
SURVIVOR SPOILERS BELOW, SKIP IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN LAST NIGHT’S SHOW YET! It sucks ASS that Rudy got voted off last night, but I wasn’t surprised. I knew that the way he was limping around that if his tribe went to Tribal Council, he’d be the one gone. I was surprised to see Jerri crying, though. Fred still hates Jerri and Shii Ann. Not one to forgive and forget, that one. I’m so glad they blur Rich’s ass when he runs around naked, by the way. That’s for sure a sight America doesn’t need to see. He’s definitely same ol’ Rich! GO Rupert, with the catching of the fish! I loved the look on Ethan’s face when Rupert walked up with the fish after he (Ethan) had been fishing and had no luck. When Ethan said at Tribal Council, “And then we caught the fish…”, I turned to Fred and said “What’s this “we”, Kemosabe?” Heh. Damn I love that show. Edited to add: Jenna L.? VERY annoying. Very, very. Edited again to add: I told Fred that if the tribes couldn’t figure out how to make fire, the producers would end up stepping in to help out, and I guarantee you, that’s what that reward challenge was about.]]>

22 thoughts on “2004-02-06”

  1. Why does that moron think everyone wants to see his flappy old ass cheeks? It was funny the first time, and he had a “reason” – it was his birthday. I haven’t been watching it this go’round – is it his BIRTHDAY? Gag!

  2. What I thought was really hilarious? When Rudy was talking about “They better watch out, I’ve got friends…” or something to that extent after he got voted out. Cracked me up. All I saw of the first Survivor was the finale, so I didn’t know that much about Jenna, Richard, and Rudy.
    I hated Jerri until this episode, then I actually kind of liked her. Now that I see she’s getting into it with Rupert next week, it’ll probably go back to hating her. Oh well, it lasted for one episode.
    A box of Lucky Charms? $3. A massage at a spa? $40.
    Big Tom dancing and singing “Have you ever seen the rain?” Priceless.

  3. I’m with Fred on that one! Jerri is a snake in lycra! I also don’t like that bossy Jenna bitch a bit, or Boston Rob….actually I’m not sure WHO I DO like!
    One thing I know is that I’m not all about seeing Richard’s nekkid anything! *shivers*

  4. I too LOVE Survivor! I was sad to see Rudy go but at this point in the competition, it is all about winning challenges so part of me does understand why Rudy had to go. But it was tearing at my heart strings. AND, how funny was it when Rudy said at the end “I have friends and they better watch out, that’s all I can say”! What a rip! Love him! I too was surprised to see Jerri show real feelings. I don’t think she was faking. Did she grow a conscience since the last show?

  5. We interupt this Survivor discussion to bring you the following:
    occasionally bleeding the valve.
    Am I the ONLY one that laughed my ASS OFF WHEN SHE READ THAT?

  6. Ohmygod, I HATE it when I am convulsed with laughter over potty humor. Robyn, you are a master! Your story just started me slowly with little eruptions of stifled giggles and built and grew until I was exploding with gasping guffaws. Holy cow, you tell a great story! 🙂

  7. Go Rupert!!
    I don’t care for either Jenna. How on earth do those people manage to ignore Rich’s nude ass? Let alone the way he must… wag back and forth while running. I’d be spending most of my time avoiding his shwang. *shudder*

  8. Can I just say how much better thie tribe would be withOUT Jenna… Ethan is strong and yes I know he will backstab people, but at this point in the game they need strong players and dispite a tender ankle, Rudy is a Seal and can do timed challenges. Jenna on the other hand allowed the rest of the tribe to push the raft while she lit the torches in the first challenge, whats wrong with her legs??? oooo Survivor boils my blood, but I love Rupert!!!
    xoxoxo Rupert… hehehe

  9. I’m very dissappointed to see Rudy go. I thought for the last two weeks they should have gotten rid of Jenna. Her butt hanging off the side of the raft last week caused them to lose.
    I guess the only people I have left to root for are Rubert and Colby. Rudy was awesome- 75 years old and still going strong, without complaining! Love that guy!!
    Robyn- have you been watching the Bachelorette or the Apprentice?????

  10. Glad y’all enjoyed “Bleeding the valve” – I was pretty proud of it. Hee!
    Thea – I’ve been watching The Bachelorette. I wasn’t that nuts about Lanny until this past week when he and Meredith were making out and then whew! What a hottie! I kind of like Ian, but he needs to get over this “I don’t express how I feel verbally” crap. Because if he’s not willing to express how he feels verbally NOW, it’s never going to happen. Run, Meredith, run!

  11. God- I thought I was the only one who saw Jenna sitting on the raft last week when everyone else was trying to move it. She is such a bitch! I would like to see another tribe go to tribal counsel though. Poor Rupert, he is such a strong player, he needs a good team around him!
    I caught that “we caught the fish” thing too?? WHAT???

  12. Love the entry! As far as the DVR thing goes, we often get the ‘no data’ thing too. This trick always works–hols down the power button until the word ‘boot’ comes up, then let go. You’ll get some swirly lines, the until will shut off, and when you turn the cable box back on the data will restore. If you haven’t tried that yet. 🙂

  13. Thanks for giving me the idea to put a cat bed on my desk! My little cat always wants to be petted the minute I sit down at my computer. Now I pet her a little and she lays down in the cat bed and sleeps. It’s great!

  14. Please note name at the bottom…there are just too many of us Lauries and Loris hanging around here right now.
    Here’s what I DIDN’T get last night. Why didn’t Rupert and Rudy go to Ethan and say “Dude, let’s vote that bitch Jenna off?” I love Rupert, but he lost a lot of clout with me by not doing the mental math. It would have been soooo easy.

  15. I too, hate Jenna this time around (liked her in the first Survivor) and was hoping they would boot her last night. I was impressed that Jerri had done such a good job of keeping her mouth shut so far, but that seems like it will change with next week’s episode. She was starting to win me over, crying when Rudy got voted off.

  16. So I guess I’m not the only one who can’t stand Jenna. She’s always bugged me, from her constant weepiness in the first Survivor to her not being able to get over herself in this one.
    Wasn’t she in Playboy or asked to be in Playboy? Not to sound catty, but she hardly has the bod for it. Then again, who does? If airbrushing can work for all of the other bunnies I guess it could go work for Jenna too. 🙂

  17. I didn’t watch the first Survivor so I haven’t seen those guys before. I remember the rest of them. Boston Rob didn’t impress me the first time. Ethan did. In fact I don’t remember him getting a single vote before . . did he? I was so tickled when he won. And of course it’s great to see Colby again 🙂 I nearly fell out when Richard called him honey 🙂

  18. regarding survivor …i havent read through the comments on this post …but am i the only one that is wondering why nobody thought to use kathy’s glasses and the sun to start a fire …or does that just work with a magnifying glass …which is kinda the same thing…no?

  19. I swear,,,all these cat pictures and stories almost makes me want to get a cat…..except i think my 6 chihuahuas would probably take offense. LOLOL

  20. See, Burnette is doing it, he’s trying to make us all LIKE Jerri. I refuse. She can weep all she wants the woman is a bitch. And Rudy’s “They better watch out, I’ve got friends” remark killed me. It was worth having him voted out just to hear him say that.
    My favorite line of the night was Colby talking about how the only thing more disturbing than Richard’s nakedness is the fact that they’ve all gotten so used to it that they don’t even notice it anymore–ha!

  21. Robyn,
    It happened again. I have been checking your site everyday, and there was nothing since the 4th. Then today ,I check and there are suddenly three diary updates…the 5th , 6th, and 9th. But none appeared on your journal until today.
    Am I crazy?

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