Ace and TJ morning show and instead have put some lame guy whose name I cannot be bothered to recall.
Which is not to say that I don’t enjoy Christmas music – I really do. But I do NOT want to listen to nothing BUT Christmas music. I want to listen to regular music with the occasional Christmas song thrown in. Except for maybe Christmas Eve and Christmas day, when nothing but Christmas music is okay.
Is that so much to ask?
* * *
We’re not putting up a big Christmas tree this year – and after all that
fuss and drama last year! – because we usually put it in the small room upstairs known as “the study.” But the spud’s computer is in there, and if we put the tree in there, there’ll be no room for the spud, and so we’re just going to put the small tree in the living room and put the presents under there. I suspect that we may be going the route of only having the small tree from here on out.
I’m sure The Bean will try to climb the damn thing and knock it over and then I’ll have to kill him.
* * *
We watched
The Simple Life last night – I thought it was a rerun of the premiere, but it was actually the second episode – because that crazy
Jane has fallen in love with Paris Hilt0n, and thus I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
Let me digress for a moment to say that when you find
a man who looks at Paris Hilt0n, shudders, and calls her “grotesquely skinny”, that’s a definite keeper, right there.
Anyway, the show started out okay, and I laughed my ass off when Nicole yelled at the cows to get their fat asses moving. But after that, I don’t know. I mean, they were filling milk bottles with milk that people were going to DRINK, and they were letting the milk hose fall in the mud, and they were dumping water in the bottles with the milk to fill them to the top, and it just made me want to climb through the screen and slap them upside their bratty little spoiled-princess heads.
I don’t know if we’ll be watching it in the future – and yes, I know that it behooved F0X to edit the show to make them look like spoiled rotten bitches for the pure entertainment value of it all, but as in every other reality show, if you don’t do or say something, they can’t show you doing it or saying it, now can they? – because Fred was annoyed to the extreme by the end of the show. Y’all let me know if I miss anything, okay?
* * *
And speaking of TV, I watched
Trista and Ryan’s Wedding last night (and the episode last week as well), and I cannot WAIT to see the wedding itself next week, I’m so excited! I just love those two, I really do. I know Trista reportedly
owes her manager some ungodly amount of money and doesn’t want to pay or something, but I just love her to death.
Oh! I heard on the radio the other day that Bachelor Bob and Estella have already broken up, that he was dating someone from a previous
Bachelor, and that he told her he was only doing the show to advance his career. I can’t seem to find anything about it online, though. If it’s true, I don’t think I’m all that surprised. I like Bob, but I don’t think he’s ready to settle down yet.
* * *
I don’t know how many of you read (used to read) the weight loss journal and used this site to get there by clicking on the link in the sidebar, but I’ve taken that site down (read
here for the explanation, if you’re interested). I moved my recipes to a different location, and replaced the OFB link in the sidebar (under “other”) with a link to the main
Recipes site. I only bring that up so that I can tell y’all that I’ve put up some new recipes:
Sticky Garlic Chicken Skewers
Vinegar Slaw
BBQ Sauce (made with Splenda)
Spaghetti Squash
Pancit is a Filipino stir-fry, is the best way I can think to describe it. Liz made it for us while she was here, and it was SO damn good. I used to make it all the time when Debbie and I lived in Lisb0n Falls, but I hadn’t had it in a long, long time. I made it again this past week because amazingly enough, Fred loves it. It’s definitely going to be a regular part of our menu, and I highly recommend it.
Sticky Garlic Chicken Skewers is a recipe I found in someone’s blog or journal. I unfortunately didn’t make note of where I got it – if I got it from you, please let me know. We had it for dinner Monday, and it was awesome!
Happy cooking. 🙂
* * *
You know, the Bean is such a funny cat. Everything he does, he does whole-heartedly and with total exuberance, whether it’s running full-tilt at the wall, playing with a toy mouse, or sleeping. Fred threw him a piece of popcorn last night, and the Bean grabbed it and ran off with it. Ten minutes later, he came back with it, hid it in the gap between the body of the couch and the couch cushion, and then spent five minutes grabbing at it and playing with it. He’s absolutely the nosiest cat I’ve ever known. If you’re doing something, he wants to know what and where and how. You cannot step into the kitchen without him hopping up onto the table and then onto the counter to supervise. Put him on the floor, he does it again. Open a closet door, he’s got to run inside and sniff around. Go into the bathroom and shut the door, two seconds later you’ve got a little gray paw sticking under the door, grabbing at the air. He spends 50% of his time running around like his ass is on fire, 25% trying to get the other cats to play, and the rest sleeping like the dead. When it’s time to sleep, he flops down wherever he happens to be, and he’s dead to the world in five seconds flat.
He really was a good choice, I think, although sometimes we just want him to STOP ALL THAT DAMN RUNNING AROUND AND JUST LAY THERE! He’s a total character, is what he is.
What he is not, though, is particularly friendly. He’s laid-back and if you pick him up he’ll purr and allow you to hold him until he has places to go and things to do, and he struggles and twists until you put him down. He very rarely comes looking for love and attention, but when he does, he does it whole-heartedly. He wants LOVE and he wants it NOW and he cares not whether you’re busy doing something else. You must stop and pet and hold him.
Yesterday I was sitting in front of the computer (imagine that!) when he woke up from a nap and wandered into the computer room. He jumped from the top of the shredder which sits next to my desk, to the top of my desk, and he leaned against my right arm (my “mouse” arm) and began rubbing his face against the side of my head, purring madly.
I picked him up and flipped him onto his back, holding him like a baby. He laid patiently, purring, and let me rub his belly.

When he’d had enough love, he turned over onto his stomach and walked across my desk. There, he stretched. And then?
And then.
And then I got the Best Picture EVER Taken.
(That’s a yawn)]]>
That picture just *begs* to be used as an icon or graphic somewhere, doesn’t it? 🙂
Also–just finished reading Fred’s book. Loved it! Are you planning to make the OFB archives accessible at any point?
His face + your mug = a giggle April
Hey Robyn, just a question completely unrelated to your entry here, 🙂 I have two cats, and have two food bowls for them; basically just to make it easy access and so they don’t crowd each other. But still every now and then asa will be eating and ben will either walk by or come to have a bite himself and asa will hiss at him… never any fighting or growling… just a hiss every now and then. Do your cats ever do this and is this something I should worry about?
That pic is the funniest thing I’ve seen in MONTHS!! He looks like he’s screaming his head off- I just love that pic. Also,I knew it would only be a matter of time before you ditched the other page.I have to say I really hate to see it go but understand why you’ve come to that decision. If it’s not fun or bringing enjoyment to ya then it’s become a burden. I’ll miss it but I’m stll glad that we have you here on this page :o) Also, thanks for moving the recipes over!! :o)
Talk soon,
~Denise~ in Georgia
Allison – We only have one food bowl for all five cats, so there’s occasionally a growl or hiss when one’s eating and another wanders by. In fact, if someone’s eating and Miz Poo wants in, she’ll sniff at their butt until they turn around to see what’s going on, and then she smacks them upside the head.
Only one of the reasons I love her so.
But as long as they’re both getting enough to eat – neither is preventing the other from eating – then I wouldn’t worry about it, I’m sure it’s just a “HEY! This is MY territory!” kinda thing.
The Simple Life has had me laughing out loud and even pounding on the arm of the chair as this exchange happened on the first episode…
The farm family and the two girls are sitting down together trying to find something to talk about. The silence is rather awkward at times.
NICOLE: “Do you all hang out at Walmart?”
Incredulous and confused stares ensue from the family.
NICOLE:”I hear that’s what you do for fun here in the South.”
More incredulous stares from the family.
PARIS:”What’s Walmart??”
More incredulous looks from the family and a few gasps as well.Someone utters, “You don’t know what Walmart is??”
Paris:”Do they sell walls there??”
More incredulous looks from the family.
Best picture EVER. The Bean reminds me of my sister’s cat, Phoebe. If someone puts a plastic bag on the counter, she has to stick her face in it. She also sat her skinny ass down on our Thanksgiving pie, but thankfully it was covered in plastic so we didn’t get cat ass all over it.
I heard on Howard Stern’s show this morning that Trista and Ryan were interviewed as a couple (I forget which mag. it was). She said she has never had an orgasm. Ryan said they hardly ever have sex and that they’re already fighting about it.
Fabulous picture of the Bean!! When will we be seeing Bean Loot at CafePress??
The first episode of simple life was better. It made them seem just dumb or silly. We have it recorded, I’ll mail you the tape.
The second one made them out to be rich bitches who obviously didn’t care a lick about anyone else.
Just my opinion.
That is one of the best pictures I’ve ever seen! I can never manage to get good ones of my cat. She likes to chase her tail and try as I might, I cant ever get a picture to demonstrate EXACTLY how funny it is.
I love the picture of Bean, yes. But I love even *more* the Dipshit mug in the background. If I could find one of those, it would SO go on my desk at work!
that photo deserves it’s own set of cafepress products. bean sounds just like our petey, who looks like mr.fancypants. when we first got petey we thought he’d died in the night a couple of times because he was impossible to wake up. anyway, that photo truly is the best ever.
So Robyn:
Can I have dibs on the old tree? I remember what happened when Fred worked on it, and I have the equivalent of Fred at my house…
wow, that picture made me laugh out loud and snort some Nerds. Nerds don’t feel good in one’s nasal passages, btw.
The simple life was okay. It was amusing. But it was annoying that they were freaking inconsiderate enough to top off the bottles with water, or to waste that much milk! And what the hell.. the hot tub/couch? And $42 for 7 hours of work is $7, dipshit.
i’m stealing that photo, Robyn, to use it on my livejournal kittypix community. Just so you know.
Hi Robin:
I love your website and I love cats also.
Tubby kills me.
I have a funny cute video clip I would like to forward you. I am not sure what email address to use.
By the way I didn’t mention the video clip is funny little cat clips.
bafleyanne: I have no plans to make them available at this point in time.
Mary: How about Monday? 🙂 That’ll give people time to get any Tubby items purchased over the weekend (since I don’t have the special account at cafepress, I can only offer one of each item)
Sharon: I figured the first episode must be a lot more interesting, thus the reason why Jane liked it so much; she generally has pretty good taste. 🙂
Laura: I’ve had it for ages; I bought it probably 10 years ago or more, out of a catalog. I can’t seem to find it online anymore, but if I do, I’ll link it!
Laurie: We don’t plan to get rid of the tree yet, but when we do I’ll keep you in mind!
I completely agree with you about the Christmas music 24/7. I’ve got the same thing here – we’ve got about 30,000 people in the entire COUNTY, yet TWO stations pulling this shit. And the simple fact of the amount of the time that they need to fill virtually ensures that much of the time, they play CRAPPY Christmas music, anyway. I’m glad I am not the only one!
HYSTERICAL picture of the bean! Thanks for sharing!
I guess living in Madison, WI, I’m lucky. They aren’t insane with the Xmas music. They will be playing it all day on Xmas Eve & Day like they should. I did hear my ultimate favorite song by the Trans-Seberian Orchestra today. It was the first time this year and I totally enjoyed it.
I love the new Logo – Stubby’s – ugh I mean Stanley Bean’s – lil’ tail kills me! I loved the old December logo – Can you repost that in January? I did not get to see it enough.
Da Beans picture was awesome. It gave me a laugh after I read Fred’s entry 🙁 from yesterday. In that picture, he looks so much like my crazy Andy that it’s scary. I’ve seen Andy yawn like that and I laugh every time. Bean acts just like Andy – note: After Andy’s 1st birthday, he did slow down a little and he’s cuddling more and is turning into a sweetheart.
Stanley looks as if to say “If they call me Beany bean ONE more time…I am gonna SCREAM!!!!!!!!!”
I said the SAME thing about Christmas music! The station we have on at work plays Christmas music non-stop!!!!! I love Christmas music but I want a little non-xmas..maybe every other song but not only Christmas music!! ughhhhhhhhhh!!
I am going to miss OFB but I fully understand you giving it up.Will be talking about weight loss related things in this journal? I hope & then!
Shannon – yeah, if any weight-related stuff comes up, I’ll definitely write about it. 🙂
I think Bean’s sick of the Christmas music also!
God, don’t they look like they’re about to turn themselves inside out when they yawn? Very funny. Thanks.
Just curious…why no more orders of Fred’s book shipped outside of the US?
(and so happy mine (to Cda) was ordered a few days ago!!)
I absolutley L.O.V.E kitty yawn pictures@!!!!!
Good luck with the Tubby situation. I wish you the best with your decision. You’re a good mama!
Hmmm that reminds me of the look my cat gets on her face when we go to the vet…hehhee
It’s the MoJo Radio Show (or some shit like that). I’m so glad to hear another that is just as pissed that Ace and TJ are gone. Man, I loved listening to them every morning. Now I just hate turning the radio on at all. That MoJo dude just has the creepiest voice. *ick*
I, too, am going to miss OFB.
And those pictures of your cats … I simply LOVE them all.
You’ve got your Halloween pic for next year!
The US postal service has a rule that non-US orders cannot be sent out from a mail drop if they weigh more than a pound (security, and all that). A copy of my book in a global priority mail envelope weighs one pound and 1/10 of one ounce.
Because it’s 1/10 of one ounce too heavy, one of us has to take each foreign order and stand in a long-assed line at the post office, just so they can look at it and put a $0.00 stamp on it to show they’ve seen it.
When the book first went on sale and paying off the loan was a priority, we were willing to stand in the long-assed lines. Now that the loan is almost paid off (woot!) and Christmas is bringing even LONGER lines, I made the executive decision that it was too much an ass-pain. So, no more foreign orders from us. 🙂
Fred, king of the asses
But I’m pretty sure that Amazon will still ship to other countries. 🙂