Pretty, no?
Catfish. ::shudder::
I’m supposed to compare Fred to Jay Leno or Quentin Tarantino (that was the deal when I asked if I could put the picture in my entry), but I think he looks adorable.
Fred’s got more pictures up in his entry today, if you’re interested.
* * *
M0vie G@llery has pissed me off for the last friggin’ time. I think I mentioned that we’ve been watching the first season of
24, which we’ve been renting from the movie store. We’d watched all but the last DVD and for the last two weeks have had no luck at all renting it. Every time we check the store – and we’ve been checking multiple times a day – it’s been out. I’ve checked every friggin’ movie store in the area with no luck. Yesterday I went in and there were no
24 cases at all in the
TV Shows on DVD section. I fumed for a few moments, and then walked down the aisle to grab a copy of
Mystic River. There were maybe ten
Mystic River cases, but no DVDs. I fumed some more, grabbed
Along Came Polly and
The Company, and went to check out.
“Do you not carry
24 anymore?” I asked the employee as she scanned my card. She glanced over at the
TV Shows on DVD section. “There aren’t any cases over there,” I added.
“Frank!” she yelled to the other employee. “Do we still have
“Yeah, we’re moving them to the floor,” Frank yelled back. “They’re…” he shrugged. “In transit.”
She shrugged at me. “We’re moving them.”
UGH. God, this pisses me OFF. I called Fred and bitched at him for a few minutes, then went off to do the rest of my errands. H0llyw00d Video had
Mystic River on DVD (which I rented), but no TV shows.
Which is when I came home and ordered Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD from Amazon. We’re going to watch the last disk of Season 1, and immediately turn around and sell the whole set on eBay. As we were on our way to the quarry last night, we discussed just how much money M0vie G@llery was losing because they SUCK: $4 for the last Season 1 disk, $24 for the entire Season 2, and $4 for
Mystic River. From now on, though it’s a little more out of the way, I’ll be doing the bulk of my movie renting at H0llywood Video. And since I now watch movies while I’m exercising on the elliptical trainer, that’s bound to add up.
I think it’s time to write a letter, is what I think.
* * *
You know, I’ve been seeing more and more of that line of anti-boy t-shirts in the stores lately. You know what I’m talking about – Boys Lie, Boys Suck, Boys are Dumb, Boys are Smelly – Throw Rocks at Them, Boys are Full of it – Fling Poop at Them. (If you haven’t seen shirts or pens or notebooks or stickers like that, you probably haven’t been in your local Spencer’s). I’m not so crazy about the anti-boy stuff, in fact I’d go so far as to say I hate them. If there was a popular line of “Girls smell good. Hold them down and fuck them!” t-shirts, there’d be a hue and cry. But it’s okay to be anti-boy? Fuck that.
Look, you know I have a sense of humor and I like the rude, obnoxious stuff. But these shirts just
aren’t funny.
* * *

Miz Poo thinks that boys are just fine as long as they worship her. Girls too, for that matter. She’s not sexist.
Jane’s reference to Flat Stanley got me to thinking about Crazy Nikki. What’s been going on with her lately?
Michele – not a damn thing. I haven’t seen her since our trip to Maine two (?) summers ago!
Speaking of tv shows on dvd, do you guys watch the Sopranos or 6 Feet Under? I’m hooked on both…
Netflix man….it’s the way to go. Last month, I ended up watching 14 movies – for $20 bucks. That’s cheap!!
Laura – We watch the Sopranos, but Fred’s not too interested in Six Feet Under. I’m thinking I may rent the first season of Six Feet Under and watch it while I exercise! 🙂
I agree with you on the Boy t-shirt thing, but I have to wonder…Miz Poo may think boys are fine, but what about dogs? 😉
I can’t BELIEVE you don’t have Netflix. Get with the program.
And I’ve been thinking of checking out Netflix, too! 🙂
Have you seen the new deal that Blockbuster has going on now?
You can check out 2 (or 3, depending on which movie pass subscription you sign up for) movies at a time, check them back in or out as many times as you want (even 10 times a day, even though I’m not sure who has time to do that in a day), no late fees, and all that good stuff for a small fee (2 movies at a time = 24.95, and 3 = I THINK 29.95… that’s the one we chose, but Kev set it up. lol) each month.
It’s a REALLY good deal. We use at least 30$ worth of movie renting in 1-2 weeks, anyway, and this way we get MORE movies for less and don’t have late fees. 🙂
I don’t work for Blockbuster. I’m not getting paid for this, I swear. Although… they should kick back some money to me for this, shouldn’t they? lol
Six Feet under is really good — kinda wierd, but really good. Hope you enjoy it if you get a chance…!
That picture is soooo cute! (and I think Fred is better looking that Jay and Quentin) but don’t tell him that…we don’t want him getting an ego! Heh.
I second the comments about netflix. I absolutely love it. And it’s the ultimate easy thing for a couch potato – order them online, wait till they are dropped off at your front door, watch, stick back in the postage paid envelope, drop back in the mailbox. Now that we’re in rerun season, I’m watching about 4 dvds a week. For $20 a month. And you can queue them up so that you get what you want, when you want. Here in Houston, it’s only a two day turnaround time – drop in the mailbox on Monday, receive new dvd on Wednesday. I think they offer a 14 day free trial. You should give it a go!
I’m too impatient for Netflix. It was great when we were still in Dallas, near a distribution center, but now that we’re back in Oklahoma (2.5 hours from Dallas), it adds a good 2-3 more days on to the time they get our movies back and then another 2-3 days to get them back here. So, for 29.95, I can get 3 movies each day and not have to deal with waiting for them to come in the mail.
I probably would’ve been fine with the wait had we not gotten things SO fast in Dallas.
I totally agree about the anti-boy thing. That’s right up there with ads and movies that portray men as clueless boobs who have no idea how to take care of their own children on my running list of things that piss me off.
loveloveLOVE the netflix, man. We have been members for about 6 months and have been pretty content for the most part. They just upped their basic membership fee by a couple of bucks but for the most part it’s still hella cheaper and more convenient than any of the shithead video stores we have around my town. Go for it!
Do try netflix. I think they still have a free trial thing going on. It’s WONDERFUL. I love never having to set foot in the video store! Consider this another ringing endorsement from a satisfied customer. (and I don’t do stuff like that very often)
I have to agree with all the smart people telling you to get netflix! 🙂
Love the picture of you guys. Fred remeinds me of that skinny guy in the old Laurel & Hardy movies !!
another netflix addict…
my husband signed up when they were first starting out maybe 4-5 years ago. I haven’t “rented” a movie since…
I agree too with the anti boy stuff. What was meant to be funny has gotten carried away.
However, I am sure Miz Poo would like a “Cats rule Dogs Drool shirt” or maybe even a “Dogs suck throw hairballs at them”
I loved the pic of you and Fred. We don’t see enough of them. And Robyn you have such pretty teeth!PS I rented Mystic River and Along Came Polly today!
I loooooooooooooooooves Netflix. It’s the way to go if you rent a lot of movies. We watch 3-4 movies a month, can’t beat the price for that. They have different memberships, if you want 5 movies at a time, I think that one is $30 a month.
I have to also jump on the Netflix bandwagon! But doesn’t anyone have the Blockbuster “No Late Fees” promotion going on? It seems we rednecks in East Tennessee are the only ones reaping the benefits of this. Check the movie out, keep it as long as you like, return it. No late fees. The catch is…after 7 days, they consider it gone and you have to buy it. However, I have never had to do this and have returned many a movie beyond the seven day window. They just take it off my account.
So…have you got Netflix, yet?
Hmm… I’m not sure what y’all are getting at. The message is fuzzy. Netflix… sucks? Or not?
Amen to hating the whole anti-boy thing. I am a girl, and yes boys have hurt me in the past, but I loveeeee me my boys.
I agree about the anti-boy stuff also. I refuse to let my daughter wear shirts like that. It’s just not funny.
Netflix uses distribution points across the country, so it’s either great or sucky. My distribution center used to be in another state so it took 2-3 days, but now a new one recently opened in town so it’s overnight for me. Last month, for the month of May, we rented 16 DVDs, thanks to the quick postal service (Netflix allows up to 3 DVDs checked out at one time).
If you really want to save some money, try your local library. I know not all carry just released movies, but mine does, and it’s so nice to watch them for free! 🙂
Hey Robyn,
Why don’t you join Netflix? For a little over $20 you get 3 DVDs of your choice. As soon as you have viewed one, return it postage paid to them and you will return another one from your list within a couple of days. You can keep any of them for however long you want–there are never any late charges. They also have an option of getting 8 DVDs at a time; I don’t know how much that is.
I have been doing this for a good seven months now and have loved it. No more running to the video store!!! They have all the new releases; I have not been able to NOT find anything I wanted. That includes the German movies I like to occasionally watch. I guess altogether they have over 15,000 titles.
I highly recommend it! They also have a free trial offer to see if you like it.
omg. you went in the water with that thing in there? ugh. lol
But…but…boys ARE smelly!
I agree with Nicole. The library has many up to date movies as well as the classics-which I adore more than the recent releases anyway.
My county library has a website where you can peruse the card catalog and order your books and movies as well as renewing books that are about to expire.
Sometimes I forget film titles,so I enter a star’s or director’s name in the “search” and it will bring up all of movies featuring that particular actor or directors.
It saves a lot of time at the library desk-all I have to do is pick up my ordered books and tapes.
Yes we have the no late fees thing going on at blockbuster, here in southern Ky. I have never kept them out that long, the 7 days, they always call the day after it was due to ask for it to be returned and I usually do that day or the next. I know the place is jumping with business now, since it started back around the first of the year.
Tshirts: My niece Joanna, aka JoJo, is wearing a “Boys Stink” t-shirt in her video for her single “Leave”. I thought it was cute, at first, considering the subject of the song (girl loves boy, boy hurts girl, girl tells him to “get out”), but after reading your comments about those shirts, I agree, Robyn. It’s not good to encourage that kind of negativism between the sexes, especially in youngsters. Young boys have a lot of self-esteem issues too.
Fred/Robyn photo: You BOTH look absolutely adorable, but I can see a bit of Jay Leno in Fred – it might be the angle of the photo that’s elongating his chin.
Netflix: Haven’t tried it yet, but everyone I know who uses it raves about it.
Just wanted to put in my 2 cents!
Netflix is the way to go. Nothing works better for this truly lazy bitchypoo. No late fees and a short walk to the mailbox gets you a day laying on the couch.
Try it!
Netflix is the way to go. Nothing works better for this truly lazy bitchypoo. No late fees and a short walk to the mailbox gets you a day laying on the couch.
Try it!
I agree with your thoughts on the anti-boy shirts – I have a boy, he sometimes stinks, but so does my daughter *L*
I’m also a Netflix addict, we’re in UT our distribution center is in Denver, turnaround time is 2-3 days.
Hey Robyn…has anyone ever told you about Netflix?
I agree, the “boy” t-shirts STINK! Why is our society so devisive these days? As for Ms. Poo and possible animosity toward dogs…I’m sure she’s heard the old saying, “Every dog has his day but the nights belong to us pussycats!”
I’d say go with Netflix too. We’ve had them about two years now, with zero problems. The movie turn over is lightening fast and they have a bigger selection. My final straw was having to pay four bucks to rent one movie one night! I told them that I would NOT be back! W@l-mart also has something similar (I think they have to steal EVERYONES good ideas) but the turn over rate sucks ass from what I hear from my husband’s co-workers. My favorite thing about Netflix is, I don’t have to say “Oh shit! I forgot to return this movie that sucked!”
Bobbie Sue