here, and from this week are here.
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Hey. Have you been to
Smart & Sassy recently? I had call to use the words “Stalker McCreepypants” in an answer a while back, and it amused me way more than it should have, probably. We’re almost caught up on questions, so why don’tcha go over there and ask us a fun question. Or a difficult one. Whatever. Go ask questions, is what I’m saying!
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So Sunday, we went up to
Monte Sano State Park and had a picnic. We had a cooler stuffed with containers – one for the hamburgers, one for the coleslaw, one for the potato salad, one for the chicken breasts (which we grilled and brought home to have for dinner tonight) – and a number of other things (ketchup, Diet Coke, etc.). That cooler was HEAVY AS HELL. Fred carried one end and I carried the other, and we had to stop three different times so I could switch hands, the damn cooler was so heavy.
We apparently weren’t the only ones with the idea of having a picnic – the place was packed, and we ended up at a picnic table right by the main path, so people were constantly walking by and checking out what we were eating.
Best damn hamburger I’ve ever had, though.
Fred talked about going for a hike after we ate, but I was so stuffed that the only place I wanted to hike was back to the car. I really think the best time to take a hike is BEFORE you eat. We’ll have to give it a try next time.
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So, two journalers I read have both been targeted recently by disturbed people who left really ugly messages in their comments. Oddly, both journalers are named Jane – the
Jane you already know, and a
Jane I “discovered” while reading my sister-in-law’s journal – not only is the second Jane a Mainer, she’s also got the most adorable red-headed baby. How can you resist red-headed babies? I cannot. Red-headed babies are my favorite babies in the whole wide world. I mean, I’m partial to blondes and brunettes as well, but I feel a kinship with red-headed babies, because in my heart of hearts, though I wasn’t born that way, I’m a red-head.
But I digress.
So both Janes were recently targeted by disturbed people who left ugly comments, and the mind boggles, doesn’t it? I know what some of you will say – if you’re going to have a journal open to strangers on the internet, you’re going to get comments you don’t like. Sure, okay – but what’s
wrong with these people, who would leave a comment telling another person they’re ugly, who would attack innocent children? I mean, what are they trying to prove? What kind of sad and pathetic life must these people have, that doing their best to hurt a stranger is something that brings them joy?
I just don’t get it. And with luck, I’ll never really understand it. Luckily, people like that are pretty few and far between, and in the end, they really just aren’t important at all.
said it better, by the way)
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Oh, by the way? When you tell someone “Don’t worry, I won’t be back to read your journal”? Please. EVERYONE knows that means “I’m going to come back every six seconds to see the reactions to my asshole comment”.
I guess I don’t really understand the people who feel the need to announce they won’t be back to read a particular blog or journal. I’ve gotten emails wherein people have said “Your talking about TV all the time bores the shit out of me. I’m not going to bother to read anymore” or “I can’t stand all the cat talk. I won’t be reading anymore” or, my favorite, “Fred hurt my feelings, so I’m going to stop reading your journal.” Um, okay. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, mm’kay?
If you’re going to stop reading… stop reading. Don’t feel the need to announce that you’re going to stop reading. Don’t drag it out as long as humanly possible – “I just had to say this one last thing, and then I’m leaving. No, really, I’m leaving. I’m gone now. In just a second I’ll be gone forever. Bye! Seriously, bye! I’m leaving, bye! Don’t try to stop me, I’m going!”
Of course, I’m not talking about any of YOU, because YOU all rock. I just had to babble about it a little so I could forget about it. Heh.
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Oh, I have Seasonale news! I’m at the end of my second pack – I finished the last pill on Saturday – and this time around I had only two days of breakthrough bleeding. I had about a month of very very light breakthrough bleeding last time, so two days of breakthrough bleeding is a definite improvement. Maybe next time around there’ll be NONE.
A girl can hope, anyway.
The PMS has been rough this time around – Saturday, Fred claimed I’d been snapping at him a lot over the previous few days, but he’s just a lying bastard and I need someone to come over and help me bury him in the back yard because if he belches ONE MORE TIME….
I’ve probably retained five pounds of water, every ounce of it in MY BOOBS (grrrr), and I have the Zit o’ Doom on my cheekbone – one of those zits that won’t pop, just sits there for days and days, glowing a bright, bright red. I don’t think I’ve ever before looked forward to having my period with quite this much enthusiasm.
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One of the two hummingbirds that visits the feeder.

Hummingbirds are CUTE. I need a pet hummingbird!
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Miz Poo at the tail end of a yawn.

And in the middle of one. Clearly we bore her silly.]]>
LOVE the pet store kitties. I think you need to adopt one of those cuties. Hee.
’bout time you updated. Hee!
I have TWO little red-headed nieces who are the cutest little girls evah!! Bwah-ha-ha!
I agree with you (and Nance and Jane). What is wrong with people? (Sigh.)
Re: your zit…try putting some plain ole’ Milk of Magnesium on it…let it dry, then wipe it off with a warm washcloth. It should help.
I’m glad you’re having luck with Seasonale. The concept of 4 periods a year was awesome but I gave up after two months of bleeding, bleh. I’m not using the damned uterus, I wish I could talk someone (a doctor preferably) into removing it for me.
Well. I guess you told us, huh.
See ya. Talk to ya later. Adios. Goodbye. Later. See ya. Toodles! Its been real…..
BORING lately.
See ya around. Toodles. Good bye 🙂
Um,this isn’t probably revelent to me since my chances of getting preggers now that I am FORTY-FIVE are QUITE nil(old eggs),BUT does using Seasonale lessen one’s chances of getting pregnant when she decides to go off of it ??
Thank you(said in the style of Jay London,my new fav comic in the world.)
Seriously, hummingbirds are MEAN. They beat the crap out of each other when competing for food. I saw this whole thing on the Discovery Channel that left em seriously disturbed about these psychotic little birds flying around beating each other up.
Hey Robyn, would Fred want to rebuild your new computer? ;)
I have one word for your cooler woes: wheels. And if you don’t want to buy a new one, get that old luggage rack with wheels sitting up in the top shelf of your closet. Works like a charm.
Hey, this is really strange. I am in Maine, and I got to meet that cute little redheaded baby last night. He is MUCH cuter in person, too. Are you jealous? I knew you would be.
Don’t worry, though I am on your father’s computer, I am using IE, and he uses Netscape, so he won’t find this in his history. Also, I’ll delete my tracks.
Hi from Maine!