reading: Death in Bloodhound Red.
Finished last night: Watch Me. Not a bad book for one that’s almost ten years old. The main character has a laptop, and all I could think was “My GOD, I bet that thing was huge!”
Certainly worth a read, if you get it for 50 cents at a garage sale, the way we did.
* * *
Reader Aly sent this to me and it cracked me up:

I can’t imagine why it made her think of me, though!
* * *
Pet store kitty pics from this morning are
* * *
And with that said, I’m taking the rest of the week off from the journal. Yes, everything’s fine – it’s just that there’s really not much going on to write about (not that that usually stops me!), and I still haven’t completely caught up on my television-watching (priorities, you know!). Also, this house needs some serious cleaning, so I’m going to spend the rest of the week cleaning and cross-stitching in front of the TV.
I’ll be back next Monday – but until then, I leave you with what is undoubtedly the best cat picture I have EVER taken.

It’s even better in the huge
full-sized version.
Enjoy your blog vacation!
The really IS the best. cat. picture. EVER.
Awesome pic. 😀 Have a wonderful week!
Hi Robyn – the notify worked. Thanks for your help. WOW what a great cat picture! Enjoy your break. 🙂
Is the Boog running away from just being zapped? Great pic.
Enjoy your week!!
Boog looks like Pepe Le Pew bouncing around!
That is a wild picture!
*Great* action shot!
Love the Pet Store Kitties pictures, too, as always.
Run Forrest, RUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!
I think that if he was being zapped, he’d be a whole lot higher off the ground. That’s an awesome kitty picture…
I’ll miss you! Enjoy your break, Robyn. :o)
LOVE the Bean action
That one siamese-y looking cat looks just like my Daisy! So sweet!
I actually prefer the close-up shot. Not as many distractions in the pic.
Boog hauling ass! And only one point of contact with the ground. Awesome pic!
Oh I will miss my daily dose of bitchypoo! Hate to be so selfish, but damn! If you just happen to watch any of either of these shows this week–A&Es (or is it Bravo?) Dogshow Moms and Dads or Grey’s Anatomy…I’d love to hear your thoughts. Enjoy your shows and cross-stitching…
Bonnie: No, he just apparently decided he desperately needed to be on the other side of the yard, and started hauling ass. I think Fred was outside over the weekend, sitting on the patio reading, and Mister Boogers got zapped. Unfortunately, it seems to ALWAYS happen when we don’t have the camera pointed at him! 🙂
Kelley in NJ: I watched Grey’s Anatomy yesterday. I like it, but I find the lead character a wee bit annoying! 🙂
I’ve been meaning to ask about the pet store kitty pics – How much room is in those cages? The ones we use at our adoption outreaches have just enough room for a litter box, food and water dish, and kitty, so it looks like your guys have it pretty good. 🙂 (Fortunately, our kitties go home with foster families at the end of the day, so they’re not in there for long.)
And I can’t look at that picture of the Boog without htinking “RUN, FORREST, RUN!”
That picture is hilarious! He looks like Road Runner or something…
Da Boog, haulin’ ass! I like that little pool of shadow under him.
Guess we’ll just have to think of you as “Stitchy-Poo” for this week. Enjoy your time off!
You have probably already seen this, but if not, you’d get a kick out of it 🙂
Ha – that is hilarious. Looks like one of those kitty freakout moments.