this entry the other day, and laughed so hard I cried.
I can guarantee you that these days, Fred REALLY wishes I’d politely excuse myself and go into another room to pass gas. Damn those carbs!
* * *
I watched
Lady in the Water the other day, and I have to say – I know a lot of people thought it sucked, but I didn’t really think it was bad at all. Of course, I should add that I was cross-stitching while I was watching it and I’ll put up with a lot from a movie when I’m distracted by cross-stitching that I wouldn’t put up with if I was just sitting there watching it, so take my “not bad” with a grain of salt.
* * *
I “discovered”
Pacer via
Michelle (who is back posting regularly, yay!) last week, and I have been reading the archives ever since, one or two posts at a time. Currently, I’m in late 2005. I can only imagine what THAT Sitemeter stat looks like, since I’ve had a page open to her site for close to a week and have read 70bazillion posts.
Not that I needed another damn blog to read, but this one is so funny and addictive that I have no choice but to start reading it, too. I am helpless in the face of funniness and cat pictures (does
this picture of Rocky remind you a tad of
this picture of former foster kitten Jack Frost, or is it just me?) (Also, AMEN to
this entry, especially this line:
Sure, a person might molest a child or dance on a table after drinking, but it’s because an inclination toward those behaviors were inside that person already.) (Also, I think
this is my favorite dog and cat picture EVER, down at the bottom of the post) . Besides, maybe if I send enough traffic her way, she’ll send me some
yummy cookies or
A girl can dream!
* * *
You who searched on “100 Things” in a site search (don’t feel all weird, I don’t know who did the search, it’s completely anonymous, I’m not going to come knock on your door or anything. OR AM I?), I have never done the 100 things list, solely because the idea of coming up with 100 even slightly interesting factoids about myself makes me want to go take a nap.
Unless you were looking for the “100 Things to do before I’m (insert age here)” list. Which I have also never done, because the only thing such a list would ensure is that I wouldn’t do a single of those 100 things, because the very existence of the list would make me feel very put-upon, and I’d be all “Fuck you, you stupid list! I’m not gonna do ANY OF THOSE!”
I bet I could come up with a list of 100 things people
think I should be doing before I’m (insert age here). Or 100 things I’d never do. Or something.
I need a nap.
* * *
Received recently from readers:

(Thanks, Kara!)

(Thanks, Sandy!)
My readers RAWK.
* * *
Over the weekend, I did a lot of painting. Upon looking closely at the trim in most of the rooms, I determined that most of the trim in the entire house could use at least one more good coat of paint. So after I put the first coat of paint on the trim in the downstairs bathroom, I taped around the windows in the master bedroom, took down the old blinds, and slapped on a couple of coats of paint before we left for the day.
I also put a second coat on the trim in the bathroom, and stood out in the garage in freezing-ass temperatures and put a coat of paint on the quarter-round Fred will be installing over the next few days.
Considering how much I hate painting, I’m certainly taking it upon myself to do a lot more than strictly NEEDS to be done.
Actually, what I’d like to do is strip the trim around every single doorway in this house down to the wood and repaint them. But there’s just no way I could do that with chemicals without fucking up the floor, and to sand down to the wood on all that trim would make a huge mess.
am going to strip the hell out of all the doors in the house, though, once I’m moved in. I AM. I swear I am. One at a time, in the workshed, I’ll strip them, repaint them, and replace the hardware (which isn’t original to the house, so don’t be telling me I should be keeping it).
I will. Really I will! I WILL.
Shut up.
* * *
This entry would be longer, but I have to meet the insulation guys at the Smallville house at 8, and since I have to go out there anyway, I might as well just stay out there and get some painting and some plug-switching and switch-switching done (pictures are taken for the “how-to-switch-out-a-switch/ plug” posts, but I have to actually go through the pictures and put them in order, so maybe later this week). So off I go – y’all have a good day.
* * *

Upon waking from a nap, Sugarbutt likes to sit around with one eye closed. He doesn’t seem to have any problems with that eye, just likes to sit with it closed for a few minutes. We call him Popeye when he does this.

Photographic evidence that Sugarbutt was the victim of a horrifying drive-by licking. Thomas J. Cullen is currently serving hard time for that crime.
* * *
2006: Mystery solved. Just call me Nancy Drew.
2005: No entry.
2004: Molasses runs in her veins, I swear to god.
2003: No entry.
2002: My life? Complete again.
2001: Do I want to go sit through an eternal PTA meeting, listen to endless amounts of people babble endlessly? Um, no.
2000: No entry.
Hmmm… I do the same thing as Sugarbutt when I first wake up. Lay there with one eye closed. Should I be concerned?
Thats so funny because I do the same thing when I go to bed at night, I lay there with one eye open untill I fall asleep. Should I be concerned?
I’m blushing over here!
Thanks for letting us know “When Cats Attack” is back to updating regularly. Now if only we could find out what ever happened to Shellyness.
Hee Hee Hee! You’re welcome for the sign… I probably think that they’re funnier than they really are!
🙂 Kara
Some of Pacer’s 100 things were so similar to me that it freaked me out a little. She’s totally bookmarked.
I’m eager for your plug/switch entry. Mostly just switch – I want to get some of those neat ones that have the little toggle switch dimmer.
Awww, brudderly love!
My parents’ dog winks at us all the time. I think when animals do that it’s the cutest thing 🙂
Robyn, please try ready-strip paint remover. It is fabulous….it changes colors and can stay on there for like 3 days without harming anything or drying completely up. I have used it before and it works wonderfully. It’s organic, no fumes, you can have it directly on the skin and it won’t harm you. It did wonders on our bathroom door that had been painted like 7 times…it took all the layers off…just a tip for you on when you get to stripping…the wood that is….
Do your doors swell up when you paint them? I tried to paint a bathroom door and the damn thing wouldn’t close right for 2 months after that.
I personally love M. Night Shyamalan. Saw “Lady in the Water” in the theater when it first came out.
I loved it. He always includes himself in his movies and his part in this one was memorable. I also loved the way the movie made fun of itself. Good stuff!