* * * By the way, the spud thinks she’ll like all her classes, but especially Family Dynamics. Family Dynamics, if you were wondering, is Home Ec with a fancy new name. The only thing she really doesn’t like about going to the high school is that they only have five minutes to get from one class to the next. I don’t blame her – that’s a HUGE school.

Fred sounds like a true saint, doing all those things. 🙂
He’s my lurve slave. 🙂
“ready to pop her head off her neck and kick it down the street.”
I just love that statement. It made me laugh and laugh.
Try not to be too hard on the Spud. If she’s anything like I was at that age, she’s probably completely overwhelmed and doesn’t want to come off looking like an idiot!!
you sound just like me Robyn. I refuse to use the phone unless it’s absolutely, completely a matter of life or death. My husband makes calls for me for anything from ordering pizza to making dr. appts..because he, like Fred is also a saint. Me? Phone phobia? HELL YES..and I’m not ashamed to admit it! Strangely, I’m on the phone for work 8 hours/day and it doesn’t bother me..must be because I’m getting paid. Ask me to call the to see what their hours are? I WILL RUN AND HIDE until you call them for me 🙂
Family Dynamics, eh? When I first started junior high, it was still called Home Economics, but when I was a sophomore or so it was changed to Family and Consumer Science.
I hope the spud enjoys high school. 🙂
I don’t know why, but I find the Spud’s bus problems fascinating. Heh, I guess it reminds me of my first day of high school. I got to school late and was sitting on a bench when a school security asked what the hell I was doing I replied, “Waiting for the bell.” He then said, “The bell rang twenty minutes ago, where is your class? You could be written up for this.”
In a country store, St. Augustine, Fl are two signs I can relate to:
#1- Raising children is like being pecked to death by chickens
#2-Mothers of teenagers understand why animals eat their young
My daughter doesn’t ride the bus to school (and now maybe I know why!)… but growing up, I rode the bus every single day. Course we only had like six buses…
Just how big is this school? And how many buses are there? I swear we had three minutes to get to class in high school, and there couldn’t have been more than maybe 5-6 buses. Maybe I’m not remembering it right, though, since I went to school when Home Economics was called Home Economics. (What do they call Shop? Wood Dynamics?)
Marie has been having bus problems this year, too. She’s a junior, and the bus schedule/arrangements/number have all been the same since she was a freshman. But THIS year, there have been problems. Yesterday, Marie went out to the bus stop at 7:15, and the bus was scheduled to arrive at 7:23 (how’s that for precise?). Moments later, she comes stomping back. “Apparently, the 7:23 bus came and went at 7:16!” She got a ride from a friend. Then this morning, she went out to the bus stop while I was still in the shower – the same time, I presume. This time, I get a call at 7:30 from Marie, who said, “The bus came but it was completely full, and the bus driver said they were going to send another bus, but they haven’t showed up yet and school starts in 10 minutes.” I agreed to take her to school if the bus didn’t show, but I called her back fifteen minutes later and she was walking to her first class. I wonder what will happen tomorrow?
In the UK kids have 6 weeks summer holidays. How long do they have in US? Just being nosey…
The Bean looks like Gollum in that picture. *My precious!*
Hey Elle~ When I went to school Home Economics was Home Economics, but shop was called Industrial Technology. That was in junior high so that’s been about 15 years.
Yeah they changed ours to family dynamics too. My son thought about taking it until he found out it was a girly class (heh) because if he took Drama it would be he HAD to take Drama 2 and he would have to actually ACT IN A PLAY for God’s sake..and (sigh)..oh the drama. So now we are back to staying in drama.
Hey Jude we have our “summer vacation” and it actually starts in the spring and we go back to school with over a month left of actual “summer”. It is so stupid.
Anyway we have about 10 weeks of vacation.
PS No pun intended on the beginning of this note..heh. I am sure you get tired of hearing that one.