my baby!!!
There’ll be no birthday cake tonight, but we’ll make up for that in Gatlinburg, I’m sure.
* * *
Warning: Mild
Paycheck and
The Sopranos spoilers in this section – it won’t ruin the movie or show for you, but it does give a little away. Proceed at your own risk.
Speaking of Fred’s birthday, I think that Fred must have knocked something loose in his fall down the mountain last week. I swear, he’s aged 20 years in the last week.
First of all we were at The Rockabilly Cafe eating lunch when we were in Memphis last week. A woman walked in and looked around, and then said to us, “Do we seat ourselves?” I started to answer her, when I realized to my horror that Fred was leaning forward, CUPPING HIS HAND TO HIS EAR to illustrate that he hadn’t heard what she said. Who does that? Aren’t you legally required to be at least 73 before you can complete that particular move without being ironic?
Secondly, we were watching
Paycheck Saturday night, and ten minutes after the bad guys see Uma in the bathroom first crying and then smiling, after Uma had left for work and then the bad guys were in the apartment trying to figure out what message Ben Affleck had left for Uma, AFTER the one bad guy said “Look at the mirror” and then sprayed something (hairspray?) on the mirror, Fred said “Ohhhh, he left her a message!” and I gave him a look and said “Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.” Which is when he challenged me with “What, you knew?” and I responded with “Yeah.” and he said “When did you figure it out?” and I said “As soon as she turned the shower on.” and he said “Oh”, making it clear that he’d had no idea at all until the bad guys discovered the message.
Thirdly, Sunday night we were watching
The Sopranos, and we watched the part where Chris-tuh-fuh was at the gas station and he saw the family in the crappy car, and like TEN MINUTES LATER, Fred said in a confiding I-don’t-want-to-ruin-this-for-you-but-I’ve-figured-it-out tone, “I think he saw the family and realized he didn’t want to live like that”, to which I could only respond, “No shit, babe, ya think??”
So, yeah. Clearly he knocked something loose. That, or it’s early-onset Alzheimer’s. One or the other.
* * *
I spent the morning cleaning the hell out of the house, because Fred’s mother and stepfather are going to be feeding the cats while we’re in Gatlinburg. I moved the last few boxes of Fred’s book from the corner where they’re been sitting for ten months, and I found about 300 cat toys and ten pounds of dust. Our cats have WAY too many cat toys, that’s all I can say.
We’d better buy them a few more when we’re in G’burg!
* * *
The And3rson family medical problems continue. Miz Poo, sitting on her pillow on my desk yesterday, held up her back paw to lick it, and I realized she had some weird kind of wound.

It almost looked like she’d torn or chewed off one of her toe pads, but all her toe pads were present and accounted for, so that wasn’t it. It wasn’t hurting her, because she let me look at it to my heart’s content. After talking to Fred we finally decided that maybe she’d cut herself (Meester Boogers knocked a lightbulb off the counter last weekend, and Miz Poo immediately came running to investigate, so we figure that’s when it happened), and I tried to rinse the litter out of the wound, but had no luck.
Fred took her to the vet’s around 5:00, and he cleaned it out (poor Miz Poo!) and examined it, and it was definitely a cut. Fred told him we were going out of town and wouldn’t be able to give her antibiotics over the 3 1/2 days we’d be gone, so the vet gave her a shot, told Fred to soak her foot in salt water a couple of times a day, and to put Polysporin on it.
I swear, with the money we’ve spent on vet bills on Miz Poo alone, we could be living in a mansion. Good thing she’s so damn cute.
* * *
Since I share EVERYTHING with y’all, I am pleased to announce that after an entire month of breakthrough bleeding and a week of a semi-painful period, I appear to completely through with bleeding from the nether regions. Whoo!
(Oh, hush. You KNOW you wanted to know!)
* * *
So we’re leaving for G’burg early in the morning. I may slap up a quick entry before we go, I may not. We’re taking the laptop with us and will have wireless internet access at our hotel, so I may post entries while we’re gone… and I may not. Who knows?
I’ll see you when I see you – definitely by Monday.
* * *

Such a happy, happy boy. (Love the kitty toes!)
Kitty toes are the BEST. And so are kitty ears. Love ’em.
So…you’re not bleeding AND the Spud’s gone. Must be a sex jamboree around there. Oh, wait, I forgot, Fred’s old now. Nevermind.
See, the problem is, I have a really tough question that I’d like to send
to the Smart and Sassy website….but no matter how I try, I can’t scale
it down to 1800 characters. It’s a pretty complicated question, but I am
in desperate need of some help with it. If I emailed it to the 3 of you,
would you consider answering it? If it’s too long or boring or complicated
or whatever, I won’t feel offended if it’s rejected. I’m just taking a
shot in the dark, really.
Bleeding? Aren’t you using that seasonale stuff? Or is this your quarterly bleeding? Please advise… inquiring minds want to know. (see there are readers interested in your periods! hee)
I LOOOOOVE Kitty Toes 🙂 I’m also a huge fan of Kitty Lips! My Maggie has lips like a human, I swear! If you don’t believe me just look:
If I tried to soak the Bad Cat’s foot in salt water, he’d kill me in my sleep.
Have a wonderful trip!
Yer killing me! No review posted for Crow Lake yet? Put me outta my misery, I’m dying to know how many stars.. or square thingamajiggys..
Happy Bday to Fred, have a GREAT vacation!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRED! I totally suck and thought your birthday was in JUNE.
Robyn, I’m sorry, but I howled when you wrote that Fred cupped his ear like an old man. Why, oh WHY did you not have the camera ready? Hee.
Thanks, I feel SO much better now.. haha
Enjoy your trip to Gatlinburg!
I’d recommend a hike to see Laurel Falls. It’s easy, paved, and about a mile and a half, but the falls themselves are gorgeous. Definitely a place to take tons of photos. Cades Cove would be good too, if it’s not so hot there’s not a lot of wildlife out. One year, we saw over 200 deer while driving through Cades Cove.
I was there during my brother’s Spring Break in April, with the only downside being a side trip for my husband to the Sevier County emergency room for food poisoning. (I would recommend skipping Bennetts BBQ).
I got married there last year and spent my honeymoon there, along with 2 Spring Breaks…I love it there.
Just avoid the fudge. If not, you will become addicted.
Enjoy the gorgeous views! I’m all jealous now…I wanna go back ;(
Have plenty of naked frolicking in the mountains.
Okay nevermind, I don’t want to go if you’re going to do that.
We watched “Paycheck” this past weekend and we liked it a lot more than we expected. Of course the most entertaining part of that movie for us, as Vancouver residents was the car chase. Hmmm…they start in Kitsilano ( I saw them working on that scene and wondered what it was and instantly recognized it) and 90 seconds later they’re by the sulfur piles in North Vancouver- skipping the Burrard Bridge, downtown traffic, Stanley Park, the perpetually logjammed Lion’s Gate bridge and whatever the hell is in North Van (we don’t have a car, so over there is basically off-the-map-thar be dragons territory for us). I’ve never done that route, but I’m guessing it takes more like 90 minutes, not 90 seconds unless you have John Woo and a production staff. I know there’s a lot of people who would prefer the commute were more like that, but you know, water, cars, people, blah de blah. Heh.
Hey Robyn, here’s a question you might wanna answer someday in an entry: when you say “slap up an entry,” how much time are you really talking about putting into creating one? I’m curious to know what’s the longest amount of time you ever spent on 1 entry, and the shortest amount of time.
Chris-tuh-fuh!!! That’s very cute!!
Dez- hey there!! I live in Surrey, it’s weird (but very cool) to read an entry from someone talking about Stanley Park, Kits and so on!! 🙂
Oh, I almost forgot: HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRED!!!!!!!
Hi Robyn. I’m a long time reader (well a couple of years anyway). My family and I will be in Gatlinburg this weekend to. My two year old daughter and my pregnant self will be strolling the streets with Mamaw and Papaw (hopefully I won’t pass out from the awful heat we have been having). Do you ever wonder if you might run into one of your readers some day! Don’t worry, I’m not a stalker or anything, so if I see you and Fred I’ll just smile and be on my merry way!! 🙂 You guys have fun. Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge are awesome.
Robyn – inquiring minds definitely DO want to know about your Seasonale experiances! I’m considering a switch, so any and all info is eagerly read and filed away for an upcoming talk with my Doc.
Robyn — hate to break it to you, but that Seasonale breakthrough bleeding never goes away. I bled for the first MONTH, too , and then the 2nd and 3rd months were peachy. Started the new pack and bled for a-no-ther-ga-damm-ed MONTH! I just swiched off to straight BC because I really enjoy NOT fucking bleeding, thank you. I hope you experience is better… but I’ve gotta say I doubt it.
Love Miss Poo’s “supervising nose”!
Love Miz Poo’s “supervising nose”!
haha- – your movie of the week is like watching the discovery channel! I don’t think i could have filmed that without cracking up!