reading: The Second Assistant, still.
* * *
It’s 11:40 and I have to run to Target because I have a huge list of stuff I need to buy, but it is SO COLD (40οΏ½) out and I am already SO COLD that I don’t want to leave the house.
Possibly if I stopped drinking this big-ass cup of Diet Coke, I might warm up a little, ya think?
I do need to get my butt in gear and go, though. I bought some new cordless phones a few weeks ago to replace the ones I had – which were starting to work only sporadically, and it was getting to the point where if the phone rang and we were in the living room, we’d pick up the phone, find it wouldn’t work, and have to go running around searching desperately for a phone that WOULD work. Anyway, I bought the new cordless phones and they work fine except for the fact that even with the volume turned all the way up, you can barely hear the person on the other line.
So for the past few weeks when Fred calls from work our conversations have been like so:
Fred: mumble mumble mumble
Me: Are you talking to me? I can’t HEAR YOU.
Fred: (marginally louder)MUMBLE MUMBLE MUMBLE
Me: Oh, fuck it. Email me if it’s that important.
Of course, in the best of times Fred is a mumbler and I have to say “Eh? What? WHAT’S THAT? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” until I get so annoyed I want to smack him.
The funny thing is that when he talks to his father on the phone, he’s always saying “What? I can’t hear you, Dad…”
Guess it must run in the family.
* * *
Another thing I’m going to pick up at Target is a teakettle, because I’ve really gotten into drinking a couple of cups of peppermint tea a day and I’m tired of boiling cups of water in the microwave.
Lisa the Awesome sent me a gift certificate for
Adagio Teas a few days ago. I’ve been eyeballing a bunch of different things at Adagio for a while now – ever since
Aimee (I think) linked to
this – and trying to decide whether I wanted to buy that (in the 16-ounce size) and some different flavored teas, and the gift certificate was enough to get me off my butt and order some stuff.
I ordered the ingenuiTEA teapot (linked above), two ounces of the
peppermint tea, and samples of the
cocomint green,
dewy cherry, and
pina colada.
My order should be here Saturday – I’m looking forward to it in a big way!
Now’s your chance to recommend your favorite tea. Keep in mind that I don’t like bitter teas at ALL and I prefer flavored teas but am willing to try non-flavored; leave me a comment and tell me what I should try!
* * *
Someone asked in my comments a few days where people are redirected when they’re banned from my site. THIS IS NOT A WORK-SAFE SITE, and it’s kind of loud –
this is where they’re being redirected right now.
We used to have them redirected to a nasty porn site that I won’t link to; I haven’t actually looked at the page, but Fred tells me that I don’t want to, so it’s got to be pretty nasty. After a while I felt bad and wanted to redirect The Banned to a less offensive (yet still slightly offensive) site, so now they’re going to the page linked above.
And now you know. π
* * *
To those of you who weren’t able to watch the Scrubs clip from last week: Fred says that you probably need to download Codecs. He doesn’t know which one, though.
Helpful, no?
* * *

The seductive look.
I am so offended!
Mmmm those tea flavours sound delicious… I like tea with a maple flavour, like a vanilla maple, but I’m not sure if that’s just a Canadian thing? I like maple, vanilla, and almond/nutty sort of flavoured teas. Now that you have reminded me, I need to go branch out from the lonely green tea I have in my cupboard…
You know you all want to know where I sent them. Just admit it. π
I just lurve the tufts of fur coming out of the boogs ears. He’s so handsome!
I admit it. Heh.
I finally figured out what Boogers collar looks like to me. A cell phone – since he doesn’t have a belt – he needs to attach it to his collar. He’s stuck a techno geek just like his parents.
OK – I’ll shout up and go back to work now.
I really like the Republic of Tea’s Ginger Peach . I also adore plain old Lipton tea bags for basic flavor.
Eh, link didn’t work out like I planned. You can see it here if you’re interested!
I’ve heard that your cordless phones will work better if you take them on a brisk walk 5 or 6 times a week and stop taking so much medication. Of course, I’m not an electrical engineer.
I have totally given up on cordless phones because they all conk out on us eventually and I feel stupid buying new phones every 2-3 years when I can buy a good quality corded phone that will last forever. How many times do you think rotary phones needed to be replaced? My parents had the same black rotary phone forever, now these stupid cordless things are practically disposible.
I just got my first order from Adagio about an hour ago. I ordered the cinnamon, and it is SO good. I ordered because I’ve heard such good things about them and because I had a gift certificate, so a 4-oz tin was only $4.75 with shipping so it was a pretty safe bet, but tea isn’t my main drink, and I usually have to sweeten the hell out of it before I’ll drink it. But I had to try, since everyone’s been telling me this is the best tea ever.
Wow. It is. I only had to add about a quarter-teaspoon blob of honey to sweeten it (vs my usual 1-2 teaspoons) and it was awesome. I’m thinking this might get me off the coffee, even (it’s been bugging my stomach lately but I need something with a bit of caffeine in the mornings…)
Oh, and I made those little pizzas last night and they were wicked good!
Cats with half-closed eyes are so adorable. In high school I had a friend who babysat for a family that had a little toddler with only a few muscles in her eyelids–her eyes were always half closed. Kind of bizarre, but kind of cute, too.
You have to try Mountain Chai tea. Its the best. If you can get the green chai its even better for you.
My favorite tea is “Good Earth” brand, original flavor. Also comes in decaf, if you are so inclined. A sweet and strongly spiced tea.
My cordless is always conking out too, but it’s not the phone itself that’s the problem, it’s the battery. I swear they can make cordless phones really inexpensive because they make a killing when you need a new battery! I’ve got the kind you can leave charging when you’re not using it, the other kind that you have to let die before charging is much less reliable in my experience.
Oh, and the redirect page? Bwahahaha!!!
I ordered the $19 green tea Adagio Tea special today. Can’t wait. I wonder if I can brew coffee in it too?
We have the Uniden cordless phone set. Bought it at Costco over a year ago. So far, no problems. I love being able to page from phone to phone.
Looks like Mr. Booger’s is saying, “I’m too sexy for my phone…” Or, he’s saying, “Hey, Babe, why don’t you call me some time.”
ooooo M. Boogers mon amour vous Γͺtes mon manuel Γ fourrure envoyant ces regards chauds !
Thanks for the info about the book on women traveling alone, but that’s not the book I saw. I’m SURE it was on your site! hehe
Cranberry Apple herbal tea by Celestial Seasonings is my fav, plus the wind berry zinger. They’re great cold with lots of ice (no sugar) in the summer. Add 3 parts tea with water and 1 part cranberry juice. Enjoy!
If you drink a buttload of diet coke, all it will make you do is have to pee.
I’m addicted to Canadian Vanilla Maple by Celestial Seasonings. (it’s not herbal, it’s a flavored black tea, but it is decaf) Yum.
(And yeah Fred, I wanna know.LOL)
The Boogster is SOOO handsome. I know you’re more Cat folks, (as am I… well, sorta, I lurve my doggies too!) but damn cute Pug picks on my homepage of my Puppy Robyn, if ya wanna see the cutest Puggie ever! π Look below the links to the left. π
I will be getting pics of all my furry babies up at some point.
Ohhh…me wanty all kinds of stuff from that tea site.
Kitty, that is a very cute pugita! Pugs and Dacshunds are my favorite little dogs- a lot of dog in a small package. Bursting with personality. My cousin and her husband have one called Winston and he’s a little comedian.
Mango or peach flavored green teas from Bigelow are really good. I used to hate tea of all kinds until I tasted the mango one. VEry flavorful yet mellow, and of course, yummy. Plus you can get them at pretty much all grocery stores and they aren’t expensive, in case you buy some and don’t like it. JMO.
I love, love, love Celetial Seasoning’s Blueberry tea. I bought it on a whim, thinking that it might not be very good, but now it’s practically the only tea I drink. It’s fruity and tasty.
I’m not so interested in the smutty site as I am in what kind of car Fred drives. BTW, I thought a new little yellow car was in your future Robyn? Has Fred forbidden you to tell us about it? Damn him.
I am also a peppermint tea person…Twinings makes THE best peppermint tea anywhere (the regular, not the green tea). Nobody else I have tried even comes close.
Yum, tea. I can’t find it anymore, but my favorite is peach-apricot. Has no caffene. Now I make peach tea and add splenda apricot jelly to it.
Love the picture of your cat.
mumble mumble. Be sure that your phone is not on the same frequency as your microwave or other electronics or you will have mega interference.
wow good tea site!! im pretty simple when it comes to tea, my faves are celestial seasonings green tea lemon/honey/ginseng with a nice spoonful of raw honey. and a plain mint tea which i get from Germany very cheap, no name brand for that one though…
Fauchon Apple Tea : D it’s the best.
I’m so glad I could give you the prod you need to get an order in! π
I am so IN LOVE with my ingenuiTEA, I think I’m going to order one to keep here at work.
I ordered 22 sample tins and a six-pack sampler of green teas for the husband. The box smelled so damn good I couldn’t wait to get home and try some. The only one I’ve had the chance to try so far is the cherry and it is wonderful! I also got a chocolate sample and a rum sample…can’t wait to taste those!!
Ha! I posted about tea yesterday, too, but no one bought me any π
I tend to like herbal teas, rather than flavored teas, so it may not be your thing. But my favorite tea in the whole world is “Egyptian Licorice Tea” by Yogi Teas. Licorice in tea doesn’t taste like normal licorice, but the plant has a natural chemical in it that is very sweet, sweeter than sugar even, but doesn’t have the nasty sour aftertaste that sugar can get. It’s sweet and light, if pure, but my favorite is when it is mixed with other more spicy teas (as it is in “Egyptian Licorice”) so has a very full flavor. It’s so, so, so good, with absolutely no need to add sugar or cream. I’ll mail you a bag of it to taste if you think you’d like it. π Also, I have their “Twilight Mint” tea which is mint with licorice added. Mmm. Email me if you’re interested in a sample. My mother also always brewed peppermint tea straight from the mint plant that grew next to our porch. Heavenly. Stash is one of my favorite tea companies. Their peppermint, lemon ginger, raspberry, and chai are wonderful. Oh, and ginger peace teas are really good too. Heh. I love tea.