Crash Diet. It’s a book of short stories and I’ve only read the first story. I’m pretty sure I’ve read the book before at some point in the distant past.
Know what book I have no interest in reading? Haunted. That Chuck Palahniuk is one disturbed individual. I read Choke a few years ago, and it just wasn’t my thing. Something about the book reminded me a little of something I read by Spaulding Gray years and years ago, though I couldn’t tell you the name of the thing by Spaulding Gray, or even what it was about.
Anyway, Haunted has the story from Playboy in it, the story about the pool, and if you read it, YOU REMEMBER IT, because you still have a knot in your stomach when you think about it, and you have to immediately go to your happy place and sing a little tune as if you are The Biscuit, just so you can stop thinking about that fucking story.
Or maybe that’s just me.
Anyway, I’m not a huge Chuck Palahniuk fan, though I did like Fight Club, the movie. I’ll be giving the rest of his books a wide berth, though.
We were going to go to Florida this summer for the July 4th weekend, but ended up deciding to stay home because I’d have had to find someone to cover for me Monday morning at the pet store, and I’ll already need to find someone to cover for me later in the month when I go to Maine, and it was all just too much for me to contemplate, so I told Fred we should just stay home. He’s not a big fan of the beach, anyway, so it was no great loss for him. Which he proved by dancing lightly about the room once I’d said we should just stay home.
I think I need to start looking for a part-time job, because I’m beginning to get REALLY FUCKING BORED. There’s only so much time even I can bear to sit on my ass in this house.
I could always start on that novel Fred’s always harassing me to write. Uh. BORING. I need to find things to do outside the house. Things other than running errands and volunteering at the pet store once a week.
Obviously what I need to do is have a couple more kids to keep me busy. HA! Kidding!
I had my hair cut and colored yesterday, and when I got home and looked at my hair in the mirror, I cringed. She used an awful lot of product in my hair, which is usually naturally wavy, and it was flat and straight, and I thought I looked a lot like Martha Huber’s sister. What the hell’s her name?
Anyway, I thought I looked like her, at least hair-wise:
Fred, on the other hand, thought I looked like Emo Fuckin’ Phillips:
Har. Har.
I’m not sure he’s got any room to make fun of someone else’s hair, the fucker.
When he got back from hiking yesterday after work, he called me outside, and there was a baby robin – not a tiny one, but obviously not a fully grown one, either – hopping around the yard. Later, he put on gloves and went out to catch the bird, with the intention of putting it back in its nest.
The bird did NOT like being held, and squawked and sputtered at Fred. We tried to figure out where the nest he’d fallen out of was, but couldn’t find it. Fred ended up putting the bird under a bush. Later, I looked out the window to see him hopping across the yard, and Fred went out and tried to get it to eat some bread, but it wasn’t interested, and just kept giving him the stinkeye and hopping away. We finally left it alone – either it’ll figure out how to fly, or an animal will get it. Circle of life and all that, I guess.

What I hate is when a bird builds it’s nest in the top of the tree and one of the chicks falls out. Sometimes they rescue them and sometimes they don’t! And there is nothing you can do about it 🙁
The real question is this: how many comments will it take before someone lectures me on how I should’ve left that baby bird alone? 🙂
ms7168: We actually found a tiny newborn bird on the driveway last week. We don’t know if he fell out of the nest, or if a bigger bird grabbed him out of the nest and dropped him, or what, but he was dead when we found him, poor thing. I love this time of the year because of all the baby birds, but I hate it for the same reason!
I LOOOOOVE your haircut and color!!!!!
LOL Actually I think you did it just right with the bird Fred. The gloves and all I mean. You guys tried to help it and that is what counts. It may have been learning to fly.
Robins are not very bright. Well, based on my experience that is. They come back to the same place every year. We had a robin couple that kept trying to build a nest between two horizontal boards on our deck roof. These boards had noooo bottom support. They would get that puppy all built up and then sit their booties down in it and it would come crashing down. I finally went out and staple gunned up mesh from a potato sack to the bottom of the two boards for the goofy birds.
Fred – no lecture for you. That’s just an old wives tale, about not touching a baby bird because the mother won’t take care of it then. You were right to try and help.
Robyn – Love the color!
Great shot of Miz Poo!
Robyn, what about working at a book store or a pet store? I think that would be fun. Or a coffee shop.
Robyn, I love your hair colour. Do you know what they used?
Robyn, I know it’s not outside-the-house work, but I think a cat-related company should hire you to blog on their website about your cats.
Emo! Hah! I digress…
It may be outdated,BUT the “first” famous Jennifer Aniston haircut that was about shoulder length and “piecy” around the face is my fav and MOST flattering on me. Even though I’m a big ‘ol gal,as Larry the Cable Guy would say,I got a lot of flirty looks from fellas when I had that haircut.
Girlfriend,you don’t want to work for anyone-WRITE,WRITE,WRITE! It’s your biggest strength and hell,I will buy everything you write!
I started watching the Britney & Kevin extravaganza because I thought I’d get a good laugh out of her being a bit loopy. I have rarely watched something so boring – I turned it off halfway through. It was basically Britney walking around with a camera zoomed in so close I could see up her nose, talking about random things. Oh, and her laugh?? GAHHHH!!! Hope you got more out of it than me. 🙂
Oh and about the bird — He looks like a fledgling to me. Robins only need to be 14-16 days old before they’re ready to fly so he will likely be ok. I’m glad you thought to help though. In case you find more, here’s a nifty website: and here:
Dear Robyn: I do not think you look anything like Emo Phillips. However, I did have to laugh when I read that, just because – what an odd reference! 🙂
Robyn: Don’t worry about getting the wrong coke you’ll know the difference. I was a seriously addicted coke drinker for almost 20 years. I switched to diet coke 2 years ago and a couple weeks ago I grabbed the wrong glass and took a drink of my daughters coke. Good god I guess it really is a developed taste because it was terrible. It makes me sad that something I loved so much is so ewwwww, but at least I don’t need to worry about being tempted to fall off the Diet wagon 🙂
Hey Robyn – I read everyday but I never leave comments, but I didn’t want to leave your friend hanging. I DVR’d the last ELR show and their interview that came on after. Tell her to email me and we’ll work something out! I hate when I forget to tape something!