* * *
Did I mention that I finally went out and bought a bunch of stocking stuffers for the spud? One of the things I bought was a mini bottle of Chantilly (shut up, I like it). When I took it out of the package this morning to put in the bag o’ stocking stuffers with all the other stuff I’d gotten, the top came off the bottle and half an ounce of it spilled down my arm. As a result, I’ve spent the day smelling like one of those people who don’t seem to realize they’re wearing too much perfume. I’m also getting mighty sick of the smell of Chantilly, I’ll tell you that.
With the stocking stuffers bought and the packages mailed out, I am ALL SET for Christmas. I’m especially excited this year because Fred’s surprising me with a non-wishlist gift, and I love to be surprised, so I can’t wait to see what it is.
* * *
We attended the spud’s Holiday Concert (she plays the flute in the band, if you didn’t know) Tuesday night. I’m amazed, actually, that the concert didn’t take place last Thursday, because as far back as I can remember, we’ve had to miss
Survivor to attend the concert.
The spud’s band played this song that I think they play every year. It’s called “D3ck the H@lls with Chips and S@lsa”, and if you hadn’t guessed, it’s “Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly” with a Latin flair. I like the song just fine, but something about the name just makes me want to scream, and I have no idea why. Maybe because I can just imagine someone giggling hysterically when they came up with the name, at the amazing cleverness of it all. Agh.
Lastly, we might be rude enough to leave after our own child’s band is done playing, but if we were stuck listening to a band that did not include our child, we would
not be rude enough to talk loudly through the entire first song while someone sitting in front of us was attempting to tape their child’s band. We would also never subject those around us to the beepbeepbeep of our phones as we text messaged through most of the performance, either. Clearly we were in the presence of REALLY important people.
* * *
Speaking of cell phones, I got a new one. Fred and I both upgraded from our Nokias (mine was very very old – just over
three years old, and in cell phone years, that makes it just about ready to go to that giant cell tower in the sky). We got free Samsung phones for signing a one-year contract, which makes me a little nervous because until now we haven’t been under contract and were free to change carriers whenever we wanted. Of course, we haven’t done that, so I don’t know what I’m worried about. We started out with Ericsson, who got bought out by Powertel, who then got bought out by T-Mobile.
So anyway, we have new phones.

They’re cute as can be, and I probably spent an hour messing with it last night. I downloaded the
Brady Bunch theme song and also the Sex
and the City theme song, so I’m good to go and so very, very cool.
These phones are equipped so that I can use AOL Instant Messenger. I don’t see that happening considering it takes me half an hour to type out the words “Dad Cell” using the number pad, but never say never, I guess!
* * *
The spud got home yesterday afternoon while I was chatting it up on MSN Messenger with
Nance about
“Um. A boy asked me out at school today,” the spud said.
I told Nance to hang on, and turned around to get the scoop.
His name is Kelt0n, and he and the spud were writing notes to each other, and he asked her out and said that he’d been wanting to but had been scared to until now.
All together, now:
I made her go get her 8th grade yearbook and show me his picture, and then I asked her if she
wanted to go out with him (“Yes”) and whether she liked him back (“Yes”), and then I told her I’d have to discuss it with Fred.
At Nance’s urging, I asked her if she’d given him her phone number.
“I gave him my email address,” she said. Heh. Long pause. “Wouldn’t that happen on, like, the third date?”
Me, confused: “Wouldn’t what happen on the third date?” (Thinking of all the women’s magazine articles that said it was okay to have sex on the third date)
The spud: “Giving him my phone number.”
We’ve decided to let her go. She said that it wouldn’t be until after the Christmas break, though. You KNOW I’ll let y’all know what happens.
* * *
Friday Five.
1. List your five favorite beverages. Diet Coke and water. Those two are the only things I ever drink. I kinda like eggnog, too, in small doses, but if I’ve had anything other than water or Diet Coke to drink anytime recently, I’d be amazed. Oh, wait! I had a strawberry dacquiri when Liz was here. I prefer less icy drinks, though. Maybe I’ll celebrate Christmas by sitting around getting smashed on rum and Diet Cokes. Doubt it.
2. List your five favorite websites. Dysfuntion Junction,
Plain Jane,
The Usual Suspects (I’m a lurker),
the blogs I check on a daily basis so that I don’t have to wait for an email from
Change Detection.
3. List your five favorite snack foods. Onion bagels with strawberry cream cheese (yes, it sounds nasty as hell, but I read about it at
Double Happiness, and it’s SO damn good), peanuts (roasted, unsalted), Babybels, blueberry bagels with a smear of peanut butter, and (on Fridays)
Ben & Jerry’s Uncanny Cashew. I tend to pick the cashews out, because they are SO FREAKIN’ GOOD.
4. List your five favorite board and/or card games. On the rare occasion I do play them, I like Trivial Pursuit, Sorry, Monopoly, Scrabble, and gin.
5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games. I was a fucking whiz at Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo – I actually got thisclose to the end once – but I can’t play any of the other Super Mario Brothers games on any other system. I adored Ms. Pac Man, too. These days I occasionally play
Snood and
Text Twist. That’s only 4, but I can’t think of a single other game!
* * *
Gizmo and Dulcinea do their best to prevent any laundry from being done. Are these girls gorgeous, or what?
So can’t you email the beau and ask him if he minds if you put his picture up on your blog? That’d definitely win you some worst-mom-ever points!
I just wanted to say I got your holiday card today, and thanks! I couldn’t figure out who I knew in Alabama at first. I’ve only been there once to visit my now ex-husband when he was in training at Redstone Arsenal about four years ago, so I was thinking maybe I made a friend there and didn’t know it…LOL
I wanted to send a link to my kitty photo album so you can see why your Bean sometimes reminds me of my Chloe…here it is http://www.ofoto.com/BrowsePhotos.jsp?Uc=a9n2nj3j.27xo69a7&Uy=ji7z8t&Upost_signin=BrowsePhotos.jsp%3FshowSlide%3Dtrue&Ux=0&collid=580847861103
(sorry the link is sooooo long…grr)
Guess who gets her name mentioned in the infamous bitchypoo journal not once, twice, but THREE times? I AM the favorite, nah,nah,nah…Take that Jane. Hee!
PS: I really only wanted to comment about the fact that I love Chantilly (yes, I’m a cheap perfume/product kind of girl) but I guess I went into gloat mode. Carry on…
oh my GOD I am way too excited about the fact that the Spud has a date!!! Sniff sniff they grow up so fast…
Gizmo is so big now! And looks to be getting on famously with Dulcinea. 🙂 And way to go Spud! Here’s my collective “Awwwwwww”. 🙂
Hi Robyn:
Got your Christmas card – it is lovely and yes it was signed – thank you so much for taking the time to send it – it is a very thoughtful jesture. I love your journal.
Karen – Oshawa, Ontario
AMMIANA, her name is AMMIANA (her callsign is Gizmo)!
Robyn, we got your Christmas card and it was signed and everything! Go you!
go spud!!!
do ninth graders actually go on dates, though? I thought it was just “going out” which meant you were hanging out, but weren’t actually going anywhere at all. At least that’s what it was like when I was in h.s. a decade ago. I’d be impressed if they go on actual dates. We didn’t even do that in college.
I’m glad you guys are letting her go. You’re a cool mom.
(Her name is Gizmo.)
Received my card today, signed and all. Loved it! Thanks bunches!
My son is the same age as Spud (he will be 16 in January) and he had hardly any interest in girls and then this year since August he is on girlfriend #2~ It is expensive since we foot alot of the date outings. We get a kick out of it. It makes me nostalgic for my High School days. {sigh}.
Wow Gizmo is getting so big so fast!!
Hey Robyn,
Yay Spud! It is so refreshing to see an innocent girl. When my youngest son was 15 , I came home from work unexpectedly and caught him and his 14 year old girlfriend in the shower!
(the girls are the ones corrupting sons now-a days)
I actually sensed that she was in there with him…eventually he had to exit the bathroom… i went in there ..locked the door .. and there she was, all crammed down into a 100 pound ball …under the sink.. in the cabinet.
I was stunned. My son was grounded for months .. the girl got in no trouble at all , besides her humiliation of me busting her under the sink.
Lord help us poor parents.
Whether it is girls corrupting boys or the other way around usually depends upon the sex of ones own child 🙂 Did you have a nice long talk with him on the ramifications of such behavior?
You know Robyn- you’re the one that got me hooked on Snood all those years ago. I was utterly obsessed with that fucking game for MONTHS. Oh, and by the way- I *did* get to the end of Super Mario Brothers once. heh