new logo at the top, this one created by the lovely and talented Kat. My GOD I love that picture of the Bean!
* * *
NEEDED: An Australian who can buy a magazine (in Australia, naturally), scan an article, email it to me, and then snail-mail the magazine to me. I’ll pay you back by purchasing something for you from your wish list, fair enough? Time’s of the essence, here.
Email me if you’re up for the task. (Note: I’ve got it! Big, big thanks to reader Raqual, who rocks!)
* * *
Following the link from
Gwen‘s page on Saturday, I took
this test at to determine what kind of look I find attractive.
This is my new boyfriend. I call him Jimmy.

It’s a difficult test to take, because it’s hard to tell anything about a person from a picture. I mean, how do I know that Jimmy isn’t one of those close-talkers or fast-blinkers? What if he just sits there with that smile on his face? I mean, the smile is probably what I like most about Jimmy, but if he just sits there and smiles like that all the time, I might begin to think he’s a bit simple-minded.
Here’s what else my test results said:
Interestingly, a lot of the features you liked are not especially popular. They’re not what usually defines “mainstream” attractiveness for men. Although you quickly knew who was not appealing to you, there were only a few common features that set them apart. See this short list below. Obviously, you just know what does and does not work for you physically. Looking at over 10,000 women in your age group who have taken the test, about 17% are attracted to the same types you are.
You are open to seeing a variety of men as handsome. Sure, men with “movie star” good looks catch your eye, but you are often equally wowed by more normal “cute” guys. You’re not one to judge people based on their looks. In fact, you’re genuinely drawn to men that others might dismiss. Maybe it’s because you don’t buy into society’s checklist for “mainstream” attractiveness.
You have a more open and accepting view of what makes a man handsome than a lot of other women your age. In the test, you didn’t pick the most “popular” men, but instead seemed to focus on your own personal tastes.
Your choices suggest you like what scientists call the “Meso-Endomorph,” body type. In other words, you like big, strong guys. If he didn’t play defense in high school football, he was probably on the wrestling team. He has “big bones,” which you’ll notice in his wide shoulders and thick wrists. He has muscular shoulders, which are perfect for resting your head on, and big strong arms to wrap around you.
I’d say the results were pretty accurate, for the most part. Fred took the test, too, and his results came back saying that he’s very picky when it comes to choosing women. I, on the other hand, am not picky at all. Heh!
Edited to add: Fred thinks that Jimmy looks strikingly like Francis on
Malcolm in the Middle. I can definitely see the resemblance, and I do think Francis is pretty cute!)
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This made me laugh out loud:
I am currently being chastised by a woman who freely admits that she didn’t vote in the last presidential election and “could care less who wins this one”. She is outraged by the fact that I didn’t watch the Academy Awards and is calling me un-American.
* * *
Know what’s kinda cool?
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Several people have recently asked whether the Tubby “Meh” swag would ever be available again. Let it not be said that I don’t love y’all – click on the “Bean Swag” picture over there on the sidebar, and it’ll take you to the CafePress store where I switched all the pictures back over to Tubby’s “Meh” picture.
While I’m talking about the sidebar, you can see the new “Movie of the Week”, located under the “About” heading. This movie stars one whiny little Miz Poo who only wants lurrrrve. As a special treat at the end, you get to hear my goofy-ass high-pitched talking-to-the-kitties voice when I speak to Spanky, who wants to know why the HELL Miz Poo keeps whining. Is their food involved? And can he have some, please?
* * *

I have no idea what he was staring at, but he stared at it for a long, long time. (No, there were no birds up in the tree, I checked)

So pretty. So dumb. Gotta love the Spanky.]]>
I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one with a goofy-ass high-pitched talking-to-the-kitties voice! Sometimes I forget and use it on John, too. 🙂
Spanky is too cute.
By the way – do you have any relatives in London, or anything like that? I saw a woman on the train today who looked incredibly much like you and I couldn’t stop staring at her!
Love that tree-staring photo and comment. 😀
Kerry – You can imagine how horrified I was the first time I heard my high-pitched voice via a recording. It doesn’t sound like that to ME! 🙂
Anna – Not that I’m aware of! But don’t they say that everyone has a twin? 🙂
Debbie – I swear, he sat and stared for at least ten minutes. Maybe the tree was talking to him?
I swear cats have a rough life. Having to beg for food vs. going out and hunting for a good juicy mouse. Yum Yum. Mr. Andy thinks any time I go in the kitchen, he desires a treat. It doesn’t matter if I’m emptying the trash, getting or drink or putting groceries away. It’s getting annoying. . .
You tramp! I got the same damn guy!!!!
LOVE Spanky. He is a very pretty kitty.
My cat did that once over a fly~ I swear she stared for over an hour!
I like your new “boyfriend”. Heh, what does Fred think?
Kay – he’s fine with it, because his new whore girlfriend is pretty cute.
Oh, and Kathy? TOO LATE, sistah! He’s already moved into the extra bedroom!
Is anybody else having the same problems I am in taking the test? I can’t get it to load. I’m assuming that it’s the slow dial-up that I’m forced to live with.
You need to put up the pic of Fred’s new “whore-girlfriend” I am sure she is not as cute as you!! LOL
Hi, I’m shallow…
Favorite Qualities
Your photo choices suggest a man over 35 is probably getting a little old for your tastes
You seemed interested in dating a man at least 35 or older
Very handsome men
So-called “Ecto-Mesomorphs,” with narrow chins and nicely angular faces
So-called “Mesomorphs,” with square chins and wide faces
Dark brown hair
Damn, I’m a pig. I picked the most handsome, movie star quality looking guy. No wonder I’m still single 🙂
Very Picky: It’s official: You’re “picky.” The fact is you are drawn to the most handsome of the handsome. You know what you like in men and are more selective than most women your age. Your tastes seem instinctual. You’d make a great casting agent, because you have a good eye for men who have “star quality.” In real life, your high standards may be an obstacle for you. It’s hard to find a man with the strong features you like, who’s also well-rounded in other ways. Still, you know the importance of a real physical “spark” in a relationship, and aren’t willing (or able) to settle for less. The challenge is finding a man who really wows you physically, even if he’s not the most handsome man in the room. (well duh. as if any of these guys would even look at me 🙂 thanks for this one Robyn, it was interesting 🙂
Heh. I got a “silver fox!” and I like him. In fact, I am putting gray hairs on your brother’s head just as fast as I can!
The Screech was quite taken with the movie. She wondered how the hell did those kitties get in here, there must be food involved, and where did they disappear to so fast! I’m sure you’ll have more fasinating tid bits for her next week.