Oh, look. Crap on the counter. How unusual! (Yes, some of it’s mine. That makes it no less annoying)
Fred’s drawer. Never quiiiiiiiite closed all the way. Every day I walk by and push it shut.
Tea spots on the kitchen floor. Who doesn’t drink tea? That’s right, me.
Ad infinitum.
“Oh! Gasp! I am dying! Water me! I am dyyyyyyyyying!”
Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.
Breakthrough bleeding.
“No, that’s okay, Miz Poo. I don’t need to SEE the monitor or anything!”
Fred: “Boo!”
Spud: Ear-shattering scream.
Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter.Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter. Clatter.
“Stumpy, I am about to kill you.”
Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Cough. Gag. Spit up hairball. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick. Lick.
Fred: ::fart::
Spud: “GROSS! Hahahahahahahah!”
Fred: “That’s nothing. You should be in the room when your Momma farts!”
Those socks have been sitting there for a week. They don’t belong to ME.
You call this “made”?
Still stalking.
23 thoughts on “2004-04-22”
Robyn you are such a bright spot in my day!
Thank you for sharing your life with us and giving us such satire. I am glad I’m not the only dealing with those annoyances! =)
Heh – glad you liked it!
Fred said I should take a picture of myself and just say that even I annoy me. Which, sadly, is true sometimes. 🙂
I LOVE the comforter on the Spud’s bed. But then again, I’m a sucker for purple!
Bwah. I am with you on the blinds. Bad Cat loves blinds.
All that’s missing is a picture of a cat batting ]stuff around in the tub. Clatter, clatter, clatter, thunk, clatter, clatter, clatter, thunk. (The evil little bugger knocks stuff off the edge of the tub so he’ll have something to play with.)
heh, I giggled outloud at the stalker pictures. My cat Asa does that, sometimes I pick him up and start singing “me and my shadow”, sometimes if he’s following me and I just stop and look at him he’ll nervously meow, freak.
The ‘subordinates’ and I had a discussion about similar clutter just last night. They don’t understand that if it’s MY junk, I WILL take care of it. Same with MY MESS. And if I am the one to wreck something, it’s better that it is ME, cuz I can handle being very pissed off at ME versus THEM. (they ought to thank me for that, too….).
I tried an experiment just the other day in where I left the toilet paper off the roll to see how long before anyone would put it on.
Any guesses on how that one turned out???
Glad to hear that I go through the *same ca-ca, different day* that you do, Robyn.
Love the Poo in front of the monitor pic.
BTW was Fred farting as you took the pic? That would make it more authentic.
Love the examples you gave today! The cat and the slurping thing is the one I hate the worst. Well that and a fartin hubby! 😉
Oh and what I WROTE about today in my journal. EEEKKK!
Love the “stalker” pictures. It’s scary when you just can’t get away from them. You try and shut the door, and they just howl.
I laughed out loud at Miz Poo’s licking commentary! Hee!
What? No picture of your mom?
::Gasp:: Kate! Why, I’d never do that!
(But only because it didn’t occur to me. Hee!)
Hi, Robyn. I’m a lurker checking in after over a year of reading your journal(s). I’ve been suffering from serious depression for the past several years (off and on), and just wanted you to know that you are sometimes the ONE bright spot in my day. Thank you for being you and doing what you do. Just wanted you to know that. You and your kitties rule! (Oh, and Fred and the Spud, too 🙂
Picking up my kitty and having HIM fart on me!
It happened.
thanks so much for the insights and sounds of your daily life, it was so discriptive I could hear the licking, slurping, and the stalker is just to much. rotflmao! That is hilarious! I loved it. Have a good day! heeheeheee! You just made mine! At least I know Im not alone!
I especially like it when the kitty farts and then jumps like something snuck up and bit him! FREAK!
FYI— My Kitty came home!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!
He was gone for 5 damn days….
ARGH! What is it with the shutting of the drawers? Every day, without fail, when my husband leaves for work, I automatically walk by his dresser to close the sock drawer and the underwear drawer that last 2.5 inches. Every. Single. Day.
That was a great entry!
I have to know… did you get to sleep until 8 today?
Hee! I can always tell when my husband has been in a drawer because he ALWAYS LEAVES THEM OPEN!!! Must be a guy thing. Annoying!
Sarah – No, I didn’t!!! I woke up at 6:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep. Wahhhhh!
I cracked up at Miz Poo’s expression – sort of horrified astonishment that *you* could have the *audacity* to expect *her* to move out the way (emphasis Miz Poo’s). My kitty does the same thing but then she is Supreme Empress of the Universe. The licklickslurp thing too … why do they always do that at 3.32 am?
Funniest. Post. Ever.
Dude, you are funking hilarious. I’ve been on vacation for 10 days and am just catching up now! ob for me! Rock on, girl. love you!
Robyn you are such a bright spot in my day!
Thank you for sharing your life with us and giving us such satire. I am glad I’m not the only dealing with those annoyances! =)
Heh – glad you liked it!
Fred said I should take a picture of myself and just say that even I annoy me. Which, sadly, is true sometimes. 🙂
I LOVE the comforter on the Spud’s bed. But then again, I’m a sucker for purple!
Bwah. I am with you on the blinds. Bad Cat loves blinds.
All that’s missing is a picture of a cat batting ]stuff around in the tub. Clatter, clatter, clatter, thunk, clatter, clatter, clatter, thunk. (The evil little bugger knocks stuff off the edge of the tub so he’ll have something to play with.)
heh, I giggled outloud at the stalker pictures. My cat Asa does that, sometimes I pick him up and start singing “me and my shadow”, sometimes if he’s following me and I just stop and look at him he’ll nervously meow, freak.
The ‘subordinates’ and I had a discussion about similar clutter just last night. They don’t understand that if it’s MY junk, I WILL take care of it. Same with MY MESS. And if I am the one to wreck something, it’s better that it is ME, cuz I can handle being very pissed off at ME versus THEM. (they ought to thank me for that, too….).
I tried an experiment just the other day in where I left the toilet paper off the roll to see how long before anyone would put it on.
Any guesses on how that one turned out???
Glad to hear that I go through the *same ca-ca, different day* that you do, Robyn.
Love the Poo in front of the monitor pic.
BTW was Fred farting as you took the pic? That would make it more authentic.
Love the examples you gave today! The cat and the slurping thing is the one I hate the worst. Well that and a fartin hubby! 😉
Oh and what I WROTE about today in my journal. EEEKKK!
Love the “stalker” pictures. It’s scary when you just can’t get away from them. You try and shut the door, and they just howl.
I laughed out loud at Miz Poo’s licking commentary! Hee!
What? No picture of your mom?
::Gasp:: Kate! Why, I’d never do that!
(But only because it didn’t occur to me. Hee!)
Hi, Robyn. I’m a lurker checking in after over a year of reading your journal(s). I’ve been suffering from serious depression for the past several years (off and on), and just wanted you to know that you are sometimes the ONE bright spot in my day. Thank you for being you and doing what you do. Just wanted you to know that. You and your kitties rule! (Oh, and Fred and the Spud, too 🙂
Picking up my kitty and having HIM fart on me!
It happened.
thanks so much for the insights and sounds of your daily life, it was so discriptive I could hear the licking, slurping, and the stalker is just to much. rotflmao! That is hilarious! I loved it. Have a good day! heeheeheee! You just made mine! At least I know Im not alone!
I especially like it when the kitty farts and then jumps like something snuck up and bit him! FREAK!
FYI— My Kitty came home!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!
He was gone for 5 damn days….
ARGH! What is it with the shutting of the drawers? Every day, without fail, when my husband leaves for work, I automatically walk by his dresser to close the sock drawer and the underwear drawer that last 2.5 inches. Every. Single. Day.
That was a great entry!
I have to know… did you get to sleep until 8 today?
Hee! I can always tell when my husband has been in a drawer because he ALWAYS LEAVES THEM OPEN!!! Must be a guy thing. Annoying!
Sarah – No, I didn’t!!! I woke up at 6:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep. Wahhhhh!
I cracked up at Miz Poo’s expression – sort of horrified astonishment that *you* could have the *audacity* to expect *her* to move out the way (emphasis Miz Poo’s). My kitty does the same thing but then she is Supreme Empress of the Universe. The licklickslurp thing too … why do they always do that at 3.32 am?
Funniest. Post. Ever.
Dude, you are funking hilarious. I’ve been on vacation for 10 days and am just catching up now! ob for me! Rock on, girl. love you!