Political Compass test and my result is thus:
Right there around Mandela, the Dalai Lama, and Gandhi. Heh.
Take the test and tell me your results in the comments!
* * *
The Bachelorette spoilers in this section; skip it if you haven’t seen the final episode yet!
I absolutely do NOT get why Meredith would take it upon herself to tell Matt that she would be “honored” to receive a ring from him at the end, when SHE DIDN’T CHOOSE HIM. To me, telling him something like that would make me think she WAS going to choose him. From what I could tell, her saying that kind of came out of the blue, not in response to Matt saying “What would you think if I gave you a ring?” Of course, I suppose that could be through editing. Gah. I don’t know, I still liked
Todd better than either Ian OR Matt, anyway.
I still don’t necessarily think that Ian’s the right guy for her, but they were both so happy at the end that I couldn’t begrudge them that happiness. I do hope that it lasts and that they end up married, though from all I’ve read, Meredith won’t go for the multi-million-dollar extravaganza the way Trista did, so we can only wait and see.
Matt is one classy guy, with that speech at the end. I’m sure he’s got half a million girls in Texas chasing him down right about now!
* * *
So yesterday, I watched
High Price of Fame – Under the Knife. In this show, they talked about celebrities who’ve obviously had plastic surgery and those who may have had it. Then they followed people who were having plastic surgery and showed the results. There was an absolutely adorable girl who wanted to be an anchor, but thought she looked too young, so had a chin implant. I was skeptical, but she looked pretty good at the end. There was a guy who’d lost 115 pounds and was having liposuction and a tummy tuck, and he looked pretty good at the end (of course, he looked pretty good to begin with, too!). And then? And then, oh people, came the woman who made me want to cry.
Heidi Marks, if you’ve never heard of her (I hadn’t), used to be married to Vince Neil. They showed a picture of her at her wedding to Vince.

Pretty girl, right? Well then, they showed her as she is now:

God, why why WHY do women do this to themselves? She was SO CUTE before, why did she have to go for the silicon in the lips and the I’m-so-surprised brow lift? She looks like a freak, with her huge duck lips and her unmoving upper face.
People, please. PLEASE do not INJECT SILICON IN YOUR LIPS. I understand the desire to have lips like Angelina Jolie, only the problem is that Angelina Jolie’s lips are like that naturally, and that look cannot be duplicated successfully by injecting crap into your lips. YOU LOOK LIKE A DUCK.
I understand the heartbreak and pain behind having thin lips. I have the thinnest upper lip in the world. When I laugh, it disappears. But I’ve learned to live with the lipless pain. You can too! Don’t fuck with your lips, folks. PLEASE. Hey, I’m all FOR plastic surgery, but not when it comes to the lips. Hell no.
You don’t want to look like Heidi Marks, do you?
(Oh, and in case you’re curious, they were featuring Heidi Marks not because she looks freakish now, but rather because she was undergoing her third surgery for breast implants)
* * *
Excuse the quality of the pictures below. I took them using the camcorder “snapshot” function.

The bean stalks that damn feather toy the Daddy is always waving around.

When the Bean gets annoyed at the Daddy, who won’t STOP WAVING THAT DAMN TOY AROUND SO THE BEAN CAN GET IT, he goes and hangs out in the Stump Cave.

I sang “And here’s to you, Pooty Pooterson, jesus loves you more than you will know – whoa whoa whoa” to Miz Poo last night, and Fred didn’t even smile. Bastard. (I also sang “Sometimes it’s hard to be a Pooty. Giving all your love to just one Stump. He’ll have good times, and you’ll have bad times doin’ things that you don’t understand. Stand by your Stump!” in a very thick southern accent, but it wasn’t all that funny. I had fun with it, though!)
thanks for the test! I fall nearly on top of you and Gandhi with my results…so did my husband.
As someone who has also moved 1600 miles away from my parents, I completely understand!! It was the best thing I ever did for myself.
Ditto to both comments above.
Economic Left/Right: -7.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.31
Economic Left/Right: -3.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.13
Economic Left/Right: -3.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.33
Within waving distance of you and the Dalai Lama!
I fall a bit further to the left than you do, but well within Gandhi range. *g*
Geez. As usual, I am nearly dead center. Economic Left/Right: -.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -.51
I suppose I am with all the people who don’t know whether or not they are coming or going.
I’m just about where you are on the compass Robyn…just a couple notches closer to the middle.
Did not write the numbers down, but I’m right near the center, about where Gerhardt Shroder is. Coincidentally, I’m a German American.
I am almost dead-center in the middle. I was EXACTLY halfway between libertarian and authoritarian — and just one block towards liberal, away from conservative.
Sounds about right. I’m a hard-core moderate! 🙂
I didn’t copy my score, but I was damn close to Jude. Wow! Look at how many liberal people read your journal. I think that goes to show that liberals actually try to inform themselves through research of topics rather than believe everything that is spoonfed to them by their parents, priests, politicians, proffessors, etc. God, I love making my own decisions! Don’t you?
I’m bosom buddies with the Lama, and Mandela!
Well, I guess this tells me why I read your journal. Likeminded and all. I’m economic -6.5 and socially -5.3.
I think Alicia and I are in about the same place, a tad closer to the middle from you…
Economic Left/Right -4.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian -3.08
Neat test! Thanks!
Please oh please post a clip of you singing the Stand by Your Man song!
-5.24 Economic, -5.75 Social
Wow. Be still my bleeding heart!
Economic Left/Right: -4.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.46
Oh to be a fly on the wall in your house. The singing alone would be worth getting smashed with a fly swatter when you noticed me there. 🙂
I’m a little under your dot Robyn,my score was
-2.75 and -5.64. My motto is kinda like, Live and Let Live. What someone does in their homes/bedrooms is none of my business and I just think people have the right to live life they way they see fit.
Have a great day all ~
~Denise~ in Georgia
Wow, I’ve always considered myself to be a pretty far right conservative, but after answering all questions honestly, I came out closer to Tony Blair. A little bit frightenting, but interesting.
I’m almost right on top of you, Robyn. Hope I’m not giving you a headache! 🙂
Left/Right -4.88
Lib/Auth -4.46
So is this an example of entertainment and information merging to our benefit or to our detriment?
Thanks for the quiz link, Robyn. Very interesting!
Economic Left/Right: 1.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.97
I’m pretty close to the middle.
Economic Left/Right: -3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.59
I’m just a line to the right of you.
I forgot the Mom comment. . .
I needed to move out of my parent’s home when I was 18 – no comment on how my teenage years were. I’m lucky – I just needed to earn my Mom’s respect by moving out and proving myself. My Mom’s standards were realistic. I was lucky. I’ve seen other mom’s standards – way to controlling (My brother will attest to this fact – his mom-in-law had opinions on everything and you followed them or you paid -he divorced.)
Economic Left/Right -4.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian -2.87
I am right smack dab on Nelson Mandela
And hey, I found your re-mix of those songs great! I would of laughed (of course I have a knack for corniness too) Heh.
Whoops..above was Kay R. Maybe I should just start signing K-Lo?
Wow. Almost fell off the chart there.
Economic Left/Right: -8.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.74
I was right around you. Closest to Ghandi!
Economic Left/Right: -1.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.90
WTF? Karma swiped at me because I generally snort at people who say they are socially liberal and financially conservative. Thanks a lot Robyn. Now I hate myself.
Economic Left/Right: 2.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.31
Hee! I’m one of those people! Socially I tend to be one of those radical liberal whackos (apart from my views on gun ownership and maybe a couple of other issues I’m not thinking of right now) and financially I tend to be centrist-to-conservative. And I have the test score to prove it (well, sort of, I came out smack in the middle of the economic axis):
Economic Left/Right: -0.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.18
Economic Left/Right : -7.38
and Social Libertarian: -2.92
I’m spot on with Nelson Mandela !
I am very proud of myself that I,a lifelong Republican(I voted for Nixon when I was eighteen yrs old!),have been educating myself and allowing myself to be open to what the Left believes. I find that I actually believe in a majority of their concerns and will do everything I can to educate fellow Republicans to the folly of some of our Republican leaders and policies.
I thought of changing parties,but think I may be more helpful by staying in the party and voting for the lesser of two evils in our primary. Does that make sense to anyone? Hee !
I’m with ya! It’s nice to be smart, isn’t it?
Economic Left/Right: -4.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.10
Economic Left/Right: -5.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.79
I’m with you and Gandhi:
Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.03
And also agree with the whole lips thing. I thought Meg Ryan was the cutest girl ever and now she looks like she’s pursing her lips all the time, drives me nuts. It didn’t do a damn thing for her or for any other girls I’ve seen. Either ya have ’em or ya don’t, so be it. Not that there’s anything wrong with cosmetic surgery per se but make it reasonable people! Anyway, that’s my rant for the day, thank you.
Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.54
Economic: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.21
Unshocked. I’m a total commie.
I was happy to see them rank Paul Martin, the new Canadian PM, but I’m not sure how they figured it out. He’s not very overt about his personal leanings on the social aspects (very much a quiet centrist), but I was expecting him to be a bit more along the leftist axis socially. Although that may be accounting for his personal status as a devout Catholic, but belonging to a party that is more socially liberal than the Vatican would wish.
Speaking of lips, check out Heidi Fleiss then and now.
Then, of course, there’s Pete Burns from “Dead or Alive”.
Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.49
Economic Left/Right: 2.75
Social Libertarion/Authoritarian: -1.59
I guess I’m one of your more conservative readers, which doesn’t really surprise me. I’m about where I thought I’d be – not extremely at either end.
I’m in the minority here, but proud of it:
Economic Left/Right: 3.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.95
The things I learn from you every day! I didn’t realize it was the silicon that was causing those lips to look smirky!
I could have sworn that for a few seconds Meredith looked utterly crushed when she realized she chose the wrong bachelor???
My political compass:
Economic Left/Right: -3.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.64
I’m right beside you and Ghandi, baby. Right beside you!!
Economic Left/Right: -6.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.38
Seems about right. 🙂
Well, I’m surprised! I always fancied myself somewhat of a conservative only to have those beliefs blown out of the water. I’m not quite a bleeding heart yet, but appear to be on my way.
Economic = -2.88
Social = .41
I’m a hard core anarcho-communist, it seems. I just can’t understand the “anarchy” part.
Great test, I’m another bleeding heart liberal from way back
Economic Left/Right: -4.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.69
Ugh, I hate tests like that, but I was pretty close to you in the end. Ghandi, move over baby.
I’m a Nazi. No, I didn’t take the test, I am going by what other people have told me.
Ok, I took the test.
Economic Left/Right: 3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.31
Pretty much in line with Gerhard Schroder. Whoever that is.
Myhead exploded but here are my scores. Economic Left/Right: -4.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.64
I’m two blocks directly above you. I swear, so many things you write, being the same views as my own, having the same name, born in the same year….we were separated at birth! 🙂
My dot was right on top of yours. 😉
I was teased unmercifully for my full lips as a teenager, so I find it astounding that there are people that would pay money to have their lips made larger.
Since your lips thin as you age, mine are pretty normal sized now, and there’s no way in hell I’d ever go back there. You’re right, they DO look like ducks!!
Well, if everyone outside this blog had taken this test, I wonder if John Kerry would still lead in the primaries. According to the spectrum, most here would prefer Kucinich or the Rev. Al Sharpton, and Kerry’s over on the right. http://www.digitalronin.f2s.com/politicalcompass/usprimaries.html
I fell into the same quarter as you, Robyn, and I’m registered Republican (considering switching to Independent).
Economic Left/Right: -4.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.41
Economic Left/Right: -4.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.62
Almost bang in the middle of the left/libertarian square.
Out of curiousity how did Fred score?
I like to sing “P P P Penny and Jetsssssss….” to my dog, Penny. She especially appreciates when I screech out “PENNY! PENNY! PENNY! PENNY! a-a-a-and the jetssss”.
She has electric boots and a doghair suit.
Economic: -5.38
Social: -2.87
Economic Left/Right: -7.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.56
I, too, am curious as to where Fred scored!
Economic Left/Right: -7.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.33
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to find the perfect setting for my yurt!
I’m in the minority:
Economic Left/Right: -0.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.43
Thanks for the link!
Regarding the Bachelorette: My husband and I seem to be the only ones who thought throughout that Matthew was not sincere and seemed to be either auditioning for a bad soap opera or else read romance novels when he was learning to speak. He would say “all the right things” but what he was saying was empty of content. He would make these “Gaston” poses and seemed to be on for the cameras even when he was alone. We were howling with laughter the final episode because his “acting” was so bad and so corny. We were saying you can’t pay for entertainment that good. I think all of his lines have worked for him while dating, so I don’t think he really knows how to talk to a woman without resorting to romance novel talk. I was also biased towards Ian because he reminded me of my favorite brother both in looks and some mannerisms. So we enjoyed the final episode greatly.
i’m in liberal country:
economic l/r: -6.75
social libertarian/authoritarian: -6.10