I had him bring the vacuum cleaner down from upstairs, and then spent quite a while vacuuming up the cobwebs from the baseboards and tray ceiling, and one very long spider web strand that stretched between a corner of the living room and the ceiling fan in the center of the room. Once I was done with that he started disconnecting all the electronics from the TV, and I made breakfast for both of us – onion, spinach, mushroom and cheese omelets – and then we ate.
He managed to pull the table upon which the TV set sat so that it was right next to one of the couches, and we each took a side and gently leaned the TV on the couch, then covered it with quilts so the cats wouldn’t scratch it up. Then I vacuumed where the TV had been, checked to make sure there was nothing else I could help with, and headed upstairs to take my shower.

With surprisingly little interference from the cats, he painted the living room and was done in a little less than two hours. So he went for a hike, of course.
This morning, he stayed home and waited for the carpet guys to show up, while I went to the pet store and did my thing. By the time I got home, they’d been there for 45 minutes, had pulled up the carpet from the living room and stairs, and were doing… whatever comes next. Fred left for work as soon as I showed up, and I sat in front of the computer while the guys worked on the carpet. There were a total of four guys, and I think there were two guys in the living room and two guys on the stairs. They finished sometime after 11:00 and one of them offered to vacuum the carpet, but I told him I’d do it myself, and then it was just a matter of paying them and wishing them a good day.
The stairs and the living room look about 63,000 times better, cheap carpet or no. Even Fred admitted that the stairs look a lot better with the new carpet. Think he’d notice if I contracted to have the rest of the house done? They could do it while he was at work!
The hideous, butt-ugly, god-I-hate-it Berber carpet. This picture does no justice to the hideousness of the damn thing.
The new, cheap, only-gotta-last-a-year carpet. I like it a LOT more than the Berber.
I don’t have a “before” picture of the stairs, but just imagine an ugly, stained, matted carpet from hell and then multiply it by a thousand. The spud has been informed that she’s not allowed to wear shoes on the stairs for the time being. The first time a cat barfs on the stairs, I’m going to commit murder, I swear it.
When Fred got home yesterday afternoon we started the job of moving everything back into its place, which took us about an hour. Fred was stunned and kept saying “It went together a whole lot faster than it came apart!”, and then I pointed out that he had help putting it back together (not a LOT of help, since I’m weak as a newborn kitten, apparently, and could only lift the couch and move it about six inches at a time).
And now my living room looks awesome, and I’m not ashamed to have him invite his parents over to watch a movie with us!
* * *
Woohoo! The spud had a job interview at a local fast food restaurant (you’ll forgive me, stalkers, if I don’t name the place), and she got the job! And she goes for orientation tomorrow! And she starts (she thinks) this weekend!
* * *
Something has caught the Tommy’s attention.
Is that a happy cat, or what?
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2005: Back from Gatlinburg.
2004: No entry.
2003: I love Von, and questions answered.
2002: No entry.
2001: Miz Poo gives me a scare.
2000: My husband, the diplomat.]]>
I still can’t believe how much you hate Berber- you’re a nut!
Looks great, though.
The comment about Fred going to take a hike after all that work made me laugh. 😉
The new carpet looks GREAT!
New carpet looks great. I hate Berber too. It’s too hard – not for knees…..
Love Tommy and Sugarbutt
The new carpet looks nice, but the old carpet looks good too. It must have been a lot worse then it looks in the pictures!
Of course the likelihood of a cat barfing someplace is in direct proportion to how desperately you want it to stay clean…
The new carpet looks awesome.
I agree with you on the berber. We had it in our old house and it was the worst. You couldn’t get stains out of it, it matted down way too easily, and the cats pulled at the runs in it constantly.
The carpet looks awesome, as does the paint job. For future furniture moving you might try “Moving Men”. I moved a full china cabinet by myself with them. You can move anything so easily with them. No I don’t have any stock in the company, I just tend to rearrange my furniture a lot (making my husband a little crazy). They have them on Amazon, but I picked them up at Linens and Things for around $10.
I absolutely share your hatred of the dreaded berber. I had brand new white berber when I moved into my house, and it quickly turned into the carpet of ass once my cats and dogs unleashed their filthy ways on it! It is the carpet of doom, and I rejoice whenever just one house is saved from its horror. Congratulations!
The new carpet looks fab!
Woo Hoo to the SPUD!!!
Go the spud 🙂
Have you considered putting down a rug in the lounge room to maintain the niceness of the new carpet?
I think the cheaper carpet looks better too.
Congrats Spud!!!!!!!
You think your carpet is bad? You should see mine! It’s filthy and horrible and disgusting. My mom used to work as a babysitter so when you factor in 2 kids, plus me and my sister, plus whatever guests we had traipsing through the house, plus 4 cats and a dog, PLUS 3 other dogs that have lived here at one time, and it is a disaster. I can’t walk around barefoot or my feet turn black, it’s that bad. I hate it. 🙁 When I saw how nice and shiny and CLEAN your carpet is I wanted to shed a tear or two.
OMG, A friend emailed me with a link to this cartoon, and the first thing I thought was. “It’s Sugarbutt!”
Check this out for a chuckle: file:///Users/kittydew/Library/Mail%20Downloads/www.pvponline.com.htm