
This is the sort of shit that just pisses me off to no end and want to move to a CIVILIZED country. You can bet your Aunt Fucking Fannie that the first time my pharmacist refused to fill my birth control prescription would be the last time I ever shopped at that store. There needs to be a central web page that women can consult so that they know what pharmacies and doctors to avoid. In fact, there needs to be a list of pharmacies and doctors so that women know who to BOYCOTT. Have I mentioned that this shit just pisses me off?

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The spud’s flight landed exactly on time and there were no problems at all. I do think she’s grown about six inches in the past five weeks, though. Right now she’s upstairs watching TV and doing her laundry and all is well in the world.
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From my comments: There was a big article today on MSN about how Carmen Diaz (sp?) used compressed air to make her nipples hard during a porn type modeling shoot. Hmmm? Just wondering. SNORT. I had no idea what this was about, NANCE, until I realized I’d mentioned there’s a can of compressed air next to the bed. I would use it to make my nipples hard, except I have no nipples. No sexual organs, either. I am smooth like a Barbie doll, and as far as I’m concerned, everyone else in the world is lacking nipples and sexual organs. Yep. Speaking of people taking down websites without consulting other people. Where’d the tater go? Oh, that. Well, I tried to log into WordPress to put up an entry one day, and no matter what I tried I couldn’t log in. So I got pissed off and deleted the whole fucking site. Once I get back from Hawaii, I’ll put something else up – I signed up for couchtater at blogspot, but I’m not sure if I want to use that, or something on my own domain. We’ll see. Tiger has the same raspy cough. He gets it when he wakes up from a deep sleep, and then hunches over like he’s going to puke. He won’t quit until he clears (?) whatever it is an swallows, then he’s fine. We took him to the vet 3 different times for it, and they’ve tried all the same stuff, still with no results. They’re clueless as well, and since it didn’t seem to be life threatening, we’ve decided it’s just a part of him. It does sound scary though, first few times you hear it. I’d never known anyone else to have a cat that does that. Maybe we’ve stumbled upon a new cat ailment. Should we call it the Poo Cough? Or the Tiger Hack? I think the Tiger Poo Hacking Cough sounds much more formal. Heh. Of course, they’ll shorten it to TPHC. “Your cat appears to be suffering from TPHC.” “Oh my god, is it serious?!” “No, just annoying.” If you like Sedaris, you might like Augusten Burroughs. “Running with Scissors” was insanely good. I have that book! I haven’t read it yet, but I have it. Robyn – is there a good web site that lists all the books in a series? I always have a hard time finding this out. I don’t know if there’s a web site like that – and if anyone knows that there is, leave a comment, wouldya? – but if I’m trying to figure out all the books in a series, I go to Amazon, and do a search on the name of the series. Ie, “Left Behind Series” will bring up all the Left Behind books in the series, though not necessarily in order. “Andrew Vachss Burke Series” brings up all the books in the Burke series, and so on. Robyn – Have you seen Felicity Huffman’s newer show, “Out of Order”? I caught a few episodes one weekend a couple weeks ago and loved it. It’s a totally different role for her and I really got into it. Yeah, we watched the series when it was first on Showtime and liked it a lot. I had hoped that they’d do another season of it, but so far there’s been nothing. Never say never though, right? Have you ever gotten into Strangers with Candy (Amy Sedaris stars). Funniest show EVER! A SWC movie is due out sometime this year. I’ve never seen a single episode – HOWEVER, the show’s out on DVD, so I’ve added the first disk of season one to my Netflix queue so I can check it out. Good god, don’t they include the tiny tube of hootchie-numbing cream they used to with Monistat? From what I remember, that was the main selling point of it for me when I had delicate issues. This is regarding my issues with the Monistat last week. Yeah, they had the hootchie-numbing (hee!) cream, but it didn’t so much as “numb” the hootchie (I mean, if I HAD one and wasn’t smooth like a Barbie) as “cause even more itching.” Maybe my hootchie (if I had one) is numbing-resistant. Robyn, I bet you could get your hair to do that, but I don’t think you’ll want to. It will require PRODUCTS. I actually tried styling my hair like Dana from Sports Night (season 1) last week, and it took a ton of products, too much time with the blow dryer, and still didn’t look like anything to write home about. I think I’ll stick with my wash, comb, ignore method. Life’s too short to spend 20 minutes with the blow dryer. Bitch! I wanted Cold Mountain for this weekend, but Netflix says ‘Short Wait’ and sent me something else instead. So YOU’RE the one who got my copy! *evil glare* Mwahahah! That’s right, someone mentioned in my comments that she goes to her Netflix queue the day before something is released and makes it #1 in the queue. I gave it a try and it worked so well that I’m probably going to do it from now on. I probably didn’t get your copy, though. My distribution center’s in Birmingham and yours… is not. 🙂 Robyn – I just found this site and immediately thought of you. That site reminds of this picture of Spanky:
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Cat lovers – help C.C. out, won’t you?
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We watched The Butterfly Effect last night. Skip to the next section if you haven’t seen it yet, because I’m going to mention how it ends. Not a bad movie, though the acting seemed to be uniformly wooden and Ashton Kutcher will probably never be anyone but Kelso to me, especially when he smiles. I was with the movie right up to the STUPIDEST FUCKING ENDING EVER. I mean, I’m sorry. He goes back in time and KILLS HIMSELF IN THE WOMB? What? Somehow – and this is just my opinion – I SUSPECT BABIES IN THE WOMB DON’T HAVE THE MANUAL DEXTERITY TO DO THAT SORT OF THING. Also, even 20 years ago, if there was a baby in distress like that, the doctors and nurses wouldn’t have been all standing around saying “Hmm. Baby in distress. Whatever shall we do? Sorry, lady. Sucks to be you.” They would have knocked her out and done a c-section immediately. Christ. We ended up seeing the director’s cut because I apparently put the dvd with the director’s cut in my Netflix queue rather than the theatrical version. Probably because it was the director’s cut, it seemed to take a while to really get going – Fred thought there was a little too much backstory. It was worth watching, despite the goofy-ass ending.
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The Friday Foofah: 1. Are you viewing this on a computer running MacOS or Windows (or something else)? Windows 2000. 2. If money wasn’t an issue, what computer would you have on your desk? I kind of like the computer I have now. I’d like one that’s faster and more powerful (this one is, like, almost three years old!), but I’d probably leave it up to Fred to pick out what kind, since that’s his area. 3. When did you first get on the Internet? Good lord. NINE years ago as of mid-February. 4. What’s the #1 use you put your computer to? Porn. Ha! Just kidding. Slackery: journal reading, surfing, chatting.
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20 thoughts on “2004-07-09”

  1. Gah!
    Now I’m going to be known as someone who actually thinks about Cameron Diaz and her nipples! Heeheee!

  2. Yeah, that Prevention article was scary. Worse yet, we had a pharmacist in my area refuse to dispense a morning after pill to a rape victim because “it went against his beliefs.” Eckerd canned his fundamentalist ass, which is why I will patronize them until the end of time.

  3. I helped out C.C. Poor little guy… One of my cats had a “kitty-cold” a while back, and she got so weak and had trouble breathing because he nose was so stuffed up. She was too weak to hide in the closet, although I bet she would have if she could. After I had taken her to the vet, who gave us antibiotics for my kitty, I placed the cat on our bed so she could rest. She was so weak, but she laid her head on my hand and kept it there. I nearly burst into tears, it was such a sad sight! Now she’s all better, but that episode hurt my heart. I don’t know what I’d feel if she *really* got seriously sick. FEAR! (sorry for this long comment)

  4. I always pronounce it as “Couch POOtato” because of the whole “Bitchypoo” and Miz Poo. So there you go.

  5. Re listings of all books in a series: my library has a great website where one can reserve books etc. It will bring up all the books in a series as long as you know the name, i.e. Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. If Amazon.com doesn’t have the one you are looking for, try your library.

  6. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I felt so horrid when I heard about C.C. I just had to try to find a way to help besides monetarily…Thank you!!!
    PS. Yeah, I had the same coochie problem. The coochie cream made me wonder why the instructions said to wait to apply before bedtime…probably because you’d be dancing an Irish jig if you weren’t in bed.

  7. Our Edmonton library has a great website too — you can search by author and then sort, by different criteria, i.e., newest to oldest, so I can enter my favorite authors and see if they’ve written anything recently that the library knows about that I don’t!

  8. Hey Robyn – I’m glad that someone agrees with me that the director’s cut of The Butterfly Effect was unbelievably stupid! However, the theatrical ending was a hell of a lot better – not a womb in sight. It’s probably not worth the bother of queueing the other version – there’s a total of about three scenes that are really different. (If you have any interest, it’d be easier for me to just tell you!) Also, don’t know if Netflix dvds are different from those @ Blockbuster, etc, but in the one I got, theatrical version was on one side of the disc and director’s cut on the other. Have a great weekend! :o)

  9. Could you please tell Fred to put up an entry soon? It’s July 9th and STILL nothing this month. Those of us with no lives have nothing to do but wait to hear about his latest adventure.

  10. Thanks for sharing the article on the Pill. I’m outraged. What is so stupid about the whole thing is that we women (I’m on the pill) are being responsible by taking birth control to prevent ourselves from an unwanted pregnancy. Can you imagine if The Pill wasn’t available anymore and all of a sudden there were all these unwanted pregnancies, abortions, babies put up for adoption, children living in the streets? What a disgusting thought. I’m like you…if my pharmacist ever took it upon himself to decide my fate, I’d give him a few choice words and then never go back.

  11. That hacking coughing thing the Poo does…well our dog does it too. We’ve got a 4 pound Chihuahua named Tinkerbell, and every time she gets excited or nervous she starts this amazingly loud and annoying snorty inhaling I can’t breathe sound. Like fingernails on a chalk board if you ask me!

  12. and the Pill article? Oh my GOD.
    I’m on the pill, but it’s to STOP the damn bleeding. This is the second month in a row of over 18 days of the damned period. Ugh. Refuse to fill my prescription and loose a nut, asshat.

  13. Thanks for sharing that article! The first pharmacist who tries to get in between me and my birth control is a dead man! I use it mostly for control of my menstrual cycle, and when I’m not on it, things get VERY ugly.

  14. Thanks for the link to the Prevention article. I am not on the Pill now but I was before. Are these Drs and Pharmacists planning on taking care of all the babies born to the women who they refuse??? They have no right to make that decision for anyone else. They have a job and they need to perform it, not use it to preach and force their beliefs on others.
    And about the Hootchie cream…you know that even if you had a Hootchie (instead of a smooth Barbie body)…the cream wouldn’t numb it….cause you, Robyn, are a BADASS!!!!!

  15. Texas Peach –
    I agree. Since Robyn is such a bad ass, you’d think that a burning hootchie would be a joke!

  16. I hope that bit about the pharmacists and the birth control pill is just in the US and not here in Canada! What unbelievable ego for these people to decide what is best for others. What do you know, it isn’t the government that is Big Brother, it’s your local pharmacist.

  17. What bugs me about the Pill article is that the pharmicists and doctors in question are SUPPOSEDLY trained in medical science – the Pill is like a barrier method – prevents sperm and egg from getting together. The Morning After Pill is more like what they are objecting to. However, I still don’t believe they are correct enforcing their personal beliefs on their unsuspecting patients/customers – if they are so against these things, they ought to change careers. Hmph. Doesn’t anyone have any ethics anymore????

  18. Robyn (I typed “Rybin” twice before I got it right, cuz I’m having an I’m Dumb Day) – I thought it was a good sign that Showtime was showing reruns of “Out of Order” – doesn’t that usually mean there’s a new season to come? I hate the excessive haituses of these cable series. But since those few first-season eps I saw, there haven’t been anymore that I’ve been able to catch on the Tivo at my mom’s. And I search it EVERY TIME I’m there!

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