The Alamo and Fred was giving his order. “What are the vegetables of the day?” he asked. “Blah blah blah,” said the waiter. “Oh.” Fred pondered. “I’ll just have a side salad, then. With bleu cheese dressing, on the side. Also, can I have my salad without cheese on it?” “No cheese?” the waiter said, writing it down. “Right.” Fred paused and then gazed earnestly at the waiter. “I like cheese, just not on a salad.” He looked at the waiter as though he expected him to write it down so that he could go into the kitchen and say “One side salad, no cheese! The guy LIKES cheese, just not on a salad!” The waiter nodded and left. “What the hell?” I said. “Why on EARTH would you feel the need to explain that to him? He doesn’t care WHY you don’t want cheese on your SALAD!” Fred just grinned. Later, when we went to the UPS store so we could pack a box with all the crap we’d bought and then send it to ourselves, Fred felt the need to explain to the lady working there. “We flew up,” he said. “On a very small plane and we’re not sure everything will fit. So we’re going to mail it to ourselves!” “I see,” the woman said. The next day, we went to a movie store to rent a couple of DVDs to watch on the laptop in the hotel room that night. We chose a couple of movies, then Fred went to the counter to pay. It was hot in the store, so I got the car key and went out to turn on the air conditioner and wait for him. Ten minutes later, he finally moseyed out. “What the hell?” I said. “What took so long?” “Oh, I got to talking to the guy,” he said. It turns out that Fred had a conversation wherein the following bits of information were disseminated: *We flew to Gatlinburg (from Huntsville, AL) in a very small plane for a very good price. *Fred is a software engineer. *We have a laptop with a 17-inch monitor. *Fred owns his own company. After telling me all he’d told the counter guy, Fred said “I can’t help it. I’m a friendly guy!” “Did you tell him you like cheese, just NOT on a salad?” I said. “Shut UP.” I guess his willingness to strike up a conversation with just about anyone is what makes Fred so approachable, although no one asked him to take their picture on this trip. I, on the other hand – maybe it’s the Yankee in me – tend to stick to “tell them only what they need to know”: I go into a restaurant, I order what I want, I feel no need to explain anything to anyone, I eat, I leave. I’m not UNFRIENDLY, mind you – if they strike up a conversation with me, I’m perfectly willing to respond. I smile in a friendly manner, I say “Thank you”, and then I go on my way. I guess we complement each other pretty well – he’s friendly and chatty, and I… make fun of him for it. Works for me! Heh.

LOL! My husband is the EXACT SAME WAY! 🙂 He explains everything to everyone and I make fun of him because of it. 😉 Glad you had a good time in Gatlinburg!
I feel now like I should go write an entry about the conversation with the guy on the Ripley’s Motion Ride. Heh.
Maybe there is something to that fabled Yankee reserve; I tend be the same way with strangers. But then, using Boston’s public transit system as a teenager taught me real fast that I must never so much as make eye contact with a stranger lest said stranger decide that I’m his/her new best friend. (There is nothing creepier than being stuck on a nearly empty train car or bus with some extremely skeevy person who wants to sit right next to you and talk to you.)
It made for quite an adjustment when I moved to rural Ohio, where total strangers wave at you just because you’re driving down their road.
You have a great talent for telling stories – made me smile today =o)
Hmmm…well I am from the South and I speak to others on a need to know basis only. My husband, however, also from the SOuth, is like Fred, he will go on forever on details until I see the “victims” eyes glaze over and I “save” them from my chatty hubby.
Obviously, men are more friendly than women. 🙂
I just have to say thanks for writing that top part about me and the husband. He offers information. I’m constantly stepping on his foot or slapping him one… why do people NEED to know anything more than what they need to know to fulfill an order? None of your business! go away! Neither of us is from the South, but one of us is from NYC. Can you guess which one?
Adorable picture of the Bean!
I don’t think it’s that men are more friendly, maybe it’s just because they’re full of hot air! (love ya Fred, wink, wink)
OK, I’m like Fred and Jamie just shakes his head and pretends he doesn’t know me.
And the Bean looks like he thinks there could be an unsuspecting gazelle in your yard that he’s about to take down. Panther kitties. Our neighborhood is full of them- if they could work the can opener, we’d be toast.
Have you seen the movie “Mother” with Albert Brooks and Debbie Reynolds? She drives him crazy by explaining everything about their lives to everyone she meets, including the salesman at the Gap. It’s a hoot. Not that Fred is anything like Debbie Reynolds — at least I don’t think he is.
Does the Spud know you are taking the poster down? Just wondering..I know how I get when my mom starts taking my stuff down..loL!
I used to go places with my deer sweet uncle and it would always take forEVER. My cousin said he had “establish kin” with everyone he talked to before he would actually ask them what he really wanted.
FYI – I posted a kitty pic on my journal site that you may find funny, seeing as you enjoy the funny kitty pic!
Neither of y’all have any secrets!
Fred just ADVERTISES more…
I just really need to know if TEX the pilot needs a girlfriend…I just soloed in a Cessna 172 and need me one of them there cowboy co-pilots.
lol. But you might want to remind Fred that bleu cheese is, in fact, cheese.
How appropriate that I just got done watching Big Fish and then come and read your entry (after I had a good cry, that is!). Fred is just a Big Fish! I have always enjoyed having people engage me in a conversation where I can snoop, er, I mean learn about their personal lives! I’m just a big ol’ Gladys Kravitz.
Sorry, wrong tense on the come! Should have been came but caught it too late!! 🙂
I tend to tell people too much and then feel like a dork later. Better to be too talkative than not talkative at all I suppose 🙂
My hubby and I are the opposite of you and Fred. I’m the talker and explainer and he’s the one that keeps things to himself.
So does the Spud get upset when you go through her things and get rid of them?
Lol…Thanks Elaine! I was thinking of that exact same movie, and couldn’t remember the name of it.
Robyn, you made me laugh out loud at my computer reading this entry. Especially- “Did you tell him you like cheese, just NOT on a salad?” I said.
Fred- You know we love you!
I am a telephone operator. You would be amazed at what people tell us. We have felt that it is probably because we are a captive audience to them and have to listen to it and be nice. Occasionally they will catch themselves and say “oh, but you don’t need to know this!”
He he he.
I think Fred sounds like sweetie, explaining things like that. He’s treating the waiter like a person rather than just a server.
I tend to be more like you, though, sticking to the bare facts with no personal additions.
I will yatter endlessly to anybody. I’m from the South, I’m a woman, and goddammit, I’m proud to be approachable. People love me, as do dogs and children. Sometimes, you just gotta ‘splain stuff to people.
Blue cheese, but no cheese? much how we’ll order our burgers or sandwiches with no onions, and a side of onion rings.
In our relationship it is me that over shares. Hubby just shakes his head and then later asks “Did you HAVE to tell them ………?” Like it is a bloody crime! Sometimes I wonder if my husband is in the Witness Protection Plan 😉