* * *
Oh, look. It must be a day that ends in “y.” I can only seem to connect to the Knology mail server about once an hour YET A-FUCKING-GAIN. Good thing we’re not paying way too much money for our internet – oh, wait! Yes we are!
Fucking fuckers.
* * *
The spud has a band concert tonight. She’s opted not to take band next year. Is my heart breaking? Why, no. No it’s not. I believe I’ll do a dance of joy at the idea of never having to attend another ear-shattering band concert.
Of course, with my luck she’ll decide to take up cheerleading next year, and I’ll have to attend every last football game. Gah.
* * *
In the past few weeks, Fred and I have started taping and watching
Nip/ Tuck – FX is showing reruns of the first season at various times, in preparation for Season 2, which starts in mid-June. I didn’t hold out much hope – I mean, a show about plastic surgeons? Snore. Turns out, it’s a pretty damn good show, though. And even if it wasn’t, being able to stare at Julian McMahon (Christian) for an hour is nothin’ to sneeze at.
We also started watching Season One of
24. We rented the DVD with episodes 4 – 8 and watched them back-to-back Saturday night. That’s a damn fine show! How come none of you ever told me?! I wanted to go out and rent the next DVD after we’d watched those four shows, but Fred spouted off some crap about how we should savor each show like a fine wine, to which I maturely responded by making some obnoxious gagging noises.
Lastly, I stayed up late last night to finish reading Wendy Shanker’s
The Fat Girl’s Guide to Life. Good book! I highly recommend it, and I’m going to even keep my copy – and y’all know I NEVER keep my books, so that should tell you how much I liked it.
* * *

He’s Spot! He’s Spot! He’s Spot! He’s in his BED!
Oh that poor kitty is so lucky that you were there to see his distress! What a bummer that you were left to deal with it though. But anyone with less experience and fewer cats may have missed it altogether. Good for you Robyn!
Yay for you! You (hopefully) saved a kitty’s life! Nerve wracking I’m sure, but a good deed done!!
Grumble grumble complain whine…why oh why is there no link to smart and sassy on your side bar…stomps off in a snit 😉
I think you can take the rest of the day off after that harrowing experience. Don’t forget to lay on the couch with the back of your hand on your forehead.
Awww, 24 IS awesome. And there is no reason to savor quite yet, as there are just about three seasons done and one more on the way next year. Inhale at will!
Good job helping the poor kitty. I hope he’s ok.
Hee! Did you notice that not just today, but this day 2 and 3 years ago you were being driven crazy by band stuff?
Amber: Because I keep forgetting to put it there! By the end of the week I’ll get it done, I promise. 🙂
Stacey: I did! Funny, eh? 🙂
Good catch on the kitty. You should be on “Emergency Vets” or some such show.
“24” ROCKS! Can’t believe you haven’t been watching it!
“Nip/Tuck” is another awesome show. Wait till you see the one with the “fat” girl. Unbelievable.
Do you watch “Six Feet Under”? If not, you should.
Enough TV talk. Oh, maybe one more comment – who’s gonna win “American Idol”?
Horseshit Alley. 😀
good call on the kitty, spot is really cute, 24 is a good show, nip/tuck, have to catch that one, and cheer is so much worse than band cause you have to sit on ass breakingly metal cold benches, but at least you can tune all the others out and just watch your girl smile, dance and cheer! It’s the cold hard butt breaking benches that will kill you! trust me I know I have 2 girls in cheerleading this year, and they are the ones being thrown in the air. NERVEWRACKING, can you count the breaking bones?! aaarrrgggghhhhh!
Robyn you are a hero. Just think if you wouldn’t of looked again. 🙁
That is a beautiful picture of Spot. I forgot what a beautiful kitty he is!
“Is this Spot, outta his head I think so!!!”
Hopefully you’ll find out soon what happened with Lowery…keep us posted,Incredible-Cat-Saver!
i accidentally started watching season 1 of 24 the weekend before finals last semester. it was a very bad decision. i watched them all in 3 days. im saving season 2 until after finals this semester. and season 3 will come out on dvd right before season 4 starts up in the fall.
and nip/tuck? ohmygosh its so good. im getting cable june 1 so i can watch it again this summer.
Well Done!
I watched all of Season one of 24 in about 5 days. I think I watched the first five or six episodes in one sitting. I was really really into it, and then it started to go downhill for me. It was somewhere around episode 12-14. I am curious if the same will happen for you. I think it may have seemed worse (even more unbelievable for all of these things to keep happening) because I watched so much in a row. Maybe if it was spaced out a bit it wouldn’t seem so outrageous.
I totally got the song reference! “He’s Spot, he’s Spot, he’s Spot, he’s in his bed…” I haven’t heard that song (Presidents of the USA, right?) in forever. Also, AHEM. I’ve been going on and on and ON about “24” at my journal FOREVER. Just proof that you do not read, and therefore you MISS OUT. Missy.
Marie – I hope it doesn’t go downhill for us – but at the end of episode number 8, I said “I don’t see how they’re going to keep it going for another 16 hours…”
Laura – Of course I read you, and I remember you mentioning 24, but did you come and harass me about it in my own comments? No. Because clearly you didn’t REALLY want me to watch it. You wanted it all to yourself. 😛
I thought you and Fred don’t partake of wine, fine or any other kind, so he’ll have to find another argument…..
My daughter is a senior in high school this year. She has been in chorus since 6th grade and last week was her last concert. The first song they sang was called Sing and Rejoice. My husband looked at the program and when he saw that he said we should be the ones singing that! Sing and Rejoice! We went to our last chorus concert!
Yes, please let us know how Lowery is doing! I hope he’s all right. Poor kitty! Thank you for getting him some help. Yay!!
I’m glad you stuck it out, going to all those band concerts for the Spud. My sister (who’s 37) is *still* peeved about how our parents never went to her band concerts (I think they went to one or two). Oh, the long-simmering resentment… :o)
Hey – in your previous entry you mentioned you found the earrings you were searching for – where did you find them? I love them too and would love a pair — Please tell me it was somewhere on-line and not a specialty store in your local mall…
A comment from the youngest of 4 children. If I ever heard my Mom say “Thank God, it’s the last time I have to sit though __________” once I heard it fifty times. If I hear it again – I’ll scream! OK – I’m 38 so I doubt I’ll hear it again so don’t worry.
It really put a damper on things in life. I let her know it – she did not listen. No wonder I was crabby when I graduated from high school! Last awards ceremony, last “sing out”, last graduation ceremony, last graduation party, last, last last. . .
So moral of the story – Don’t let your kids hear you celebrate.