* * *
We adopted Tubby in the summer of 1997 from the no-kill shelter I volunteer for now. Fred and I went to look at cats and none of them really struck our fancy, until Fred saw a small (!) black and white cat hanging out on one of those cat trees. Fred petted him and scratched at the base of his tail. The cat reacted immediately by raising his ass, and Fred loved him.
As we filled out the paperwork, the lady running the shelter told us that his name was Jack and he’d been found with his sister. They’d thought at first that he was feral, but they were able to tame him.
We took him home.
He was a bit of an odd duck. It was as though he wanted to be friendly, but he just wasn’t sure how that went. The first night, he snuggled up to Fred’s back and then bit him.
“Jack” was never a name that fit him, so after a few days of deliberation and bringing up every name in the world that starts with “S”, we settled on the name “Snoopy.” It wasn’t until he was a few years old that we started calling him “Tubby”.
He didn’t have much use for the other cats. He didn’t pay much attention to them, except for his special relationship with Mr. Fancypants. He was willing to be physically close with the other cats, but he didn’t really go looking for it.
He was a funny, funny cat. We always knew that to get a decent picture, all we needed to do was point the camera at him and sooner or later he’d do something funny or bitchy or cute.
He was our protector. Last year a stray cat came through the pet door into the house, and Tubby chased him off. He was always calm and laid-back until the situation called for him to be a bad-ass, and then he was the baddest.
Who’s going to protect us now?
1997 – 2004.
Good boy, Tubby. Good boy.]]>
I am so sad for you and Fred and the Spud. That was one beautiful cat.
I’m so very sorry to read about Tubby. I’ll miss him. Reading about him was like reading about the good ole boy of the house. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh Robyn, I am so sorry for your family’s loss.
Oh Robyn, I’m so so sorry to hear about Tubby. He will be missed by all of us out here who read you. *hugs* coming your way from Delaware.
Awww (((((Robyn))))) I’m thinking about you guys.
{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}} to the whole family. Tubby will be missed by all.
I am so sorry about Tubby. I loved the black spot on his nose. He was such a cutie–my favorite, I think. He’ll be missed by all of us.
Robyn, Fred, and Spud – I am so, so sorry 🙁
I am so sorry for you. All cats are wonderful and all would be missed.
I just saw this on Fred’s journal… I’m so sorry for you guys. Losing a pet is always so hard… I’ve only had one, a dog who died over four years ago, and it still breaks my heart.
I love that first picture of a tiny, tiny little Tubby, and 28Tubby10, where he looks like a little wombat. and i love wombats.
my heart goes out to the three of you. tubby, too.
I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby! He was my favorite of your cats and I so lvoed his crabby little face. He will be missed. ~Hug.~
Dear Robyn,
I am very sorry to hear about Tubby. He was a really great cat, and he will be missed by everyone. Thoughts and prayers to you, Fred and the Spud.
I knew by getting a notify from both you and Fred so early that something was probably wrong. I’m so sorry, Robyn.
Oh Robyn I’m so sorry for your loss and my prayers are with you. Losing a beloved pet is one of the hardest things ever. He was definitely a character!! He’ll be missed.
So soryy. I’ll miss hearing about him seeing him on the videos. So sorry, and hugs.
I am so very sorry to hear about Tubby.
I’m so sorry about Tubby. I lost a rather grouchy cat not quite two years ago, and was quite surprised to find out how much I missed her, and how much I loved her after all. I hope he’s in Cat Heaven, eating forbidden foods and stretching out in the sun. And saying, “Meh!”
Robyn, I am so, so sorry for your loss. {{{Hugs}}} He was a beautiful cat.
Oh Robyn, Fred and Spud, I am sorry to hear Tubby’s gone. I will miss the stories and pictures. Know we all are mourning Tubby too.
I am so so sorry for your loss. I don’t know what else to say. My condolences.
I know you don’t know me, but I didn’t mean to delete my name from the last post. Again, I am sorry!
I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby. He’s going to be missed by everyone.
So sorry for your loss. Our pets really are a member of the family. We just had to have our 12 yr. old dog put to sleep. That totally sucks. Tubby was a handsome boy. You, Fred and The Spud have many good memories of him to help you through this. Please know that you are in my thoughts.
Oh man, this is too sad for words. Tubby was one helluva cat. I’m so sorry. 🙁
Maybe Tubby is up there in the great beyond with my Mally and Thumper…….
Tears are streaming down my face. One of our 13 year old little girls passed away in August. I sm so sorry about your loss. I understand your pain. Give all your kitties lots of hugs from me.
I was so sad to hear about Tubby. My thoughts are with you and your family. He was really a ham for the camera, wasn’t he? I can only imagine how much it hurts to have him gone. Hugs.
I feel like I’ve lost a friend … Dear old Tubby.
Oh, sad! I’m so sorry, Robyn, Fred, and spud. Tubby was adorable.
*sniff* Goodbye, sweet Meh. You da man!! 🙁
I am so very sorry for your loss. What a beautiful cat he was. [[hugs]]
I’m so sorry Robin.
All cats should be so lucky to have such a great family.
I am very sad to learn of your loss, Robyn.
Tubby was one fun guy that I always looked forward to reading in your journal every day. My heart goes out to you and your whole family!
My heart goes out to you and your family. I’m so sorry for your loss.
The Internet is such a strange beast… I’ve never met any of you, but I’ve been reading your journals for a few years now and I’m sitting here with tears for Tubby. I am so very sorry.
Bye Tubby! You were always my favorite. I lost my precious Tigger this past week. She was 24 years old. Its never an easy thing.
Love you Tubby-poo. I’m so sorry for your loss.
{{{hugs}}} I am so sorry to learn about Tubby’s passing. I will miss his “Mehs” and all the pictures and videos.
Robyn, I’m so sorry. I’m going to have to break the news to Things 1 & 2, who’ve been watching him with me. I’m so sorry!
my heart goes out to you, Fred and the Spud. Crying over the passing of a cat one has never even met means two things: It’s a very special cat, and a very special person whose funny and loving stories wrote him straight into the hearts of “virtual” strangers.
Thanks for the beautiful photo collection of Tubby – I’ll miss hearing about him.
Dear Robyn;
For the past few months I have been a silent observer of your journal. I found it on accident while looking for cat hammocks, and that’s how I met your family and kitties. I look forward to your posts and have read almost your entire archive as well as the pictures. I share your funny stories/pictures with my boyfriend and we agree that you are funny as hell and your cats are too. They and you have become almost a part of our little family, we have two cats and a kitten, and this loss has saddened us terribly. Please pass our condolences on to Fred and your daughter, as well as the other kitties. I’m so sorry.
Robyn, I’m so, so sorry. Please extend my sympathies to Fred and Spud too.
OH Robyn!! I am SO SO SORRY for your loss. I have enjoyed so much reading about Tubby (and all of you/cats) for a while now. I am sitting at work crying – I did not see that coming at all. Bravo to you and Fred for being such wonderful cat owners and volunteers. The cats of the world are better off because of people like you. And now I am going to call the vet and see how to put my fat cat on a diet without starving my skinny cat. BIG HUGS!!!!
I’m so sorry Robyn. I’ve been there too and I know how bad it hurts.
(((((hugs))))) to all of you.
I’m so sorry. *hugs*
I am so sorry for your loss. Tubby has touched more people’s hearts than any normal cat! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful remembrance of him.
I’m so sorry Robyn, we all will miss him as he had a special place in all our hearts. Brought tears to my eyes reading ur and Freds entry with lots of great pics. At least he is in peace now….that always helps me to think that.
R.I.P. Tubby.
So sorry.
Some say that animals do not go to heaven because they have no soul. I say that any living creature who can provide so much amusement, frustration, happiness, anger, laughter, tears, and joy must have a soul. His little kitty soul is hanging out somewhere with an endless supply of kibble and birdies to watch and folks to protect. And now that you’ve made me totally feel like Jean Teasdale……my thoughts are with you guys.
I’m so sorry & my thoughts & heart goes out to the 3 of you. (((huggz))) The big guy will be missed by everyone.
My thoughts are with you. Sorry for your loss.
I saw this in Fred’s journal first. I am so sorry for all of you! The Tubster was a beautiful and very, very cool cat. My thoughts are with you.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Tears for Tubby. Hugs for all of you.
Robyn and family,
I am so so sorry for your loss. Coming from a huge cat lover, I was shocked to read the news this morning. I havent been a reader of your and your husbands sites for too awful long, but over that short period of time I’ve grown to love the pictures of your cats. I will miss Tubby. I cried when I read the news. You are all in my thoughts…
My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. Sometimes losing a pet is the hardest loss of all, maybe even harder than people at times. Tubby was a handsome guy and I’m sure he’s in the sun with my beautiful Denali in Kitty Heaven….
I’m very sorry about Tubby. My heart goes out to all of you.
Robyn, my heart goes out to you & Fred & the spud. Tubby seemed like such a sweet old fart. Never stop with the kitty pictures – they are priceless!
I am so shocked and feel so badly for you. How terrible! I loved Tubby. I have a cat that looks just like him except her black spot is on top of her head and her tail is black also. I had never seen another cat like my Fatima and then there was Tubby. I am so very sorry for you all. The big one brought many tears of joy to us all with his antics and will be greatly missed.
I know you’ll get a lot of comments (56 so far, and it’s only 10 in the morning!) sending their condolences, but I just wanted to add mine. Kitties have a way of getting into our hearts, no matter what we think.
Aw, Robyn. I’m so sorry. Tubby was a great kitty, and he had a wonderful life with your family.
Robyn, I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am. Tubby was indeed a character, and he obviously had a wonderful life with your family. He’s going to be greatly missed by all of us. My condolences to you, Fred and the Spud.
I am very sorry for your loss
*Hug* Sad to see him go…rest in peace Tubby.
I’m so, so sorry Robyn. =o(
Robyn, I am so sad to hear this news. I couldn’t even read the rest of the entry. My sympathies.
Tubby and his bitching will be missed. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Robyn I am so sorry for your loss. May he RIP… it’s a sad day for your family and readers.
Oh, Robyn, Fred, and Spud, I’m so sorry. Like so many others, I’m in tears at my office. I love *all* of your kitties, but Tubby held a special place in my heart. He was an extremely cool cat, and will be truly missed.
I know how sad you must feel losing Tubby; he was very special in his own way. But he had a GREAT life there with you, Fred and the Spud. As my vet once told me when I lost a beloved cat, “He was in kitty-cat Heaven right here on Earth living in your home.” I will miss Tubby too.
Still crying – dammit!
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Oh gawd…add me to the “in tears” list. I am so, so sorry. It’s always so hard to lose someone you love, even when that someone is a cat who drove you nuts. Even through it all, it was obvious how much you cared for Tubby. Like everyone else, I’m going to truly miss him too.
I’m so very sorry.
I’m crying here-it’s so difficult to lose a loved furry friend like that.
Hugs to you all.
Robyn, I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby. I’ll remember him for a very long time.
I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby.I really don’t know what to say. I’m not good at these things.
Usually I end up saying the wrong thing.I really am sorry. He will be missed by all.
Robyn, I am SO sorry for your loss. I lOVED reading about Tubby….he was always good for a chuckle. I will miss hearing about him terribly. I am a cat lover myself and know how hard it is to say goodbye….especially when it was so un-expected.
So sorry to hear about Tubby. He was my favorite. 🙁
I’m so sorry. That is so sad. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Awwwwww… I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby!! He was one heck of a cat and reading about him always made my day!! My thoughts and prayers are with you all!!
Oh my. I’m so, so sorry, Robyn. My prayers are with y’all.
This sucks. I’m so sorry for your loss.
I’m very sorry for your loss. The way you told your Tubby stories made me love him. I think he must have had a blessed life in your home.
Robyn, I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby. I have a cat that’s much like a Tubby junior, and I used to read your journal and be happy that someone else in the world had a cat like that.
Many hugs, and lots of good thoughts for you and the family.
Dearest Robyn, Fred, and “the Spud”
My heart goes out to you in your loss of a family member. I say that, because as a fellow cat FREAK our cats are our children (for now anyway)
I was always quite fond of the tubs. I love, Love, LOVE! fat cats, and am espically fond of loud cats (hence our Siamese monster) so Tubby was right up my ally. Your movies of “Meh” always brought a thrill to myself and the S.O. While nothing I say (or type really) can help to ease any sadness of your loss, you are in my thoughts.
I hope everything else is well in your home. Perhaps the soft patter of kitten boots will soon fill your house again….
Just wanted to say I’m heartbroken for you, Fred and the spud. I don’t even like animals all that much (I know, crazy woman.) but I loved loved loved that chubby snowball Tubby and the stories about him.
So very sorry for you and the other kitties. He will be missed.
Awww, I don’t even have the words …
I’m so sorry your family has lost Tubby.
I too am very sorry for your family’s loss. He will certainly be missed by many.
My Condolences Robyn, he was the shit, that cat sure was the shit. My absolute favorite, he’s set as my desktop background!
Oh, Robyn – I am so, so sorry. You, Fred and the Spud will be in my prayers. ((hugs))
My heart goes out to you, Fred and the spud. Hugs.
You’ve put together a great tribute to Tubby in your entry today. The pictures are wonderful and show a full range of his talents! The outpouring of support is an indication of how your description of him touched so many people.
So sorry for your loss, Robyn….The entry served him well, thank you for letting us be a part of that.
Awe, what a great tribute. I’m sorry to hear of your loss. He found such a great family and a great life.
I am so sorry Robyn(and Fred). Your entry made me cry. The good thing is that you don’t have to make a difficult decision later on, he spared you that. Tubby will be missed.
Sorry for the loss of your pet.
Robyn, Fred and Spud,
What a beautiful tribute. I will miss hearing about Tubby’s antics. I am so sorry to hear about your loss and I hope your pain will be eased knowing you gave him such a wonderful home to share with you and the other cute cats. Take care.
I’m so sad! I’m crying at my desk. Oh, Robyn, I’m so sorry! Poor ol’ Tubs, I’ll miss him, but not, I’m sure, as much as you and your family. Hugs your way from AZ!!! ::sob::
Tears out here in California as well. I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you, Fred, the Spud, Spot, Spanky, Miz Poo, and the Bean. I’ll be thinking of you all today.
Nothing like being caught at your desk with tears streaming down your face. I am always too shy to post on your comments, but I have adored reading about Tubby since I found your journal. I am so sorry that he is gone.
i know there’s nothing that i can say that will make it easier or better to deal with tubby being gone but i hope you do take solace in knowing that you gave him an incredible life and that even though he was a bit of a badass – he loved you guys.
Tubby was my favorite. You put together a winderful tribute to him. I know it’s tough to loose a beloved pet. You gave him a good life while he was with you.
Poor Tubs. 🙁
My thoughts and prayers are with you Fred and the Spud. Tubby was a god boy with a big heart and for what little I can say, at least you have many good memories of Tubby to cheer you up and warm your heart. Although he has passed away, you can also comfort yourself for adopting him from a shelter who although dosen’t put thier strays to sleep, tubby was put into a loving home with lots of playmates and food to eat and therefore lived a rich life. I know how you feel, there is a special bond to pets that is harder to deal with then people sometimes. Let any of us know if there is anything we can do for you.
What a beautiful tribute to Tubby. I’m so sorry about your kitty, Robyn. You have a way of making me actually want a cat (I’m so not a cat person). He lived a happy life with your family and that’s a great thing for a kitty who started out with no one.
Sorry and I’ll miss Tubby. I’m sitting here at work crying and not caring if anyone sees me. I love all your kitties and feel like they are my best friends. Thanks for sharing your family with the world.
So, so, so sorry. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Oh, Robyn. I’m so sorry. You know how much I hate cats, but I have to admit that I’ve always loved your stories about Tubby. My daughter S and I looked forward to the funny pictures of him, too. What a personality!
Goodbye, Tubby. We’ll miss you. Meh.
I wish I had something better to say, but I am so, so sorry.
Tears are streaming down my face at work right now…through your entries and photos, I feel like I’ve lost a friend.
I know there’s not much I can say to make you guys feel better, but just know that you’re in my thoughts and my heart.
I’m sure Tubby is bitching away to his hearts content in Heaven right now.
Robyn, I am so sorry to hear about Tubby. I’ve enjoyed your stories and photos about him. He has not only touched your life, but also the lives of many folks here in cyberspace.
RIP Tubby. MEH!
oh my … i’m so sad for you.
I am soooo sorry for your loss. I know everyone in the family will miss Tubby. My kitty, Abby, and I will keep the three of you and the kitties in our thoughts.
It isn’t like we didn’t know it was coming but it doesn’t make it any easier 🙁
*Looks at 18 year old cat lying nearby*
I know that her days are surely numbered.
*Cries* . . please accept my sincere condolences.
Awww Robyn. I’m so sorry. 🙁
Robyn – I’m so sorry to hear about this. I’ve just read both yours & Fred’s entries and I’m now in tears. Like you said, maybe you & Tubby weren’t always the best of friends, but cats always have a special something about them that can’t be resisted, huh. 🙂
Thinking of you & your family at this sad time
*hugs* Elly
I am so sorry. You don’t have to ask who will protect us now…Be assured that best friends, like Tubby, will never stop protecting us…no matter what.
I’m so sorry. 🙁
Bye Tubby. Hugs to the And3rsons.
Robyn, So sorry. 🙁
Robyn and family — my condolences and heartfelt sympathy to you all. He was a great cat and was loved by many, but most importantly by you and yours. My thoughts are with you. {{{hugs}}}
This made me cry. 🙁
I’m sorry, ya’ll.
I am so sorry for your loss. There is nothing that any of us can say that will make this easier, but know that a lot of people loved him vicariously through you and Fred.
I’m sorry about Tubby. It’s never easy to lose a family pet. My thoughts are with you. *BIG HUG*
I am so very, very sorry. I can’t believe it. Tubby has been my wallpaper for ages. I loved that cat! I’m just so sorry.
Robyn: I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby…he will be missed by all.
I was so shocked and saddened to read about Tubby. He was my favourite.
Fly with the angels Tubby! And eats lots of kitty treats! And keep that house safe, they still need you over at Casa de And3rson. Biggest hugs ever to all 3 of you!
Okay, bawling at work.
I am so sorry. Tubby was a great one.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Tubby.
So sorry to hear about Tubby! I’m glad you have the Bean and Miz Poo to keep you smiling. I’m glad I have my Tubby coaster and ornament to remember him.
I am sooo sorry for your loss. I lost my cat of 15 years last July, and it was really hard to deal with, more so than I thought it would be. Tubby was a beautiful cat, my thoughts are with you.
Tears for Tubby in Indiana. Thanks for sharing him with us.
Oh, man, I’m in tears.
Rest in peace, Tubby.
My sincerest condolences to you, Fred, and the spud, as well as the other cats. I’m sure they’ll miss his tubby ass hogging the cat bed. *smiles through tears* *sniff*
So sorry to hear about Tubby, Robyn. It is always so hard to lose a pet. I’ll be thinking about you
Robyn, I am so sorry about Tubby. This entry is a very nice tribute to him.
Go rest high on that mountain, Tubby. 😐
I’ll miss Tubby 🙁 He was my favorite of your cats. But we all know that he lived a great and full life with you, Fred and the spud, and that’s all that matters. It’s sad to see him go, but comforting to know he lived a wonderful life.
You take care *huggles*
I’m sorry to hear about tubby 🙁
Normally your journal brings me the first laugh of the day,but today it brought on the first tears. I am so sorry for your loss. We love you Tubby and you will be in our hearts and minds FOREVER !!! Debra
Robyn, Fred and the Spud,
I am so sorry to hear about Tubby. I loved seeing the pictures, they had me crying by the end. I loved that cat like my own. I’ll be keeping you all in my thoughts. God , i miss him already.
He was lucky to have been loved so much,and he returned your love by making you laugh and protecting you.I’m so sad for you, he was beuatiful.
I’m so sorry. There’s nothing much more that can be said about losing a companion.
Godspeed, Tubby.
🙁 You and Fred made Tubby part of our families as well. Thanks for always sharing and my condolences go out to you, Fred, and the Spud. I hope your kitties are handling it okay too. 🙁
Oh, damn, that made me cry. I’m so sorry.
Dear Robyn, Fred & Spud,
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
Hugs, Dara
meh 🙁
Loss for words, really. Tubby inspired quite a bit of laughter and amusement for my friends and I.
We all loved his Tubsness, and we’ll miss him very much. Peaceful dreams Tubby.
I just want to thank you, Fred and the Spud for sharing him with us. My thoughts are with you.
I’m so very sorry, Robyn. I can’t imagine how much of a shock it must have been for you to find him that way. I also lost a pet suddenly just recently, one of my dogs, and it’s so very hard to deal with.
What a shock! I too knew something was wrong when I got yours and Fred’s notifications so early today.
I feel like I knew him, you guys paint such a vivid picture of your cats and your lives with words every day. I too am saddened by your loss, I will be thinking of you guys! I am so so sorry you have to be going through this 🙁
Robyn, Fred and Spud
I have read this journal forever now, and today when I read it all I could do was cry. I will never forget the pain and the hole left in my heart when I lost my Baby a few yrs back. Please know that there are so many people who feel your pain and send their comfort in this hard time. Take Care ((((((((((ROBYN))))))))))))
I am so very sorry for your loss. my thoughts are with you guys.
Oh No! Robyn, I’m so sorry! That’s all I know how to say. Pleas accept my sincerest condolences!
I’m so very sorry for your loss. You gave Tubby a beautiful and happy life, and I thank you for sharing him with us. He will be missed by many people. Love you guys.
So very sorry to hear this sad news. I just put the “head butt” photo on my desktop a few days ago because Tubby’s sweet face made me smile so much. My condolences to you, Spud, Fred and all the other kitties.
I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face and I don’t even know any of you. I just know that I have been reading your journal for the last three years and felt like Tubby was one of my own. I am sorry for your loss.
May he rest in peace…. My heart goes out to you, Fred, Spud, and all the kitties. I was so concerned when he was diagnosed. How nice that he was in his favorite place and died peacefully in his sleep. Tubby will be remembered by all your many readers and friends. He was, indeed, an extraordinary cat. Bye, bye Tubby.
Damn it, you made me cry! I’m so sorry for you loss and know that losing any pet, whether it be your favorite or not, is so friggin’ hard. Thanks for sharing Tubby with all of us…
I am so so sorry. My heart goes out to you and Fred. (((HUGS)))
I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby. What a character. You’re in my thoughts.
I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby.
Oh, Robyn. I’m so sad to hear about Tubby. I’ll miss his “bitchy meh” faces on your blog. Pass my condolences on to Fred and the Spud. Take comfort in the fact that you gave Tubby the best life he ever could have imagined. (((Hugs)))
Robyn, I’m so sorry to read of your shocking loss. That Tubby was special and such a cute kitten. Thank you for sharing him with us. He was such a star!
I am so sorry for your loss. I’ll miss hearing stories about Tubby. My heart goes out to you, Fred and the Spud.
My condolences on your loss. I will miss him too.
My first thought was “Poor Tubby”.. but then I realized that wasn’t quite right. He had a great life with a wonderful family, and he passed away peacfully in one of his favorite spots. I’m sure he’s “meh”ing up in Kitty Heaven now.
Robyn, sorry for your loss. Tubby will be missed.
Robyn, sorry for your loss. Tubby will be missed.
I’m so sorry, Robyn. ((((hugs))))
Robyn, I am so very sorry to hear about Tubby. Add me to the list of crying folks at work. I’ll think of Tubby every Xmas when I place the ornament with his funny little face on my tree. Hugs to Fred, the Spud and all of the kitties.
Robyn, Fred and Spud…. so sorry you’ve lost Tubby. He’ll live on in our hearts!
Meh ):
I’m sorry, Robyn.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Robyn.
First of all, let me say how sorry I am about Tubby. I lost my beloved pug “Max” Thanksgiving week of 2002. He was 13 years old. I found your site about a year ago and have been reading daily. I feel like I know the family. You’ve brought many a smile to my face with your stories. My best to you, Fred and the Spud. I hope the memories of your Tubby will help ease your pain and sorrow.
I’m so sorry, Robyn. Tubby was definitely a very special cat. I’m so glad you shared all the stories, photos and film clips of him that you did. No cat has ever made me laugh harder. Hugs to all of you.
Robyn ~ So sorry about Tubby. Such a goofy cat. I’m thinking of you, Fred, and the Spud. You posted a beautiful memorial.
So sorry to hear about Tubby. He was such a cool cat.
I am so sorry Robyn. I feel your pain. Your tribute made me cry, as it reminded me on 2 years ago when we put our dog to sleep. We’ve had a cat ever since, but you just can’t replace an animal you’ve lost. At least you know tubby was comfortable, and he was able to live a happy, troublefree life….with lots of snacks 🙂
Robyn, so sorry for your loss, there is nothing else I can say.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Tubby will be missed by many. My heart goes out to your entire household.
Robyn, I am truly sorry. I am going to make a donation to my local animal welfare society in Tubby’s memory. It’s where I got my two cats and I know it will be put to good use. Again, I am very sorry for your loss.
Robyn, I’m so sorry. We will all miss Tubby. Although I have never met your family or Tubby, over the years, you all have become a part of my life almost daily. I am very sad for you guys, sad for myself, and everyone else here who has bonded with your family and Tubby. I feel like I’ve lost a Tubby, and I know that many others do, too. He is well-loved and will not be forgotten.
Your family, poos and all, will be in our thoughts.
Oh, I’m sitting here crying! I’m sorry you’ve lost Tubby. I’m glad he went peacefully.
Thank you for sharing his stories and pictures with your readers.
I am soooo sorry for your loss. Tubby will be deeply missed.
Very sorry to hear about Tubby. You and Fred were good parents to him. We’ll all miss him too.
Robyn, Fred and Spud–I am so sorry.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is harder than losing a person, I think.
I am so sorry for your loss. Tubby is in the hearts of all your readers, as well as Freds. We have all grown to know and love those beautiful cats. Tubby will be missed greatly. *sniff* My thoughts are with you, Fred and the Spud. ((((HUGS))))
Oh, no, Robyn.
I am so sorry. Tubby was my favorite of your cats, too. He has reminded me of a cat I lost not very long ago nicknamed ‘Tank’. Losing a pet is so difficult. You, Fred, and The Spud are in my thoughts.
Robyn, Fred and Spud, I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
I am so sorry about Tubby. He was my favorite kitty.
What a poignant entry for such a sad situation; I started to cry. I’m so sorry guys. I sure am going to miss that tubby kitty.
I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby. What a shock that must have been for all of you. He will be missed. “Meh”
I am so, so sorry about Tubby. You guys gave him a wonderful life.
Tubby was such an awesome cat. I know that somewhere he is putting a smile on someone’s face.
Take care!
Hey Robyn,
I’ve often found the stories you posted about Tubby and the others most amusing. He will be missed. Take comfort in the fact that many of us will miss him, although no where near as much as you guys.
I am so sorry for your loss.I loved Tubby very much and will miss him always
He never ceased to brighten my day and it was wonderful to have known him,thank you Robyn for sharing Tubby with us.
I’m so sorry. I got a lump in my throat when I read that. I never thought I could be sad about someone I’ve never met losing their pet, but I am. As others have mentioned, I feel I got to know him (and the rest of your family) from being a regular reader. With my own funny fat boy, I can certainly empathize. Your family is in my thoughts.
I’m so sorry to hear this. He will be missed.
Thinking of you all. So sorry for your loss
I’m very sorry for your loss. Just remember that he had a wonderful life with you guys.
I am so sorry for your loss. I just loved reading about him. There was on entry of Fred’s about a year ago that I passed on to friends because it was so damn funny
Goodbye Tubby. You will be missed
I’m so sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful tribute to him.
The Titty (my cat) and I are shedding tears with you over the loss of that wonderfully grumpy bastard. I hope the pain fades quickly into fond reminiscences and smiles of remembrance.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care!
Awww 🙁 He was as seriously funny cat! A real character. I’m sure you, and al your readers have such very fond memories of him.
I mean, he’s up to 206 condolences! What a legend!
How terribly sad. I’m sorry for your loss. My sympathies to you, Fred, the Spud and your other kitties.
Tubby was the best. I’m so sorry, Robyn.
I loved that cat! You have no idea how many times I would call people into the computer room to look at pictures of Tubby. Thanks for sharing him with us. Sorry for your loss.
Robyn, whenever you would have a movie of the week with Tubby, I had to play it over and over again so my cat, Kramer could watch him. I am so sorry for your loss. Tubby was a great cat…..somewhere on the Rainbow Bridge, my dear cat Shorty is greeting him….Take care and God bless you, Fred and the Spud….
I am sorry for your loss. Even when we think they aren’t our favorite, the loss is amazing.
Oh Robyn, I am so, SO sorry to read about Tubby! My kids and I have enjoyed reading about his hysterical attitude and seeing that adorable little (?!) face. Sitting here sobbing over your loss, and sending loving vibes from NJ to you, Fred and The Spud.
Take special care of each other this week…
Laurie 🙁
I’m so sorry for your loss!!! It’s so hard to lose a pet. Especially one as cool as Tubby. I feel like I knew him!
I am glad that Tubby had you all to love him so much. I have his “Meh.” mousepad here by me now. The photos make me sad and happy. He had a good life with y’all.
Robyn, I’m so sorry. That Tubby had a lot of character. I always loved seeing pictures of his adorable, bitchy face. Many condolences to you, Fred, and the Spud.
Robyn, Fred and Spud…
I’m so sorry about Tubby… what a beautiful boy!!! I hope he’s rolling around with our big, fat orange boy Jake who left us 2 summers ago…
You all are in my thoughts today!
Regular reader, non-commenter. But I wanted to say how very sorry I am for your loss.
Oh Robyn, I’m so sorry. big hugs to you and your family. My heart aches for you guys.
Much love
I thought I’d read that post wrong and had to do a double-take…
I’m so sorry for the sudden passing of your boy – it is an incredible loss.
Thinking of all of you…
I am so sorry to hear about the loss. Big hugs coming you way.
Thinking of you all….
Just to add my voice to the chorus, I thought I’d share with you the fact that when I started reading Bitchypoo, it was actually Tubby that enticed me to keep coming around. The picture of him on his hind legs was the photo on the entry page, and it made me laugh so hard I just kept coming back. (Of course your writing kept me here, Robyn, but the Tubster’s the one who made the first impression.)
He was quite the cat, and I am unbelievably saddened at the news that he is gone. I lost a pet in December–my gerbil–and when I thought of losing one of my cats, I cried uncontrollably.
Please accept all of our love and well wishes as a giant web-based hug. Tubby was an amazing fellow, and we were all lucky to have known him.
My condolences to you, Fred and the Spud. I cried by the time I got to the end of this entry. I feel a little silly, but reading your journal makes it feel like I personally know your kitties.
I am so sorry to hear about Tubby, Hugs to you, Fred and the spud
He was my favorite. So pretty. He’s in kitty heaven.
I’m sorry for your loss of Tubby. I know how much it hurts. Hugs to you, Fred and Spud.
I read daily and never post because I’m lazy like that. But I had to today…I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, Robyn. Losing pets has often been harder than losing people for me…it just sucks.
Just wanted to add my condolances. I’ve been reading for over a year and always love the kitty pictures.
Say it isn’t so!
I am so sorry to hear of your loss…
I don’t know what else to say now..
I’m so sad at hearing this news. My heart goes out to each of you. There are no words that can help at a time like this, except to say your in my prayers. Tubby was loved so very much and he knew it. You all gave him a wonderful life and home. He’s up there in Kitty heaven looking down on all of us now. Rolling around in the cat nip garden 🙂
Oh my God! Not Tubby! Of all your kitties, he was mine and my son’s favorite. The other cats are cute to be sure, but Tubby had personality. We are very sorry for you and your family.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve enjoyed reading your many Tubby stories, and I feel as if I knew him. May he rest in peace.
I am sad for you and your family. I first read about the Tub on Jane’s web site, and I avoided reading your site the whole day. At least we can be grateful that the decision was made by someone else, and you have no regrets.
I’ll miss the Tubby. I loved that cat.
I’m sorry for your family’s loss, Robyn. My heart skipped a beat when I read today’s entry. Tubby was definitely a cutie, and I’ve enjoyed reading about him the past couple of years.
Robyn, I’m so sorry. Our kitty Ash died last monday, and it is so hard. Thanks for sharing his pictures and stories with all of us.
Good-bye sweet Tubby Angel. You will be missed by so many.
Big (((hugs))) to you Robyn and Fred and Spud.
Oh, Robyn, I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby! I’ve really enjoyed reading about him. I’ll keep all of you in my thoughts.
i’m so sorry. thanks for sharing all of the tubby stories with us.
so sorry to hear. much love.
Damn. I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby. It almost feels as if one of my cats died. He was easily my favorite. I already miss Fancypants and now I’m going to miss Tubby. My thoughts are with you, Fred and the spud. Take care.
So sorry. I loved the Tub.
Your entry brought tears to my eyes – I am so sorry for your loss.
Awww…poor Tubby! I’ve enjoyed reading about his antics and I feel like I’ve lost him too. I’ll miss his tubby-ness. I’m so sorry Robyn.
Robyn, Fred, and Spud,
I am so sorry to hear about Tubby! He was always one of my favorites to read about! What a beautiful cat–I’m so glad that you adopted him when you did–he lived in a home full of love!
My condolences to you, Fred, the spud, and the surviving kitties. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing all the pictures of him. I had a special place in my heart for Tubby (as did many of your other readers!). You gave him a good home and a good life. I am so sorry!!
I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby. Losing a pet is like losing a member of your family. Your story brought tears to my eyes.
I’m so sorry about Tubby. I love the poem the Rainbow Bridge and I believe Tubby is there.
I’m so sorry to hear about Tubby. I’ve loved reading about him here, thank you for sharing your stories with us. He was such an adorable, funny cat.
I’m so sorry about Tubby. My prayers are with you, Fred and the Spud. I always say that it’s harder on those left behind. Tubby is in a beautiful place now, free of any pain.
I’m sorry for your loss…
I hate to hear about the loss of Tubby. I hope there is a heaven for kitties!!!
Sorry to hear about Tubby’s untimely death. He rocked.
I’m so sorry. Tubby was a great cat and I know you’ll miss him a lot.
My mouth literally feel open when I read that Tubby had died. I always enjoyed his “bitchy meow” pictures so much. In a wierd way, I related to how he felt. My heart goes out to you Fred, and the Spud. Hugs for all of you. Tubby will be missed more than you know.
Robin, so sorry to hear about losing Tubby. Two kitties in one year is so heartbreaking.
Robyn, I’m so sorry for your loss. Tubby’s pictures and stories brought so much pleasure to our lives, he will truly be missed. No doubt the cutest cat ever. Take care, my heart goes out to your family.
I’m so sorry that Tubby is gone. It’s such a sad thing. This must be a hard time for you and your family. I hope that all these messages from your readers warm your heart and help you know how much your kitty stories mean to all of us. We are all sad for you today; Tubby was a cool cat.
(((Hugs))) I am so sorry for your loss. 🙁
I am so very sorry to hear about Tubby. I’m just sitting here crying my eyes out. He was truly a one of a kind kitty. My thoughts are with all of you at this time.
Robyn, Fred & Spud,
I am so sorry for the loss of Tubby.
Robin I am so sorry sweetie. Losing a pet is so hard — what a sweet cat. I know he was so special to you guys. oxoxoxo
Oh, man! I am really sorry to hear about Tubby, Robyn. Although I rarely post on your website, I often read it. And I love Tubby…. like everyone else. You have my total and complete sympathy. I’m awfully sorry.
Tubby was a way cool cat. I am sorry for your loss.
My heart goes out to all of you :/
Meh… Big {{Hugs}}. He was a lovely cat.
So sorry to read of your loss
dammit – Tubs! Why’d you have to up and die on us, Huh? Don’t you know how many lives you’ve touched? Well, you do now! Enjoy your resting spot under the tree, and keep a watchful eye on that Stanley – He needs you to protect him, the little shit! So your work isn’t done, do you hear me?
PS. I shed a couple tears for you today, and snatched a couple pics of you for my desktop. I’ll miss you ole Tubs. Yeah, I will.
Robyn, Fred and Spud – I’m sorry. Take care.
there are no words
Robyn, Fred and spud,
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve made a donation in Tubby’s name to our local shelter from my three cats.
See ya, Tubs. We’ll miss you. Thanks for your presence.
– Wendy
Columbus, OH
I am sorry to hear that. But on the bright side he’s probably up in Kitty Heaven with my Turbo, who was very much a bad-ass with a heart of gold when he died in 1997 (he was 3, and overweight, and the vet couldn’t tell us either what got him but she thought perhaps it was an aneurysm). They really do get to you, I miss Turbo every day even though we didn’t always get along. Strong personalities clashing, I guess. Hugs to all of you.
I am so, so sorry. I will miss seeing his funny face. God speed, Tubby!
Aw, I just read this, I’m so sorry. It’s always so hard to lose a loved one.
I am so sorry for your loss. I will surely miss reading about him. He was one loved cat, more than he could have known. I am sure his life from 1997-now was filled with happy memories.
Meh. Meh. Meh.
Wow, 275+ comments so far. Tubby, you were definitely loved 😉 I read a few weeks ago on Fred’s journal that he was not doing too well, but I had hoped that being treated for the diabetes that he’d turned the corner.
I will definitely miss the Tubster and I still hold out that El Fancito is out there somewhere.
Robyn, Fred, Spud; everybody here will thinking about you. It’s a hard thing to say goodbye to a pet- and one of the hardest things is how short their lifespan is compared to ours.
Bye Tubby. Meh.
I was so sorry to read about Tubby. I always loved looking at pictures of him. Please accept my sympathy.
Robyn, Fred and Spud, I’m so sorry. Non-cat people seem bewildered when we get so wound up in our cats, but we know how much we love them! My daughter, who’s 5, always wants me to “print off the kitty pics” when she sees me on your site! Thinking about you all at this sad time.
SO sorry about Tubby, I loved the pictures of him, and the stories. Nothing else to say. It sucks, but I’m glad you didn’t have to decide to put him down. He died at home and it must have been easy. I’m thinking of you.
Damn. Damn. Damn.
That just makes me so damn sad. I am so sorry for you and your family…and for us. I just loved reading about Tubby’s adventures and misadventures.
Oh Robyn, I’m so sorry about Tubby.
Hugs to you and Fred and the Spud. You’ll miss him for a long time. Thanks for letting us know and posting lots of pictures.
Add our deepest condolences to the list. We are so sorry to hear the news.
Oh, no! I always thought Tubby was an absolute hoot — I’m so sorry for your loss.
i am so sorry for yout lost. tubby was one of my fav. cat. Rest in Peace Tubby. you are in our prayers.
I am sorry for you loss of Tubby kitty.I have been reading and enjoying your journals for a while and Tubby was my favorite.You are good people and my heart grieves with you.Kat
So sorry for your loss of Tubby. Just know he is looking down on you all from kitty heaven, happy in the fact that you rescued him and gave him a better life here on earth that he could have had with anyone else.
Perhaps he has chummied up with my beloved Skeeter-beets, who passed away 6 years ago at the young age of two. He, too, was a big guy (23 lbs) but suffered from FUS and bladder crystals. My poor beeters underwent two surgeries to try and correct the problem but he didn’t come out of the second one. I will never forget the day the vet called me to tell me he didn’t survive – he was crying harder than me at first (I was in disbelief).
Cats are so special and you are an angel for caring for them like you do.
My computer has been down for about two weeks so I have not been able to read you. I just read through another journal that Tubby had died. I knew that there was only one Tubby and had to jet on over here to read if it was true. I’m so sorry for you all. Hugs.
I’ve been away for a week and was just catching up on all of my favorie blogs tonight. I am so shocked and sad to read of Tubby’s passing. How could you not love him for his marvelous markings and his “cattitude”?
My condolences to you, Fred, The Spud, and Tubby’s furry brothers and sister.
Farewell, Tubby. You will definitely be missed 🙁