* * * Someone asked in my comments the other day if my Hoover Floormate is good and whether it does everything it promises. It absolutely does an awesome job – my only complaint is that when I use the stuff they sell specifically to use on your hardwood floors, I end up with streaks. I get by that by using ammonia in the machine, though it’s probably not good for the machine. I suppose I could go over the floor with a regular mop wet with ammonia and water once it’s dry, but why would I want to use the Floormate and then have to mop? It’s a dilemma, is what it is. I’ll tell you that I’m always amazed at how much cat hair I end up with in the machine. I usually do a half-hearted vacuuming of the floor before I start cleaning, even though you don’t have to, but when it comes time to empty the, uh, THINGY, there’s always a ton of cat hair. Also, the water is usually pretty nasty and brown. Probably if I did the floors more than once a month (oh, don’t look all horrified like that) it wouldn’t be so bad. Probably if I had to use a regular mop, I’d only do the floors about every other month, because I hate using a mop even more than I hate dusting.

That cat looks *stoned*. Is he a nip-head or something. If he were any more chilled out he’d dissolve into a puddle.
He’s just high from having his ears scratched, Dez. High on life, too.
Two short topics to write on.
Hey! When are you going to take signups for Christmas Cards this year?
What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year.
Sorry, that is all I got. 🙁
OK..I’ll bite … what is your very favourite thing to make for dinner… you most yummy concoction ever?
You can always write about the wonder that is your husband. Except, you know, for those things he doesn’t want you to write about.
Is that your kitty’s tongue sticking out or part of his lip? He looks so in love.
You should write all about Fred’s car. LOL
I once read that cats “kiss” us and each other by slowly blinking their eyes. I’ve tried it and my cats will do it back to me but I think they love traditional kisses as well.
I LUURVE that picture of Spanky. That is a content kitty.
I like reading you, even when you don’t have anything to say. But if you’re looking for topics, what’s going on with the spud lately? Does she plan on getting her drivers liscense? Who’s going to be the lucky one to take her out in the car?
Aw… wook at the happy spanky tongue. I love that cat. Really, I do.
Also — have you ever forgotten to enpty the tank on your Floormate? If yuo haven’t, I don’t advise it… Something DIES in there, I swear. I left it for a month once (the time it takes me between moppins, ‘cuz I am lazy) and I literally GAGGED emptying it. If I could have justified throwing it away I would have.
lola likes being kissed too. when you air-kiss at her, she’ll walk over and sniff your face.
i, too, want to hear about the spud!
Please forgive me hijacking this,BUT there is a pedophile on Dr.Phil’s message board RIGHT NOW for today’s show,defending his right to be a pedophile.
He claims he never rapes ,but if somehow in his relationship with the child he is able to seduce through trust,than that’s ok.
No one has debated him very well yet-come on and tell him what you think!
how about telling us why you adopted each cat that you have (i.e. what was it about their personality that you liked, or did you just adopt them because they were too cute to pass up….etc) And maybe on top of that…what do you like/dislike about them now since they’ve been integrated into your family?
A question that is tearing my heart out- I have 3 new cats,9mons., 2 that are 6mons. (all adopted since June), they are horribly destroying our new home and furniture! Today I ordered a product called Soft Paws, claw covers. I am really struggling with the idea of de-clawing. As a fellow cat lover I would appreciate your thoughts. By the way thanks for the pet store kitties pix. They always make me smile!!!
I’m curious about your change of heart for Walmart. You used to love it, now you hate it-what gives?
write about how much you totally LOVE me, and how long you’ve KNOWN me, and how much you LOVE me . . .
Spanky reminds me so much of Harvey – therefore, Spanky is my favourite Anderson puddy.
Robyn, I have a question for ya! At your highest weight did you ever have sleep apena? The reason I ask is that I have it, and I asked the doctor why I have it while others with similar weights don’t seem to have the problem. His reply was that they did have it (probably just as bad as me) but weren’t aware that they had it. Sorry for rambling, just curious. Btw I don’t neccessarily believe the doctor. I think he can’t tell me why me and not someone else, so he’s just claiming all overweight people have it. Thanks in advance.
we use soft paws. I would never think of declawing a cat. It is just too inhumane. But, everyone has their own needs and opinions. Definitely try the soft paws first. Lola doesn’t really like when we put them on, but if we can catch her asleep, she doesn’t notice. Also, once they are on, she doesn’t chew on them or anything.
The only bad thing is that we currently have berber carpet, and the soft paws can still get caught in the larger loops.
There is also a product out called sticky-paws, which i’ve never tried, but will when we get new couches. It is basically double sided sticky tape that the cat’s paws stick to when they try to claw a couch.
Also, you can discipline by using spray air, or water bottles when they start scratching stuff.
Hi Robyn and all! I am a long time lurker and first time poster….Mom to 4 wonderful furry family members…3 cats (Rascal E Rabbit; age 10, Katie Moo; age 7 and Prill which is short for April May(born on April Fool’s day year before last year) plus a beloved lab, Maggie Mae. I adore your wit and your writing!
My family – 2 children and hubby are moving to a new home in a few weeks (not a long distance move), and I would like to know if you have any suggestions to lessen the stress I’m sure the pets will feel?
For what it is worth I’d like to add that in regards to the declaw question, I know that vets have come a long way with this. It is a difficult decision, nontheless. My own vet’s personal opinion was that it is now a fairly painless surgery. All 3 of my cat’s are declawed, the eldest was when we got him, but of course I wouldn’t suggest it unless the kitty will be strictly a house cat. Just know that for my “passed down from grandmother” antiques and the fact that there are many feral cats in this area, not to mention dogs that run lose, it was a necessity for us. Our pets are like family! I can say that when the youngest, Prill was declawed she showed very little discomfort if any at all, even when using the litter box. She refused the rubber litter they recommend after the procedure.
Robyn, thanks for the many laughs I have gotten from this site and whatever you write about I will keep coming back! Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Cats and Kisses: I think they know that we are being affectionate… and they enjoy it as well. I guess I associate a kiss with a head butt. Sometimes when I kiss my cat, he purrs and sometimes nuzzles me as well. I think there might be universal signs of affection tied to touch and socialization (although cats aren’t exactly social animals in the sense that dogs are). They are also very adaptable, I believe… I’m sure they can be conditioned to recognize other nontraditional ways of affection.