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Oh my god, best thing EVER. If strong language offends you (in which case, why on EARTH would you be here?), give this a miss, but it’s excellent. EXCELLENT, I SAY! Go see your favorite stars swearing up a storm. If that link doesn’t work, try this one. Not work safe at ALL.
Link ripped off from those crazy kids at Fractious Times.
* * *

Pretty, no? Unfortunately Bradford Pear trees, when in bloom, have the foulest rotting-body odor I’ve ever had the misfortune to smell. Seriously, last year I thought there was something dead and rotting in the ditch behind our fence until someone clued us in that that’s just how those damn trees smell in the Spring. GAG.
Oddly, the spud said yesterday, “Have you noticed that it kind of smells like chinese food outside?” CHINESE FOOD! Bwah!
If that’s what chinese food smells like to her, I’m wondering why on god’s green earth it’s her favorite food. Perhaps what she meant was “Have you noticed that it smells like the bodies of fifteen [gentlemen of Chinese descent] laying in a pile in the ditch, rotting?”
* * *

No, that’s okay Miz Poo. You just sit there directly in front of my monitor, that’s just FINE. Just sit there and stare off into space, it’s not like I need to SEE the monitor or anything, nope!
Confidential to Amy and Sharon: Miz Poo says they purr so loud in the middle of the night while laying as close to your head as possible to prove that they love you, and also that you are mean, unappreciative people who do not deserve the love of a good (or even bad) cat. (Of course, she only thinks that because she doesn’t know what I’ve been saying about her. Ha! I’ll be in trouble if she learns to read, I suppose…)
* * *
They’re still talking about sending either Fred or his partner to Bagdad (is that spelled right? Isn’t there an “h” in there somewhere?) to set up a new floopy-floop, Fred and his partner apparently being the only two on earth who can floop this particular floopy-floop. They’re the floopiest floopers who ever did floop!
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get technical on you. You’ll just have to follow along and act as though you know what I’m talking about.
Anyway, don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind to grab Fred and the spud and defect to Canada if they don’t stop talking about it…
Watch out, Canoodlians!
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Warning: if you’re looking at buying a wireless router thingy (technical term), don’t go for the cheapest one. And if you DO go for the cheapest one, opt for the extended coverage they always try to cram down your throat at the store. Our wireless router thingy shit the bed today, and I’m typing up this entry on Fred’s computer, because his is the only one close enough to plug directly into the modem, and I’m not fond of Fred’s keyboard. He’ll be stopping at the store on his way home to buy a new, expensive wireless router thingy that will hopefully work for longer than four months before it craps out.
Damn computers. Why they gotta be such a pain in the ass?
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“Hey Dad, whatcha doin’, huh?” (That’s Spanky, by the way)]]>
Come stay at myyyyy house! It’s very, very Canadian and such up here, you’d have fun in the snow and ice. And we still have Supersize Diet Coke at McDonald’s!
LOVE that link. I really don’t see why people are so fucking hung up on the fucking cuss-words (yeah, I said CUSS-words, not curse-words; I’m southern!). Heehee…
COnfidential to Miz Poo…Thank you for your kind, kind answer and don’t think I don’t know how fortunate I am to have the love of 2 good cats. They make sure the show and tell me in little ways every day!
I fuckin’ love the link! I felt so dirty just listening to it…I think I have a cuss fetish.
I’d say, from the way the Poo is looking at you, she has learned to read.
Hey Robyn,
I was reading Nance and noticed you and her and Jane are buddies. You three are my favorite journalers. I was wondering, I can’t find a way to contact Nance. Do you think you could ask her for her macaroni and cheese recipe for me. I have not found one that tastes good.
Thanks for your help, if you can.
I just love nosy kitties.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, MAN, that was great! Thanks for posting the link, Roybn — I’m gonna be giggling all day just from watching Tony Robinson struggle with the word “shit!”
Love love love love loooooooooooooove the link! People after my own heart, they are.
“If that’s what chinese food smells like to her, I’m wondering why on god’s green earth it’s her favorite food. Perhaps what she meant was “Have you noticed that it smells like the bodies of fifteen chinamen laying in a pile in the ditch, rotting?”
Damn, you are a roll with the funny ass shit lately!!! I mean yer always funny but you have been cracking me the hell up lately!!!
I was just wondering what kind of camera you guys use. The pictures are always so clear!
WHATEVER. Excuse me? Who is Mother of Doom? Nance is NOT. Jane is. See me for mac -n- cheese recipes. Hmph. The only recipe Nance has that is good is her cheese and cracker recipe.
Philomena, I don’t have a recipe! I just throw a bunch of stuff in and hope for the best. Seriously!
Sadly, Jane is right. I am only good at crackers and cheese. See her for recipes, she’s an OLD pro. Snort.
My favorite cuss word is shit. I do let loose with “fuck” every once in a while, but I don’t think I could ever use the word “cunt.” And it makes me cringe when I hear others use it.
“Chinamen” is a really ugly ethnic slur, as offensive as the n-word or any other epithet. Please re-think using it.
please don’t say your router is a Linksys. Their customer service used to majorly suck but it’s getting better. But I would hate for the router to bite it for good!!! Aaah!
My favorite is FUCK. I cringe at See You Next Tuesday…. Thanks for sharing! 😉
Well, I can honestly say that my favorite is most definitely Twat-head bitch. Ahem.
Lex – No, it’s a cheap ‘n crappy CompUSA! 🙂
Allison – “Chinamen” is offensive? Who knew? It’s been changed. Just don’t call Fred an Alabamaman.
Laurie – wasn’t it surprising how many of them said that “cunt” was their favorite? I never would have guessed!
Nance – Admit it. It’s from a box! Heh.
Jane – time to start up a recipe blog, Mother o’ Doom!
Rebekah – it’s a Sony CyberShot DSC-V1. We also have a Sony CyberShot DSC-P50, but the first one is the newest and takes the clearest (and biggest) pictures. That’s the one I’ll be taking to Hawaii!
Shannon – Glad you’re enjoying it. It’s the PMS, you know. 🙂
Everyone else – I’m glad you’re enjoying the link. I’ve watched it four times today so far, and I think I’m going to go watch it again! 🙂
Just wanted to comment on what a good big sister you are!
According to the old links you remembered to wish her Happy Birthday every year! Ahhhhhh.
Ha! I just realized that you and I both got “spanked” this week Robyn! Wonder who is gonna nail Jane? Oh wait, she’s perfect. I forgot.
My Mac ‘n Cheese is not out of a box! But speaking of a box, how ’bout that Velveeta Shells ‘n Cheese? That’s some good shit! Did I just hear Fred fall down from a stroke? Hey, it’s Friday! You can eat it! Hee.
Thanks, Robyn. And I promise not to slur Fred or [men from Alabama]!
Just move the whole gang up to Canada. Since you and the Spud are from Maine and I’m from Nova Scotia, you are family anyway. But Fred?? Oh well take him too, I’m sure we can find some Floopies for him to flip.
I laughed and laughed the other day about poor Bean not knowing how to get back inside.I worked with a person who had to go out of town for a few weks due to a death in the family. They left in a hurry,took the cat to kitty sitter but forgot to lock the kitty door. While they were gone a raccoon moved in. It was actually still there, it had set up camp in the dry goods part of the cupboard. It totally ramsacked the entire house.
what – no birthday wish for your sister 4 years ago??
{/guilt trip}
I think Miz Poo should have a kitty advise column! She’s a natural! My cats would like to ask what you do with people who don’t understand a cat’s need to claw leather furniture?
the trees smell like stale semen. Around my house, this is the Time of the Stinky Trees. It makes me gag. *shudder*
Pretty picture of Spanky!! =)