E’gar up, he and I need to have a serious talk. For those of you keeping track that’s not once but TWICE Fred came to the rescue on Friday. My hero!

An acidic and hostile place: since 1999
E’gar up, he and I need to have a serious talk. For those of you keeping track that’s not once but TWICE Fred came to the rescue on Friday. My hero!
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Hopefully they will do your keyless entry while they have your car until Wednesday, its the least they could do for you.
I can’t believe you sat and waited that long! I would have been up at the counter after about 30 minutes wanting to know what was going on and how much longer it was going to take. Kudos to Fred for coming to your rescue!
You know what? I think your kitties know just how lucky they are to live with you. They look so happy romping around.
OMG You Poor thang–I can’t believe that you had to wait soooo long and Fred (Bless His heart) came to your rescue. gotta LOVE him for that. You are a Saint for being so patient, I don’t know if I could have waited that long. at least you had a BOOK. Your kitty-cats look so happy. I know that they love you and Fred lots and lots. Kudos to YOU!!! Nanamama
Miz Poo looks like a wise china kitty. Least with the face she is making in the run. heh (ohh grass-hoppa)
You know for all the shit you’ve been through with these hosebeasts, you’re just being way too damned nice. After expelling all that energy on the infamous Spot chase, however, you probably were too damned tired to bitch out the car people. Fred sounds like your go-to guy. I’m Mike’s go-to gal. If there’s someone to be bitched out, I do it. *evil grin*
Thank you, thank you for the much needed laugh, Robyn!
Not that I’m laughing at your misfortune, you understand, just that — ah hell, I AM laughing at your misfortune, but think how happy you made me today!
Sorry for the car troubles, it sounds like my experience with my first Jeep.
I also want to say thanks for Sammy’s Hill. I received it in the mail today and can’t wait to get started.
I am ready to fly down from northern Illinois and grab that little F’er of a salesguy by the scruff of his neck and tell him that I am sick and tired of him jerking you around. Then I will march back to the reception area for repairs and tell the biotch behind the desk that maybe she could quit thinking about herself for 2 seconds and check on her customers.
I hate car dealerships! They are all the same…they always have the attitude that they are doing you the favor and you are just lucky they exist. Assholes!!
Wow – poor E’gar. Poor you having to put up with all that crap. Hope they fix E’gar up so that he never breaks down again. (Keep wanting to call him ‘eggyolk’ *G*) It’s one reason I feel dubious about getting a new car – mine is nearly 11 years old and has only broken down once in all that time. And now I’ve said that, it will die on me tomorrow, I bet.
Love your kitties – they are funny. Mine just lies round the place waiting to be fed and you can only take just so many pics of that!
REgarding logo at top – isn’t easter over?
Shanda: Yeah, hopefully! Fred called and told Salesguy that the car’s being worked on, and Salesguy said he’d take care of getting the remote entry fob taken care of. Hopefully he will!
Donna: It is, but I always leave the logos up for the entire month. There’ll be a new one next Monday. 🙂
Robyn! For some reason, I am no longer getting your notifies! I was all bummed out because I thought you were continuing your hiatus…and then I thought, “Maybe I’ll check just in case…”
Any thoughts? Feel free to email me…just remove the NOSPAM, obviously.
Oh Robyn,
I soooo understand, my 2001 little yellow Beetle, Daisy, much as I love it, has had a NIGHTMARE of problems… some airbag thing dies, we replace it, it dies 1 month after the 12 month warranty expires, will they help us out? Hell no, fuckers. ENDLESS check engine light and other issues, they know me in the service Dept. now. We’ve poured so much $$ into the damn thing! God I hate it… so just wanted to let you know… I KNOW! Ugh! Hang in there girl! Hope it gets resolved w/out to much trouble!
“the crapfest that is Maury”. hee hee hee
Just one more reason why I love to read you 😉
Seriously, I am convinced that he only has two show topics, because when I get home from work and flip on the TV to watch “Friends” reruns, I always manage to catch the last few minutes of either a) My Teenager Daughter is Out of Control – or – b)Who is My Baby-Daddy?
I don’t know how Connie Chung can stomach him!