
Hey, help a girl out! I just got bombarded with Barnes and Noble and Amazon.com gift cards for my birthday yesterday. Turning 35 wasn’t so bad after all! Can you recommend some good books? I just read Mystic River and LOVED it. Not too chicky just good reads. Non chick-lit books I highly recommend: Anything by Harlan Coben (Fred loves the Myron Bolitar series; I think his non-series books are better, though I liked the Myron Bolitar books, too), Andrew Vachss, Lisa Gardner, Margaret Maron, Karin Slaughter, Carol O’Connell or Lee Child has an automatic two thumbs up from me. Andrew Vachss, Carol O’Connell and Lee Child all have series that have total ass-kickers as protagonists, and I like that in a character. I Love Everybody (and other atrocious lies), by Laurie Notaro. I finished reading that yesterday, and it had me laughing out loud many times. Hostage, by Robert Crais. Brimstone, by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child I like the Repairman Jack books, but they have an element of science fiction to them that isn’t for everybody – I usually am not into science fiction at all, but for Repairman Jack I make the exception. Those are all that come to mind at the moment, but I know there are more. Everyone else, join in – what have you read lately that is really good? Leave a comment!

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So, I don’t know that I’ve mentioned this before, but Fred and I absolutely love Scrubs. We look forward to watching it every week, and it always makes us laugh. A few weeks ago we were watching an episode we’d recorded, and there was this short bit at the beginning of the show that pretty much captures why we love this show so much. Because I love you, I made Fred turn it into a .mpg so that those of you who haven’t checked out the show can enjoy it, and those of you who have checked out the show and like it can be reminded why this is such a great show. Don’t be lickin’ me no mo’. Fred and I sing this song CONSTANTLY and we’ve watched the clip about a thousand times; it’s just addictive. I’ll leave the clip up for the rest of the month; if it’s April and you’re just now reading this and the clip’s no longer there, I’m sorry you missed it. You may need to watch it in Quicktime. As always, right-click and save it to your hard drive if you’ll be watching it multiple times.
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Ooh, look! Another meme! This one stolen from Miz Jolie. the scar you’re most proud of The scar on my back where I had the mole removed. It’s totally badass. your favourite condiment Ketchup! I love love love ketchup. if you have freckles Tons. your preferred method of cooking Ordering out! Heh. what shoes you’re wearing I’m not wearing shoes right now; the last shoes I was wearing were black leather Keds. how many children you have Just the one. the first person you french kissed My first boyfriend, John B0wi3. Ugh. It was horrifying. your preferred breed of dog Oh, those big messy friendly dogs who galumph around excitedly if you so much as look at them sideways. As long as they’re not galumphing around my house, that is. where you were born Bangor, Maine. what colour underwear you’re wearing Er… black. where your keys are right now In my purse, which is right next to my desk. if you have split ends Nope; I just had my hair trimmed a couple of weeks ago. when you last got laid Um. None of your BUSINESS. your opinion on airline food I know I’m supposed to say that it sucks, but honestly? It’s not bad. The snacks are better than the meals, but the meals aren’t usually all that horrifying. what cosmetic surgery you would consider Just about anything that didn’t require having foreign substances inserted into my body and left there – so that rules out any kind of implants. Also, Botox? Never ever ever. Also, I probably wouldn’t have much plastic surgery on my face, because I hate the unnatural plastic look that comes from too much plastic surgery. best kiddie playground equipment to have sex on Uh, GROSS. Kids PLAY on that equipment, you know. your worst malady Ongoing: my eczema. One-time: the tumor on my right knee. if your mum loves your dad I’m sure she does. if you can sing well I couldn’t carry a tune if I took sixty years of singing lessons and had a bucket to carry it in. what your olympic event would be Is there a “Reading” event? someone you admire Stephen King. which country would be hardest for you to locate on a map Paraguay. the last time you cried I don’t remember what it was, but Fred and I were watching something last week and I got all teary-eyed and he laughed at me, and I said “I can’t help it! I feel bad for them!” (And yes, getting teary-eyed counts as crying – because I get teary-eyed all the time, but I can’t recall the last time I boo-hooed.) your most interesting sexual congress location Damn, what’s with the sex questions? part of the Sunday papers you read first The classifieds, followed by the real estate section. the languages you speak Just English. the religion you were raised in “Protestant”. When I was growing up on Air Force Bases, there were two religions: Protestant and Catholic. I had no idea until I was mostly grown that there were different kinds of Protestant. if you can draw well Not in the slightest. your favourite photograph Of the cats: one of the last pictures of Tubby. That involves me: the picture of Fred and I from the quarry last year. The spud: Her school picture from last year, where she was wearing a hooded sweatshirt. Otherwise: The picture of my parents and Brian floating in innertubes in Hawaii last year, and the picture of Debbie and Brian doing the same. what you should be doing instead of this Cleaning the upstairs.
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Watching the birdies…
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25 thoughts on “2005-03-07”

  1. I get all teary eyed watching tv too, I can’t even watch a Disney cartoon half the time without getting misty. Anything that is the least bit emotional or sad will set my off. My husband thinks I’m nuts for crying over a cartoon!

  2. My cat’s favorite place is wrapped purring around my shoulders. I don’t think we can tell the cats, but I think it’s a tribute to just how much they love us.

  3. I agree that the mole removal scar is the epitomy of bad-assery. I just had lower back surgery and the incision plus the staples make me look like Dr. Frankenstein paid a visit. We’ve even named it FrankenButt.

  4. Last time I cried, I watched the movie “The Notebook” and cried me a river.
    Recommended book: The Last Juror by John Grisham

  5. Robyn,
    Love the pictures! I know I’m a more of a lurker, but I’m feeling a bit freaked out to look at the pic of the Spud and think “My… she looks so pretty! She’s grown so much!” I dunno, is it scarier that time’s going so fast, or scarier that I’ve spent this much time reading your and Fred’s Journals over the years? LOL!

  6. Nettie: Hee! Frankenbutt!
    Kitty: It’s amazing how fast she’s grown, isn’t it? 🙂
    Lori: Actually, yes – the funny thing is that the very day I finished reading the book, I happened to check out movie trailers on apple.com, and that was one of them. I suspect the movie might be a little cheesey, but the book was really good.

  7. Did you know Scrubs season 1 is coming out in may 2005!!!!! YIPPEEE!!!!! I absolutely love the show. I just can’t understand why it doesn’t do well. I guess it is kind of like arrested development, you need a certain kind of sense of humour or something. You probably knew it was coming out already, but if not, add it to your Amazon (#1 in customer service–kidding) wish list.

  8. Melanie: Yeah, I knew that. I can’t wait!! I watched most of the first season, but I don’t think Fred did, and I’m pretty sure there were shows I missed. That is definitely one series that I want to own!

  9. Book recommendations (that I’ve read lately):
    Life Of Pi by Yann Martel
    The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon
    My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult
    The top one sort of falls into the “litrashure” category that Robyn avoids like the plague! (The Curious Incident sort of does too, but it doesn’t read like it!)

  10. Heh – I actually did read Life of Pi! 🙂
    And I agree that The Curious Incident and My Sister’s Keeper were excellent.

  11. “your preferred breed of dog: Oh, those big messy friendly dogs…”
    Traitor bitch.

  12. Oh, VINCE, I love you because of your Vinceness, not because of your BREED.
    (The funny thing is that I meant to add that if I ever got a dog it’d have to be a small dog LIKE VINCE, but I got distracted.)

  13. Oh, that last picture of Tubby was just too cute… now THAT brought a tear to my eye… sniff!

  14. I didn’t know Stanley could get up there. That’s an awesome picture of da boogie!

  15. I’m a little late to this book’s party, but I recently read THE LOVELY BONES by Alice Sebold and thought it was wonderful. I highly recommend it.

  16. Dear Robyn,
    I feel sufficiently acknowledged.
    I take it all back!
    Stinky kisses,

  17. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong … I tried just playing the Scrubs clip, and I also tried downloading it to my computer and then playing it. It won’t play in the RealPlayer OR in QuickTime. Any inkling as to what I might be doing wrong? Any other complaints about this problem?

  18. I recommend “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini – an excellent novel about two boys who grew up in Afghanistan in the 70s.

  19. I’m going to start a rock band named Sexual Congress.
    I’m going to tell my husband that sexual congress is now in session. No filibusters!
    I want to be Sexual Congress’s elected representative.

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