If you are ever tempted to send me a wreath from your local fucking nursery to hang on my front door, a wreath that showers goddamn motherfucking needles everywhere if you so much as glance at it, that comes with a bow for me to wire on the wreath “where ever you wish” and is supposed to HANG ON MY FUCKING FRONT DOOR YET FALLS OFF THE HOOK EVERY TIME THE DOOR IS OPENED OR CLOSED, if that desire ever seizes you, please. I would be ever so grateful if you would restrain yourself. Because if Fred can’t figure out how to get the motherfucking thing to hang on the motherfucking hook and not fall off constantly, the motherfucking thing is going in the trash. Yes, I know it’s the thought that counts, but at this very moment I hate you with the passion of a thousand burning suns, although I’m sure the NEIGHBORS are enjoying the show.

Well, Fred got the fucker all set up. Yes, it’s lovely. Yes, the bow isn’t in the exact center of the top. Ask me if I care.
Much later.
Yes, it’s beautiful and I’m an ingrate. My parents sent us a wreath and it smells like Christmas and it’s from a nursery in Maine and I love it. Just as long as I don’t have to deal with putting it up again.
* * *
I’ve changed out the Movie of the Week – the new one stars Spot, in my ongoing campaign to ramp up the love for Spot and Spanky. I also put up a SECOND movie, this one of Fred scaring the holy bejesus out of the spud, one of his favorite past-times. The links are on the sidebar to the right, under the “About” heading.
* * *
The Bean wants to play. Tubby does his best to ignore the Bean.
Tubby gets drawn in and nips at the Bean’s toes.
There is a brief break while Tubby and the Bean try to figure out why I keep making those beeping noises at them. (Answer: it’s the camera).
Tubby shows the Bean just who the boss is, after all.
And the fight degenerates into Tubs and the Bean licking each other.
My mother uses motherfucking double-sided tape. Usually works 🙂
pant pant pant….LOL LOL LOL…pant pant pant….LOL LOL LOL….I think I pissed my pants watching movie #2~
That is sooooo something we do to our kids!
I think the Spud has a future in horror movies with a scream like that. Very nice!
You are so my idol!! I do mean crap like that to my kids already you know for no reason yelling boo and scaring the daylights out of them.
Holy crap! I went back and checked your link from 2001 and noticed that Donal Logue is someone you would like to have a fling with. Well, HE’S MINE! Especially after that killer (literally) episode of E.R. where we thought he was dead and he wasn’t. I can’t stop watching the scene where he bursts from the elevator, “I need a doctor!” and then waves to Dr. Lewis through the glass when she thought he was dead. SO intense!! So he’s MINE and back off! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE. (I also can’t stop watching “I Love the 80’s Strikes Back….”) It’s so nice to have an obsession.
Thank you so so so much for the pics and the movies! Your cats made my day. Have a great one!
Heh. We got a wreath from your parents too. It IS lovely, and it IS a motherfucking pain. Smells good, though.
Beany and Tubby sitting in a tree…
The movie of the Spud cracked me up, but I can’t help but think that somewhere, in her secret on-line diary, she just made an entry in which she bemoans the fact that her parents are freaks who like to torment her with the video camera! The scars. The scars I tell you.
OH.MY.GOD I pissed my pants watching that Spud movie.
My dad used to do that to me all the time! He’d stand in a shadow or around a corner and yell “rRRARRR!!” and scare the crap out of me. Then he’d walk away laughing. Once, I got him good. The ONE time I actually startled him, and my stupid mother yelled at me for “doing that to your father” heh.
Robin, are those 3 different quilts on the bed? (sorry. is my geekery showing?)
I hang the Christmas wreath on the front of my house next to the front door for the very reason you stated 🙂 That way I only have to deal with needles on my front porch instead of there and in my house.
The Spud screaming is hilarious – my son and I spend our evenings scaring my husband like this. Rubber bugs, a loud hearty “Hi!”, or the ever-popular “WHATareyoudoing?” always work. After he finishes screaming, he always says “Nice try.” I’m going to start recording it – priceless!
Lori – Not if I get him first! 😛
Jen R – Not three different quilts, two. One is a blue, white and tan quilt that my mother made for me when I married my first husband. He got most everything else, but *I* took the quilt! The other one is one my mother made when I was 6 or 7 (possibly younger), and she used a lot of extra material she had laying around (she sewed a lot of our clothes when we were kids); it’s my favorite quilt ever. If the house caught on fire, I’d probably grab that quilt, toss all the cats in it, and run outside, and not be sad if everything else burned to a crisp (except Fred and the spud, o’ course).
Mike – good idea! 🙂
That movie is hillarious, lol but the daggers shooting from her eyes afterward is even funnier. Hehehehehe.