as my own. Snazzy, eh? Just what I need, another site to neglect!
* * *
Thank you to
Sabrina, who sent me
this link and made me shoot Diet Coke out of my nose! El Guapo! Hee!
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Also, my evil EVIL sister-in-law sent me a creepy-ass picture. I’m not kidding, it’s creepy as all hell. You can click
here to see it, but remember – I’ve warned you. CREE. PYYYY.
* * *
Last week’s pet store kitty pics are
here, and this week’s are
* * *
So, Saturday morning, as I was sitting in front of my computer trying to force myself to get off my ass and go exercise, I looked out the window at the bright, sunny day, and said “We could go to the quarry and swim around and I could call that my exercise for the day!”
And voila, it was done! Fred ate his breakfast and got ready, and we were out the door about twenty minutes later. There were a bunch of people there – a lot of divers – so we got away from the pier quickly, and swam (I use the word loosely) around the perimeter of the quarry. Fred did a couple of dives so that I could take his picture, we took turns diving down to touch the creepy algae-covered tree, and I snapped a few pictures of the fish who came to investigate just what the hell we thought we were doing.
At one point, I got a bit of water in my snorkel, and it wouldn’t blow out.
“Self,” I said. “It would probably be a good time to just empty out your snorkel, and you could de-fog your mask as well!”
That suggestion worked it’s way up the chain of command, was debated by the bureaucrats in my brain, and it was decided that it was, in fact, a good idea. So, I pulled the end of the snorkel out of my mouth, and at the same time pulled the mask off my face.
Except that someone was asleep at the wheel because when I did that, I still had my face in the water. I was immediately blinded by the rush of water into my eyes, and simultaneously, although I had no snorkel end in my mouth, I still attempted to breathe in a huge mouthful of water. But the guy in charge of the “lungs or stomach? stomach or lungs?” switch was on his toes, and the huge (I mean HUGE) mouthful of water was diverted to my stomach.
Tasted pretty good, too. Kind of like rainwater.
We ended up swimming around the quarry for almost two hours, which is the longest we’ve ever spent there. Fred ended up with a burn on his face, and I got a burn on the backs of my legs. Luckily the sun was only out about half the time we were there, or no doubt we would have ended up absolutely fried.
(Don’t lecture me, I KNOW. I swear I’ll wear sunscreen from now on okay, MOTHER?)
Once we left the quarry, we came home and put on dry clothes, then laid on the bed and talked. We’d planned to go to Applebee’s for dinner to try out their Weight Watcher’s menu, but Fred was kind of dreading going out for dinner, and
I was dreading having to eat dinner at 4:00 so we could beat the crowd. Finally, I suggested we have Applebee’s for lunch instead of dinner, and he agreed.
We spent half an hour or so deciding the many places in the house that needed touchup painting – especially the spud’s bedroom – and then left for lunch.
I had the Teriyaki Shrimp Skewers, which was pretty good, although the dipping sauce tasted a little funny; I suspect they use fat-free something or other to make it. Fred had the Sizzling Chicken Skillet, which he liked so much that even a day later he was talking about how good it was. I had dessert – Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake – that was so tiny that when the waiter showed up with it, Fred and I both began laughing. It was good, though, and when we left Applebee’s I was at least satisfied if not quite
When we left Applebee’s we went to Dick’s Sporting Goods to look for a snorkel for Fred, and see what they had for fins (answer: not much). Fred picked up a pretty nice snorkel and some t-shirts, and then we headed home.
After such a busy morning and afternoon (I mean, seriously. We NEVER do that much in a day on the weekend!), we settled in for naps in our respective bedrooms. I woke up about 4… and had to run for the bathroom. Which is what I spent the next four hours doing, dealing with – shall we say – intestinal issues.
It appears that either the mouthful of quarry water or something I ate at Applebee’s hit me the wrong way. Fred helped by crowing “You probably have dysentery!” repeatedly. Bastard.
Sunday morning I woke up and felt just fine, though. Maybe whatever I swallowed at the quarry made it’s way out the other end… or maybe it’s just laying dormant for the moment, waiting for the perfect moment to strike again.
* * *

“Hey! Keep it down over there!”

How can this be comfortable?

“If that little bastard doesn’t stop with the damn yawning…”
Hey Robyn –
great kitty pics – that little orange guy is a real cutie. It seems to me that you really like the orange ones, yet at home you only have a partially orange kitty. Isn’t it about time to get the number back up to 5? Just kidding, but man – he is a cute kitten!
Paula – That’s what *I* think, too – but Fred thinks we should stick with 4 cats for now, since Stanley’s got the personality of 2 cats. Heh.
You know, Robyn, whenever I check my email and I see that I have one from you letting me know you’ve got a new entry up, it just completes the day, no matter if it’s early in the a.m. or late at night. Just wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed reading you for the past 2+ years!
Also, here’s a question you may want to answer someday in an entry: if you think of your life in percentages, what percentage would you say we the readers are let in on? Obviously you keep some things private and only amongst those closest to you, but I’m just curious how much WE get to be a part of.
Great photos as always. 🙂 I’ve always wanted to swim at a quarry but never get around to doing it. Now that I’ve heard how much you and Fred love it, I’m going to try and find one around that has swimming…
Side questions: How long does it usually take for your older cats to accept a new interloper? We adopted a 6 week old kitty that is getting the smack-down from our older established cat. Contstantly with much growling, spitting and hissing. Is there anything that we can do to help? Any suggestions would GREATLY be appreciated! 🙂 Thank you, and you are the BEST!
And…I want more pictures of pat the cat.
Awww, thank you, Elizabeth! Thanks for the question, too. I’ll have to think about it. 🙂
Kari – I would say it takes probably about two weeks before the older cats aren’t hissing every time they see the new cat, and probably three or four months before the new cat is fully integrated in the house. Although, we’ve had Stanley for 7 or 8 months, and Miz Poo still hisses and smacks him if he gets too close! 🙂
Kate – If he’s there next week, I’ll get another ton of ’em. I doubt he’ll be there next week, though – as cute as he is in pictures, he’s twice as cute in person! 🙂
It’s become a huge topic of discussion on the Weight Watchers site that the desserts can cause stomach upset (or worse). Has something to do with the sugar alcohols they use or something like that (I never eat there, so I’ll never experience that. LOL!) Anyway, I’d bank on that being the case rather than drinking quarry water!
I bet it was the food – the most likely thing you could get from drinking untreated water is giardia, and that takes about a week or two to make you sick.
In the cat thing, did you catch the “married to the sea” thing? I think that was a Brandy You’re a Fine Girl reference… 😉
Watch that quarry water, girl, fish fuck in that shit.
Yvonne – That makes sense! I guess I’ll have to avoid the desserts there from now on! 🙂
Stacey – I don’t for one minute doubt that I have THAT, too! 😛
Susan – I did see it! I had to go read it again and laugh at it. It absolutely cracks me UP.
Dargie – they shit, too! 🙂
For the record, I did tell her if it was from the quarry, it was probably giardia and would take 10-14 days to show up.
I just like teasing about the dysentery. 🙂
Robyn, Oh! That little oragne guy is SOOOO cute! Good thing we don’t live by you or my husband would be yelling at me for bringing cat number 3 into our household. Hee.
I thought of you last night as I was watching a special on A&E called CATS! It was a 2 hour deal and they had many, many cute kitties.
That little orange kitty NEEDS to become an And3rson! What a gorgeous little man.
I sent that creepy picture to EVERYONE in my address book and man oh man! I know, I need to get a hobby……
Heeeeeheeeeheeee! I am still cracking up over CAT TOWN….and I just loved El Guapo and his red haired love…and the “I am married to the sea” reference……the whole time I was reading that entire site I was snorting and thinking “someone REALLY has too much time on their hands!!” BUT then again I was the one taking all the time reading it….heheheeee! Thanks for passing that on, Robyn. I bookmarked it so when I have time I can read all the back episodes…..and, did you see the bumpersticker where El Guapo says to shut off the cell phone and drive?? I thought of you when I saw that, too…
I know when something is really funny but I haven’t realized it yet. My chair is shaking and rattling and I am saying to myself “what is that noise I am hearing but don’t know where it is coming from?” The curse of the big man. “El Guapo” indeed!
Oh, that last one was from me!
That pic is even scary right side up!
Totally off any topic, have you heard any word on how Angel and Stevie are doing, Robyn? I see that the last time the donation total was updated was back in March. Any word on whatever ended up happening with them??
It’s that new sweetener. I think it starts with “Mal” like malbotol. They’re using it in all the low carb sweet stuff. Everybody I’ve talked to has the same intestinal reaction. I think they put it in Weight Watchers stuff so you can eat it the day before a weigh in. 🙂
I must admit that I hate it when people make me register for comments or to see a weblog. Grrr.
Funnily, my new blog is run by Expression Engine, which you can register to be part of the pesky’apostrophe stable [eyes rolling]. But the cool part is that it doesn’t require you to register. I kind of dig that.
I have not one but two orange kitties….well, Abbie’s got a lot of white, and Riley is (according to the vet) techincally a “red” but they’re orange to me! And orange cats are always crazy, so Pat would fit right in at your house. 🙂