* * *
My sister took the best picture EVER of her cat Tigger, and then she sent it to me, and when I opened it, I laughed my ass off. She calls it “What Tigger will look like when he’s old and blind.”
As you can see, the love for orange kitties runs in the family.
* * *

“Ah hets Nicholas Sparks. That sappy crap he writes mekks me so angry I gots to bite the Tommy on his neck. I hets Tommy. Stupid happy little porky cat. Who he think he is, all happy and purring and praising the lawd? Stupid Tommy. Het him.”
(Edited to add: Those are NOT MY NICHOLAS SPARKS BOOKS. They were in the spud’s bedroom; she borrowed them from her grandmother. I’m not a Nicholas Sparks fan. Repeat:
* * *
2006: No entry.
2005: Always/ Sometimes/ Never
2004: Erin should be more concerned with the fact that heβs been killing people and burying them in the back yard and less with his lying.
2003: I believe thereβs a seat in the ass-singe section with my name on it.
2002: Sucks to be her.
2001: “Fuuuuuuuuck,” he said.
2000: Donβt come back here looking for no entry, my friends.]]>
We stopped at flea markets Saturday coming home from the vets. I was literally giddy with all the bargain bins. I bought a 24-pack of multi-colored sharpies for only $4. FOUR DOLLARS!!
It’s the little things.
I could *not* love Mr. Boogers’ commentary more! Even though he hets me, I lurves him.
I bet in Smallville there is a welder who has the pipe and the skilz to make you the clothesline t-posts for pretty cheap. Not that I know much about your Smallville in particular, but that’s a pretty general type of Smallville thing. Also, I read Swan Song to the detriment of my life, or at least the cleanliness of my house. Thank you so much for the recommendation!
I am so glad that your family is finally living under one roof again!!! I have enjoyed being on this journey with you!!!
I’ll airbrush out that date for ya…
emailing new photo to you ASAP…
I never pictured you has a Nicholas Sparks reader! Most people either love his books or hate them, no inbetweenies. Heh! π
I am appalled that you own so many Nicholas Sparks books. I hate him worse than Mr. Boogers hates…everybody! Blech.
I find it EXTREMELY important to point out that those are NOT my Nicholas Sparks books. They were on a shelf in the spud’s bedroom; she borrowed them from her grandmother to read, and they need to be returned.
If you want a clothes line, you can go to either Lowes or Tractor Supply and get an umbrella clothes line. That is all I have ever had. You can either put it in the ground or my father actually was being handy and welded/ secured the rod into an old wheel (dump truck size)and made it moveable. I honestly have not seen a real line holder in years! Goodluck!
So, you like Nicholas Sparks? I would never have guessed. So, what are his books about? I have never read them but with you being such a huge fan apparently since you have every book he wrote.. figured I would ask you what they are about.
Oh, we had the same t-post with clotheslines back in VA! But it fell apart after 1-2 years so we had our carpenter set up wood posts for us. They were still standing after 10 years when we moved to PA in 2005.
okay, I feel much better about the whole thing now. Spud is young, she’ll learn soon enough about choosing good books. Hee!
(Katie Holmes is wasting her youth on The Crazy, poor dear)
amen sister!
Do you have a Menards within driving distance? Call them and see if they have the t-polls. I’m almost sure that I have seen them in their ad from time to time.
I have wooden cross polls that my dh constructed for me when we moved here a couple years ago. They are fine if there is no other alternative, but they tend to bow inwards and I have to tighten up the clotheslines all the time. I do love hanging out my clothes though!
We always had the T-Post clothesline holder uppers when I was growing up. My dad built them for my Mom out of wood. With Fred becoming Mr Fixit, I am betting he could build you some too…for a lot less than you’d pay for them ready made. From what I recall (Hey…T-posts just weren’t all that important to me back then..as long as I had clean clothes…I couldn’t care less about how they got all nice and fresh smelling) he used pressure treated 4X4s (or maybe 6X6s?? do they come that big??) some L brackets (or maybe T brackets) for the extra strength after he screwed the posts into the T shape, then screwed some heavy duty hooks into the cross bar part. I am betting Fred could figure it out…and he’ll get to use his post hole digger thingy. I also think that Dad cemented the posts into the ground to keep them from falling over under the weight of the clothes. I love me some fresh smelling clothes dried in the warm sunshine…especially sheets and t shirts. They smell soooooooooooo good.
Thanksbetojaysus those are NOT your NS books! I think I almost died a little when I saw them—and avoided that mortal disappointment I tend to get when I hear people love that damn, no-talent Harlequin-romance writer.
I agree about finding a welder—being a small town Texas girl, that’s how most people got their clotheslines.
And YAY! You moved!
Doin’ a happy dance for ya!
You have to use 4×4’s that are pressure treated. Nothing fancy. Just whatever you have laying around. Get Fred to do it. Then sink them in concrete and get some skinny boards for props only if you need them for the center of the line so that the clothes do not drag the ground. They are not needed if it is done right. Don’t waste money on those things.
“Not your books” like “not your cats”?
Don’t make me hurt you, Linda. REALLY TRULY not my books. I haven’t read anything by Nicholas Sparks except “A Walk to Remember”, which was enough for a lifetime. π
Those are SO your books.
Tee hee..Just teasin’ π
Love the touch that the rugs gave to the Smallville house, I have enjoyed this from beginning to end, or is there an end? We just bought a house and I don’t see an “end” in sight. π
Oh and my new house has the T post clothesline! If they fit in an envelope I would mail them to you! π
Robyn, your home looks incredible. All the work you and Fred put into it has really paid off – you have a warm and comfortable home now, and I hope you will both have many happy years ahead there.
We are having a T style metal clothesline installed next week. The only way we got that instead of treated lumber was to go to a salvage place. Fred would have a blast at a salvage place!
Mr. Boogers’s rant cracked me up. π
Such a deal, getting those gorgeous rugs at a flea market! Love ’em.
Fred is super craftsman-y, I reckon he could whip you up some wooden t-posts in a hurry. Up here in Virginee, they make em with support braces on either end of the T arms, going back down to brace against the upright. Unless Fred is just plain old tired of building shit, in which case, have you tried Ace Hardware? π
Also, that photo of your sister’s cat became an instant favorite on flickr. It is awesome. π