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Where’d you get the dragonfly shower curtain? I love it!
I got it at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I was all pissed off, thinking I was going to have to get a fabric shower curtain and then have to get a liner too (what a fucking racket, that), when I looked down and saw the dragonfly shower curtain. I like it a lot, and I think it goes well in the bathroom.
Sorry if I missed an explanation of this, but I thought you were going to wait until the Spud was out of school for the year to sell the Madison house. Is the Smallville house in the same school district? Or are they less anal there than they are here about moving to another district and staying at the same school.
We’re thinking, assuming the Madison house sells quickly, that there’s no way we’ll be closing on it before the end of April. Given that the spud graduates in the middle of May, we’re talking about a time of a few weeks where we’ll be living in Smallville and she’ll be driving to Madison for school. We’re not going to go out of our way to tell the Administration of her school that we’ve moved, so before they can “catch” us, they have to figure it out. And I suspect that, since it’s only a few weeks, they’d be okay with it anyway.
I wish you luck with the sale of your house. I have had mine on the market since Sept!!!! I sold two other houses in the past 4 years and both went so quick but the market today is just the shit I tell ya! I am about 4 hrs north of you in Southern Illinois, so hopefully your market is better!
I think the market here is pretty good, because they recently closed a base (or part of a base?) in Washington, and there’s going to be an influx of people who are being transferred here. The realtor seems pretty confident that the house will sell quickly, and he’s told us that there’s a shortage of houses in that price range at the moment, so we’ll see. He sold the previous house for us in a matter of days, and the house that was for sale a few doors down just sold in about a week. Fingers crossed that ours goes just as quickly!
Did you get a new car? Or did E’gar get a paint job? Or WAIT! Is this the mystery Fredmobile?
I got a new car several months ago, ya damn skimmer – last Fall, maybe? I sold E’gar to the spud and got a Suzuki Reno. I kind of miss E’gar a little. I like the Reno (which I have dubbed DelMar), but not as much as I liked the Aerio.
Sugarbutt and the kitchen cabinets are a match! How did he get up there?
From the floor to the counter, from the counter to the top of the fridge, and from there to the top of the cupboards. Except for Spot, they’ve all gotten up there and looked around (Miz Poo whined at me until I put a chair by the cupboards so she could get up on the counter; spoiled rotten, our cats? NAHHHH!), but Sugarbutt and Tommy spend the most time up there. Tommy also likes to hang out in the hall closet, especially if someone startles him. I guess he feels safe back in the darkest part of the closet.
I love the iron mug-holder paper towel hanger too! Where did you get it?
Actually, I didn’t get it anywhere – it was already there, the previous owners asked if we wanted it, and we said yes. I wasn’t that crazy about it, but with the face mugs and my little salt & pepper collection on it, I think it’s rawwwther charming.
Just had to tell you – I LOVE your kitchen cabinets!
Thank you! I like them a LOT more than I did when we first bought the house. I switched the pulls from the white ceramic ones to the darker ones we have now, and it makes a HUGE difference. We might change the cabinets at some point in the future, but I have to say, the more I live with them, the more I like them.
Are you painting before pulling up the carpet? Seems to be the better way to go, so as to not have to work so hard to keep the paint off the new carpet.
Yep, painting will be done this week, and the carpet will be done next week. The guys who are coming to lay the carpet are the same ones who are pulling up the old carpet and pad, so painting will be done before they get here.
(via email) I remember when Fred would be at the new house by himself and he thought the house was haunted. Have you had any ghost experiences now that you’re moved in?
I haven’t had a single ghostly experience, and whether that’s because I just don’t really believe in ghosts or because there are no ghosts here, who knows? For the record, all the orbs that show up in our pictures that so many of you think are signs of a otherworldly presence, I prefer to think of as specks of dust on the camera lens. I’d love to be proven wrong by a benevolent ghostly presence but with a week and a couple of days down, that hasn’t happened yet.
Are the NotYours cats okay with no longer being allowed inside the Smallville house? I know they have the condo of kitty luxury on your front porch, but I wasn’t sure if they’d have hard feelings since they can see the City Crew inside hanging out where they used to be allowed. I have to say that you have balls (figuratively) for transporting that many cats at once. You’re a braver person than I!
Newt and Maxi seem okay with not being allowed in the house, at least so far. Honestly, they weren’t all that interested in coming inside much, anyway – we’d let them in, they’d sniff around, then howl mournfully until we let them out. I haven’t seen much of either of them since Saturday or Sunday, when Fred accidentally locked Maxi in the garage and went wandering off to Madison. It was just luck that I happened to hear Maxi yelling when I went out to my car to leave. I let her out of the garage and she’s been back briefly once or twice, but I think being locked in the garage made her nervous.
what is the name of the color (actually there are 2 so I should say colors!) that you used in your new bedroom?! It is beautiful!
Apparently the bottom is “pale purple” and the top is “silver smoke”. Pictures of the paint can labels are below, for reference.

Flappy McGee? Does he do much flapping?
Have you named all the chooks yet?
Please turn your shredder off of “automatic” I just read a story in this past week’s Sunday News that warned of the danger of pets stepping on or licking (dogs) the shredder and it coming on and some horrific accidents happening. Some cats were killed.
If it can shred a DVD, what could it do to a cat’s foot?
Don’t believe in supernatural orbs/warnings, etc? Me either. Give it a couple years, and then let’s see if your opinion changes. I hope not, for your sake. I STILL don’t believe in all that stuff, but old houses DO have an aura…and sometimes, bad luck/good luck (as I like to think of it).