you have a beautiful you ever go outside and just sit out there and read?
Sadly, although we have plenty of places to sit on the back patio, I rarely go out there and read. If I’m cold I’ll go out and sit there – and the cats always get excited and follow me out and flop onto the ground and roll around while purring loudly. I should make a point of going out and enjoying the gorgeous weather more often, though. And when I say gorgeous weather, I’m not joking – it’s been sunny and mid-80s for the last two or three days.
My sister and I have a question for you. What do you use to keep the cats out of your flowers? None of our bulbs are coming up this year because the kitties go potty in all the fresh dirt.
Actually, I haven’t done anything. When I planted the bulbs in the fall, though, rather than dig a bed and plant the bulbs, I used a drill attachment to dig a hole for each bulb, so there wasn’t actually fresh dirt for the cats to hang out in. The downside to doing that is that grass and weeds have grown all around my daffodils are, so it looks horrible right now. I need to get out there and weed like crazy… but then, I’ve been telling myself that for about a month now, so who knows whether it’ll ever happen?
Speaking of bulbs, my lilies have started blooming already. For some reason, I thought that lilies don’t bloom until summer, but I guess I was wrong about that.
Robyn, you have also converted me to the f-ed up world of Dr. Phil. Does he ever NOT yell in the faces of his guests? I mean yes, most of them deserve it, but it’s distracting!
I think it’s pretty rare that he doesn’t yell in the faces of his guests – Dr. Phil is clearly a believer in the tough love! But he’s got the most finely tuned bullshit detector I’ve ever seen and he doesn’t hesitate to use it. Which definitely is distracting, but he does get good results!
Speaking of Dr. Phil, one of the people from his Weight Loss Challenge – Monika – was on
Extreme Makeover last night. They did a pretty damn good job with her and she looked so happy! I think Dr. Phil should have actually shown up at the end for the unveiling, but I suppose he had something else going on and couldn’t be there. Hmph.
(Got a question? Leave it in the comments!)
* * *
My back still hurts, damnit. The Aleve is helping, but this morning I didn’t dare to lift weights, because I was afraid of hurting my back even further. I ended up doing only cardio, and hopefully doing just cardio over the weekend will heal my back.
Stupid back.
* * *
When was the last time you:
Checked or changed your furnace filters? I think that Fred vacuumed it sometime last month. But it had been about six months before that…
Cleaned your curtains? We don’t have curtains, though I desperately need to clean the blinds all through the house, because they are nas-tay.
Washed your windows (inside and out)? Would you believe I actually cleaned the windows in the downstairs portion of the house so that I wouldn’t have to say that I’ve never cleaned the windows in this house? We’ve been here 2 1/2 years, by the way. Yes, that is gross. Shut up.
Cleaned behind the fridge? It’s probably been about three months or thereabouts. It’s not something I think of very often; it’s probably time to do it again, if only because I’m sure there are 45 toy mice behind there.
Checked your dryer hoses? I had no idea this was something you’re supposed to do regularly. Is it? Because I’ve never looked at a dryer hose in my life. I have no idea how to check it, or what I’m checking for. My mother didn’t teach me these things! Wah!
Washed the walls and the ceiling? I don’t wash the walls and the ceiling, but I do use a swiffer duster, taped to the end of a broomstick to clean the cobwebs and dirt off the ceilings and walls about twice a year.
Y’all should clearly never come visit me in my nasty, dirty house.
* * *
Oh, hey. I keep forgetting to mention this – you know how Fred and I were on
Penn & Teller’s Bullshit! last year? Well, the show is out on DVD and in video stores if you’re interested in seeing it. Just remember – I’m not that much of a dork in real life….
* * *

I hit the button too soon on this one, and by the time I hit the button again, the yawn was over. Hmph.

Mister Boogers in the kayak. You have no idea how dearly I would love to see Fred take him out in the kayak. I don’t think that’s going to happen, though.
Hiya Robyn – We rented the first Penn & Teller BS dvd this week and love that show. I can’t wait to see the one you and Fred are on (we’re renting them in order).
Re dryer hoses – I think the deal is you’re supposed to clean the lint out of them periodically so it doesn’t catch fire. I don’t think I’ve cleaned mine in a long time, though.
Isn’t it a bummer about the Friday Five 🙁
I run Chick Chat over @ if you’d like to give it a whirl instead!
Oh Robyn, you just don’t know how excited I was when I saw you and Fred on Bullshit. My boyfriend and I recently received a promotional offer from Showtime and we have Comcast On Demand which lets us watch old episodes of Penn & Teller. I thought you guys were great–and you weren’t even remotely dorky, you silly thing!
My goodness he looks like he is in heaven in the kayak. You know it is sad, since Drew was a toddler I have always called him Mr. Boogers 🙂 Lately it is sir snots-a-lot.
I need to wash the inner side of the door and the walls & ceiling of our bathroom. I can see they are coated with what I think is cat litter dust (bathroom is where the litter box is located). GRIM!! But that is a task I doubt I will get to any time soon… Bean, you’re such a cutie-pie! I love the pic of him in the kayak. Looks like he’s marking it as his own!
I’ve pulled that muscle several times (while working out — where’s the justice?) and you have my complete sympathy! It does take a few days to go away, though, and you can injure it again pretty easily until it does, so it’s good to take it easy. In fact, Fred should bring you cold drinks on the couch for the next couple of days.
Come to think of it, that Bullshit tape never did make its way to me. Hmph. Guess I’ll just have to rent it!
BTW, that thingy I told you I was going to send you for exercising steadily will be UPSing its way to you soon (when PartyLite processes the certificate.) When I get the tracking number, I’ll let you know. And hey, if you’ve forgotten what I was going to send, then you’ll just be pleasantly surprised (I hope!)
Have a great Mother’s Day weekend, Robyn!
Aly, sadly I have forgotten! I am getting seriously old…
Also, you’re not the only one who didn’t get the Bullshit tape – about 3/4 of the tapes just kind of disappeared somewhere along the way. Clearly it was far too ambitious to expect things to go smoothly. 🙂
I still think that is awesome that you guys were on that show in the first place. 🙂
Movie of the Week! Movie of the Week! Movie of the Week!
You and Fred live such exciting lives! And don’t say you don’t! Mens Health. Penn and Teller. Published books. Early Morning shows. Yeah.. I was excited when you could see the back of my head one time on the evening news! HEH!
hey, what was the segment about that you guys were on for?
Stacy – It was called “Eat This!”, and it was basically debunking diet products and diet claims. We were the people who had lost weight without using any crazy diets.