I bought this t-shirt when I was in Hawaii a few years ago. I got it home to find that it wouldn’t fit, so I put it away. I rediscovered it last month, and have been wearing it a lot. When I first bought it, it smelled like chocolate (it was dyed with chocolate), but it no longer does. It’s actually about two sizes too big for me now, but that doesn’t stop me from wearing it! I think the shirt is broken, though. No one ever offers me chocolate!
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Bad picture, but I think you can tell it’s a mother Robin on her nest, and there are a couple of hungry baby Robin beaks sticking up out of the nest. I don’t know how long this nest has been there, but Fred just noticed it yesterday – it’s in the magnolia tree, and we must have walked beneath it approximately ten thousand times without noticing it.
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The mantel in the front room. That’s a picture of the Sacre Coeur my mother bought in Paris and gave us as a Christmas present. On the mantel: egg cats (I’d link to where you can buy them, but Google isn’t giving me anything), and
Willow Tree figurines.
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The spud got a laptop for graduation from us (a little early), so decided she didn’t really need her desk anymore. Since storage space in our bathroom is close to nonexistent, I took the opportunity to claim her desk to use as a vanity. It sits in a corner of my bedroom. I intended to get a mirror to hang on the wall, but forgot that the chair rail would make that difficult. It works out well for me. (By the way, I had no idea when I purchased that lamp shade that it was so shiny. I’ll be replacing that pretty quickly.)
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This is the first thing I hung up, a housewarming present from Nance and Rick soon after we bought this house. I LOVE it. That table Sugarbutt’s sitting on is now sitting next to the side door – we use the side door more often than the front door, now that we’ve moved the recliner so it’s no longer in the way.
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I didn’t actually intend to hang three pictures over the mantel in the dining room, but there were three nails there already, and I wanted to hang up the spud’s senior picture, so I dug through the pictures I had and found two others to go there as well. I’m thinking that the spud’s baby picture would go well where that picture of Miz Poo is, and maybe one of her other school pictures where the Tubby picture is. Or maybe I’ll just leave it like it is!
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I have no idea what this bird is. He reminds me of a finch, but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a blue finch before. Whatever he is, he’s purty. (Edited to add: pretty sure that’s an Indigo Bunting.)
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Honeysuckle’s in bloom, and it smells DIVINE.
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::grumble::grumble:: “Come ON, Newt, time to follow the freaks around the back forty!”
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Newt amongst the clover.
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We have a lot of cupboard space in the kitchen, but none of it is particularly conducive to being used as a pantry. We bought this pie safe from JC Penney to use as a pantry, and it works perfectly. At least until Fred decides he’s interested in woodworking and can build me something bigger!
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What the front porch looks like now.
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Newt admires the Gerbera daisies.
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Verbena. Maybe next year I’ll go wild and plant more than one kind of flower in each pot!
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Side steps. Those are impatients, which prefer shade, according to their little card. I obviously haven’t planted anything in the ground yet – maybe in the next month or so. I have to procrastinate for a while first, y’know.
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“Let. Me. OUT!”
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Note the new high score. I’m edging Fred off my high score board, slowly but surely!
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All of the above pictures were uploaded
here over at Flickr, in case you wanted to see them in a larger size.
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2006: Mystery solved, I guess.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: So far, I believe she’s ahead in the fart wars.
2002: That damn PTA. I will NOT be suckered in again by them, damnit!
2001: Realtors.
2000: New eyes, new hair – I’ll practically be a whole new woman!]]>
I love the paint color of the front room. Would you mind sharing what color it is and what brand? Thanks!
Could the bird be an Indigo bunting?
I absolutely adore Gerbera daisies!! I planted them on our deck last year in full sun and was amazed and how long they kept producing flowers!!
That lovely bird is definitely the Bluebird-of-Happiness — I’m pretty sure it’s an omen for your new life in your new home.
I love your pie safe!
The caption for the two little yellow flowers is confusing me? Is the picture wrong? Or am I just a dim bulb this morning?
I love when you post lots of pictures, thanks for sharing your life in this way.
Now, I think it’s time for you put up a poll to see exactly how many people you have Snoodered.
After maxing out all the free trial games allowed (which there are a fucking lot of in all the levels combined), I thought I was not going to fork over the $20, but I’m thinking that was an egregious error in thinking.
Way to go on your high score, holy hell girl! I thought I was kicking ass when I finally broke 8 thousand. Now I MUST ante up and reach for higher scores.
Lorraine: I don’t think there’s a caption for the picture with the two little flowers. What caption do you see?
Correction: in the Medium difficulty level my high score: 10,711. (8,000 was a different level.)
I love your front porch..I would be out there all of the time!
Love the Mr. Boogers picture! So cute.
I second that it’s an Indigo Bunting – so pretty:
I’m so tempted to post my Snood scores just to piss you off but I guess… nah, I’m gonna do it anyway! Because today is Elayne’s a Bragging Bitch Day!
Can’t remember how to get screenshots, so you’ll have to trust me:
Difficulty level “evil” high score 34475 (there’s one higher but it’s a cheesy one and those don’t really count),
level “hard” 27418
medium 21403 (actually 55440, but again, cheesy, because I learned a little cheat*)
easy 11110
custom 20587
puzzle 3136733
journey 37342
child 8846
*I can’t remember the exact details, but it’s something like if you use a mulligan *while your snood is still traveling* – i.e., before it’s hit the other snoods – for some reason it bumps your score up by 10,000 points. But of course, you get a cheesy icon. I don’t like having the cheesy icons. “Cheesy” sounds too much like “cheaty” and it makes me feel guilty.
Had to play four games to remember, but it’s the bomb: If you fire the bomb, let it get to the snoods, and then hit M for a mulligan *before* the bomb explodes, it gives you an extra 10 grand. No idea why.
Ditto on the Indigo Bunting. (male) I just bought a Audubon book for Florida this afternoon as I kept wondering what in the world this and that was. I figure most of the birds here gotta be real similar to yours.
That does look like an Indigo Bunting. I get those at my bird feeder when I put out oiled black sunflower seeds only. When I put out a mixture of seed, they won’t come around. You have done things up really nice, everything looks cozy and comfy. Years ago I had a fireplace like yours, someone gave me three ceramic black cat plaques . They were made to hang on the wall and each cat had a different pose. Each one was about 12 inches tall, they were so pretty hanging over the fireplace. Wish I could remember what happened to them.
Bath and Body came out with a Wild Honeysuckle scent in the lotions and shower gels and whatnot… I love love LOVE it! It is absolutely heavenly and reminds me of growing up in Tennesses and sucking on the honeysuckles in the summer. Oh happy days *sigh*
Your front porch looks so home-y!
Dear Robyn
Your flowers are purty—love them daisies.
Clarise, AKA The ‘Skimmer’
Thanks for sharing all the pics. Your house looks awesome!
I love the front porch too. And the house , it’s so “country-ish”
Don’t you just LOVE to wake up there, and see and hear chickens?
I don’t know didly squat about birds, except that my cat’s love to watch them.
So,the blue one,
“cat eye candy” that’s what it’s called.
And speaking of cats….I repeat YOU have 8 cats. Just admit it .:)
Once you love a cat you can never go back.
The picture of Tubby brings back fond memories. *sniffle* (We miss you little Tubby)
It’s even possible to love someone ELSE”s cats from afar….for us sick ole crazy cat ladies.
Heh. I have those Willow Trees, too!
Armageddon – 50970. 1419 games at that difficulty.
I’m sort of ashamed, but I feel this is a welcoming environment for admitting such things, a support group of sorts. Plus, it’s a week after you posted this entry, so my little comment will go unnoticed.