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Big congratulations to Jessamyn and Geoff, parents to a gorgeous bouncing baby girl.
Welcome to the world, Kathleen Matilda!
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Pet store kitty pics are
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Ever since we adopted the Bean, we’ve been discussing when to open the cat door to the back yard so the cats could come and go at will. Fred has been adamant on one point: we would not, under any circumstances, keep the cat door open at night. They could go in and out all day long until bedtime, and then if they weren’t inside or couldn’t be coaxed inside, they’d be stuck in the back yard overnight.
Saturday night, Spot felt the need to go outside. At 1:30 am he sat outside Fred’s bedroom door and scratched at the door, howling as loudly as his damanged little vocal chords would allow. Fred opened the door and swatted at him with a pillow (call the animal cruelty people!), and Spot ran off.
A few hours later, Spot thought it was a good idea to pick a fight with Spanky right outside Fred’s bedroom door. Howling and hissing and growling and yowling ensued. Fred stomped out of his bedroom, went downstairs, and opened the back door. Spot was out like a shot.
Fred shut the back door but then, knowing what a spaz Spot is, opened it back up and then went back to bed.
Later that day, Himself decreed that we might as well open the cat door and leave it open all the time. “At least until they start bringing animals inside,” he hastily added.
So we opened the cat door, and the cats gathered around. The Bean had never been through a cat door, so we shoved him through it a few times, and he quickly got the idea. The other cats sniffed at the door (and we shoved them through it so they could remember how the whole thing works), but showed no real interest in being outside.
We’ve had it open since Sunday afternoon. I saw Spot go out a few times, but other than that, I don’t think the kitties much care about it. Maybe in a few months when there are mice and bugs to catch and BRING INSIDE there’ll be more interest.
Let the great Possum Invasion begin!
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So after some hemming and hawing and thinking and considering and procrastination, I installed
WordPress (Fred did the actual installing; but then you knew that, right?) and began a TV/ Movie blog over
I’m sure I’m not the first one to have thought of the name “Couch Potato” for a blog like that.
Anyway, that’s where I’ll do the occasional TV/ Movie post. You can safely assume that there will be spoilers in each post so if’n you get spoiled, don’t blame me!
That’s not the final design, but it’s probably pretty close to it. I like the ease of WordPress and while I don’t think I’m going to switch this journal over to WordPress, I may move
OFB from Diaryland back to my own domain. We’ll see.
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The Bean contemplates the eternal question. “If Miz Poo runs downstairs as fast as her big butt can go and I hide under the bottom stair like I always do, at what exact point do I need to reach out and grab her leg so that she’ll go flying into the wall?”
I get the first comment, and it is this: Welcome to my COLD CRUEL WORLD of rodent bowels on the living room floor.
Hey I like the potato couch idea! I always wanted to put a pet door in but I worried too much about a possum or some other creature coming in.
Well to make a long story short. We did it and we closed it at night when the dog was inside for the night but one night we forgot and lo and behold there was a baby possum in the house!! I went ballistic and went to my mother’s until hubby rid the house of it! Luckily we never forgot to close the door at night and we got no other night critters. I still worried about snakes incessantly though it never happened.
Gee, that was long..just thought I would share! HEH
We can’t let our kitties outside because we live in an apartment near a busy street and a couple of schools. But when the weather gets nice (oh around June here in MN) we take them outside on halters and leads. They hate the halters and leads, but LOVE going outside, so they must endure.
Egads. So that’s why some of my kitties seem bedraggled every morning…?
You need Nemo!
Forget the rodents…what about the big MEATY toads? :shudder:
Robyn, I had a dream about you and your cats a few nights ago! In the dream, it was you, me and another reader sitting on a sofa. You and she were sitting with laptops in your laps, instant messaging each other. She made a nasty comment about your cats and then you and she began arguing about whose cats were better. You started throwing WATER at each other — and then someone threw a punch and I had to break up the fight! LOL Crazy! Could it be that I spend too much time reading your journal?
Wait Lisa! The reader in your dream made a nasty comment about Robyn’s cats and only Robyn threw a punch? YOU shoulda belted that nasty reader!
I wonder if, on some level, the Bean knows how photogenic he is.
We were sitting in the same room instant messaging each other? Yeah, that sounds like me! Heh.
Oddly, I had a dream about Amy at parsley.org last night. Also, Dr. Phil was there and he killed someone, but I couldn’t do anything about it, because I was his lawyer (on The Practice!) and had to defend him. That’s what happens when I stay up late reading a Dean Koontz novel! 🙂