
new toy. (If you’re looking for mush, check the previous years’ links at the bottom of the page)

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Today’s earworm: You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful, it’s true. I saw your face in a crowded place, And I don’t know what to do, ‘Cause I’ll never be with you. (You’re Beautiful, by James Blunt) This earworm brought to you by Oprah, who had him on her show the other day, and I canNOT get the damn song out of my brain. Luckily, I kind of like it. (And the story behind the song: James Blunt saw his ex-girlfriend on the train with her new boyfriend, and their eyes met, and they (I quote) “Lived a lifetime in that moment”, and that’s what he wrote the song about. How come no one ever writes a song about ME?) (Shaddup, Fred)
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Meme, stolen from TNGirl. [1] Name 5 of your favorite books 1. The Stand, by Stephen King 2. Swan Song, by Robert McCammon 3. A Girl Named Zippy and She Got Up Off the Couch, by Haven Kimmel 4. Good in Bed, by Jennifer Weiner 5. Conversations with the Fat Girl, by Liza Palmer [2] What was the last book you bought? You: The Smart Patient, by Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz [3] What was the last book you read? The last one I finished was Jump the Shark. The one I’m currently reading is Over Her Dead Body. [4] Name five books that are particularly meaningful for you. 1. Carrie, by Stephen King. It was the first real grown-up book I ever read, and I’ll always remember reading it and thinking it was amazing. 2. The Little House series. 3. The Stand. I could read it a thousand times and never get sick of it. 4. A Girl Named Zippy and She Got Up Off the Couch – the best memoirs I’ve ever read. 5. The Nancy Drew books. Oh, how I loved those books when I was a kid! [5] Three books you are dying to read but just haven’t yet. I have a bookcase stuffed with books I can’t wait to read – I couldn’t possibly narrow it down to three! [6] Tag five people to go through this same ordeal. Consider yourselves tagged.
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I’ve got nothing for today. How about some cat pics? We took ’em out and let ’em chase bubbles again yesterday.
Mister Boogers has a thought. Sugarbutt waits for The Daddy to blow some bubbles. I swear, that cat has the longest tail EVER. Madame Sugar sees good things for you in your future. That’ll be ten dollars, please. “Hellew, kisskiss, how’s your Momma and them?”
All of today’s uploaded pictures – I took a TON of bubble-chasing pictures – are here.
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Previously 2005: I met Fred nine years ago today. 2004: Eight years ago today, I entered the IRC Undernet channel #!Fredsplace and met the geek who owned and ran the channel, who would eventually become the love of my life. (Complete with mush!) 2003: Sick Poo. 2002: No entry. 2001: Five years ago today, I was on IRC and I wandered into the Undernet channel #!Fredsplace, and I met the love of my life. (More mush!) 2000: Four years ago today, I wandered into the IRC Undernet channel #!Fredsplace, thus setting into motion a chain of events which would echo down through the years.]]>

23 thoughts on “3/10/06”

  1. Happy anniversary! Mine and hubby’s “10 year meet cute anniversary) is coming up in May!
    Love some of your fave books; I need to dig out Swan Song and re-read.
    James Blunt is good, but kind of creepy when he sings, at least when we saw him on SNL. He was doing this weird sidelong staring into the camera thing that creeped me out to no end. But I definitely want his CD.
    Happy weekend!

  2. I am glad someone else loved the Little House series as much as I did. I don’t even think any of my friends know what they are.
    I bought the entire set for my stepdaughter when she was 10. She read about 3 chapters and was bored.
    But dayum…now I have the set! woo hoo

  3. Happy Anniversary!!
    I went back and read last years entry….the dingus sling story is a CLASSIC.
    Here’s to many, many more years for yall =o)

  4. I agree with you and Kathy about the Little House books. My grandmother gave me the complete set oh so many years ago and I still read the books! (I’m 37 but who cares – they’re wonderful stories)

  5. Happy Anniversary Robyn & Fred! Today is my wedding anniversary – 5 years! We’ll probably celebrate much like you.

  6. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I will celebrate 10 years since we met this year, too. And we also met on the internet.

  7. Happy Anniversary! I can’t remember…are SB and Tommy true brothers as born of the same womb? They are so different looking. Portly poo is CUTE!

  8. Patty: It’s still dormant. The weeds are green and growing, but the grass won’t be green for a little while yet. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Amy: Yep, they are. Hard to believe, isn’t it? They both snore the same – I think it’s genetic! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. why is there always a sandal in the yard? and just ONE?
    My friend’s cat’s tail was so long he would always startle himself with it. Haha.

  10. My allergic to most foods kitty was finally placed on Duck and Green Pea. She goes every three months for Depo allergy shot and gets steroid pills every week. She also gets Frontline every month because she is allergic to Advantage. This was the only way we could stop her constant itching. She would also tear all the hair out of her body from her stomach and back down through her tail. It looked like we shaved half of her. However, with the new cat food, she is doing much better and her fur is finally beginning to grow back.

  11. I just love the fancy toe nails. Almost makes me wish I did not yank’m out of my cats. Of course, I’d have to find a husband and patient and loving as Fred and that’s not going to happen. Fred’s one of a kind and you’ve got’m.

  12. What? No Judy Blume books from when you were younger? I loved Judy Blume. Her books for little kids and young adults were great. Her book “Forever” taught me plenty (cough). Oooh, yesindeedy.

  13. Happy Anniversary!
    Mad TV did a funny skit about Blunt last weekend; it was a spoof of the video for “Beautiful,” making it look like Blunt is telling himself how beautiful he is. Couldn’t find a link to it anywhere, but it was cute.

  14. Before you mentioned SB’s long tail, I was thinking that he had enough to arrange an addition for poor MR. B. Did you ever know what happened to the rest of MR B.s tail?
    Anyway what brought me here today is that I’ve been reading your blog forever, but just stumbled across your bio today. I can not believe that you lived in GooseBay!!!! I’m originally from Nova Scotia. It is very bad manners to bring up the following point on your anniversary of meeting Fred, but this must have been in your first marriage since Fred thinks Maine is north!
    So being stuck in GooseBay in a less than great marriage, is it any wonder you learned to swear!

  15. An English chap got me onto James Blunt about 6 mos. ago. Love the CD, have yet to see him perform though, keep missing him on TV and hubby tried to get me tickets to see him live in Vancouver. He tried 21 minutes after tickets went on sale and they were SOLD OUT! Sob!

  16. Hey Pat-I was born in Goose Bay:P What about Charlottes Web? Doese anyone still love that one? Happy Anniversary:)

  17. from 1/18/06 ” Whatโ€™s one piece of advice that you think should be passed on to every child? Wear sunscreen. (Ha!)” Ok, that would really be neat if that was from the Baz Luhrmann – Everybody’s Free (to wear sunscreen) song. Because I think that’s the awesomeness song, I lurve it! Plus, I don’t think many people have heard it before, so I though it would also be neat if you have =)
    I was just catching up with the journal since I haven’t been able to for a bit and thought I would comment to that. Also to see how well I can run on sentences, as if I babble.

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