Lindsey yesterday, saying that the “You’re shitting me, right?” look on her cat’s face was my favorite of all the cat pictures she sent (good way to get on my good side, folks. Send me cute ‘n funny pictures of your cats. I’m not even close to kidding. I love the kitties!), and I said “Someone needs to create a blog named You’ve gotta be shittin’ me!” That phrase always makes me laugh, because Fred had never heard it before I moved in with him (he heard it plenty AFTERward though, believe you me). The summer I was supposed to drive to Harrisburg, PA to hand the spud over to my sister (who would then take the spud back to Maine with her), I was almost there when my cell phone rang and I found out that my sister’s car had broken down right outside of New Yawk City. I called Fred and asked him to call my father while I found a place to stop, and when I found a place to stop, I called him back.
“I know where you got ‘You gotta be shittin’ me’ from!” he said, that apparently being what my father said when Fred told him what was going on. Heh.
They say it on The Shield all the time though, so apparently my father didn’t coin the phrase.
Anyway, I think someone out there should start up a blog named “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me” and then post links to things that make them aghast and horrified. Actually, I told Fred that someone should start up a slam book-type blog called “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me” and then post rude things about other people. He said “That wouldn’t be very nice!” Heh. Nooooooo it wouldn’t.
Mo made clam chowder and didn’t make any for me? You’ve GOTTA be shittin’ me!
(Yeah, okay, that was lame. Bite me.)
It’d be all fun and games ’til someone posted something like “Robyn thinks she looks good in that shirt? YOU’VE GOTTA BE SHITTIN’ ME! Have you seen the size of her ass?”, and then the fun would be OVAH.
* * *
Did someone from Oswego, NY send me something? I got an envelope from the post office today letting me know that a big brown envelope addressed to me, from Oswego, NY had been found, empty. There’s a return address but no name, and there are very few of you who have my actual home address, so I can’t think of what it might be. I suppose as a last resort, I could send a letter to the address and ask, huh?
* * *
I thought briefly that the DVR had fixed itself yesterday. We turned it on, and the guide was present and accounted for. I set it to tape
The Newlyweds on Wednesday night (shaddup), and then went to scroll down the list to see if there was anything interesting on later that night, and it froze up, flashed “Fail” on the box, and then rebooted itself. This happened twice, leading me to the decision to leave it the fuck alone, and then it spontaneously rebooted itself for no apparent reason.
Damn you, DVR! I WANT to love you, but you’re toying with my emotions!
* * *
There’s some excitement with my parents. My father may have the chance to go to Hawaii for three months for work. When he told my mother, she told him she’d quit her job and go with him. She’s been a bit unhappy with her job lately and is probably looking for a reason to quit. I don’t think my father was expecting my mother to say she’d quit and go with him (“And you can come visit us there this summer!” my mother said to me); I’m sure he thought she’d visit for a few weeks, but would mostly stay home to hold down the fort. I got the distinct feeling that he’s kind of hoping the whole Hawaii thing doesn’t happen. We won’t know one way or the other for a little while, I guess, and if he does go, it’ll be starting the end of April.
It would be cool to fly to Hawaii and visit for a week or so, but even if it doesn’t happen, I’ve made Fred promise me that we could go to Hawaii for our 10th anniversary. That gives us 4 1/2 years to save up for a kick-ass vacation. Now it’s just a matter of holding him to it…
* * *
Pet store kitties are
* * *
I have no And3rson kitty pictures for you today, but here! Look at this picture of Popham Beach and think about the fact that summer is FOREVER away. Grrr.

You asked for it….entire entry with nothing but cat pictures and commentary…
Ahh the beach is calling me. I HATE winter and feel all cooped up! I can’t wait for summer !!!
I’d be like your mom I’d quit too if I was unhappy at work and had a chance to go to Hawaii for 3 MONTHS. Yeah, I’d totally quit. Sorry to hear that your DVR is possessed. And I can’t believe that Fred had never heard of “You gotta be shittin’me” since he’s from Alabama. I can only say to that. You gotta be shittin’ me !
~Have a great day Robyn
~Denise~ in Georgia
awww, man! i haven’t been to Popham Beach in almost 10 years! that pic takes me back…
Man, I wanna go to the beach. Also, I didn’t hear about your dad’s opporutunity. Do you think he wants to go by himself? I think he could if HE NEVER WANTED TO COME HOME! I hope they get to go, though. Your mom would love it.
you gotta be shittin’ me the blog sounds like a mighty fine idea. *goes off to ponder if she could make daily shittin’ me posts.
my poor sweet Robyn. I have one bowl of chowdah left. Howz about I put it in a tupperware dish, and mail it to you?
“you’ve got to be shitting me” is something we say a lot around here. But be an East Coast sort of thing??
Damn fisherman.
My kitty pics are now on the way!
And our DVR is getting hooked up this afternoon, so I hope we have better luck than you have so far. 🙁
OMG, don’t wait 4.5 years to go to Hawaii! Go if your parents are there! The water puts Florida to shame, and they have a shop on every block that sells the same crap as Gatlinburg (only Hawaiian). You’ll love it. Fred can learn to surf. You can swim like a dolphin, with the dolphins.
What about “shit the bed!” as in “Well, I’ll be damned”? I heard it a lot in the midwest in the 70s, and just noticed a small revival lately. Can’t bring myself to say that, although “yer shittin’ me” pops out occasionally.
I hope your parents go there..that would be cool! For some reason I thought your parents didn’t work..retired already!!
If you don’t mind me asking what kind of work they do? Just curious!
Robyn, you are not having winter, I beg to differ. I’m in SW Ontario and it is 19F here, where you are it is about 55F. Hello!!!!! We’d be walking around in shorts and t-shirts if it was 55F. Let me know when you are hip deep in snow and then you can say it is winter. Any houses for sale around there?? ;>)
Oh about that package Robyn? It was me, I sent you a check for a million dollars….yeah… I’m shittin’ ya!!!! 🙂
I told you to tell Fred he can climb a volcano:P I have already started packing my bags…..we gonna see you there Robyn?
Kate: I don’t know if it’s that he wants to go alone, or if that’s longer than he wants to spend away from home and the DOG. 🙂
Mo: I bet it’d be yummy by the time it got here, eh?
Julie: Oh, if my parents go, the spud and I are definitely going to visit!
Shannon: My dad works in the Quality Assurance department of a large shipbuilder in the area. My mother works in a doctor’s office, part-time.
Deb: HELL yeah, you’ll see me and the spud. I can’t seem to convince Fred to go though, the bastard. 🙂
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me” is a family phrase of ours, too. Except it usually comes out, “You’ve gotta be fucking shittin’ me” because we are all an articulate bunch and we try to use as many syllables as possible.
Okay, we say ‘you’re shittin’ me’ alot. Also, ‘no shit!’ but someone recently told me that ‘shit the bed’ had something to do with someone being early and the explanation for that would be that they ‘shit the bed’ therefore had to get out of it and be on their merry little way. (yuck) I’m like Julie though, and can’t bring myself to say it. I use the F-word like it’s going out of style, though!
As someone who works in a Cable company you have to call them up again its probably your signal level going to the house maybe the drop needs to be replaced or you need an amplifier. or maybe it is the DVR… My DVR rocks!!! it never freezes always displayes although sometimes it can be slow to pull up the guide or show info. but the recordings.. AWESOME i have the weirdest work hours so now i can see my shows when i want. i also like pausing it so i can do something else for 15 min then come back and continue watching the show and that way i can forward thru all the commercials.. hope yours gets fixed soon
here’s a you’ve gotta be shittin me moment…
We just moved to CA, and this is our first utilities bill.
I wonder if it waited for today’s journal entry before it came in the mail?
it’s summer where i am (NZ) right now… yay! beach! t-shirts & shorts! 😀
(sorry. i just had to.)
Yeah, we say the shitting me thing here too but I must specify that we stressing the “ing” part of it…”You’ve got to be shitting me”, not “shittin'”! Also, while that is such a great phrase, I must profess my personal fav, “Get the fuck outta here!” Perhaps that’ll make a great blog name too!
What? The cat vomitted on my pillow? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! (That actually has happened)