the show. I think they showed the first three (which were on ABC or NBC or whatever the hell channel it was originally on) this past Tuesday (and they’re rerunning them again all weekend), and then they’re starting with the unaired ones this coming Tuesday at 9:00. I REALLY liked that show, so you can bet I’ll be setting the DVR!
Schedule is here.
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Today’s earworm:
I went as far as I could, I tried to find a new face
There isn’t one of these lines that I would erase
I left a million mile of memories on that road
And every step I take I know that I’m not alone
You take the home from the boy, but not the boy from his home
These are my streets, the only life I’ve ever known, who says you can’t go home
Who Says You Can’t Go Home?, by Bon Jovi and Jennifer Nettles)
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I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this before, but I’m not a person who bruises easily.
(Oh god. I’m suddenly struck with the intense urge to write a completely oblique entry about how even though you can’t see my bruises on the outside, inside I am bruised like an apple tossed against the wall and when (insert innocuous thing here) happens, although I might be smiling on the outside, on the inside I am GUSHING BLOOD because it bruises my soul, even if you can’t see it, and people should think about what they’re going to say before they go rushing around the internet willy-nilly hurting other people. Must… resist… evil… urge…)
Anyway, physically, I just don’t bruise very easily. My friend Liz bruises if you so much as speak harshly to her – seriously, if she rolls down her car window to use the atm and rests her arm between the punching of PINs and choosing where the money’s coming from and all that, she always has bruises on the underside of her arm. I think someone accused her first husband of abusing her, so bad were the bruises. If I hadn’t seen the bruising process myself, I never would have believed it.
ANYWAY. I was talking about ME. I don’t bruise very easily. So the other day when Fred and I were moving the living room furniture back into the living room, we were on the last piece of furniture, which was the kitchen table and I carried my side of the table – which is pretty heavy as kitchen tables go – resting on my right forearm. And the next morning when I woke up, I had a bruise about the size of a quarter where the table leg had rested.
And I keep looking at it and poking at it, because I think it makes me look VERY BADASS.
I think I might be a little weird.
* * *
Answering the Smart and Sassy
question about tipping reminded me of back when I worked at Fred’s company (I was the office manager, for those of you who didn’t already know that, and I quit because I COULD) and we called a local courier company to deliver a document to someone’s home in Huntsville. Now, I’ve never hired a courier before and I thought it was going to be expensive, but I was stunned to find out that it was only going to cost $5. (Which of course made me want to start hiring a courier to do EVERYTHING. “Yeah, take this two offices down and make sure they sign for it, eh?”) I asked everyone who was around whether or not I was supposed to tip the courier, and none of them knew, ’cause none of THEM had ever hired a courier before, either.
So I called the office and asked the lady who answered the phone if I was supposed to tip the courier. Now, instead of just saying “yes” or “no”, the lady hemmed and hawed and basically gave me a non-answer. And I decided that I’d rather be safe than sorry, so I got $5 cash from one of the owners to tip him.
The guy showed up, and I gave him the envelope to deliver, then I handed over the check for the courier fee, and with the check I handed over the $5. The courier looked at the $5 and the check, and he gave me a puzzled look.
“What’s this?” he said.
“That’s, um,” I stammered. “A tip. For you!”
He shook his head sternly, said “No,” and handed the $5 back to me.
And I felt like the BIGGEST ASSHOLE ON EARTH. Even now, thinking about it, I get embarrassed.
* * *
Also, this entry of
Jane‘s for some reason reminded me of several years ago when my mother sent the spud a
Furby for Christmas. The spud kind of liked it at first, but after a while it kind of took on a creepy aura. The damn thing would just suddenly start SINGING and MOVING for no particular reason, and for an 11 year-old kid, it’s not a great leap of the imagination to think that the damn thing might come to life and kill you in your sleep.
About two weeks after Christmas I was putting laundry away in the spud’s closet, and I found the Furby wrapped in a blanket, shoved behind the toybox – in fact, wedged in there so tightly that even had the damn thing come to life with bad intentions, there’s no way it could have gotten out and done its evil deeds.
And quite frankly, I can’t blame the spud. That thing was fucking creepy.
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The spud, in her prom dress. Hopefully the ankle socks won’t be a part of the final ensemble, but I can’t guarantee anything!
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He keeps his svelte shape by practicing Sugilates regularly.
The Sugilates move known as “lift and lick” is excellent for developing core strength.
The dilemma: Something on the floor.
The solution: Lay on it.
This is a total Mister Boogers look.
All of today’s uploaded pictures (there are a bunch today) are
* * *
2005: “Ah JEEZUS, here she goes again with the Gatlinburg! She goes for four days and talks about it for four weeks!”
2004: Oh. My. Eyes.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Entries I liked.
2000: No entry.]]>
The “lift and lick” reminds me of when our cat was lifting and licking my son asked me if she was “cleaning her lady parts.” Heh!
Actually it was on CBS and they hyped the heck out of it for weeks prior to it’s premiere. I could not believe they showed three episodes and pulled it!
Give something a chance! The fact that VH-1 is picking it up should tell them something.
The spud looks beautiful! She has really grown up, hasn’t she?
I’m sorry, but who is that gorgeous young woman in the picture? She’s obviously much too old to be your daughter… 😉
Although, like you, I think the ankle socks add very little to the outfit, she looks just fabulous!!!
I love the spud’s prom dress! She looks lovely in it!
That is a GREAT dress. S and her friend did good. Also: SPANKY!
I think the courier was the asshole. He could have been more pleasant and understanding, instead of making you feel stupid. I wouldn’t have known whether to tip him or not either. Now we know!
I was enjoying Love Monkey myself and I’m glad to know that I can at least catch the rest of the episodes, even if the show doesn’t go any further. If you think of it, remind us again on Tuesday… thanks! 🙂
The dress is absolutely perfect.
Oh, I love the dress! Spud looks so pretty.
Actually, I think the socks make the outfit! 😉
Too grown up! Too soon! It’s always so bittersweet to watch our daughters bloom into such lovely young women. I always feel so proud, yet there’s that nostalgia for the not so long ago baby days.
She looks perfect – what a nice dress!
Great dress, she looks so good in it. And the socks, I think, add a little genesequa.
The Spud looks too cute! Pink ankle socks woudn’t be so bad. 🙂
My fiance has been accused more than once of beating up on me (mostly jokingly, I think). A few months ago we were at a bar with some friends. They have a game room and we played air hockey for a while. The next day I had bruises across both of my thighs from leaning over the table. It looked like someone had hit me with a 2×4 – repeatedly.
The worst part is when people say, “Oh, where’d you get that bruise?” and you have no idea whatsoever.
Your ability to resist blogging at length about even the ripest metaphors: quite admirable
Courier offended by proffered tip: Wouldn’t you rather be an asshole who tips inappropriately than an asshole who doesn’t tip or under-tips?
Prom dress: splendiferous!
Furbies and all other animatronic toys: Deeply evil spawn of satan.
It looks like the spud has a pretty bad ass bruise of her own on her left hand/wrist.
Elizabeth in NC: No, she has a habit of writing on her hand – that’s a note to herself, not a bruise. 🙂
I am a bruiser. I sneeze and bruise something. Back in 2001 I got bucked off my horse- violently bucked off. I hit the ground at about mach 80. You can’t even imagine the colors my ass turned!! It was like a rainbow! I went to the emergency room- I thought I had broken my hip. A knob the size of a grapefruit appeared on my hip within seconds. My hip wasn’t broken, but the doc told me I wouldn’t believe the things gravity would do to the bruise. Aaack!
The next day we left on our 6 day beach vacation to the south shore of Maine. NOT pretty. It was a solid month before that bruise healed.
The spud looks FANTASTIC. Not everyone can do pink like that. She looks beautiful.
Love the spud’s dress. Before I read your caption I thought “She’s gotta lose those socks”!
Robyn, I love the Spud’s dress! She looks so fanciful and pretty.
Our cats also have the “stuff on floor” promblem solving solution of sitting/laying on it. hee.
The Spud looks absolutely gorgeous! Pink suits her.
She looks sooooo pretty and grown up!! Wow…
Pretty dress – pretty spud. Time flies.
Oh good lord. LIFT AND LICK! SUGILATES! I snorted some damned fine Milo’s Splenda tea on my monitor thanks to your funny self!
Love the prom dress. She’s so lovely!
But hey, what are those boxes on your cats’ necks? And what are those things on their claws? [RUNNING & DUCKING]
WOW! She is so grown up and very pretty! 🙂 I bet she gets her looks from her Momma …..
The socks with the dress remind me of the website gofugyourself. They would say she’s a victim of the scrolldown — where they look really good until you scroll down. Hee.
I like them though, and the dress is gorgeous. Very very cute.
Hey my 9 year old has made it her personal goal in life to make the ankle sock an absolute requirement to ALL outfits.
One night the washer is going to “eat” them all!!
Your daughter is beautiful!
I love Spuds dress! It is very flattering and who doesn’t love pink and black! That rocks! 😉
Aw,the Spud is absolute perfection!
It’s as you’re the Gilmores!Spud is Rory,all grown up. You are Loreli,Fred is your LUKE. Although Fred came on the scene sooner than Luke.
Rundmc: I WISH I was half as cute as Lorelai. The spud’s way cuter than Rory, though, so I guess that makes up the difference. 🙂
Who on God’s green earth refuses a tip? That courier was an jerk.
Beautiful dress–beautiful spud! I hope we can see another photo taken on prom night!
ahhh, I love the spud’s dress!!!!!!! So pretty!!!
Hey Robyn, this is off the subject, but after having your surgery, I haven’t seen any entries on how your’e doing, how much have you lost, have you found it difficult, do you wish you had never done it. I ask because I am considering it.
I wish I didn’t bruise … I constantly look black and blue. Attractive.
Oh my – the Spud is looking mah-velous in her prom dress!!! Great choice!!
And Robyn… you weird? OMG – tell me no!! 🙂
That last picture of Mister Booogers nearly made me choke on my lunch.
Also, has your friend Liz ever been tested for VWD? Sometimes that can cause people to bruise easily. I bruise pretty easily, but I think it’s just because my skin is pretty fair and almost translucent in spots.
I like the Spud’s pretty dress! Nice choice.
awww… the spud looks great! Oddly enough, the new song out “You’re Beautiful” (I think that’s the name), was on when I scrolled down. Sniff… I’m having a proud big sister moment, and I don’t even know you!