reading: The Honk and Holler Opening Soon.
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So, I found
this blog through
Kathy, and I’ve been reading it regularly. Today I went and read
this post, and I have to say that the two paragraphs after the picture of her mother in the nurse’s uniform? I find those paragraphs somehow comforting.
Also, yesterday I followed a link from
Marcia‘s journal to
Dogblog, and looked at each and every one of the dog pictures and commentary. It’s my new favorite blog. My favorite dog has to be the one on this page, sixth picture from the top. Hilarious!
And while I’m linking to stuff I’ve read online lately, I followed the link from
Jennifer Weiner‘s blog to
this article by Ayelet Waldman and read it with interest.
I wonder how much shit she’s taking for it.
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So, in Monday’s entry I wrote:
“My god, is there a crazy person living back there and will he grab me when I’m not paying attention and cut my throat and scoop out my eyeballs with a spork and eat them, then throw my body on a big pile of decomposing bodies?”
and I am informed by several of you that in last night’s episode of Alias, someone got their eyes SCOOPED OUT WITH A SPORK.
I have my finger on the pulse of pop culture, apparently. That, or I’m psychic. Hmmm, let me check my psychic abilities and see what’s in store for the future…
I see… ten million dollars… no, sorry, a hundred million dollars…being deposited…in my checking account…and…ten more cats being adopted… by ME!
(Ah, if only!)
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Warning: Possible Amazing Race spoilers ahead! Skip to the next section if you don’t want to be spoiled!
Someone asked in my comments if we’ve been watching The Amazing Race. We have, and I know this isn’t a popular opinion, but I am LOVING Rahb and Ambah. I hated them on Survivor, but I love them in The Amazing Race! Everything Rahb does, he does with such glee that he absolutely cracks me up.
I do think they should have stopped instead of just driving by the accident that the brothers (who make me laugh in their Loverboy do-rags) had the other night, but I predicted they wouldn’t stop, so I wasn’t too surprised.
I do wish they’d contributed some money to Gretchen and Meredith, though.
This may be the season when The Amazing Race jumps the shark, but so far I’m enjoying it.
Oh, and I am SO FUCKING GLAD that Ray and Deana are gone. What an asshat he is. I mean, nothing approaching Jonathan, but still. I swear if he’d made one more snide comment about Gretchen and Meredith I was going to jump through the TV and kick him in the balls.
So, yes – watching Amazing Race and loving it!
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While I’m on the topic of TV shows, I’ve started watching House in the past few weeks. What an excellent show!
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The spud went to church last night (::sob!:: where have I gone wrooooooooong?), and I let her drive there (with me in the car, that is). She did just fine. I knew she would, but the road to church is a bit scary – pretty narrow, with some deep ditches on the side of the road in a few places. We let her drive home, too – Fred sat in the back seat – and she did well until we pulled into the subdivision, and she about took out a mailbox.
She had a doctor’s appointment this morning on the other side of Huntsville, and I was going to let her drive, but I couldn’t come up with a way to get there that didn’t involve driving down a scary road or two, so I drove.
Yes, I know that she’s got to get used to driving down the interstate and the scary, scary Parkway one of these days, but my heart just wasn’t up to it today.
The doctor appointment was to have her stitches taken out. Everything’s healing just fine, and she’s got to go back in six weeks for another check. The doctor said that if there was going to be a problem, it would most likely have shown up by now, so all is good.
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Fred turned the electric fence up quite a bit yesterday so that Mister Boogers couldn’t get as close to the fence without being zapped. Hopefully that will keep his little Booger ass in the yard. He was a total pain in the butt yesterday during the day because it was warm and sunny, but I wouldn’t let him out since the fence was turned off. When the cat door is closed and he wants out, he goes to the back door and pulls on the blinds so that they make an annoying clattering sound. He repeats it until you either come spray water at him, or let him out.
(I know, it’s a bad idea to reinforce the bad behavior by opening the door. Shaddup.)
So anyway, when Fred got home he turned the fence on – and up – and put Mister Boogers’ collar on. Mister Boogers was a wild thing for the rest of the evening and today. He keeps running outside, running around the yard like his butt is on fire, and running back inside.
He cracks me up.
At first, Fred had the fence turned up a little too high, and Mister Boogers was hanging out in the dining room. There’s a box top in the dining room where he likes to sit and stare out the window at the birds. He went over to his box top yesterday and his collar beeped.
Fred said his eyes got dark and he went flat, because he KNEW what was coming. Then he got zapped, he flew straight up into the air, and then hauled ass upstairs.
I always miss the good stuff.
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“All I was DOING was coming over to sit in my box top – MY box top! – and I got the beep and the zap. I wasn’t even being BAD! I don’t get it!”]]>
LOL I love your Mister Boogers stories.
Poor Mr. boogers! But it probably serves him right. He was probably plotting his next escape and is now thinking better of it. Hee.
I too love Rahb and Ambuhr on Amazing Race. I HATE Alex and Lynn. Shut up! And Gretchen’s voice is like nails on a chalk board for me. But it’s the show I love to complain about.
Wow! The collar works even inside the house! 😉
I couldn’t stand Ray and Deana, either. God, I just wanted to break Ray’s neck, he was such a d!ck. And Deana must be really stupid to want to be with him.
Did you see Ray & Deana on The Early Show yesterday? He was all apologetic to Meredith & Gretchen’s family for the way he was portrayed on the show b/c he really “loved them”. Whatever. Also, he proposed to Deana, so she’s even more stupid than you thought b/c they’re getting married in May. She claimed he wasn’t like that “in real life” and that he was such a great guy he wouldn’t harm a fly. So much so that she had to kill all the animals in their house. Huh – she’s an animal killer… Her choice of words made me laugh.
I love Rob and Amber! I never saw Rob on Survivor, but Amber never bothered me. I don’t get what the deal is with those two.
I still don’t know why everyone wants Rob and Amber to stop for the overturned Jeep. How is stopping going to help when they can see everything’s being taken care of? No one ELSE stopped either, just Lynn and Alex.
It’s funny when they tear through the house for what appears to you to be no reason, but you just wonder what’s on their minds…
Thank you for the link at the top of today’s post. I loved it, and I absolutely adored the author’s funny/poignant stories about her mom. I have a difficult relationship with my own mom but this melted my heart. Thanks for including it.
I cannot stand Rob. I hated him on both Survivors and my feelings have not changed. Even the sound of his voice and that horrible accent drive me up the wall. Amber doesn’t really bother me, but she seems to be like a little robot with no mind of her own.
And Lynda, Rob and Amber could have at least slowed down to ask if they were all right. Everyone else did, except for Ray and Deana, I think.
I also love Rob and Amber now- HATED them on Survivor! But I always think of you Robyn when they show Phil, b/c I find myself checking out his pants….
“his eyes got dark and he went flat…” so funny! poor poor thing, on his box top.
I too love Rob and Amber and am rooting for them or the brothers to win (I don’t know why, I think I just like how they seem like people I have in my everyday life and that’s really never happened on any of these shows). I wish R & A had just hollered out their window, “everyone okay? need some help?” as they drove by (since you know they’d have been waved away like all the others), made them look pretty bad for not at least.
I really enjoyed the dogblog photos. Thanks for posting that and the Jennifer Weiner link. Here’s something along those dog lines…
It’s a game/quiz to find out what breed of dog you are…I’m a beagle. Wonder if they have something like that for cats?
Ask and you shall recieve… (ok ok is was just a quick google search!)
Quiz: What type of cat are you?
Glad you like House. I have watched since it’s first episode and LOVE Dr. House. He may be gruff, harsh, impurtenent, addicted, and several other nasty things, but I’d love to have him as my doctor. :0)
Ayelet Waldman writes mystery books (which are pretty good) and is married to Michael Chabon (“Wonder Boys” [one of the best movie adaptations ever BTW] and the Pulitzer winning “Kavalier and Clay”).
Loved the link with the mom story…especially about the rug and the cure for cancer. Glad I wasn’t drinking something at the time or new keyboard time.
And House- I told y’all about the House back after the second episode on the S&S board. See, I am sometimes right about these things.
Loved Rob and Amber on them still. Rob more than Amber. In fact they are one of the only teams I really like…the other ones creep me out in various ways. I never EVER want to hear the words “menage a trois” come out of Gretchen’s mouth again!
I am so mad, I fell asleep during the last commercial break before House ended. Can anyone tell me what happened? What was causing the lesions on the 12-year-old girl? I know she admitted to taking diet pills, but I don’t know about the lesions. Did they cure her? And did House pick a member of his staff to fire?!?!?!
Katy, she had a tumor in her brain that caused Cushing’s that caused the lesions and they cured her by removing it. I don’t think he fired anybody – it was kind of unclear, at least to my husband and I.
He wanted to fire the British guy (I don’t know their names yet), but whatshisface said that he had to choose someone else, and it was left kind of open-ended. It appears that they’re all still around in next week’s show, though. Unless it’s a rerun?
I loved Honk and Holler. What do you think of it? enough strange and interesting characters to keep my attention 🙂
Dawn: I’m liking it a lot! I was a little worried, because I read Shoot the Moon (her latest) a few days ago but wasn’t that crazy about it. Honk and Holler is much better; my faith is restored! 🙂
Poor wee baby, Meester Boogers!
Yet still, I laugh & laugh & laugh! LOL
Poor wee baby!
*gasp* Poor Mr. Boogers! *Snatches the kitty and hugs*
Krystina & Robyn — Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wanted him to fire the British guy too! I’ve liked him in past episodes, but he was being a total prick about that little girl.
I loved Rob on both Survivor’s even though I hated his attitude towards gays. Then I loved Rob and Ambah and I am fully enjoying them being on The Amazing Race. They are making it ever so enjoyable. All my co-worker’s say “yeah . . but I don’t want them to win” . . why not? 🙂