* * *
Oh, man. We were SO pulling for Rob and Ambah at the end! If nothing else, this show proves that the slightest thing can keep you from winning. Or that you can come from very last place and still win, like Joyce and Uchenna did.
I said at one point that I’d prefer Rob and Ambah or Joyce and Unchenna to win. Like I said, we were pulling more for Rob and Ambah than Joyce and Unchenna, but I am just THRILLED OUT OF MY GOURD that Ron and Kelly didn’t win. I mean, what the hell? They’re in the middle of a race for a million dollars and she wants to discuss the state of their relationship? They were both pretty unlikeable, at least to me.
Joyce and Unchenna are really nice people and they ran a nice race. I guess nice guys don’t always finish last, eh?
When does the next season start, anyone know?
* * *
We have, lately, taken to recording episodes of South Park and watching them when nothing else is on. That is one FUNNY fucking show. Yeah, it can be offensive, but they’re equal opportunity offenders and they don’t hesitate to skewer ANYONE, so it’s really our kind of show.
Last night there was nothing on – we don’t bother to watch the American Idol results show, because it’s nothing but fluff, and we can just watch the last ten seconds of the show, or find out who left online – so we watched the “Death Camp of Tolerance” episode. It was a pretty funny one, but there was this whole subplot that involved a gerbil – Lemmiwinks – who had to find his way out of a gay man’s ass (what? I DIDN’T CREATE THE STORYLINE, DON’T LOOK AT ME!) and it involved
a song and a helmet torch and a sparrow king and a talking frog, and at one point I looked at Fred and I said “Just how many drugs were these guys DOING?”, because I imagined Trey Parker and Matt Stone, smoking pot and snorting coke and shooting heroin simultaneously, and coming up with this storyline. I mean, it was clearly the result of a LOT of drugs, and some obviously disturbed minds as well.
Then, this morning, I did some looking around online and found that the whole gerbil’s journey was an homage to The Hobbit.
No wonder we didn’t get it.
All the South Park watching has gotten me in the mood to watch
Cannibal! The Musical again. There are some seriously good songs in that movie. Say what you will about Trey Parker, the man can write a catchy tune.
Hey, look! Another South Park Robyn!

Make your own
here. I save mine by using the “print screen” button and pasting into paint shop pro, then cropping down so only the picture is showing. There might be a better way, but if so I don’t know about it.
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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are
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Spot had to go to the vet yesterday. Fred got home from work, put the cat carrier on the table, and went upstairs to change clothes. Ten seconds later, I heard a
thump, and went out to investigate. I’m sure you know what I found.

Becky Blue has the cutest white patch on her back. It makes her look like a kitty bank. Hee.
Love the Boog!
I am *so* glad Ron and Kelly didn’t win TAR, either. Yuck.
The Boog looks like he’s saying, “This is MY box.”
Great Pet Store Kitties pics, as always!
Hehehe. Lemmywinks is my favorite episode of South Park EVER. It’s so so so funny. I didn’t know it had anything to do with the Hobbit though…
That booger is always trying to BREAK OUT of the And3rson home. I love it, he cracks me up. I am so happy Uchenna and Joyce won!
Did you take down the blog list? I use that list to get to Nance and Janes journal. Yes I am lazy.
Anna: No, I just changed what it’s called – it’s now called “Links” instead of “Blogs and journals I read” – still in the same place on the sidebar, though, under “Other.” 🙂
The eeeeeeevil Meester Boogers strikes again…heh heh heh…
Is there something wrong with men? My husband is like that, too. We don’t have central AC at home, thank gawd, just a window unit. But we work together and he tries to refrigerate the place as soon as the weather turns warm–yesterday it was close to 90 outside, but it felt like a meat locker in here. (The thermostat said 70.) I dunno, maybe it’s me, since the customers start bitching if it’s over 72 in the store. Freaks.
I’m the Fred in my family–I’m the one who always likes it cold. Drives Scott nuts.
if you like the Lemmywinks one, then I’m sure you’d like the one with something about “stupid spoiled wh0r3”. In the end of that show has something simular. 🙂 {spelling on the “bad” word is weird..or something}
I laughed reading the whole temperature regiment. I’m staying with the Mom right now– my VERY menopausal mother– and we’ve been going thru the same daily battle.
Hey Robin. I have a question. Mom has 7 cats in her house (4 males and 3 females) 2 males are not fixed but went today to get fixed. All the boys take to wee-weeing since the other 2 had not been fixed. Is there anything you can recommend to stop kitties (the females don’t do it) from taking a little P all over the house? Or is there something you can recommend to take away the smell? Thanks Robin.
Mr. Boogs looks like he’s saying, “Go ahead, make my day”.
We rent a beach house in NC and my Mom-in-Law & I go through that same thermostat diddling. We have a silent sneaky war of hot(her) vs. cold(me). Kinda like those old Tom & Jerry cartoons when they are tippy-toeing around to the sound of high pitched piano keys. Plink, plink, plink, plink, plink–CRANK! Plink, plink, plink, plink, plink.
OMG, I have never laughed as hard as I did on the Lemmiwinks episode! The Frog King and Sparrow Prince, the Glen Yarborough type of song and the extremely cute face on Lemmiwinks while climbing through the intestines — it’s genius. I’m hooked on South Park, and I only started watching it three weeks ago.
I think the next season of The Amazing Race is supposed to start in September. Teams of four instead of two, though. And the Season 1 DVD -which is the only season I missed – is supposedly coming out around the same time.
I was rooting for Rob and Amber too, but I’m satisfied with the Joyce & Uchenna win. It’s not like Rob and Amber needed the money.
awwww..me loves some Boogie-in-a-Box!!
My husband had this suggestion: when you get up in the morning, why don’t you turn the air up to 75 degrees instead of turning it all the way off? It’ll stop blowing the air and then come back on when it gets warm again.
But Lyyyyyyyynda! That would make SENSE! 🙂
I’m glad I live alone. I like it cold – I must be very hot blooded. Remember, it’s easy to add layers when you are cold than to remove layers when you are hot! Evidently, there are no layers to remove and running around nude and sweating is just nasty. 🙂