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I did this over the weekend, but keep forgetting to link to it. Remember how y’all wanted a picture guide to switching out outlets and switches? Well, here you go. There’s a link to it in the sidebar (assuming I remember to put one there). I don’t know how clear it is, but hopefully it’ll help.
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I have to say, I think that
Mail2Web is just the shit. I use it to read my comments (all comments are emailed to me, and I use a non-Gmail email address because Gmail will stick all the comments into one “conversation”, which drives me nuts) and it’s come in quite handy since I’m only using the laptop to get online these days (I carry it back and forth between Smallville and Madison, which would be less of a pain in the ass if it wasn’t so fucking huge and heavy).
Speaking of my laptop, I’m using the hell out of it lately. At home (Smallville) I use it to write my entries, look at pictures, and play a zillion trillion games of the very addictive
Snood. Also, I use it to watch TV shows I’ve downloaded from iTunes (it PISSES me off that How I Met Your Mother isn’t available on iTunes. GET WITH THE PROGRAM, PEOPLE!).
Again, life would be much easier if the fucking thing didn’t weigh 300 pounds and wasn’t the size of a small Volkswagen. I’m just saying.
Last night I watched
The Holiday on the TV in the computer room while sitting in the recliner (Spot seemed QUITE put out that I had the nerve to sit in HIS chair) and played Snood on the laptop. I’d have stayed up another couple of hours and played more Snood, but by the end of the movie I was falling asleep, so off to bed I went.
Speaking of The Holiday, I liked the movie, except that I didn’t much care for Jack Black in that part. I usually like Jack Black a lot – LOVE him, most of the time – but in this movie I think he might as well have just had the line “I’m here, I’m funny, give me the goddamn check” over and over. Boyfriend was phoning it in.
And speaking of movies (I am SO SMOOTH with the segues, aren’t I?), we watched
Borat the other night. I didn’t think I’d like it – I fully expected that I’d be bored or even hate it – but I ended up not liking it, exactly, but being far more amused than I thought I would be. We actually watched the whole thing, and I think for about half the movie I sat with my hands over my eyes. I was embarrassed as hell for the people he was dealing with (the guy who had to read him the telegram about his wife dying!) and watching that sort of thing always makes me feel REALLY uncomfortable.
You’ve got to hand it to the guy – where other people might be cracking up, he keeps a straight face and stays right in character.
Now I’m afraid we’re going to have to check out
Da Ali G Show.
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Have I mentioned that I’m a Snood addict? I get a little thrill whenever I knock down a ton of Snoods at once and the Horns of Triumph (as I call ‘em) play.
I perhaps need a life.
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Yesterday while the carpet guys were installing the carpet in our house, there was a crew working on the roof of the house next door, and another working on the roof of the house three doors down. I hope like hell this doesn’t mean those houses will be going up for sale soon, because we SO don’t need the competition.
So I was sitting in front of the laptop, which was resting on the dining room table, playing a recreational game of Snood (I can stop anytime I want to! I swear it!) and after a while of sitting on that hard dining room table chair, my butt always starts to hurt, because there’s not as much padding back there as there used to be. Still playing the game, I shifted to one side so that I was leaning over to my right, all my weight on my right butt cheek.
Behind me, one of the carpet guys materialized out of nowhere and cleared his throat. “Would it be alright if I wash my hands?” he asked politely.
I turned bright flaming red, because I got an image of exactly how I’d looked, tilted over to the side like that, and I knew he most likely thought I was lifting a cheek to fart.
I stammered that there was a bathroom right behind him and he should help himself.
And then I turned bright flaming red anytime I caught sight of him the rest of the day.
I’m sure he went straight home and told his family about the pig of a woman who had the lung-shredding cat-hair-matted carpet and who sat around all the time lifting her ass cheek to befoul the environment just a little more.
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“I see what you’re doing there. STOP IT.”
* * *
2006: “What IS that? Some kind of GODDAMN NICKNAME? You fucking heartless freak? You want me to kick your ass to Seattle, or you want to confess right now, jackass?”
2005: A day in the life.
2004: Naturally, the mental note got lost in the mental clutter, so I forgot she was in there, and only remembered when it had been a few hours and I hadn’t seen her.
2003: No entry.
2002: Don’t look at me like that.
2001: Of COURSE he falls in love with her inner beauty, because EVERYONE knows that fat women don’t have any of that OUTER beauty, for crying out loud.
2000: I can only hope he’ll flash me some butt cleavage.]]>
Even though I will never (don’t say never – right) replace an outlet, switch or strip a wire, I thoroughly enjoyed the step by step demonstration and instructions. You definately have a way with words.
When we had our house built, we asked for dimmers to be put on certain lights. Well, the builder forgot. So within a couple of weeks of having bright, glaring lights in the kitchen and family room I got a hair up my ass and decided to do it myself. The process is very similar to what you did to replace the outlets. My husband, the ante-Fred, wouldn’t even try it. In fact, he was too chicken to turn off the power at the circuit breaker until I showed him how. Men! (Of course, I do work for the electric utility and have picked up enough working knowledge of electricity to be properly cautious but not actually scared of it anymore…)
And, I’m afraid that I share your Snood addiction. I’ve actually beaten the Armageddon level so many times that I have to go under 200 Snoods used to even place on the high score anymore… So sad, the Snood addiction…
Hi Robyn!
I thought the same thing about the Holiday. I loved Kate Winslet, and the whole thing with her and the old neighbor in LA, and I really ended up enjoying the movie, but I didn’t like Jack Black in it much at all. Also? I kind of wish it had ended with the old man making his speech. It felt like the heart swelling moment. The part in England at the end felt forced.
And as for the roofs – I think it’s just that time of year. I’m going to be getting part of my roof replaced this spring, too. But here’s hoping those houses aren’t going on the market!
I listened to the podcast (entire thing!) while surfing this morning. And, no , you do not sound like I thought you would. While reading you for the past years, I had an impression of what your voice might sound like. You asked what we thought that was. I guess maybe I thought you would sound “rougher”. Not that your journal entries are “rough” 😉 Most of them make me LOL and I have to read them to my husband. I don’t read Nance’s site, but think I will start now. Your house is looking great, by the way. I need to get off my butt and start doing things around this house!
After days of reading about Snood and going “Snood? What the heck is Snood?” I downloaded it to try it out.
Yeah, uh, THANKS! I am now addicted. My house is dirty! The children are hungry! Wait… it was like that before the Snooding….
But still…. You are a Snood pusher!
But try this: http://tinyurl.com/56t9u for a change of pace.
Ahh, but when you close your eyes at night, do you see Snood games in your mind? You’re not truly addicted until then. My most recent mind numbing addiction is Shisen. I predict Bejeweled will be next (as soon as I take back the empty case I bought at Target the other day) GRRRRR.
Robyn, I just thought you sounded so very gentle and sweet – not like a woman who can insert the word FUCK into a sentence sixty-three different ways. I think the contrast is awesome, btw! Like a little old lady who robs banks. Except not, er, old or criminal.
If you like Snood, you’ll also like Puzzle Bobble (an old 1980s arcade game which you can play on emulators like MAME). Look out for it the next time you’re in an arcade!
That picture looks like, “IM LOOKIN RAAGHT IN UR MOUF, CHEKIN FER FUUD.”
I agree with what cecpet said. I thought you’d sound rougher too. Like this big booming bad ass voice to match the little picture of you in the url area. Heh!
I thought you had a very sweet sounding southern voice, without a heavy accent. But you grew up in Maine, didn’t you? How long have you lived down there?
I was cracking up before you got to the end of the carpet guy story. I knew what was coming next LOL
I confess, I’m a Snoodoholic too!
On the podcast your voice sounded as if it was me talking, freaked me out!!!!!!!
I was interested to hear your voice too and was surprised. Being born and bred southern for 47 years I think you had a very northern sounding accent. Very feminine and dainty sounding. Very articulate. I did not expect it to be SO “prissy” maybe. I think we all think of you as one tough chick and we must have expected some tough sounding girl voice….haha!!
🙂 Kathy
A snood game for you and Fred?
HAHA! FART. that is so funny.
I, too, get uncomfortable for people. So I can’t listen to prank calls or watch Punk’d and such. It’s awful for me.
I hated Cameron Diaz in that movie. She was trying too hard. Bleh.
Damn you, Robyn! I blame you, yes, YOU, for my Snood addiction. Well, okay, it’s totally my fault, but you were the enabler. Now I wish I had the same self control I had back when the Snood-hype was first rampant around the web. Where did my will power go? It’s probably buddying up with my urge to be productive.
You sound EXACTLTY like I thought you would! Your voice is very mellow and pleasant and you have just a hint of a southern accent!
Thanks for a beautifully penned description of an embarrassing moment. I have a penchant for bad-timing whether with words or actions that will be with me life-long. I can’t tell you what it means to me to when I find a comrade with a good war story to share.
Do you know what makes me laugh the most? Robyn writes like she’s some big ol’ foot stompin’ hissy fit taking fool and she is one of the most mellow people I know (and sounds like it!). Imagine my surprise when I first met her!