
“Blah blah I’m Ryan Seacrest blah blah I like to hear myself talk blah blah Vonzell Solomon, after the break!” (Annoying Sarah Jessica Parker GAP commercial. She enjoys being a girl.) “Oh, I can’t believe I forgot to tell you this! I was listening to the radio this morning…” (Listening. Subtly hiding 16 chins with hand.) “And Sarah Jessica Parker was going somewhere or coming home from somewhere, and she got out of her limo, and they snapped a picture of her.” (Waiting for the point.) “The paparazzi snapped a picture of her, I mean. And there’s a rumor going around that her marriage is in trouble and she and Ferris are breaking up.” “She wasn’t wearing her wedding ring!” “Brrrrrp?” “Don’t shoot the messenger, Bessie.”]]>

67 thoughts on “3/9/05”

  1. I think that was the funniest journal entry I’ve ever read in my life. You guys rock!!!!!

  2. OMG! Thank god I was reading your blog at work today or I would have missed the hilarity of picture blog. Robyn, you always make my day!

  3. Too funny and so long — a picture is worth a 1k words! Love the dirty looks. How dare Fred bring up the wedding ring topic!

  4. Too funny. That could easily be a similar conversation in my home!
    But, man I la la love that Sarah Jessica Parker commercial. She is so gorgeous.

  5. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention…That Dr. Phil show you talked about last week with the 19 yr old child molestor…there is a follow-up on Dr Phil today.

  6. ROTFLMAO!!! God Robyn, you completely crack me up. That was the funniest thing I’ve read/seen in TOO damn long! Almost did a coffee spit-take all over my monitor. Many thanks for the laughs, and congrats to the Spud!

  7. Why do I always think of the Goons on Popeye whenever I see Sarah Jessica Parker?

  8. Bwwaaahahahahahaha!!! Aahhh ha ha ha! Ooops, I think I just woke up the baby…
    That was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a loooong time!! *snicker*
    Where do you come up w/ it?? *snicker snicker*

  9. Thank you for that. I am in excruciating pain right now thanks to a bout of SHINGLES. Gross, I know. But this made my codeine-free day. 🙂 You are too funny.

  10. The picture with Fred going ‘she wasn’t wearing her wedding ring’, that’s the picture that got me laughing 🙂 Brilliant entry Robyn!

  11. I swear if they wouldn’t have switched it up this year, alot more guys would be staying and those girls would be going. I would say only about 5 of the girls can really sing. And why does simon like carrie so much?????

  12. Get the frack out of here!! That was the funniest thing EVER. You have to do 400 more of these!! Get the Spud in on it too, with her teenage-ness.

  13. BWAH!!! Thanks for the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. You guys are great!

  14. I am the only one who noticed that you actually LIVE with Ferris Bueller? Holy crap, Fred is Matthew in a few years! And I love your Elvis lip. I am the only one in my family who can do it. I live with a bunch of freaks….

  15. That was freaking hysterical. I just came home from taking my cat to have acupuncture done, and I was traumatized. I needed a laugh!

  16. Ok, I have NO idea why but that struck me as the funniest thing I have ever seen/read in about 10 years. I am laughing so hard I have tears rolling down my cheeks.. Especially the one picture of Fred, 4th one down I think..
    Still laughing… STILL!! family thinks I’ve lost it..
    You two should really think about reality TV.

  17. OMGsh, I laughed so hard. Nice pictures. Fred seemed like the gossiping chick for a chance. Love ya!

  18. You are TOO funny!!! My hand to God, I about pee’d my pants. I cannot stop laughing and my husband thinks I’ve lost my mind.

  19. TFF! I love this and it made me laugh out loud. I love the little Boog interlude too!
    THANKS always for being there!

  20. This reminded me of “And that’s how it’s goin’ down in ……And3rson Town” (sung to the tune of the CatTown theme song)
    Love how the Bean had to make an appearance…

  21. Oh my fucking god, THAT?! was hilarious! After the craptastic month I’ve had so far, I needed that [thanks!].

  22. OMG! I had to go ahead and post before reading what anyone else said because…FUNNY! That had to be one of the craziest, most entertaining posts ever! Not to take anything away from your usual wit and style, of course. LOVED it!

  23. That snarly-face picture – omigod – that is your BEST PIC EVAH!! I LOVE it!! You should put it either on your no-link thingie, or your GFY Burb ring. Really! That was SO funny. Fred looks like he’s expecting you to bitch-slap him, or something 😀

  24. Thank you SO much. I have two exams this week a HUGE project to turn in and I have a nasty sinus-y barky cough-y thing going on. You just made my day.
    Best. Entry. Ever.

  25. Hahahahaha! Made me laugh my ass off. heh. I SO agree with you on the “she wasn’t wearing her wedding ring!” pet peeve. I’m mildly allergic to my wedding ring, and frequently have to take it off for a while to let my skin heal. It doesn’t mean Morgan and I are any less devoted to each other. Grrrrr… Heh. The pictures were perfect.

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