Skeery! And for comparison purposes, this is what it looked like in the summer of 2002, when we were there:
* * *
As of right now (11:45 am) all we’re getting is rain. It’s not even windy yet. Meester Boogers is losing his mind, though, because we have the window shut so he can’t get out through the cat door. He’s the only cat I’ve ever known who likes to go out and play in the rain.
* * *
Hey, remember the Christmas present Debbie made for me? The cross-stitch picture?

Well I never mentioned that the frame and glass broke in shipping, so I took the picture out of the frame and tossed it, and ever since, the picture’s been sitting by the door waiting to be taken to a professional framer (I’m not a very good framer when it comes to framing cross-stitched stuff). Yesterday, I finally took it to be framed. It’ll be done in a few weeks, and hopefully I did a good job of picking out the matte and frame. I’m not very good at picking that stuff out, either, so who knows how it’ll turn out?
I also took the
Shawshank Redemption poster I got for Fred for his birthday THREE AND A HALF YEARS AGO to be framed. That was easy, though – I chose the same simple black metal frame that I did when I had the Forrest Gump poster framed for his birthday several years ago.
Speaking of pictures, when I was in Maine my mother asked if I wanted the ballerina picture that hung in my bedroom for most of my childhood. I did, and had it packed and shipped, and it arrived Tuesday.

I’m going to ask the spud if she wants it hung in her room – even though it doesn’t really go with her fart-clock “decor” – but if she doesn’t want it in her room, I guess I’ll hang it in the guest bedroom.
* * *
I don’t think I mentioned this, but when I was in Maine my mother, sister and I made a trip to my grandmother’s house. In her will, my grandmother left the house to my uncle (he helped her buy the house back when she was divorced from my grandfather – at the time, banks wouldn’t loan money to single women, even if they’d been in the work force for years. Grrrr.) and the contents of the house to my mother. I suspect that my grandmother knew that if my uncle ended up with her furniture, it wouldn’t be very well cared-for.
My mother asked if there was anything at my grandmother’s house that I wanted, and to be honest all I could think of was that I wanted a candy dish she used to keep on her end table. When we were at the house, we found the candy dish, and I ended up taking a few other small things as well; just small things that will remind me of my grandmother.

This table was next to her bed. I’ve put at the bottom of the stairs, and when the cats are used to it being there, I’ll put a plant on it. Whenever I see the table, it makes me think of my grandmother, and I smile.
The candy jar.

There were two bowls like this in my grandmother’s cupboard, and I was immediately taken with them. My mother thought they originally held cottage cheese, but wasn’t sure. Anyone know? I love the color, and the way they look so delicate, but is actually a fairly heavy, sturdy bowl. Fred says he’s pretty sure his mother had bowls like this when he was a kid, only they were green. It says “Oven Fire-King Ware 7” on the bottom. Oh, and it’s cereal-bowl sized.

Oh, please. A juice glass with yellow flowers? Could it say “Robyn” any more loudly?
I’ve threatened the spud’s life if she drops and breaks any of this stuff. I give it a week before she’s broken a bowl or the glass. She’s her mother’s daughter, after all!
* * *
Spanky likes the sun, oh yes he does. And when he’s had his fill of sunlight, he’s going to go upstairs and barf up a hairball all over The Momma’s lovely new comforter. He’s Spanky; that’s just what he DOES.]]>
Glad you are high and dry! (Why is this considered a bad thing? Would you want to be low and wet?)
Anyway, this entry made me laugh because of your mom’s whole “simplifying” thing. We came home with the doll house from the basement, and she kept trying to pawn off shells on us.
Oooo, Oven Fire-King Ware. It’s a company that made dishes and pots and pans in the 60’s or 70’s. I love that stuff and have pilfered two from my mom. Some of it is highly valuable, too. Unfortunatley, mine get lots of use so they’re no longer in mint condition.
Glad Ivan didn’t blow you guys away!
I LOVE those grandma had the exact same ones, same color even! I think my aunt inherited them though 🙁
Oh my God! I love that bowl!
Isn’t funny how it’s just the little things that mean so much? When my grandma passed away, I was given a necklace she inherited from a relative in sweden she’d never met. When asked if there was anything else I wanted, all I could think of was her red lipstick, the mirror jobbie that fit over it and her pink suit. She wore that pink suit to weddings and parties, it was my grandma to a T. Then when we cleaned out her closet my grandpa was going to donate her tweed coat to the goodwill, but I took that as well; She wore that coat forever, and though both items are entirely too small for me, they sit in my closet and I feel like a part of her is still here.
So glad you’re not getting battered by Ivan!!
Its amazing how certain things give us comfort. I inherited my grandmother’s house and all the contents, but her rings mean the most to me and I’ll never, ever take them off. I feel her with me all the time.
I love those bowls too!
The bowl. My grandmother had those in green as well. A whole set in various sizes. My sister got them, the bitch! I have seen various copy cats of them lately and keep saying I will buy them but they don’t hold the same meaning and therefore they suck!
Glad you got one! And glad you’re safe from the hurricane!
It’s funny the things that become important to us. Your grandmother’s candy jar reminded me of the thing my daughter wanted from my mother-in-law’s house: a plastic gumball machine Grandma used to fill with M&Ms. Probably cost all of $3 when she bought it. But it was the memories that were important to her, not the “things.”
Hee. My little “thing” like that is my grandfather’s pocket knife. He used to always be carrying it, and taking it out to help people unwrap packages or presents, or whatever else they might need a pocketknife for. In the haze of his funeral weekend, I just went into his room and took it, and it’s the only thing of his I kept for myself.
One of my beasties loses his mind every time I turn on the bathtub tap or the shower – it’s the craziest thing. Cries at me the entire time I’m in the shower. Always sitting in the tub waiting for me to turn it on. He doesn’t know about the outside world being only an indoor feline, but I’m sure he would love snow and rain too! He’s insane! He makes me laugh through the cursing! 🙂
Yes – please donate to Light the Night. A sweet 9 month old baby girl named Allie Scott died Monday night from Acute Myeloid Lukemia – a rare blood cancer.
What building is that on the candy jar?
Love the bowl. Fire-king was made by Corning- it’s a variety of Pyrex and was meant to be oven safe, but pretty enough to be used to serve at the table. Jadeite- the stuff Martha Stewart is as addicted to as crack- is made by Fire-king.
PS Glad you guys are OK so far- I’ve been watching CNN and trying to hear about Alabama.
So glad I live in BC, where the weather is not something you ever have to issue alerts for. I would so NOT want to live in tornado and hurricane areas.
Mind, we do live on one of the most active earthquake faults in the world and when the big one hits, the airport and the entire suburb it sits on are going to disappear, but that’s not something you can predict.
Having an anxiety problem, I’d rather have something you don’t have to deal with until it happens, rather than on the half hour bulletins on CNN.
Would have thought you would have gone for the counter-tops over at Grammy’s **running for cover from thrown items!!**
That candy jar made me sad. I don’t even know if it’s true, but it conjures up an image of her taking candy from it to give to you and your siblings when you were children. Time goes by so fast doesn’t it?!