Have fun!!! But, really, “Fall Break”???? I never had that when I was the Spud’s age!!!!!! Didn’t she just start school again????
I LOVE Myrtle Beach!! Don’t know how it is in the fall/winter, but definitely go eat at Dick’s–the waiters insult you and throw straws at you and make you wear embarrassing condom-shaped hats with rude messages written on them. So be sure to dish it right back to them!! Good, rude fun all around!
Have a great time and Congrats on your 5 year anniversary.
Personally, I can’t see you wearing that condom hat at Dick’s, but if you do, TAKE PICS!!!!
C,mon, don’t sux the fun out of everything for us!
Oh, Man! So close, yet so far away! I won’t stalk you, since I am finding out about this after you’ve gone and I’ll be at work all week! And yeah, you really need to experience Dick’s, as Elizabeth recommends. If you check your site, and decide that you need more touristy advice,and the place with the best fish-stew ever, email me!Have fun, be safe, and Happy Journalversary!
Happy Journalversary, Robyn! I agree with the others about Dick’s. It is a lot of fun. If you do end up going, I’ll share a story with you. My nephew goes to Coastal there in Myrtle Beach! Have tons of fun!
Thanks for clearing up the red shorts thing. I thought I had missed something!
You picked the perfect time (for me) to take a break. I’m starting a new job tomorrow at a company that I’ve heard has a pretty strict Internet policy. Somehow, I think a site called ‘Bitchypoo’ would probbably trigger their Internet monitoring software. 🙂
Since you’re going to be gone for a week, I won’t have to wonder if I’m missing out on any good entries while I’m at work.
You could… take a picture of the red shorts from behind! 😀
Darn I guess I missed the whole red shorts thing. We will work on him while you are gone. 😉
Have a safe and happy trip! Will miss you while you are gone!
Oh yeah…gotta love Dick’s. I have a lovely picture of me wearing one of those funny hats that says “curtains don’t match the carpet.” Cracks me up every time I see it!
I love Myrtle Beach! Hope you guys have a good time!
Hoping you are having a fantastic time and take lots of pictures for those of us who are travel challenged 🙂 Happy Anniversary too!
I love that you guys take stupid things people say (and write in this case) and use it in your everyday life because my mom and I do that too. Some of our oldies but goodies : “Fine just sit down there and be fat!” (said by a little girl to another little girl at a rodeo about 15 years ago). “Just like your father that bastard!” (Pauly Shore 1991) and our newest one: “Oh Lordy no mercy!!” (from one of my mom’s patients. Eh, maybe you had to be there LOL
Be safe and have a blast!
Happy Journalversary! Have a great trip!
Have fun!!! But, really, “Fall Break”???? I never had that when I was the Spud’s age!!!!!! Didn’t she just start school again????
I LOVE Myrtle Beach!! Don’t know how it is in the fall/winter, but definitely go eat at Dick’s–the waiters insult you and throw straws at you and make you wear embarrassing condom-shaped hats with rude messages written on them. So be sure to dish it right back to them!! Good, rude fun all around!
Have a great time and Congrats on your 5 year anniversary.
Personally, I can’t see you wearing that condom hat at Dick’s, but if you do, TAKE PICS!!!!
C,mon, don’t sux the fun out of everything for us!
Oh, Man! So close, yet so far away! I won’t stalk you, since I am finding out about this after you’ve gone and I’ll be at work all week! And yeah, you really need to experience Dick’s, as Elizabeth recommends. If you check your site, and decide that you need more touristy advice,and the place with the best fish-stew ever, email me!Have fun, be safe, and Happy Journalversary!
Happy Journalversary, Robyn! I agree with the others about Dick’s. It is a lot of fun. If you do end up going, I’ll share a story with you. My nephew goes to Coastal there in Myrtle Beach! Have tons of fun!
Thanks for clearing up the red shorts thing. I thought I had missed something!
You picked the perfect time (for me) to take a break. I’m starting a new job tomorrow at a company that I’ve heard has a pretty strict Internet policy. Somehow, I think a site called ‘Bitchypoo’ would probbably trigger their Internet monitoring software. 🙂
Since you’re going to be gone for a week, I won’t have to wonder if I’m missing out on any good entries while I’m at work.
You could… take a picture of the red shorts from behind! 😀
Darn I guess I missed the whole red shorts thing. We will work on him while you are gone. 😉
Have a safe and happy trip! Will miss you while you are gone!
Oh yeah…gotta love Dick’s. I have a lovely picture of me wearing one of those funny hats that says “curtains don’t match the carpet.” Cracks me up every time I see it!
I love Myrtle Beach! Hope you guys have a good time!
Hoping you are having a fantastic time and take lots of pictures for those of us who are travel challenged 🙂 Happy Anniversary too!
I love that you guys take stupid things people say (and write in this case) and use it in your everyday life because my mom and I do that too. Some of our oldies but goodies : “Fine just sit down there and be fat!” (said by a little girl to another little girl at a rodeo about 15 years ago). “Just like your father that bastard!” (Pauly Shore 1991) and our newest one: “Oh Lordy no mercy!!” (from one of my mom’s patients. Eh, maybe you had to be there LOL