reading: She’s Come Undone.
Finished recently: Spitting Feathers and Sammy’s Hill.
* * *
Someone posted in my comments the other day and left a
link to a quiz to see what breed of dog you are.
My results? I’m a
Netherlands. Pronounced “kayshond” this dog has also been known as the Fik, Foxdog, Dutch Barge Dog and even the Overweight Pomeranian in Victorian England. Its modern name comes from the 18th century rebel Dutchman Kees de Gyselaer. Like other spitz, the Keeshond is believed to derive from Arctic dogs but in Holland it became popular as the companion/ watchdog of barges.
Good natured and long lived; this breed tends to be devoted to one person, acting courageously on their behalf.
I can’t really argue with the results!
* * *
Pet store kitty pics from last Monday are
here. I’m sure the ones from this week will be up sometime this week. Or… maybe next Monday! Who knows?
* * *
Sometimes it pays to be on the notify list. This went out to the notify list on March 25th:
Update on the car situation: We haven’t actually given up on the salesman making this right. Fred thought he’d figured out a loophole: there was a note on the dealership’s page saying that you could return the car within 3 days or 300 miles and they’d fully refund the purchase price of the car. Well, I’ve put 302 (!) miles on the car, so Fred called Salesguy and pointed out the loophole (telling him I’d put less than 300 miles on the car, the liar) and Salesguy sputtered and then Fred started, well, I’d call it needling the guy. Because at this point we’ve got the silver car, we’re making payments on it – what’s Salesguy going to do, come take the car back? Obviously NOT.
And then Fred found Salesguy’s soft spot. Salesguy is (or was, I’m not sure which) the #1 salesman in the country; he even has a plaque stating that in his office. So Fred said “Is this how you became the number one salesman in the country? By dicking over your customers?”
Salesguy lost his shit, sputtering and swearing. Saying he was still trying to make it right, he’d been losing sleep over it, he didn’t know what Fred wanted him to DO, he was doing his best!
“If you want to make it right, eat the cost,” Fred said. “Eat the cost, give us what we want, and make it right.”
Heh. Yeah, it’s a safe bet Salesguy wasn’t going to go for that, right?
Salesguy said “I’ll call you back!” and basically hung up on Fred.
“I’m sure he’ll never call back,” Fred said, and I agreed.
A few hours later, Fred called. “Salesguy called,” he said. “He wanted to know, if he could find a brand-new ’04 yellow hatchback if you’d take that instead. The payment would actually go down a little. I told him I didn’t think so, but I’d check with you.”
And you know what? I said “Actually, I think I would.” See? I can be flexible! (Does anyone else hear Ouiser Boudreaux saying “I AM PLEASANT!”?) Yes, he’d suggested an ’04 hatchback in yellow before, but I actually thought that I was going to get the sedan and have it painted yellow (I just like the back end of the sedan more than the back end of the hatchback, to be honest), so I turned down the hatchback. But now? I’ll take the hatchback.
Fred called Salesguy and said “She said she’d be willing, but we’ll want to test-drive it first.” and Salesguy said “I’ll start looking!”
I know, I know. I’m not holding my breath – chances are good that we’ll never hear from him again, but it could happen. If it does, then I own a yellow car. If it doesn’t, then I own a silver car, and you know what? The spud’s going to be looking for a job when she gets back from Maine at the end of the summer and assuming she gets one, we can refinance the car for long enough that the payment is affordable for her (we’d only make her pay half, actually), and she could have the silver car, and I? I’d get another car.
So it’s all good. And like I’ve been saying to Fred, the car’s starting to grow on me. I still don’t care for the color, but I could add enough yellow touches (I don’t know that I’ll go for flames, though! Heh.) to make it mine.
Anyway, so that’s what’s going on right now. I’ll keep y’all updated on how it’s going.
And then on the 29th, I said:
The news on the car: I went this weekend and drove an ’04 hatchback. On the inside it’s very similar to the sedan, and it drove pretty much the same. I really don’t care for the look of the hatchback – it looks like the car was in a freak accident wherein the back end was chopped off – but it’s the right shade of yellow, and I can learn to like the look of it, I think. Salesguy has located a yellow ’04 with 78 miles on it in Wisconsin. They’re picking it up today and hopefully it will be here in a few days.
I’m still not holding my breath – I won’t really believe it’s going to happen until it actually happens, you know? I’ll be glad to get this done and taken care of one way or the other, though! I have some Hawaiian smiley-face stickers an awesome reader in Hawaii sent me, and I’m dying to stick them to my car!
And then Friday evening, look what Fred brought me home:

The more I look at it, the more I like it. It has a few things that the sedan (the silver car) didn’t have – a windshield wiper on the back, for one, and unlike the silver car, it doesn’t have a hissy fit and start dinging at me if I take my seatbelt off while the car is running. I mean, seriously – I’d be sitting in the driveway with car in park and would take my seatbelt off, and the silver car would have a conniption. This car? He doesn’t so much care.
I think I’m going to name him Edgar. Pronounced “E’gar”, the way the chick from Men in Black pronounced it, when she talked about the alien wearing an E’gar suit.
Can you imagine how much fuss could have been prevented if I’d just agreed to an ’04 yellow hatchback in the first place when Salesguy suggested it way back at the beginning, before he turned into a big liar and said I could get the sedan painted for less than $1000?
But then, what would I have spent the last month bitching about?
* * *

“She’s a lying bitch. I DO NOT spend every moment of the day lickinglickinglicking and driving her flat out of her mind. I don’t!”
Robyn, we had a Keeshond when I was growing up. His name was Kasha, and he was wonderful.
I’m so glad you are happy with your new car. The color suits you perfectly, doesn’t it?
Congrats on the cheery yellow car!
But I have to say, I’m ON the notify list and I never got either one of those emails… 🙁
Best car name EVER!!! I love the “E’gar”. I always think of it whenever I hear that name. Congratulations on the car!
Very cute car! Now you just need to paint a smiley face on the hood and you’ll be good to go…
And, I’m a Tibetan Terrier. Great…
I, too, am on the notify and didn’t get those emails. I got some previous ones with the car narrative, but not those particularly.
Anywho, the new yellow car is adorable! Even with the trouble you’ve had, I’m jonesing for a new car big time now!
Athena: It is TOTALLY perfect for me! 🙂
Jennifer: Have you been getting notify emails at all? Maybe it’s a problem with the notify list…
Jolene: I know! We always call Edgar on 24 “E’gar”. In fact, I doubt we’ll ever hear the name Edgar and not immediately look at each other and say “E’gar!” Heh.
Well, shit. Did *anyone* get those emails in their notify? Maybe I screwed someone up…
LOVE the car. I have to say, I was very sad to think of you driving a boring silver car around for the next few years – this one is much more YOU. Plus, I think the hatchback is actually quite cool. Enjoy!
What an adorable car, and SO prefect for you. Hope you and E’gar have lots of safe and cool adventures together. BTW I DID get the car/notify/emails, so you’re NOT crazy (well, not in that way, anyway!) 🙂
I like it, very YOU! Glad that had a happy ending for you.
I got one of those emails, but not the other one. It all good!
I got the notify e mails about your car.
Elian, man was that five years ago? I can’t believe it… and I really like Edgar. He’s yellow, he’s got the sport spoiler on the back, he’s cool. I’ve always called the van our “bat-mom-bile” because it’s black and kinda sporty like the batmobile, and it’s for Mom. The bug? I’ve taken to calling it the Bat-Bug for similar reasons. 😉
I got both emails.
I have to say, I have been reading your journal for years now and I was soo disappointed when you got the silver car – and I LOVE silver cars and actually MY car is silver but dammit, you are supposed to have a yellow car!
I also have to say I like the hatchback a LOT! It is a very, VERY cute car!
YEAH! You got a YELLOW one!! Yowsah!
I got both emails as well. Congrats on the car, glad everything fell into place for you.
I got both emails as well. Your new yellow car ROCKS!
I like the hatchback better than the sedan.
I’m a DACHSUND? What the fuck? Great, now I’m going to spend the rest of the day contemplating what it is about me that makes me A WEINER DOG.
I’m Not on the notify list but did get the emails.
No, not really. But your car sure is cute!
I didn’t get the one from the 29th either, but the yellow car is cute! Glad it all worked out, FINALLY. Now what are we going to talk about?!
Yellow rocks. The first time you buy something bulky and want to get it home, you’ll love the hatchback. When I went from my small car with a hatchback to a slightly bigger sedan, I was always frustrated at the things that would not fit in the trunk – a monitor box, christmas tree etc. . .
I love E’gar!!! Yes! He looks like a rolling smiley face! What could be better for you?
Oh, and I can’t BELIEVE you are just now reading “She’s Come Undone”! Best. Book. Ever. If I had known you hadn’t read it, I would have insisted that you do so immediately. If not sooner.
The front end of your car looks like a cute little chubby face. Its adorable.
That is one cutie-pie car! I just want to pinch its cheeks.
And I want to give Spot some pats on his cutie-pie head…
I’m an Italian Setter 🙂
Glad the car deal worked out for you. I was afraid you were going to be stuck with a silver car you didn’t want 🙁
Kate: Oh, I’ve read it (back before it was an Oprah book, even!), but I wanted to read it again because so many people have raved about it that I think I missed something the first time around. 🙂
Your new car is pweshuss. I love it.
I got both emails. And I LOVE your car…so much better than the sedan.
I got both emails and I really like this car better than the other one. It’s adorable and so suits you!
I am on your notify list and like Jennifer, did not get either of these emails. Love the new car though!
Yay! I’m glad things worked out. I really like the yellow hatchback. Like you, I generally don’t like the look of hatchbacks, but it doesn’t really bother me in yellow! 🙂
Eeeee! Nice car! I too got both emails 🙂 Congrats and happy driving!
Love the car! 🙂 Glad you finally got what you semi-wanted!
I got the first notify email but not the second one. 🙂
LOVE THE CAR! It is really cool! 🙂
That is a very cute car! Also, Val is right about the hatchback. I didn’t want one either (thought it was too reminiscent of a station wagon) but now that I have one I won’t ever go back to a sedan.
First: Got both e-mails.
Second: God, that’s a hella cute car, yeah?
Third: What did you think of Sammy’s Hill? That was my last pleasure read, and I really enjoyed it.
Love the new car and am so glad it worked out for you! I actually rather like the hatchback better…much more unique than a silver sedan!
I have a question for you. My brother got a kitten from the pound that ended up being very sick. It vomited a lot on his brand new carpet and also had other accidents before it died. He is going to replace the carpet but I told him to try to remove the stains first….as one proud cat owner I am sure you have suggestions. I hope! What do you recommend?
Yea!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad that you happy with your new car! It seems perfect for you!!! :)))) Buying a car should be a happy experience and I am so glad that it finally turned out right!!
I would have to say you and E’gar are kismet. 😉
I did get both notifies.
Congrats on the car! It’s very cute. 🙂 I’m sure you are so happy that you got a yellow automobile. Aren’t rear windshield wipers da bomb?!
That car is stylin’!!!
I am so glad for you! :o)
Ahhhhhhhhh that’s so much more YOU! I was so sad to think you had to have a stupid old boring silver car!!!
I love the car…it is just so “you” Robyn! And…I got both those emails too, although…they don’t look as if they are exactly what I had in my notifies…but what the hell do I know!!!!!
I love yellow cars and I love hatchbacks. I always wanted to be able to move my stuff (and I used to move around a lot!) and the test used to be if it didn’t fit in the hatchback I did not buy it.
Ooooh! I LOVE the new yellow hatchback!!! I think it LOOKS like a Bitchypoo car! Very cute!!! I agree though, you need to paint a smiley face on the hood!
I shared your whole car saga with my husband and was very sad that you ended up driving a silver car when you really wanted a yellow one. I actually rather like the look of the hatchback better than the silver sedan and I don’t think the sedan would have looked as nifty in yellow as the hatchback does. You’ll look like a happy little B(itch) driving around!
Glad you finally got a yellow car! Now if only MY car that we ordered 2 months ago would finally arrive (it’s supposed to show up in the next two weeks)!
I noticed most everyone with dark names got the notify email. I got notify emails but not those stories.
Love love love the car- its sooo you!
Congrats! I am so glad Fred stuck with it and you finally got a car you can be happy to own. BTW I am a Scottish Terrier?? I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a Scottish terrier except on TV. I am be snappy when riled,maybe that’s why I’m a terrier. I have a Dashchund and have owned wienie dogs for many years.
Oh. My. God. I’m a border collie. You know Lady and the Tramp, where all the people are going by and the dogs and people look alike? I’m one of those.
Fred is the bomb.
LOVE your new car! It’s so you! Much luck with it!
The new car rocks – very you…
Have you read She’s Come Undone before? It’s one of my all time favorite books – I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. I could probably recite the whole thing verbatim!!! It’s a great read – enjoy!
YAY!!! I love the yellow hatchback – it’s so unusual, much more unique than the sedan. I think it’s nicer than the sedan and MUCH more eye-catching.
Anyhoo, congrats. And I like the bitching too! I’m gonna get you and Fred on the case next time i get the run-around form some jerk-arse salesperson.
You probably don’t even remember me, but I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed your cat pictures.
And I STILL have that video of short cat “takes” that you had up a few years ago and it STILL makes me laugh my t*ts off.
I missed reading you.