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We totally slacked this weekend. We left early Saturday and way early Sunday, and I don’t even feel guilty about it. Fred is eating, breathing, and dreaming chickens lately, so Sunday we left to visit the Dog Days flea market in Ardmore, ’cause he was hoping to find someone selling chickens (it was too damn cold out, though, and the flea market was deserted with hardly any vendors in sight). But before we went to Ardmore we stopped at Tractor Supply, dropped by Lowe’s for many different things, and then went to K-Mart so I could look at the curtains.
We’d checked out the curtain selection at Lowe’s and to my chagrin I kind of fell in love with this curtain for the kitchen,
but I felt that since the kitchen is yellow and cream, the red-and-white checks of that curtain wouldn’t really go.
(I’m willing to be convinced otherwise, y’all. But you’ve got to really CONVINCE me.)
I spent a couple of hours looking at curtains on Amazon and while I like this sort of simple valance, I don’t want bright white curtains through the house because they bore me. Maybe in one or two rooms, but that’s all I’m willing to live with. And on the other hand, I don’t want anything fancy, because I prefer simple straight-across valances (except for the spud’s room, where I’m going to put long, heavy curtains so she can block out the sun and sleep 21 hours a day without being awakened by pesky things like daylight), and ugh. I just don’t know.
Suggestions are welcome!
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In the mail last week I got the proofs from the spud’s cap-and-gown pictures. They came out well, but instead of ordering pictures for everyone like I did with her senior pictures, I’m going to order an 8×10 to hang with her senior picture, and if anyone else wants one, they can order their own. Not that anyone but me and her father are going to be interested in getting one, I’m sure – cap and gown pictures are mostly taken for the parents of the graduating senior, I think. They’re as ridiculously expensive as the senior pictures were – $25 for a 5×7 is highway robbery.
I’m paying $40 for a 8×10, though. ::sigh:: Goddamn ridiculous, I tell ya!
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I did take the pictures to do an entry about how to switch out plugs, but need to take a couple more, so be on the lookout for that later this week. I may even wait until Saturday, so I can make it its own entry and not feel like a slacker. Or maybe I WILL be a slacker and just make that an entry on its own on Thursday or Friday.
Can you stand the excitement?
Actually, Sunday morning I switched out the plug on the wall behind where the fridge goes, and then went to vacuum off the door I’d sanded down a little (I swore to Fred that the instant I’m moved into the Smallville house, I’m going to start stripping every damn door in the house, down to the wood, and then repainting every damn one of them, one by one. AND I WILL. That’s what that workshop is for, y’know.), only the vacuum – plugged into one of the plugs in the dining room I’d replaced – wouldn’t turn on. Because the plug wasn’t working. And after some investigation I determined that several of the plugs in the computer room and dining room weren’t working, and I swore up a storm, turned off the power, and unscrewed the screws to one of the plugs that wasn’t working, double-checked everything… and the goddamn thing still wouldn’t work.
Fred took a look at it, looked at a few other things, and then I don’t know what the holy hell he did, because I was MIGHTY FUCKING COLD, so I demanded his keys, grabbed my bottle of water, cell phone, and book, and went out to his car where I cranked up the heat (his car has seatwarmers, which we fondly refer to as “ass” – ie, “Give me some ass”, “Would you like some ass?”, “Ass! I need ass!”, “GODDAMN it’s cold, hit that ass!”, etc ad infinitum) and read until he came out, told me to move over, and drove to the corner store to find someone who had a clue about electricity and that sort of shit.
I hung around the house doing random things – cleaned the kitchen, put stuff away – until I got cold and went back out to Fred’s car to warm up. After about ten minutes of sitting in a car that was blasting heat and warming my ass I decreed myself warm enough for the moment, and went back into the house.
“He got it fixed,” Fred told me. “He said it was your fault!”
The guy, standing in the computer room, gave me a deer-in-the-headlights look and started to protest.
“I’m just kidding!” Fred told him. “She knows I’m kidding.”
Later, I said “I guess he and his wife don’t kid around like we do, huh?”
Apparently there were a couple of plugs I’d changed out where I hadn’t pushed the wires in far enough. Given that I’ve still got the front room, the hallway, the master bedroom and all the bathrooms left to do, I’ll be sure I do it right from here on out.
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“Hey. Does this taste funny to you?”
* * *
2006: I’ve been watching a lot of TV lately.
2005: No entry.
2004: And then Fictional Woman and Fictional Child share an Isn’t he DISGUSTING? look, and bid each other goodnight.
2003: Taking a nap looks like a good idea.
2002: I decide who’s King Shit of Turd Mountain, y’all, and don’t forget it.
2001: Everyone enjoys a good fart story!
2000: No entry.]]>
Hmmm…I think those valances would look just fine with the yellow and cream! I kind of like them! 🙂
Here’s my rule- all colors look good with each other, it’s just a matter of shades and tastes.
My second rule is that I think those rooster curtains would look super cute in your country kitchen.
Michelle and Catie: I WAS HOPING YOU’D SAY THAT!!! 🙂
Another vote for the rooster curtains … I think they would look great with the yellow and cream kitchen.
BTW – you and Fred have inspired my husband and I to paint the room our daughter recently vacated – we’re making it into an office/reading room. We found a great pale butter-yellow for the walls, and a slightly darker shade in glossy enamel for the baseboards and trim. Man, I never dreamed how much work the PREP part is!
I’ve always said: if you find a curtain you like, the wall color must adhere to that. So just go to the paint store with the curtains and pick up a nice understated red wall paint shade that matches them perfectly. It won’t be overwhelming in your have country kitchen, with the rustic cabinets and all. Besides, most kitchen walls are covered by cabinets anyway, so the wall color will not be as dominating as in other rooms.
Too much work? Naw. Fred LOOOOVES painting, remember?
I think the rooster curtains with the yellow/creme walls would be perfect. You need a bright accent and what better way to do it.
I think the red curtains go fine with the yellow walls, but you could always do a red accent wall 🙂
Every house deserves at least one red accent wall.
Spud’s graduation picture is really nice 🙂
I think you should go back and find something that will work with your existing plumbing. I wouldn’t settle for a mix of brushed and shiny finish in the bathroom. It doesn’t look right. Fred will figure it out eventually. Or you could call a plumber.
I love the picture of the cat cleaning himself. We call those “chicken toes” when they spread out all their toes to clean inbetween and all over their little feet lol
Oh yea Robyn those cap and gown pictures sock it to ya just as much as the senior pictures, cap and gown costs, and class ring cost. I bought my senior pictures and a few cap and gown back in 1996 but I bought my class ring at wal-mart for 100 dollars and got my cap and gown from a neighbor for 20. They try to milk you for EVERY penny when it’s your last year in high school!
I agree! The curtains . . as soon as I saw them I thought “yes, that’s her kitchen” 🙂 Who says red and yellow don’t match?
Robin, for further proof of how cute the curtains will look with your yellow and cream kitchen walls, check out your logo design for this month!
The rooster curtains will be fine with your paint – find some red rooster canisters for your counter, etc to tie in with it along with something (like a centerpiece) for your table and there you go. Or maybe even a boarder with both the colors (red and yellow) to tie everything together…
Well, I say the curtains work because my kitchen is red, yellow, and black. 🙂 I can see you being concerned that the white on the curtains might not go with the cream on the walls, but I don’t think exact matches are that important in kitchens. Kitchens should be fun, right?
The spud’s pictures are great, but yikes, those prices!
According to all those designers on TLC, you need a “pop” of color in every room. Those cute rooster curtains would certainly draw the eye. My vote is for YES! (not that I count, but there you have it anyway!)
What about something like this…
They have yellow in them, so it would go with the yellow walls, but they are still a simple design.
red and white checkered looks gorgeous against yellow and cream!! That is what I have in my kitchen and I could not be more delighted. I thought of going matchy-matchy but I really like the pop of red against the yellow.
Go for it!! The birds, as far as I am concerned, seal the deal!
red & yellow are great together! They’re one of the the traditional color combos of a French country kitchen. Here’s a French tablecloth with those colors:
(roosters are supposed to be tres French, too)
I say go for it!
(scannning middle-aged memory)
Somewhere on one of those DIY shows an “expert” said that you can have up to four different colors in a room, as long as they’re the same, uh, brightness level or something.
The red/white gingham would look great in your yellow/cream kitchen. It will give it a pop without looking garish.
I think the curtains would look great in your kitchen. Buy them, bring them to the house, hang / tape them up for a week and judge for yourself. If you decide you don’t like them, stick them back in the package and return them. No big whoop.
Hmmm, I’m thinking that you aren’t supposed to just do two colors in a room… I think it’s supposed to be three. I actually saw that somewhere, I’m not just making it up so you will have to buy those super-cute (but not cutesy) curtains.
Love the curtains! Get thee to Lowe’s before they run out……
Great picture of Spud, but YIKES on the price! I know y’all enjoy it in the years to come and all things being relevant, it won’t seem so expensive in a few years.
The curtains are great. I love red and yellow together, it’s the white and cream that would make me nuts. When white and cream are side by side, the cream tends to look dirty. Why don’t you get the curtains and soak them for a few minutes in a very mild tea wash?
Yellow and cream and red and white=Sunshine and butter and barns and clouds. Go for it.
Bathroom fixtures: Smudge up the shiny stuff with some steel wool. (I kid. Use sandpaper. heh.) I prefer the brushed surfaces too. Shiny shows spots.
The red checkered valance is a perfect accent. Maybe throw in a couple of other items…maybe a utensil crock or a cookie jar in red…that sort of thing
I think it would look really good. All you need are some other items to set a theme. Here are a few ideas that look cute.
Everyone needs a nice cock in the kitchen.
Hee,as per normal,you gave me my first giggles of the day as I read the kitty photos captions.
My three cockatiels, who were crawling over me and my computer desk, all stopped in their tracks and did “the head tilt” and wondered what made Momma laugh so early in the morning.
Spud is such a pretty little scholar.
I love that…’ASS’ for ‘heat’….
I LOVE the curtains! I think they scream “Smallville house.”
I’m with everyone else who said “Just add a few red accents”
That house is looking so awesome!
I can’t believe the spud is so old.She’s grown up before our eyes. Isn’t the internet cool?
FingerHut. Ahem.
Is it just me, or do you think the spud looks like your sister?
I love Country Curtains. They have TONS of pretty ones. They even have rooster curtains. Check out these http://www.countrycurtains.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=2486&itemType=PRODUCT they may match better.
Usually a reader, not a comment poster, but I had to warn you about those Ass Warmers! They can warm a certain area and cause yeast infections. Unfortuantely, I know from very personal experience! :o)
Roosters, Chickens…you two just have birds on the brain, huh?
Bird brains!
Spud’s pics look great, by the way!
And how I love the kitty toes! Great pictures and captions.
I recieved my magnet I won in the giveaway … Thank you sooo much …its cute!
By the way — I like the curtain with the roosters!
It freaked me out the first time I experienced the seat warmers (we called them “hott butt”), because nobody told me they were on so I was unaware WHY my rear was spreading with warmth; now I love ’em!
Maybe you should have the spud pose for you in her cap/gown so you can email pics to the family without the extra cost…