Currently reading: Islands.
Oh, and to the person who asked about the book about women driving alone – could it be The Bad Girl’s Guide to the Open Road? I know I’ve never written about that book – because I’ve never heard of it – but maybe you read about it somewhere else and thought you’d read about it here?
* * *
I’m sitting here waiting for the cable guy to show up, and freezing my toes off.
The lawn was covered with sleet when I woke up this morning. This after it was in the 70s on Saturday.
I take it back about Spring being my favorite season – I much prefer summer, when I am not freezing to death every moment of my life.
Hey, did you know that the 27th is not only Easter Sunday, it’s the day we turn our clocks ahead an hour? I love it when we do that – I hate the “lost” hour, but I love that we have more daylight at the end of the day. Now all I want is a nice string of sunny 70-degree days, and I’ll be happy. (
Edited to add: Er, nevermind. We actually turn the clocks ahead on April 3rd. All I saw on my calendar was “Daylight Savings Time” and didn’t take the time to look closer to see that it’s only for Australia. Duhr.)
Naturally, says it’s going to be rainy and overcast for the next 10 days.
* * *
I had to write a check to the spud’s school yesterday for lunch money. Now, when you write a check to her school these days, you are required to write all kinds of shit on the front of the check. Name, address, phone number, work number, driver’s license number. Everything has to be there or they won’t accept the check and the spud wouldn’t get her crappy school lunch.
(Mmmm… tater tots…)
Last night as I was scribbling down all the information, I realized that I’ve been writing down the driver’s license number I had when I had a Maine driver’s license. I’ve had an Alabama license for about 8 years now, but never got around to memorizing the number.
Oh, wait. You know what? I think it’s actually the license plate number from my first CAR that I memorized. Because I had a Chevron credit card when I was 17 (I know! Horrifying that they’d give credit to a 17 year-old.)and when I used it, I had to write down my license plate number.
Yep, I just went and looked at a picture of my first car. I’ve been writing down the license plate number of a car I owned (or rather, my parents owned) 20 years ago.

Is it any wonder I have a fondness for small cars?
I actually think it’s funny as hell that places like the spud’s school and Pizza Inn require you to put your license number on the front of your check. I mean, they don’t check what you write down against your actual license, they just take it on faith that you’ve written down the correct number.
Here’s a thought: If I’m about to write a hot check, do you REALLY think I’m going to write down my real driver’s license number and phone number?
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Portly Poo in the box, tra-la-la-la-la! Portly Poo in the box, tra-la-la-la-la!…
She looks like a sugar in a plum.

“I will just lay here and roll around in the sun until you are so annoyed by my presence that you vacate that box. Bitch.”

“Juuuuust laying and stretching. Yep, that’s all I’m doing!”

“Go away, Boogie. This is MY BOX!”

“Moooom, she won’t let me lay in the BOOOOOX!”
(Pretend there’s a picture here of Miz Poo becoming so disgusted she can barely stand it, and stomping off.)

“Myyyyy box! Is a very, very, very fine box! With a Booger sittin’ inside, and life used to be so hard! But now everything is easy… ’cause of
MY BOX!”]]>
“our box, in the middle of our room, our box…” *singing*
a CHEVETTE! I had two of those! Totalled them both. 😉 (Well, actually, the engine seized up on one.)
I had two Chevettes, too! A blue one, which pretty much died a few months after I got my license, and the brown one, which I totally ran into the ground. Ah, I miss my Chevette…
Love the kitty pics! My little guy loves the Amazon boxes too…
You may want to check on the DST date, thought it was April 3??
Just because I don’t want you to be off an hour for a whole week Daylight Savings Time doesn’t start till the weekend after Easter this year.
Speaking about turning the clocks back: hos does Fred deal with that kind of disturbance to his neat little go-to-bed-early-get-up-freakishly-early- routine? How would the Gump deal with it, I wonder? Hmmmm…
Kris – You’re right! I got confused because it says “Daylight Savings Time” on my calendar for the 27th, but that’s apparently only for Australia. It’s usually the last Sunday in March, though, right?
I had a Chevette too – a grey one with red interior. It died so many times I finally had to pay someone to kill it for me and put us both out of our misery. I hated that car! Also, I think Daylight Savings is on April 2nd this year. Don’t turn your clocks too soon Robyn!! 🙂
I want to read your bumper stickers, but the only one I can half way make out is “Beam me up Scotty.” Can you at least tell us what the rest said?
Your kitties just crack the hell up outta me!!!!!
I can just see Boogerbutt WAITING…..WAITING……and WAITING for his chance to take over the box!
Fred….howya doing??????
hehe A chevette! I had a Citation as my first car.. 1984. Good little cars! The back of my citation looked quite the same as that.. COVERED in bumper stickers.. My two favorites were “Ex Boyfriends make great speedbumps” and “Gun Control means using both hands” People didn’t bother me too often with those on it hehe
Um, is it wrong that I was a little annoyed that I couldn’t view the full size picture of your car to read the bumper stickers?
My mum drove a bright green Acadian (very similar to a Chevette) for 13 years before the floor got holes in it too big to ignore! Great cars.
BTW, my calendar says the clocks go forward on 3 April, not Easter Sunday. Could be a wierd Canadian thing though. 😉
Okay, okay, give me some time to find the original picture of my car, and I’ll give you a bigger version! 🙂
My second car was a Chevette. I called it a Shuvette because I would take off in it and then have to pull over because I lost power. Finally the brakes went ( used my emergency brake to stop) and I ended up trading it in(plus a loan)for a Dodge Charger 2.2 with fancy smancy white and red paint job.
If my current truck got stolen I wouldn’t know the plate number. Guess I better start memorizing !
Love the kitty pics as well! Made me giggle for the fact that I see my kitty doing the same thing over a box!! heh
“Brown Girl” is the song that the delirious mountain climber in “Touching the Void” got stuck in his head. When that started, I turned to Jamie and said, “Right about now, I’d be going, fuck the chance of rescue, I’m just going to ice pick myself in the ear and end it all now!”
Of course, now this will be in MY head for the whole week and me with no mountain to fling myself off, nor any scary mountain climbing gear to otherwise end the madness.
Ah, crap!
So, not only is it Easter on the 27th BUT we have to turn our clocks forward?! What a GREAT day for my 30th b-day!…it’s the most important day for Christianity, so I have a guilt thing for drinking myself into a stupor, it’s on a SUNDAY and I LOSE and hour sleep.
Party @ Reese’s house!!! =P
My aunt had a silver Chevette…Fond memories…
Heh. That is kinda stupid. When I’ve worked in retail stores that took checks (my store doesn’t take checks–I don’t need that kind of hassle), I’d just write the license# down myself and save the customer the trouble. Way back, though, before Massachusetts stopped forcing folks to use their social security number as a license number, people would get all kinds of upset about me taking down the license number because it was their SS#. (Don’t complain to me! Complain to the registry of motor vehicles, because I just work here and don’t make the laws!)
My first car was a light beige chevette. I owned it for a whole 4 hours before I put it in the ditch, pulled the whole exhaust system right off the car. My parents still to this day don’t know how it really happened and it’s 20 years later.
OMG, did someone mention a Dodge Charger 2.2??? I drove a black one…1985….you just put a smile on my face, whoever you are.
Robyn – I used to be a person until someone told me about They give you SO many more DETAILS and it’s less advertis-ey and more accurate, I think. Check it out.
“Myyyyy box! Is a very, very, very fine box”….
I sing that to my sweetie all the time.
Somebody better tell Clarise to read again..HA! I can imagine everyone doing that a week early. Course come Monday morning when they were an hour early for work they might figure it out!
I LMAO at those kitty pics and captions today. Why is it that animals can be that way? My damn dog acts like a jealous sibling of my 4 yr old niece, to the point I nearly lost my mind and told him and her both to go to the corner. Geez.
Now I’m flashing on Dooce’s “Box” entry.
LOL! I had a Chevette as my first car, too! I loved that thing! I got it in 1990 as a graduation present and it only had 14k miles on it! I got broadsided in a bad accident in December of 1994, right after we moved down to Maryland. Had a big hole in the driver’s side rear, but I still drove her around for FOUR MONTHS! I miss that car!
I LOVE the cat “picture story”! I was laughing so hard…so glad my boss isn’t here right now!!
Robyn, you crack me up. I’ve never commented before, but thought I’d say “hello” today because – well, why not? Love your pics, especially your “photo essays.”
I thoroughly enjoyed the Miz Poo – Mister Boogers photo story. BIG smile on my face. 🙂