this recipe on Joelle’s site, and decided to give it a try. The only problem is that not only do we have no white wine in the house, but that we’re not wine drinkers (cannot stand the taste of the stuff, and yes – we’ve tried the expensive stuff and it still tastes like crap to us) and have no idea which kind of white wine would be dry. We were laying in bed talking about it the other night, and finally I said “Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be dry – the recipe said ‘or whatever white wine you have laying around’, so I guess any white wine will do.” “Oh,” Fred said, then thought about it. “You should get a Cabernet Sauvignon. I’ve cooked with it before, and it’s a good wine to cook with.” Now, from that sentence, wouldn’t you come to the conclusion that Fred is recommending that wine because it’s a white wine? Apparently it’s a red wine. Who the fuck knew? (I substituted chicken broth for the white wine in the recipe and it came out just fine, by the way) While making his snack last night, Fred opened one of the little bottles of wine to give it a try. See, while we both just detest the taste of wine, we kind of wish we didn’t, because wine drinkers always seem to ADORE their wine. Our palates are too immature, I suppose. Anyway, he took a swig of wine, swished it around in his mouth, and then spit it out. “Yep,” he declared. “Still sucks!” The spud, who was standing there at the time, asked if she could try it. He handed her the bottle – call DHS! – and she got a tiny bit in her mouth, spit it out, and declared it “Nasty!” Heh. Hopefully she’ll feel the same about all alcohol!

Holy crap! That picture of the Boogers made me snort diet coke right up my nose!
Love the fang picture of Bean. It looks like someone told him to smile for the photo and he’s doing one of the fakie smiles that kids try and pull before the adults smack them on the back of the head to “smile nice!”
That’s the best Mister Boogers’ picture yet! I love it. Sorry – he’ll always been Da Bean to me! 🙂
mmm Mai Tai’s 😉
Hee! Mister Boogers looks positively evil in that pic!
I think I have an immature palate, too. The only wine I like is Boone’s Farm, which is more like alcoholic juice than actual wine.
I am sure all of the true wine drinkers will gasp when I say this but they do sell cooking wines near the oils…I use them for cooking (i.e. chicken marsala) and they work fine. I am sure that they are substandard for people who really like wine though.
Does Meester Boogers EVER shut his little mouth?
Is it just me or does that Spanky is about to hack up a fur ball? And yes, who needs a watch dog when you have Mr. Boogers to pose such a threat to intruders?!
Try Franzia White Zinfandel and Franzia Chillable Red. We use to hate wine till we tried these. They don’t have that bitter hot yuck taste like most wines.
Wine taste like backwash to me. I never have liked the stuff and never understood why other people do.
I’m not a big fan of wine either, but my friend’s dad makes an awesome portuguese grape wine, I can handle that and any kind of fruit flavored wine, but I can’t stand the ‘real’ wines!
Oh, I must agree! Wine tastes like acetone smells!
Mai Tais do taste better =)
there was a samantha jayne born on tlc’s a baby story today (same spelling and everything)
so now, i guess it counts as a trendy name!
I’m sure this is just socially unacceptable but, give me some Boones Farm or Wild Vines anytime. It’s the only wine that actually tastes good. The box wines are ok too.
I think “Fang” is more appropriate.
I’m not a wine fan either, so far the only one I’ve liked is the Rhubarb wine my mom and step dad make. And even that I can only handle a glass of before the taste gets to me. But give a mudslide or long island iced tea any day!
Mr Evil is more like it, he belongs in a remake of Pet Cemetery he does. They could grey out his white spots.
Lilo (pet store kitty) looks a lot like my Alanis did when she was a kitty. But then she got huge, not quite but pretty darn close to Tubby’s size.
So when are you guys going to create RSS feeds for your blogs?
dargie – what exactly IS an RSS feed?
Stanley = Vampire Cat…
See how the Bean is hissing as the sunshine pours through the window??
If he starts licking your neck,he may be prepping the area for his bite. Be afraid,VERY afraid!
After seeing that picture, I would call The Bean “The Count”.
Vlad the Impaler has a nice ring to it too.
Shawn looks like he really needs somebody to love him and fuss over him (as do all the kitties). Wish I was closer to Alabama…I’d bring him straight home:)
My other 2 probably wouldn’t be too impressed though!! Robyn, have your cats (other than Bean) grown up together? Do they generally all get along?
My 2 are sisters, and have a typical sister relationship…..very loving, or fighting!!
Love reading your site, and seeing all the gorgeous kitties:)
I like wine, and I think Cabernet Sauvignon tastes like crap. (And sauvingnon blanc for that matter too.) Ugh. As Julia always says, if you can’t drink the wine, don’t use it in the recpie. I use chicken broth all the time because a)I can’t see spending $7 – $10 on a bottle of wine for 3 Tbs. and b)I always forget to buy it.
Zeller Schwartz Katz is a great sweet desert wine, moderately to cheaply priced if you get adventerous again Robyn. Yummy!
That photo of bean reminds me of when kids put in the fake vampire teeth and then do the “Rawr!” thing. Bean, what a cutie.
I know you don’t want to hear it but, I have a cure for your wine distaste. I have drunk Livingston’s Red Rose since I was about eight years old, it’s perfect for people who don’t like wine. It’s sweet and a little fizzy tasting. I like it cold the best. My boyfriend loves it and he hated wine before he met me. Also, it’s great for adding to pasta sauces and for marinating steaks in. As for white wine, I hate it, I only like sweet wines (Beringer White Zinfandel and Turning Leaf Pinot Grigio, are worth trying). Most whites taste like the barrel they were aged in, yuck! My dad always used Rhine, also by Livingston (I think because it isn’t expensive and comes in gallon sized bottles!), for cooking fish and chicken, etc. I hope I didn’t sound like a wine snob, but I couldn’t help but give some pointers. Wine adds so much to the flavor of food. Just be sure to cook it until the “alcohol taste” burns off. And, start small.
P.S. Boogers looks truely frightening.
Wine is an acquired taste. I have not caught on to drinking any dry wine–too puckery. I enjoy the “fizzy” wines-arbor mist that have a little carbonation. Pick up a bottle in a liquor store and have fun with the wine snob that just had a stroke! I didn’t really care for wine until I started with a sweeter, white like a zinfandel. And it also helps to have a glass with something to eat, like dinner or maybe a cookie! If you are going to cook, PLEASE use real wine, even if you don’t drink it. The “cooking” wines are full of sodium and don’t really add anything to the dish, except a more salty and sometimes a vinegary taste. Chicken stock is a perfectly acceptable alternate. Good thinking on your part!
Fruity wines suit me! Reisling for white and lambrusco (with a twist-off top – you know its good then, heh) are awesome. I used to have a friend who knew wine and could tell if the wine being served was good or not. He was awesome to dine with because he’d order the best wines. Like a wine that taste likes apples when you start it, but have a apricot aftertaste. How’d it do that!!! I’d always try to remember what he’d ordered, but I’d find a way to screw it up.