONGS since at least last Friday. Why, people, why? Why can they not wait until the DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING?
I’m boycotting the station until after Thursday, but I sure do miss my easy listening favorites.
* * *
We were watching
Yes, Dear last night (shaddup). We really like that show and all of the actors on the show, especially
Anthony Clark, who plays Greg. At least once during every show, he does something (such as scream and run around like a little girl) that is very Fred-like.
Imagine our surprise when the show came back from commercials last night and Greg appeared on the screen.

Apparently Greg shops at Kohl’s, too.
* * *
Miz Poo considers whether to go kick the Bean’s ass, or continue grooming herself (she settled the dilemma by finishing her grooming job and THEN going to kick his ass).
A year ago: But I had not the inclination to re-do the floors, so I left them streaky, camera crew and national show be damned.
Four: So, I got a kitten. (Miz Poo!)
(Comments closed due to spammers)]]>
I like Yes, Dear too! I also like the show that comes on after it. I think Jamie Gertz is plays the mom. It cracks me up every time.
Did you watch Average Joe last night? Oooh…geek vs chic!
I love Yes, Dear too. Maybe Fred is Greg’s long lost brother? I like Christine – she’s sassy!!!
We love Yes,Dear too!! Everyone always looks at you funny when you say you like it’s not “cool” enough or something! lol’s been on a while now so people ARE watching.I think it’s too funny & just a light tv show.
I think the Tub is going to win..he’s a fave!I know what a pain the peeing is though..yuck!You all wouldn’t really get rid of him would ya? ;o)
How did things go with the Spud? I hope she is driving in no time but as a parent I can imagine your nervousness about the whole thing!
Hey. Since we already have a big-ass house, could we get one of the large money orders? I’m just askin’
(Even though I voted for Tubby.)
Amy – no, I forgot it was on and didn’t tape it. Argh! (Have I mentioned that I REALLY need a TiVo?)
Another Amy – Fred thinks Christine’s better looking than Kim. Christine and Jimmy are definitely the fun couple on that show!
Shannon – Of course we’d never really get rid of Tubby. Last night he was looking up at Fred, looking all cute, and for just a brief moment I didn’t completely hate him. (hee!) And I’m not taking the spud to get her learner’s permit ’til Friday. Hopefully the DMV will be deserted – at least I hope so!
Kate – but of course! Only problem is, if you take the big-ass money order, you’ve gotta take the big-ass Tubby as well… π
Dammit, now, I voted for Spanky. Meant to vote for TubbyThatBastard. I demand a recount. Screw the chad!!
Here in NY/CT there is a radio station that is playing nothing but ‘Holiday Music’ (oooh yeah, very PC of me) since the beginning of November. They are going to keep this up until the end of the year. Very annoying. They are not doing a good job at building a listener base! 102.7 FM for anyone curious.
Too funny about the matching shirts!
Happy Poo-versary!
OK, that really is a ridiculously bigass TV- Anthony Clark is almost life size!
Poo rules!
I tried to vote for Stanley, but it said that I had already voted before (I hadn’t) and my vote wouldn’t be counted. That has happened to me once before on a different site, I wonder if it is an AOL thing. So add in one more vote for the Bean!
Hey…where is the sisterly love? I can’t believe that Miz Poo isn’t the winner by a long stretch. Look at her gorgeous face and she doesn’t take any cr@p off any of the boys. Hmph.
somethingawful is gonna get uuuuuuuuu
Robyn . . sometimes the radio station will do that because they’ve been taken over and are about to change to country or some other god-awful format π
Hey, Tubby hater. (and you know who you are) We love that show too. Its funny.
Hey, Tubby hater. (and you know who you are) We love that show too. Its funny.
Sorry about that. My system was slow, and I hit the enter key twice.
My sincere (caugh) appologies. Tubby hater.
hehehe… It’s very nice to need two computers at work and be able to vote twice, and yes I voted for Tubby just because heΒs a troublemaker, but I also voted for the Bean, maybe if he wins he will get a proper burial and Robyn will stop posting her dead Bean pics (kidding I know the Bean is alive and kickin). LOL
I really don’t like to listen to “Christmas music” non-stop even for a couple days before Christmas, much less nearly a whole month! I don’t know if you like 80s music, or if the Birmingham station I’m going to suggest comes in clear there. Since I live south of you though, I listen to this station all through December, and they NEVER play any xmas music, not even on xmas day! Believe me, I’ve let them know I, for one, appreciate that!
Here’s their station: 106.9 –the point
And their website: