
Nance emailed me last week to let me know I had a package on the way from her, but she wouldn’t tell me what was in it. It arrived Friday afternoon, and I opened it to find… Well, words just can’t adequately describe what was in that box.

The mind boggles, does it not? The gold wings? The gold necklace? THE GOLD PUMPS? Who created this work of art and what kind of drugs were they on? You’ve gotta wonder. Nance said that she saw it and immediately thought of me. Heh. It’s been sitting on the kitchen counter since I got it, and EVERY time I walk into the kitchen it makes me laugh. I might have to move it into the living room so that it doesn’t get splashed or sprayed with Pam when Fred’s making his popcorn. Art like THIS, you’ve gotta protect, y’know. (Thanks again Nance, you goofball!)
* * *
Let’s see… it’s been a while since I checked my Picosearch stats to find out what people have been searching on within the site (for those of you new to the page, you can click on that “search” link over there to the right under the “journal” heading and search within bitchypoo.com). Below are some interesting searches. (And for the record, all searches are completely anonymous, so go ahead and search on weird things to your heart’s content.) Cat stain. Oh, I know what this one’s about – I’ve gotten a lot of email lately asking me what on earth that stuff was called that I waxed poetic about, the stuff we got from the carpet guy that worked so amazingly well to kill the smell of cat pee. It’s called Axi-dent and you can get some here. The kind we have came in a big jug and when we need to use it (which we haven’t had to since Tubby died, actually) we pour it in a spray bottle. Digital Camera. It’s a Sony Cybershot DSC-V1, and we LOVE it. The old one (which we still have and use) is a Sony Cybershot DSC-P50. The difference between the two? The old one is a 2.1 megapixel, and the new one’s a 5.0. Also, the new one will make movies with sound, whereas the old one doesn’t have sound. Also, the movies aren’t as good. Music. Also, song. 8 searches on each of these. I’m not sure what you’re looking for – leave a comment and I’ll see if I can help you out. Email and email 2004. You can find my email address by clicking on the “contact” link over there to the right. If you were looking for something else, let me know in the comments. Pancit and Recipes. There’s a recipe link over there on the right. I try to upload recipes as I “discover” them, but if there’s something in particular you can’t find, just ask. I won’t bite. (At least not hard…) Seasonale. I’m in my 10th week of using Seasonale and I’ve been having breakthrough bleeding for the last week and a half. Ask me if I’m thrilled. I expect it’ll keep on until I have my period in a few weeks, and then hopefully it’ll go away. Fred actually asked me the other night “Still loving the Seasonale?”, but I don’t think this is really the fault of the Seasonale – it’s just my body trying to figure out what the FUCK is going on. I expected when I started on it that it was going to take at least a year for my body to get into the new rhythm, since I’ve been on a 28-day cycle for the last 8 years. Davinci. I’m sure this is in regards to The Davinci Code. Which we own, but I haven’t read yet! Enell. Still got it, still love it, still refuse to go out in public while wearing it ’cause it makes me look barrel-chested. Kalahari. I had no idea what this might be, until I went to Target and saw The Kalahari Typing School for Men in the book section. I hadn’t heard of this before – is it good? Starting Over. I’ve heard of this, I think – the reality show with women who are, basically, starting over? Never seen it, though. I hear it’s addictive! Wedding photo. Of Fred and I? I don’t think I’ve ever put one up, actually! You’ll understand if I keep it that way for the time being. 🙂 3fc. I suspect you were looking for the entry about the whole brouhaha last year wherein someone stole the “before” picture off OneFatBitchypoo and used it as their own. That entry was actually written over at OneFatBitchypoo, and since I’m still in the process of putting up archives, it’s not available at the moment. Okay, I think that’s it. Is there something I’ve mentioned and never followed up on that you’re dying to know? Or just something you’re curious about? Leave a comment and I’ll see if I can’t assuage your curiosity. (Amy, I’m working on a picture of the coffee plant for you!) C’mon. Don’t be shy. Ask! (This is what I do when nothing’s going on in my life, y’know. I demand that you give me topics to write about. I’m nothing if not a lazy bitch. Heh.)
* * *
The stalker strikes again.

23 thoughts on “2004-04-28”

  1. Hey! I am reading this entry BEFORE I get the notify e-mail. I am psychic! Or psycho. Or sumpin.

  2. Hey Robyn, I’m pretty sure the DaVinci search was me, I was looking to see how you rated it or if you’d ever written about it before I emailed you about it. You GOTTA read it!

  3. When Im not working I always watch that show! Starting Over is WAY addictive!! It has all the good makings of a stellar reality show!

  4. The Pancit search was probably me. I made it for the first time last week, and it was super yummy! I then went back to search for your first entry about it to see if I could find the original source and get the nutritional info…and I did! Woo Hoo!

  5. Is your stalker kitty (Spanky? or am I mixed up there) just too shy to ask for some luv? Lena was like that for quite a while – she’d follow me around be she’d only get in my lap when I was working at the computer. Then she’d leave if I acted like I noticed her in my lap :p (She’s more or less gotten over that and is now a weird combination of pushy and skittish.)

  6. “she’d follow me around be she’d only”
    Yeah, I’m literate and stuff. Maybe I should try out that preview button sometime!

  7. Hey Robyn,can you show litter box pictures? Of your system there at home? I’m assuming you are using the thing to shift the litter and two boxes. If that’s too gross for public sharing, e-me privately. I’m trying to find a solution for the litter boxes. Right now I’m scooping daily-do I need to mention how much FUN this is?- but I want something that will stir up less dust, yet keep the boxes sparkling. Or, something like that.

  8. Robyn I am laughing my ass off at that “art”! WTG Nance!!
    I think this would be a fun start to a yearly tradition. Now you can be on the lookout for something equally as, uh, charming for her?

  9. Totally OFF TOPIC – but I was screaming in line at McDonald’s today and the entire time I thought of Robyn! There was a huge line of cars, and when the car in front of me got to the order box, it was like her first time at a McD’s, “Uh…lemme see…. um.. i think….i’ll…have…a….number….nine…and…uh…let…me…see…um….what?..oh…ok…um…you want a chicken? oh, ok, what kind….hold on….wait….” Meanwhile, there are a millon cars behind me all waiting on her royal highness to make up her mind. How do you NOT KNOW what you want at McDonald’s especially after you have waited in line all that time????
    Then when we got to the pay window, she didn’t have her money out and had to go rooting through her purse for cash, and THE ASKED THE GUY TO BREAK THE ORDERS OUT so they could each pay separate (He said NO. YAY for finally taking a stand against an idiot.) AND THEN — oh, yes, there is more — when she got to the window, she made the person wait while she took one drink at a time and carefully rearranged the entire car to fit the drink.
    Man, Robyn, you just gotta devote a day to drive-thru rants so we can all get it out of our system.
    Thank you, I’m done.

  10. Seasonale, bleah. I’m in the last month of my first pack and I’ve had breakthrough bleeding on three separate occasions, once lasting 10 days. Today I wake up with clotting/spotting (I know TMI) Golly! I love only getting my period every three months. I decided this morning that I’m not even going to finish the pack (I was just using it for regulation, not contraception).

  11. How sad is it that when I see the world’s tackiest cat, I automatically think of my dear friend, Robyn? Hee.

  12. I covet that cat. It’s a good thing I don’t know where you live. Exactly, anyway.
    I got addicted to Starting Over while I was home recovering from the mastectomy. I can’t stop myself. I may need an intervention.

  13. Oh yes…Starting Over is verrrry addictive. I’m a stay at home mom and don’t spend much time watching tv, but this is one show I never miss.

  14. A RANT
    My damn cat has been up my ASS for the last two days. He won’t stop walking all over me, sticking his big nose in my food, won’t stay off the table while I’m trying to eat without a big ass nose in my food. He also won’t sit still. I push him off, he jumps back up. I get up and leave the room and he follows. I sit down, he’s walking on me again. Will he even purr once NO! Ugh!

  15. Kalahari Typing School for Men is the forth in a series starting with The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. I’m on book two and loving it! If you would like to try it Robyn, I could pop it into the mail for you.

  16. You’ve gotta read the davinci code, but read angels and demons first. It doesnt make a big difference in the story but you learn more about the main character (robert) by reading angels and demons first.

  17. Nance, where on earth did you find that cat statue? I am lusting after it too.
    It incorporates 3 of my favorite things; cats, fairy wings and that wonderful verdigris green color 🙂

  18. I was just checking in to tell you about the Kalahari Typing School for Men. Don’t start with this one, you need to start at the beginng with book one. They are great!

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