Butch up, crabapple is my new motto. getupgrrl rocks the casbah. In case you didn’t know.
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1. Your name spelled backwards. Nybor.
2. Where were your parents born? My mother in Brunswick, Maine and my father in or around Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? I actually had to go look. I’m pretty sure it was the song Better Man by the Warren Brothers. Songs are pretty much the only thing I download nowadays.
4. What’s your favorite restaurant? I… don’t know! I’m not sure I have one. I like most restaurants with the exception of Ruby Tuesday’s, though I’ll even eat there in a pinch. I like most chain restaurants.
5. Last time you swam in a pool? Crap, I don’t know. Maybe the summer of 2003, when I swam in my parents’ pool.
6. Have you ever been in a school play? Not that I can remember – if I was, I’m sure it was a grade-school play and I was the broccoli or something else that required me just to stand there. I was in two ballet recitals when I was 13 and 14 (I think). This is where Fred starts singing the music from “No Rain”. You know – the video with the little fat Bee Girl.
7. How many kids do you want? Just the one’ll do me.
8. Type of music you dislike most? I’m not crazy about Rap or Techno.
9. Are you registered to vote? Yes.
10. Do you have cable? Yes. I can’t imagine life without it!
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? No, but I desperately wanted one when I was in high school.
12. Ever prank call anybody? Of course. Who hasn’t? The most recent time would be about 10 years ago (give or take) when some guy was an ass to Debbie, and I kept calling him and playing Adam Sandler’s Thanksgiving Song (“Want to eat turkey! Want to eat tur-ur-urkey!”) in the phone. God was that fun.
13. Ever get a parking ticket? Yeah, I’m sure I have but I don’t remember when or where or, basically, anything at all.
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Yeah, I’d do both.
15. Farthest place you ever traveled. Hawaii – no, Guam, when I was a kid. My god that plane ride sucked.
16. Do you have a garden? No. In the next house I want to have a fenced-off bit of land so we can have a veggie garden the cats can’t get to, and a bulb garden they can’t get to, as well.
17. What’s your favorite comic strip? For Better or Worse, or Luann.
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? Not even close.
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower, morning. If I’m really cold or need to relax, I’ll take a bath at night, but that only happens about once a week, if that.
20. Best movie you’ve seen in the past month? Walking Tall was surprisingly better than I expected, despite the occasional cheese factor. “If you acquit me, I’ll run for sheriff, and I’ll clean up this town!”
21. Favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni, mushroom, and onion. If I can only have one, then pepperoni.
22. Chips or popcorn? Chips, though I don’t eat them all that often. Popcorn is one of those things that always smells better to me than it tastes. And even when it tastes really good, I always get a husk stuck in my teeth and can’t get it out, and that drives me frickin’ nuts. The taste isn’t worth the aggravation.
23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? I don’t wear lipstick. I wear Blistex all the time. It’s clear.
24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Smoked peanut shells… to eat? Or smoked them like you’d smoke a cigarette? Either way, the answer is no.
25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? Yeah, last week I was strutting around on stage in my string bikini in an attempt to capture the “Mrs. Alabama” title. ::snort::
26. Orange Juice or apple? Orange juice, pulpy. I don’t drink it very often, though.
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? Fred and the spud. We went to Macaroni Grill for dinner Friday night. It was excellent. I had the lobster ravioli and it was amazing. My only complaint is that there was so much of the yummy sauce left over that I had to steal some of Fred’s pasta to soak it up so it wouldn’t go to waste. The spud had spaghetti and meatballs, brought home her leftovers and had it for lunch Saturday and Sunday. Now, that’s a bargain! Fred had the chicken parmigiana. We’ll definitely go back there again.
28. Favorite type chocolate bar? My current favorite is 3 Musketeers, but it changes a lot.
29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? Tuesday!
30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? Last month, when we picked the last of our cherry tomatoes. Those things were really good; we’re planning to grow some more next summer.
31. Have you ever won a trophy? When I was in sixth grade, I won a “Citizenship” trophy. I still have it somewhere. One person in each sixth grade class voted, and you could vote for anyone in your class. After the voting was done, my classmates took an informal poll and asked who everyone had voted for. I lied and said I’d voted for someone else, but in truth I voted for ME. Ha!
32. Are you a good cook? Passable. As long as I have a recipe to go by, the results are edible. I consider Fred a better cook – he can cook things off the top of his head (figuratively speaking) and they come out really good. Me, I need a recipe or I get freaked out unless it’s something I’ve made ten thousand times before, like shepherd’s pie.
33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Of course. Who are these people who don’t know how to pump their own gas?
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? Yes, a couple of things. “Set it and forget it!”, the rotisserie thing. And the Citrus Express, which still sits in the cupboard but probably hasn’t been touched in two years. I’m a sucker for the infomercial which is why I don’t stop to watch them when I’m looking for something to watch.
35. Sprite or 7-up? Eh. Either is fine, I guess. I really prefer Diet Coke, though if my stomach is upset I prefer something clear, and either Sprite or 7-Up works for me.
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? When I worked at McDonald’s. Brown polyester uniform of horror. Gah.
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? The Sunday paper.
38. Ever throw up in public? When I was pregnant with the spud, my ex-husband and I went out to Sizzler for lunch. I think we opted just for the salad bar, and I had finished a salad and was eating some watermelon when, without warning, I barfed everything back up onto my plate. I covered it with a napkin and ran out to the parking lot, where I barfed some more. Luckily there weren’t a whole lot of people around.
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? Why does one preclude the other?
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Eh. Maybe. Lust at first sight, for sure.
41. Ever call a 1-900 number? I don’t think so. Are those sex numbers?
42. Can ex’s be friends? Theoretically, yes, but I have no desire to be friends with any of my exes.
43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? Er… Fred’s father, after he had his appendix out a few years ago, I think. Poor guy, he looked awful.
44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? About average, I think.
45. What message is on your answering machine? “Hi, you’ve reached XXX-XXXX. Please leave your number after the beep and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks!” The voicemail to my cellphone used to say “You’ve reached XXX-XXXX. You need to leave a message, because if I don’t recognize your number, I won’t pick up the phone and you’ll never get to talk to me.”
Nance called and left me a message last New Year’s Eve and thought it was funny as hell. I recently listened to it and got embarrassed at how dorky I sounded, so I changed it back to a generic “Leave a message after the beep” message.
46. What’s your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character? The Church Lady.
47. What was the name of your first pet? The very first would be Koko, maybe? A little white dog I barely remember. That was when I was very little and there were other dogs along the way, but I will always consider Taffy to have been my first real pet.
48. What is in your purse? My wallet, various and sundry old receipts, a notebook, a pen, a wad of McDonald’s napkins (when we drove to and from SC, three different bathrooms were out of toilet paper. I decided it would behoove me to carry something around with me that I could use in a pinch.), two AA batteries, eye drops, a bottle of Aleve, a pick comb, keys, sunglasses, cell phone, the digital camera, and two packs of Trident White Wintergreen gum.
49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? Talk to Fred, pet the cats, and read.
50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? My crazy kid, my crazy husband, and YOU – my crazy readers.
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From my comments:
I am dying to know: What did the Spud get on her ring? I never got a class ring (my mom agreed to buy a letterman jacket and a pair of birkenstocks instead) but my husband still has his (thankfully doesn’t wear it) and he got the school mascot and a diver. Did she pick the cross? Or just that model with something else? The suspense!!
She got her name on one side with her zodiac sign, and on the other side she got the year she graduates (2007) and the “Friends” expression (I can’t really explain it – you’d have to go to Balfour.com and look for “Friends” under “Expression”). I think it’ll be a pretty nice-looking ring – maybe when it arrives, I can get her to model it for y’all. Also, it just now occurs to me that I should have suggested she have “Spud” engraved on the inside instead of her initials. Heh.
are you sure it wasn’t a bat???
This is regarding the entry the other day wherein Meester Boogers brought a small squirrel into the house. Yeah, I’m positive it wasn’t a bat – bats don’t generally have tails like squirrels. And Fred got a good look at it’s face – it was definitely a squirrel.
Ohhh I would be scared to death he’d bring in an animal while I was home alone! Do you shut the cat door while you are home alone??
No, we actually leave the cat door open all the time. He’s brought a bird in when I was home alone and that turned out okay – I caught the bird and brought it outside, where it flew away. To be honest, I’d rather deal with the occasional bird or other animal than listen to the cats whine about not being able to go outside. They get really bitchy when the cat door is closed.
What is it that people love so much about South Carolina anyways?
I can’t speak for anyone else, but anywhere where I can see the ocean is aces with me.
How’s the bus thing going? I know she’s on break now…
Since the first week of school, there’s been no problem with the bus at all. It picks her up at 7ish and drops her off at home at 3:30, and it been working out fine. Good thing, ’cause I wasn’t looking forward to driving her to school every morning!
Really, “Fall Break”???? I never had that when I was the Spud’s age!!!!!! Didn’t she just start school again????
She started school at the beginning of August, so I guess she had about two months of school before Fall Break. I still don’t get the point of Fall Break – I’d much rather she start school a week later and have no Fall Break, but it appears that I’m in the minority on that.
I TOTALLY was going to get that purse from LL Bean but figured that all my stuff would be clumped at the bottom and it would be hard to sift through. I think they are so cute! Tell me more about what you like about it because maybe I WILL end up getting it.
This is regarding my purse:

I like it because it’s comfortable to carry around, and it’s got a lot of inside pockets to put stuff in. For instance, there’s a pocket where I keep my eye drops and little bottle of Aleve, a pocket where I can stick a small notebook and some pens, a pocket where I can stick a digital camera, and on the outside is the pocket where I drop my keys and keep my cell phone, another pocket where I keep my sunglasses, and a zipped pocket where I keep the all-important Trident White Wintergreen gum. In the main part of the inside, I just keep my wallet and a checkbook, and if I need to temporarily put anything else inside the purse, I can just set it on top of my wallet. I like that the bottom of the bag is so wide, but the top is so narrow, and that I can zip the bag open and see exactly what I need and grab it.
In other words, two thumbs up!
Whatever happened to One-Eyed Fern from the pet store? I would have rushed to take her home if I lived anywhere close to you!
She was adopted from the pet store, apparently – she’s not on the shelter list, so that means she was adopted. She sure was a sweetie!
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I know I still owe you guys pictures from, like, a month ago when I asked people to suggest pictures in the comments. I hope to get most of the pictures taken over the weekend and put up over the next few weeks. Rest assured that I haven’t forgotten!
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Since being replaced the DVR has frozen up three separate times. I’m giving it one more damn chance, and then I’m getting a TiVo come hell or high water.
I’m particularly peeved, because I’ve taken to taping Oprah and Dr. Phil every day, and I really wanted to watch the Oprah from Monday about spouses who cheat, because it looked like it was going to be really good. But the DVR froze when I tried to fast forward, and after rebooting, it froze again on the same show, so I had to delete it without watching it. Grrr!
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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are
here. It took me exactly twenty minutes to clean out the cat cages, and I spent fourty minutes sitting on the floor snuggling kittens. It was great!
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“Yeah. Real funny, Dad. Har de har.”
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33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Of course. Who are these people who don’t know how to pump their own gas?
Old people from Oregon, they pump it for you there. New Jersey too, I think.
Holy evil Boogers!
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? Why does one preclude the other?
Cuz you can’t have your cake and eat it too! LOL 😉
Beth – I had no idea that places existed where they still pumped your gas for you! 🙂
Robyn – hush up, party pooper. 😛
Yeah, New Jersey has a law where only gas station employees can pump your gas. At least they did in 1990 when I lived there. It was nice in the winter or in the rain.
LOVE that little Chocolate kitty cat. I looks a lot like our Daisy.
Yeesh, that Bean sure is turning into a panther kitty. I think he does the drop dead puny human look better than any of the other kitties.
Julia Roberts is on Oprah today. I know you’ll be wanting to see that- if only to mock. She’s been doing a remarkable job of avoiding the tabs since she’s been pregnant because you would think that if they had any good ones it would be on the cover.
Except that to Star, nobody exists anymore except Hilary Duff, the Lohan and the Simpson trollops. Blergh.
Yep, they still pump your gas for you here in NJ. And I think Idaho too, or at least it was about 12 years ago when I passed through there. I still can’t imagine not knowing how, especially in a state like NJ, where you’re so likely to visit other nearby states. Don’t tell me those old people always plan to get home before they run out of gas! I personally find it really frustrating not being able to pump my own gas in NJ (I’m not from NJ originally) because there’s usually only one attendant and he’s running back and forth between cars and you have to wait twice as long. And sometimes they even have the gall to ask for a tip, which is totally illegal.
When are you guys going to get another cat? I know you want a fuzzy little baby kitty 🙂
Did you watch Nanny911 last night. It was so cool!
Melissa – Probably not anytime soon. 🙂
Me – Nope, I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll have to remember to DVR an episode and check it out!
Did you ever get a response to the “have you ever smoked peanut shells?” question – whether it referred to inhaling or barbecuing? I’d like to know who does that myself.
RE: #48. What is in your purse?
Two AA batteries?? Ummm….why?
Louise – Not yet, but if I do I’ll let you know! 🙂
Angie – in case the digital camera battery runs down, of course! 🙂
Just wondering….I’m conducting an informal poll….what are you paying for gasoline in your neck of the woods?
Here in Kalamazoo Michigan it got up to $2.16 per gal for regular. It just went down to $1.96.
I filled up a week ago while visiting my mom (in southern part of state, near Indiana border) when it was $1.88…and still have 1/2 tank left, so I didn’t have to fork out the higher price. I would be curious to hear what some of your readers are paying.
Those pet store kitties are so cute. did I tell you that our kitty looks just like your Spanky. so sweet. I really enjoy your journal btw, so keepem coming. Nanamama 🙂
Just get the TiVo! I have two and honestly, if I could have their babies I would. I have them connected to each other with wireless and there is much joy in the land. I’m hoping that when we pack them for the move to Alabama they will mate and I’ll come up with a third.
I’ve had mine almost a year and in that time only once has one of them locked up. We did a hard boot, didn’t lose anything and had no problems since. I even cheaped out and bought the refurbished ones from tivo.com so they ended up being about $100 each.
San diego – averages 2.50 a gallon for the cheap stuff. I think it is around 2.40 at the moment.
No Rain just happens to be one of my favorite songs of all time. And, of course, it contains my daughter’s name.
I live in Washington State and people from Oregon don’t pump their own gas. They come up here and try to pump their own gas and look like fools! No offense to Oregonians, but it is funny. Sometimes we have to help them.