
yesterday is up, too.) 001. When was your last kiss? Last night, when Fred left Smallville for Madison. (Unless cat kisses count, in which case a couple of hours ago when I woke up and Sugarbutt was needing some love.) 002. Do you have a pet? Six cats. Six. NOT EIGHT. 003. What are you dreading right now? The Madison house being on the market for months and months and having to take a big financial hit before it sells. 004. Do you celebrate 4/20? That’s a pot reference, isn’t it? I’ve never smoked pot. 005. Only child? Nope – two older brothers, one younger sister. 006. Favorite ice cream? I don’t know – vanilla, I guess. 007. When was your last doctors visit? I don’t even remember – oh, back at the end of January, when I had my one-year followup with my surgeon. 008. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? Some nights, yes. Some nights, no. Depends on what I’m doing in the evening when I get tired and whether I want to stay up and keep doing it (SNOOD). 009. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? On Monday mornings – which is the only day I really have to get up and get going – it takes about 45 minutes to get my chores (litter box, feeding and watering the chickens, making my bed) and shower done. 010. “First Loves Are Never Over;” is this true for you? Not at all. 011. Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back? Not a one. 012. What if someone came to your house on your “lazy day”? Then I suppose they could be lazy with me! 013. Do you talk to loved ones and friends graves? I do not. 014. Have you ever been on your schools track team? HELL no. 015. Do you own a pair of Converse? No. 016. Who did you copy and paste this survey from? I don’t remember – somewhere on Livejournal, I think. 017. Do you eat raw cookie dough? If there was ever any around here, no doubt I would. I don’t remember the last time I made cookies. Maybe I need to rectify that. 018. Have you ever kicked a vending machine? Not that I recall. 019. Don’t you hate when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over? When I find a song I love, I want to hear it over and over and over again, so no. I don’t hate it. 020. Would you rather them play the whole video or just a clip? The whole video, I guess. Who is the “them” we’re talking about? 021. Do you watch Trading Spaces? Nope, never have. 022. How do you eat oreos? Filling first. 023. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone to sign on? Not in years and years, but when I first got online I did it ALL the time. 024. Are you cocky? I don’t think I am. 030. Could you live without a computer? Of course, but I wouldn’t like it. How the hell would I check my email?! 031. Do you wear your shoes in the house? Nope. And I yell at the spud and Fred if they do. It gets the floors very dirty very quickly. 033. At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real? At the distressingly advanced age of 13. 034. How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house? Right now, just the one cell phone. Well, there’s another phone, a house phone, but it’s not plugged in or working. In Madison, there are two cell phones (Fred and the spud) and three house phones. 035. What do you do when you’re sad? I don’t know – I rarely get sad. I guess I’d cry, listen to sad songs, snuggle with Fred. Depends on what’s making me sad, I suppose. 036. Who would you call first if you won the lottery? First Fred (“Quit your job!”) and then my sister (“A house for you! On me!”) 037. Last time you saw your best friend? Last night in Smallville (Fred) or in January in Gatlinburg (mah sistah). 038. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I’d be a lot smarter and less scatterbrained. 039. Last movie you rented? Via Netflix, Sooner or Later and Little Miss Sunshine arrived the same day. Oh, and The Departed, too. 040. Who/what sleeps with you every night? A varying number of cranky cats. Miz Poo and Mister Boogers, always, and Spanky’s usually on the bed somewhere, along with Spot. Sugarbutt occasionally comes looking for love and then Tommy will come up and stand next to me and march for an hour until I wake up and get annoyed and threaten him with the can of compressed air, which always makes him run away. 041. Are you/have you ever been in love? Yes. Have been and am. 042. Pancakes or french toast? Pancakes – but just one. 043. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled or over hard, depending on what else I’m eating with my eggs. 045. Is anyone on your bad side right now? All those people who have looked at the Madison house and HAVE NOT made an offer. 046. What jewelry are you wearing? Not a damn thing. 047. What’s the first thing you do when you get online? Check my email and then my comments. 048. Do you own any TV seasons on DVD? My So-Called Life, and… I think that’s it, actually. 049. Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy? Indeed I do. 050. How do most people spell your name? Most people spell it correctly, but I’d say about a third of the emails or comments I get, people spell it with an “i”. It used to bother me, but not so much anymore. 051. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes? If they fit! 054. What was the first movie that gave you nightmares? Movies don’t really give me nightmares. (Speaking of nightmares, I had a nightmare last night that I was pregnant. Ugh.) 055 Who’s your favorite celebrity couple? I… don’t know. Absolutely no one comes to mind. I’d say Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt because they’re so very pretty, but I don’t think they can be counted upon to stay a couple for long. 056. Favorite 80’s teen movie? Breakfast Club. 057. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson? Uh… no. Justin does not impress me. Of course, neither does Michael Jackson in the past 15 years or so. 058. Do you know someone that wasn’t born in the United States? My sister was born in Canada. 059. Favorite name for a boy? I really like the name Jack. It’s a good, solid, dependable name. 060. Will you keep your last name when you get married? I didn’t, no. 061. Your favorite restaurant that you don’t get to eat at much? Nothing comes to mind – I don’t know that I even have one favorite restaurant. 065. Have you ever cursed at a teacher or a boss? Not to their face. 066. How do you eat your steak? Medium rare. 068. How do you get to school? I don’t. 069. Do you have a dishwasher? Yes, though it’s a lot smaller than the one in Madison. 071. Would you survive in prison? “Survive”? Yes. “Thrive”? No. 072. Next concert you hope to go to? I don’t know – maybe Big Spring Jam in the fall. I always say I’m going to go, and then I never do. 073. What was the last thing you ate? Scrambled eggs and half a low-carb bagel. 075. Who did you last say “I love you” to? Fred. 075. Who is the youngest in your family? Of my siblings, that would be my sister, who just turned… uh… 37! Of all the people I’m related to, that would be my nephew Jeffrey, who’s about to turn 2. 076. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would be left there? Who would be left… where? I don’t think this question makes sense. 077. Do you know anyone with the same name as you? Lots of them! Not in real life, though. 078. How many syllables does your name have? Two. 079. What does your license plate say? I couldn’t even tell you – it’s just a random number. 080. When is the last time you ate peanut butter? A couple of days ago, I think. I don’t know – I don’t keep track of my pb consumption. 081. What service is your cell phone? T-Mobile. 082. When’s the last time you ran? Last night I was cleaning out the litter box (in the back of the house) when my cell phone (in the front room) rang, and I ran from the back of the house to the front. Or did you mean for exercise? Because the answer to that would be “Pretty much never.” 083. What’s the last thing you purchased? Bottled water at Sam’s Club. 084. Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you? Uh… no? I assume that gifts are left out of this question? 085. Where is your cellphone? On the table next to me. 086. Is your phone on vibrate or ring? Ring – and I have a different ringtone assigned to most of the people who regularly call me. If Fred calls from work or his cell phone, Green Day’s “Basket Case” plays. If he or the spud calls from home, it’s “Sweet Home Alabama.” If the spud calls, “Life is a Highway” plays (I am having a hard time finding a good ringtone for her – I wanted “Friends in Low Places” because I used to sing that to her, but they don’t have it. I tried the Barney theme song, but they didn’t have THAT either, damnit.) “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” plays if my sister calls, and if Liz calls, “Here I Go Again” plays (because they didn’t have “Boys of Summer”). 087. What brand is your trousers right now? Land’s End. Size medium! 088. Ever been to Vegas? Nope – though I’m trying to talk Fred into going for his 40th birthday. (With me, that is. Not by himself!) 089. Did you have breakfast this morning? Yes – I do most mornings. 090. Do you like marshmallows? On occasion, usually sandwiched between two graham crackers and a piece of chocolate. 091. What irritates you most on the internet? When people allude to things that are going on in their lives and don’t spill the details. Drives me NUTS. 092. What brand is your digital camera? Sony. 093. Do you watch movies with your parents? When I’m in Maine or they’re here, yes. 094. Do you wear short shorts? HELL no. 096. What song best describes your life right now? Nothing comes to mind. It doesn’t describe my life at all, but I’ve been listening to Surrender by Chemda almost nonstop in my car lately (I burned it to a cd) 097 Do you own expensive perfume/cologne? I do not – in fact, lately, my big thing is to buy perfume samples on eBay if I think I might like to wear the perfume, because I get tired of certain scents after a while. 098. Are you taking college classes right now? I am not. 099. Who are you dating right now? Sugarbutt. 100. Do your parents know you curse? Uh, yes. 101. Do you like sushi? I’ve only really ever had sushi rolls, and I can’t eat them anymore because the rice makes me ill. 102. Do you get your hair cut every month? Every six weeks or so – though I was scheduled to be cut & colored today, and I rescheduled for next week. I like the end result of having my hair done, but I hate the process. 103. Do you go online everyday? No, I’m down to about five days a week right now. 104. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? Nope. 105. If you could look like any family member, dead or living, who would it be? Uh. I don’t know – my grandmother when she was young, I s’pose.

* * *
Cetta tagged me for this: List five things you are obsessed with, then tag five people to do the same. 1. Snood. 2. The number of people who have looked at the house. 3. The floor and whether it needs to be Swiffered, vacuumed, or mopped. 4. The fact that I have NO GODDAMN INTERNET. 5. The kitty snackin’ song. Swear to god, I sing it in my head fourteen times a day. “Whoooooooo’s ready for the snackin’? Ready for the snackin’? Ready for the snackin’ TIME? Suggie’s ready for the snackin’, Tommy’s ready for the snackin’, Spot’s ALWAYS ready for the snackin’, come on, Boogs, it’s snackin’, it’s TIIIIIME!”, repeat the entire time the snack is being slapped down on the plate and carried into the laundry room while a line of kitties is dancing and singing and screaming for their snack. I sing the Snackin’ Song at the very top of my lungs, and it’s a good damn thing the neighbor’s not right next to us in Smallville the way they are in Madison, ‘cause they’d be carrying me off in restraints pretty goddamn quick. If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged!
* * *
Nance reminded me that I have yet to share a picture of my ultra-sexy new clogs and boots with y’all. Frog clogs. Did you know that if it’s recently been raining and then you go and stand too close to the edge of a pond because you want to see the tadpoles, who are hiding under the leaves by the edge of the water, that chances are good you very well might slide into the water? Just one foot, though, thank god. My kickass boots.
* * *
When Fred comes out to Crooked Acres, we like to take the chicks outside to hang out in the “playpen” he’s built for them. They like to peck at the bugs and grass (Saturday when the spud and I were moving wood, we found a bunch of worms and gave them to the chicks. The chicks react to worms by grabbing one of them and then running wildly around the pen so that the other chicks think she’s got something really good and start chasing her around to get it from her. It’s seriously funny to watch), and Maxi and Newt like to watch them, and occasionally try to grab them. (Yes, we keep an eye on them and shoo them away if they’re getting too excited at the thought of having themselves chicken snacks.)
* * *
Speaking of Maxi and Newt, Monday evening when I got home from Madison, I got snacks for the inside kitties, and then got Maxi and Newt their evening snack as well (we spoil ALL cats rotten, don’t we?) and at the same time I brought the medicine for Newt’s eye out with me, and when I bent down to put it in Newt’s eye, I absolutely couldn’t tell which was the afflicted eye. Seriously, they both looked completely fine. (So I put ointment in both eyes, just to be safe.)
* * *
Previously 2006: “Brrrrrrrrrrp!” Mister Boogers said with great displeasure. 2005: E’gar comes home. 2004: No entry. 2003: “Hi. What R U doing to loose weight and how much weight have U lost?” 2002: Burned fucking beans. 2001: No entry. 2000: Diane Sawyer is so uncomfortable around kids, it’s laughable. ]]>

16 thoughts on “4/4/07”

  1. We are not strictly “dating”, but we are nighttime luvahs (if his licking my neck and kneading my arm until it’s bruised is a sign of us being luvahs, that is.)

  2. Wow! Those chicks are getting big very quickly! How long before they are full grown chickens?

  3. If you can’t find area rugs you like, you can get a piece of carpet cut to area rug size and have it bound on the edges. Depending on the binding, it can look really great, and it gives you an incredible selection of colors/textures to go with any room’s wall color.
    (posting this here rather than on the other entry where it really belongs)
    I also want to know where you got those boots!!

  4. I agree on the boots inquiry. I have only seen those for kids, and I lurve them. 🙂 must have a pair of my own.

  5. Thanks Robyn. I’ve been struggling with whether I should get new carpet or hardwood floors. Our carpet is horrible, what with 3 kids and 3 dogs, so it’s time to replace it, and I really love the look of hardwood floors. However, I don’t want to be a slave to the floors, so I guess I’ll go with new carpet. All that sweeping and mopping, no thanks!

  6. Gawd, those chicks are growing insanely fast.
    And YOU!
    After 400 games of Snood, I could give you the noogie of all noogies. I swore up and down I wasn’t going to get sucked in, Weetabix did this to me with Zuma–which resulted in my forking over $20 to PopCap. I’m getting closer to forking over to $20 to this other evil.

  7. My future son-in-law got me hooked on Snood about three years ago … I had forgotten it was on my computer until you brought it up, Robyn. THANKSAFUCKINLOT.
    Love the chickens! Can’t believe how fast they’re growing.

  8. With all the Snood bashing going on you’d think that we actually stopped playing to read your entry… instead, the game is just on pause. I loved Jane’s idea and think that we should all take pics of our scoreboards and send em to ya. Teehee.
    I second (or whatever it is now) that on the boots! Too cute!! Where can we get em?

  9. Liar. You have eight. When you take a “not my cat” to the vet and make sure they get snack and ointment, you officially have eight!
    crazy cat lady…

  10. Pingback: Groovy Mom

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